Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 956: Real Hammer and Order

Xia Yi slept very badly and woke up very late because she had made a big fuss and sent Lin You crazy text messages without getting a response.

When I woke up, I was even a little worried about whether I would be banned and unable to log into the virtual world.

——Because she found painfully that some of the content discussed by the media has become more and more outrageous:

[Is Lin You really in love, or is it a dewy marriage? ]

[If you want to get married, will Lin You's wedding be held in reality, or in the virtual world? ]

[Will Lin You invite all 500 million virtual users to the wedding? ]

[Will Lin You hand over the supreme management of the virtual world to his own children, professional managers, or the government? ]


Seeing the gossip storm getting bigger and bigger, Xia Yi herself felt that being banned for a week or two wasn't too much...

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

She breathed a sigh of relief, logged into the virtual world, started the live broadcast, and took Kang Na to the metropolis for dinner.

But this joyful mood soon dissipated.

Because she encountered a problem that was completely unexpected and even somewhat beyond imagination:

The NPCs in the virtual world suddenly ignored her.

Kang Na is still cute, and likes to cling to her as always.

But except for Kang Na, all the NPCs she met in the metropolis were unwilling to talk to her!

He wanted to buy some ice cream balls for Kang Na, but the NPC clerk passed her as if looking at the air, and directly greeted the little Kang Na next to her.

The same is true for the small shop of rice cracker candy.

Still the same with the kebab shop.

Xia Yi couldn't hold back the bad feeling in her heart anymore, she ran directly to the streets of the metropolis and stopped the NPC from talking.

But the NPCs directly bypassed her and continued on their own way, none of them paid her any attention.

Now Xia Yi panicked completely.

She wouldn't think it was a system bug, she was obviously being targeted!

"There's a big problem!"

She hurriedly called Lin You.

The good news is: her phone was not blocked, but was connected quickly.

But the bad news is: the person who answered the phone was not Lin You, but a female voice.

Xia Yi almost threw the phone out on the spot.

Fortunately, she quickly realized: This immature girl's voice sounds a little familiar?

"Little Dream??"

"What's the matter with you?" Xiaomeng asked cheerfully.

"Why did you answer Lin You's call?" Xia Yi was surprised.

"Because you called to find me~"

"Ah? Why did I look for you?" Xia Yi was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized, "Wait... the NPCs in Metropolis couldn't see me, did you do it?"

"Yeah, yeah~"

"?" Xia Yi blinked in confusion, mainly because Xiao Meng's voice sounded very happy, not angry at all, so that Xia Yi didn't realize that she was angry with her, "Then why did you do this? ?”

"Because Xiaomeng was woken up by you when she was sleeping yesterday, and there were many rumors about us afterwards, so Xiaomeng is not happy!"

"?!!" Xia Yi was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood, and then opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Last night, Lin You was talking about you?!!"

"That's right." Xiaomeng didn't hide it at all.

'what's the situation? '

‘Are you really Lin You’s illegitimate daughter? '

'Adopted daughter? '

'Or sister? '

Xia Yi crazily raised question marks in her heart, but she swallowed it abruptly.

Because she suddenly felt relieved: "So... Lin You didn't actually fall in love? Did everyone misunderstand?"

"This..." Xiaomeng, who had always been lively and ready to answer questions, suddenly hesitated.

"?" Xia Yi's heart that had been let go just now suddenly lifted up again!

"Xiaomeng can't say that."

There is no way, Xiaomeng is a good boy, and good boys don't like to lie - especially Lin You never said that he would hide this matter.

Xia Yi blinked.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were also stunned, and even the barrage became sparse.

But soon the barrage broke out again:

"So he's really in love!!"

"I knew it! I knew it!!"

"Big news! This is finally a real hammer!"

"As expected of Ayi! You can easily get important information!"

"Don't bet! I'm going to do push-ups right now! Ah Yi is too good!"

"Ayi is too powerful!"

"Ayi is too powerful!"


The water friends took the initiative to admit defeat one after another, and began to send out "Ayi is too good!"

But Xia Yi herself was not happy at all, and someone even made a typo and pronounced it as "Auntie is too powerful", she was not in the mood to care about it.

She just felt that she was really unlucky. She called twice in a row, and there was an accident every time.

