Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 985 There are knives all over the head of the word color!

Tang Mingyue hugged the rulebook, stayed away from the noisy crowd, sat down on a mechanical wreck that couldn't be seen from its original appearance but was fairly flat, opened the manual and began to read.

When Alita talked about the game before, he just said "yes, yes, you are right" and didn't ask much about the details.

I took it for granted that [motorized ball games] were games like [soccer], [basketball], and [rugby].

Now he suddenly realized that something seemed wrong, and he urgently needed to understand the situation.

The first page: [Contents]


[track designer]

[track specification]

【Motor Ball Specifications】


【Team Composition】

【Competition Mode】

【Basic Rules and Penalties】


Using quantum reading, he quickly passed the names of the track architects and design consultants of this underground track.

The detailed specifications of the track are also swept away, only remembering that it is a circle, with a lap of 3 kilometers.

Motorized Ball Specifications: 30 cm in diameter and 40 kg in weight.


"Wait!!" Tang Mingyue stopped suddenly, "30 centimeters in diameter and 40 kilograms in weight??"

He looked back at the instructions carefully: [The motorized ball shell is made of carbon fiber and stainless steel composite materials, and multiple gyroscopes and magnets are wrapped inside to motorize the ball so that it can move irregularly during the game. ]

He blinked quickly a few times, unable to understand at all: "A 40-kilogram stainless steel ball? This fucking smashed people to death, right?"

"Is this ball for someone?"

He quickly looked down, skipping over the organization staff, supervisors, referees, and the league office.

Team composition: team manager, team tuner, mechanic, cleaner, motorized ball player...

For this part, because of what happened in the previous registration, he took a closer look at the work of [cleaner]:

[Cleaners are responsible for cleaning up broken equipment left on the track and, if necessary, injured competitors. ]

[Under normal circumstances, the cleaners must be strictly isolated from the participants, and unauthorized contact is prohibited. ]

"..." Tang Mingyue fell silent again.

"When dealing with injured contestants, shouldn't the word be [rescue]? Why is it [cleaning]?!"

"Where's the team doctor?"

"Where's the first responder??!"

The [Uniform and Equipment] below this item made him completely stunned——

For the first three items, it is mandatory to wear armor or fenders, but it is not required to wear a helmet, it can be equipped with [propulsion system], and [the number of wheels is not limited]. Is little by little:

[4. Participants must have "arms" and "legs". Pure "wheeled vehicles" or "tracked tanks" are not allowed to participate. ]

"Who the hell drives a tank to a ball game???!!"

[5. Weapons other than projectile weapons are allowed. (Any weapon whose main part is not connected to the user's body falls into this category. If using a flamethrower, ensure that its spray radius is less than two meters.)]

"Can you still play with a flamethrower?! Anyone who dares to grab the ball will be fired!?"

In Tang Mingyue's heart, there were ten thousand grass mud horses spitting wildly while galloping wildly, and the strong desire to complain was simply unstoppable.

Despite this, he still tried his best to control his emotions, and instead of throwing the manual on the ground, he turned to the next page again:

[Competition Mode]: [Team Competition] and [Cut Throat Competition].

[Team competition] mainly talks about the number of teams in the two competitions. The regular number is 7 players and 3 substitutes, but there are also three teams with 5 people in each team.

However, he didn't play the [team game] for the time being, so he didn't pay attention to the rules such as substitutions and sending off, so he jumped directly to the [throat-cutting game].

This one is pretty simple: [A non-team melee of 5 to 12 people. ]

However, under this line of words, there is another line stuffed between the words, which is obviously added at the end——

[The number of people is not fixed, it depends on the situation of the day. ]

Obviously, this is a "village rule" that was added later in the underground arena.

After seeing this line of words, Tang Mingyue immediately understood: the [throat-cutting battle] that he will participate in next will probably not be the number of people stipulated by the government. How many opponents there will be depends on luck.

He stopped, took a deep breath to calm himself down, and after some mental construction, he turned to the specific rules page of the game.

At this moment, he was afraid to see the rules that were too outrageous and violent. After all, he is only a flesh and blood body now, and at most he has a hidden talent in piloting mechs.

Fortunately, unlike the previous outrageously violent rules, the game scoring rules are unexpectedly harmonious——

After the motor ball is launched, all competitors start from the starting point at the same time to compete for the motor ball.

In each game, you have to run 10 laps clockwise around the track. There are 3 red circles on the track. You get 1 point for each red circle you pass through with a motorized ball. The same team gets 3 red circle points in a single lap. Add 2 points.

At the end of 10 laps, the team that finally crosses the finish line with the ball gets 5 extra points.

In addition, a successful steal can also score 1 point.

Nothing else.

It seems that if the participants are all regular players, it will be similar to rugby.

There is even a clause in the rules that says: [Competitors are not allowed to intentionally harm others].

But unfortunately, this clause is only for biological damage, mechanical damage is considered part of the game.

Although Tang Mingyue didn't carry out any mechanical transformation, and his whole body is full of "biological parts", according to the rules, no one can intentionally hurt him, otherwise it would be a violation of the rules.

But here comes the problem: If he does not transform, how can he catch up with the fast-moving motor ball and other contestants? Do you run on two legs?

Even if he is caught in a circle by someone else and is lucky enough to pick up the ball, can he run with a 40kg ball?

It's strange!

That's what superhumans can do!

Even if it is put in "Chang'an", it must be a player with a "specialized physique" to do it.

So if you want to compete, you must strengthen it.

Physiological modification, or donning a custom-made metal exoskeleton.

In [Forgotten Cemetery], the exoskeleton is relatively crude, and it is impossible to do it at all, so there is only one way in front of Tang Mingyue——

[Body Transformation].

If you want to pick up a girl, you have to give yourself a knife first?

Or more than one knife.

——At least the arms and feet have to be replaced with mechanical ones...

Thinking of this, even though Tang Mingyue was extremely attracted to the mechanical girl, he couldn't help but feel withdrawn.

His XP is a good mechanical transformation, but turning himself into what he looks like in XP is another matter...

"How about... come back later? Save the world first, and then come to find Alita?"

"If you can't save her father, can you help her get revenge?"

Tang Mingyue shook wildly.

But at this moment, Alita suddenly jumped over the crowd and came to his side.

And at the first sight, he saw the ID card, the number plate and the rule book in his hand.

"You really want to participate in the motorball competition for me?!" Alita was very excited and grabbed Tang Mingyue's arm.

A person is willing to lose arms and legs for you, can you not be excited?

Tang Mingyue raised his head, and Alita's exquisite and perfect face was in front of him, and her arm was also grasped by her mechanical arm that shone with cold light. The touch was so real.

He could almost see the words [favorability up] and [favorability up] constantly jumping out of this mechanical girl's head.

So, one who didn't pay attention, his mouth gave an answer one step faster than his brain:

"Yes! That's right!" (End of this chapter)

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