Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 99 Today, I Will Kill You, It Has Nothing To Do With Right Or Wrong, Only My Heart! The Ceme

Chapter 99 Today, I Kill You, It Doesn’t Matter About Right or Wrong, It’s About My Heart! The Graveyard You Picked for Yourself Is Very Good! (3)

Jiaolong's expression changed drastically.

Just wanted to talk.

But at this time.

Behind him, those thousands of sword shadows had already cut through the void and wrapped around him.

Jiaolong's face was ferocious, and he let out a loud cry.

In the great lake below it.

Those water pillars are like pillars of heaven.

Immediately, it swept over quickly, drowning all those ten thousand~ thousand sword shadows.

at the same time.

Jiaolong didn't hesitate at all.

With a flick of his tail, he came towards Situ Zhong and ruthlessly suppressed him like a divine mountain.

"Evil animal..."

"When death is imminent, dare to be presumptuous!"

Situ Zhong slowly put down the wine gourd in his hand.

He reached out and made a fist.

The entire arm, at this moment, turned into bronze.


He stretched out his hand and slammed it towards the flying dragon tail.

Looking from a distance......

Situ Zhong's fist, in front of the dragon's tail, was like the difference between an ant and a giant.

But this punch landed on the dragon's tail.

between heaven and earth.

But there was a loud noise.


Just see.

The dragon tail that was as big as a hill was pierced through directly, and a bloody hole appeared.

Countless blood spilled into the sky.

Soon, the great lake below was completely dyed bloody.

Ho Ho...

Jiaolong let out a mournful roar:

"Damn it, Situ Zhong, I have never had any enmity with your secret council.

"Are you really going to kill them all today?"

"Why don't you just leave now, let's pretend that what happened today never happened, how about it?"

Jiaolong's huge pupils were incomparably ferocious and cold.

Especially when I saw that the water jets around its body exploded one after another.

Thousands of sword shadows swept out again and surrounded it.

Jiaolong's expression suddenly became more and more ugly.

Situ Zhong looked a little lazy.

After taking another sip of wine.

Then he said lightly:

"There is indeed no enmity between you and me."

"There has been an accident in your practice, and you are already on the verge of death."

"So unwilling to die just like this, I want to put all my eggs in one basket, turn myself into a dragon, and pursue the opportunity that is less than one in a billion!"

"this is your choice."

"But once you walk in the water, there will be corpses everywhere along the thousands of miles along the way, and the people will not be able to survive!"

"The purpose of my secret council is to kill evil spirits and control the order of the world."

So, today, when I kill you, it has nothing to do with right or wrong, but with my heart!"

The words fell.

Don't wait for Jiaolong to speak.

Under the control of Situ Zhong's mind.

Thousands of sword shadows suspended in the four directions of the great lake made the sound of buzzing swords.


Thousands of sword shadows merge into one, and thousands of swords return to the clan.

It turned into a divine sword with a length of hundreds of meters.

The divine sword Hengkong, carrying the indomitable momentum and sharpness, cut down towards the dragon.


Jiaolong kept panting.

Its body had already undergone an accident, and it was already in a dying state.

Earlier, after fighting Situ Zhong with two moves, he was severely injured again.

The current state can be described as extremely bad.

Its yellow eyes that were the size of a hill emitted a faint light, and then it seemed to have made some decision.

It stretched out its claws and slammed into the flesh and blood in front of it.

When the claws are pulled out again.

Inside its claws, a scale the size of a car appeared.

This piece of scale, the whole body is dark, and it also emits a lavender light.

The dragon has reversed scales, if you touch it, you will die.

Although this flood dragon has not yet turned into a dragon, it is just a flood dragon.

But a reverse scale has already been born.

Jiaolong grabbed the reverse scale in his hand, and threw it towards the huge divine sword that was cut across the sky.

The moment the reverse scale was thrown, it was growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

in the blink of an eye.

This inverse scale has already become an incomparably huge purple-black mask, covering the great lake below.

Jiaolong glanced at Situ Zhong's direction.

In the eyes, there is resentment and endless hatred.

But it made no threatening words etc.

Instead, he turned around and ran away towards the distance.

Its huge body swept away all the mountains, rocks and trees along the way.

Soon, it appeared on the mountainside of Longhu Mountain.


And at this time.

The huge divine sword has also been completely chopped down.

The purple-black mask formed by the inverted scales is very impressive.

It actually blocked the big sword for a while.

However, this reverse scale is not a truly formed reverse scale after all.


After resisting for a while.

The purple-black mask was cut open.

That Ni Lin returned to its original appearance again.

On it, there is a conspicuous sword mark.

Situ Zhong waved casually at Ni Lin and the long sword floating in mid-air.

Ni Lin and the long sword flew over by themselves.

Situ Zhong stretched out his hand and slapped Ni Lin.

Originally, the reverse scale, which was the size of a small car, shrank rapidly.

In the end, it became the size of a palm, and was grabbed by Situ Zhong.

"You can't escape..."

Situ Zhong placed Ni Lin on his chest, and then stepped on the long sword.

He chased and killed the fleeing dragon.

"Damn the secret council, damn Situ Zhong."

"Destroy my last hope! Destroy my cultivation..."


in a short period of time.

Jiaolong had already fled to the top of Longhu Mountain.

along the way.

There are quite a few humans and animals.

But all of them were shot to death at will, and then thrown into the mouth.


Just when Jiaolong reached the top of Longhu Mountain, he was about to escape to the other side.

It seemed to have noticed something, and turned around suddenly.

just see.

Behind it, high above the sky...

Situ Zhong carried a wine gourd on his back and stepped on a long sword.

Then facing it, he showed a smile.

"I said, you can't escape!"

"I think the feng shui of Longhu Mountain is good, and the cemetery you chose for yourself is quite good!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Situ Zhong's mouth.

Don't wait for Jiaolong to speak.

The feet that stepped on the long sword slammed.

The long sword turned into a Changhong, attacking and killing.

Jiaolong had already been severely injured in the previous battle with Situ Zhong.

Even, in order to be able to delay time and give myself a chance to escape.

At the same time, he pulled out all the inverse scales that had not yet formed.

Now, it is already a state of exhaustion.

This sword.

It didn't even react yet.

The long sword already appeared in front of it, and then pierced through its eyebrows.


The long sword turned quickly again, and then swiped quickly at the position of its chest.

At the position of its chest, soon, a blood hole with a full area of ​​more than ten square meters appeared!

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