Last time, if it could be said that Lin You was confused and slipped the tongue, then this time it was purely his own "intentions" and "bad words from a child"!

Now he has completely become the main criminal!

"It's over..." Xia Yi lowered her head weakly.

"Everyone, if there is a destiny, see you on the next account..."

Xia Yi made up her mind, never, never, never call Lin You during the live broadcast!

——If she hasn't been blocked by Lin You after this time.

Fortunately, an unexpected incident drew everyone's attention and interrupted the new gossip that was about to spread from Xia Yi's live broadcast room.

Lin You suddenly erupted, announcing two new projects, which was the sudden incident.


[Mecha Mass Production Plan] is another expansion of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism's reservation of mechas.

When Lin You was still worrying about how to solve the "scandal incident", Zhong Chang suddenly called.

Originally, Lin You planned to talk to him about this after going to work on Monday, but many people couldn't wait to contact Zhong Chang early in the morning.

Not only the cultural and tourism bureaus all over Daxia, Yunmeng's business cooperation mailbox has received more than a dozen inquiry emails from all over the world. They inquired about the price of mechas in Chinese and their own country's language, and did not hide their Interest in this mecha.

— There was even one of them, from the War Department of America!

Of course, this is not the most outrageous.

The most outrageous thing is: Yunmeng also received more than 30,000 personal emails! They also came to inquire, and they all said they wanted to buy one.

There are many letters among them, all of which are purely for fun.

But there are also more than 1,600 letters, with assets or identity certificates attached, and sincerely expressing: I really want to buy one.

Among these certificates, at least one-third are super rich, and they can really spend hundreds of millions, or even billions, to order mechas!

——When Lin You knew about it, he couldn't help feeling: There are so many rich people in this world...

Zhong Chang asked Lin You carefully whether the mecha technology involves confidentiality issues, especially whether it is allowed to be sold abroad.

Lin You felt that there was no problem at all—after all, the core of real technology was the control system, and for this part, he was absolutely confident that it could be made into an unbreakable black box.

However, he still called He Peng first, and after ensuring that the technology would not be leaked, he successfully obtained the foreign trade qualification of "special machinery and equipment".

But Zhong Chang's idea is not as simple as "open up and sell".

His idea is to develop two product lines, respectively producing 20-meter mechs like [Crimson Storm], and 10-meter mechas with lower cost and more flexible transportation.

As for the lower, it is not necessary for the time being.

If it is lower, the profit margin will start to decrease-although it is not impossible to force it, but the size of three to five meters, if sent overseas, may be used for military purposes, which is not good.

——Although Lin You is very willing to see large and small mechs appearing on the only remaining overseas battlefields in the world, while accumulating actual combat data, he can also give the future development direction from a pragmatic perspective...

But in the end, he chose to respect the opinions of professionals and try to avoid the military field.

Even the production of these mechs had to set up a new company, separate from Yunmeng, to avoid possible problems.

Lin You readily agreed.

Ever since, [Mecha Mass Production Plan] is here!


As for the [Yunmeng Cup·National Humanoid Robot Fighting Competition], it seems that it is not as amazing as the [Mecha Mass Production Plan], and it is only limited to colleges and universities in Daxia.

But "Let the masters practice fighting and control robots to fight in the air", this contrasting brain hole has also attracted a lot of attention.

Especially the top domestic universities, the attention level is directly full!

Even after only half an hour, Yunmeng received emails from more than a dozen top overseas schools, asking very politely: Can they be allowed to join this fighting competition?

They can't be rude.

As we all know, all top universities—whether they are big summer or overseas, have amazing connections and resources. But in the face of the emerging giant Yunmeng, they are completely helpless, and they don't even have a channel to recommend interns.

In particular, several top schools in America publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with Yunmeng's behavior of "not accepting top overseas talents to join" before Yunmeng had grown up.

But only two months later, they deleted these speeches without saying a word, and sent a special apology email to Yunmeng, expressing their understanding of Yunmeng's need for cultural consistency and technical confidentiality within the team in the early stages of development , and congratulated Yunmeng on the amazing success, and finally said in a soft voice: "I look forward to the future, Yunmeng will face talents from all over the world with a more open and inclusive attitude."

The attitude suddenly became polite.

However, Yunmeng headquarters still does not accept overseas employees.

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