He Peng carefully put away the USB flash drive and put it in the inner pocket of his jacket.

"Okay, let's stop here today. I will report to the higher authorities as soon as possible. The volunteers and chips will be implemented as soon as possible."

He seemed impatient to end the conversation and get the USB drive to safety.

But before he stood up, he thought of something again: "By the way, can we go and visit that little girl?"

"When you go to visit patients, you just need to get the consent of their parents. I have no objection."

Lin You replied, "But wait! Did you forget something?"

"Forgot? What?" He Peng was a little puzzled.

Lin You sighed, "Mechas! Orders for mechas from the Army Department of America."

"Oh, that." He Peng finally recovered from the shock brought by the two amazing technologies of human hibernation and graphene chips.

"About this, I have to ask a question first: Can your operating system be 100% guaranteed not to be cracked by others?"

"Yes." Lin You replied confidently.

He touched Xiaomeng's pink head and said, "I'm 10,000% sure."

He Peng looked at Lin You's movement of touching Xiao Meng's head, thoughtfully.

"Then it's no problem. This order can be accepted. Not only can it be accepted, but special additions are also required to make special customized models for them."

"Ah?" Lin You really didn't think about this, "You mean... put traps in the mecha?"

"It's not good, it loses character and reputation."

Lin You has always attached great importance to his own image and the company's reputation.

It's not because of his vanity, but because he needs this image and trust to advance his career and even protect his own safety.

Just like when Turner came to Daxia to look for a house before, just because he asked where Lin You lived, he was highly vigilant by the intermediary. ".

There are not many such calls, and the security team can receive more than a dozen calls from the police station every day.

This is almost the outermost edge of Lin You's "protection circle". Most of them are misjudgments, but they are not untrue—not against Lin You himself, but against Yunmeng headquarters and the host production factory.

As for business—the importance of user trust to an enterprise is self-evident.

Even in America, which developed entirely by smuggling, Yunmeng now has more than 25 million users, and Lin You's goal is to go straight to 60 million—that is, the number of citizens of America one-fifth of the total.

Therefore, it is a matter of word-of-mouth, and we must be cautious.

Fortunately, He Peng shook his head immediately: "Of course it's not a trap."

"My advice: make them a better one!"

"Use lighter and better steel, reduce the weight of the mecha, increase the battery life of the mecha, and then adjust some structures, hint where they can be converted into combat platforms and install heavy weapons-we have already achieved some results in this regard, I'll send you a copy when I get back..."

He Peng obviously had a plan in advance, and he spoke in an orderly manner.

Obviously, they have also discussed the possibility of militarizing the mecha internally, and have come up with some feasible modification routes.

And after listening to He Peng's train of thought, Lin You probably understood his purpose:

Give them the best, convince the War Department of America that this weapon has great potential, and then invest more energy and money in large-scale mecha projects.

——This kind of large-scale project, once invested, will not be a small number.

But as long as they can't break through the level of the operating system, then this weapon will never be able to be used against Da Xia, and they may even dare not take out their modified mechas—if they do, they will be directly attacked by Lin You. Take over?

Therefore, He Peng's thinking is not to be petty and get the job done, nor to treat the other party as a fool, but to ask the other party clearly:

"How about it? Do you want to take a gamble?"

As long as the other party wants to apply for more funding, as long as he believes that Daxia is really researching this, and believes that he can break through Lin You's operating system—whether it is cracking or self-developed, then he will definitely bet.

Then step into this pit.

Having figured this out, Lin You silently gave He Peng a thumbs up.

It is worthy of being an expert in cheating people, amazing!


He Peng left contentedly.

Lin You looked at the time and felt that he had already finished his day's work and was not in the mood to write code, so he went to Ye Xiaohe to pet the dog and waited for get off work.

After all, I rub Xiaomeng every day, and occasionally I have to rub the dog seriously, and share some love with the milkshake.

It's just that when Lin You just ran over and started petting cats and dogs under Xiaomeng's envious eyes, he received a message from Yu Gu:

"Boss, we have encountered a very difficult problem, and I'm afraid you can solve it."


"In "Pacific Rim", a special player appeared. She couldn't operate a large mecha, and she couldn't even synchronize with NPC stably."

"Can't synchronize with the NPC? Is this an African chief who can only speak the local language to play the game?" Lin You was shocked.

"Uh, no, he's a native of Daxia."

Lin You sighed helplessly, grabbed the milkshake and fumbled, then got up and left the rest area.

"Wait a minute, I'm coming."

He didn't dare to log in to the virtual world in place here, otherwise so many cats and dogs might bite his clothes.

A few minutes later, Lin You came to the virtual office of the "Pacific Rim" team.

Their office is designed to be quite modern. At first glance, it seems to be an ordinary modern office, but the ceiling is ridiculously high, and everyone's workstation is also very free. It can be arranged in any way.

Looking at the exterior wall again, there are completely transparent windows in all directions, allowing you to see the city scenery outside without obstruction.

Lin You walked to Yu Gu and found that they were watching a game video.

That was the part of the neural connection between Yun Luo and the heroine of the game, Mako. As a result, before Mako lost control, Yun Luo had problems first.

The line that symbolizes the synchronization rate is the same as Parkinson's, starting to twitch crazily from the first second!

And directly below this screen is the data interface that can only be seen by developers. On that interface, one line has become two, and the signal coupling line of the system is chasing wildly behind Yunluo's neural signal line, trying to achieve same frequency.

But the line of Yunluo is not stable, but has been beating greatly and irregularly, causing the two lines to never be able to synchronize stably, and even if they are synchronized, they are only synchronized briefly for a few seconds.

This caused her to be unable to stably access the mecha operating system.

"???" Lin You opened his eyes wide: "What kind of mutant is this?"

Yu Gu was not in the mood to answer the question at all, he said with some frustration: "Boss, we can't think of any solution at all."

Lin You was not in a hurry, of course there was a solution, but the price was relatively high.

He wanted to know more about the situation first, so he opened the panel, searched what this person was doing now, and after confirming that she was still in the game, he pulled out her game screen and zoomed in on the virtual office.

Then, all the developers in the office were stunned——

"What is she... doing?"

"Single out??"

"Can this be done too?"


Lin You was also a little confused.

Because on the screen, Yun Luo was driving a 10-meter-high medium-sized mech, fighting a monster that was six times as tall as him!

And it looks like—

have equal shares!

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