Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 108 Wuyou Huacheng! The City Lord Hiding Behind The Scenes! Outsider, You Broke The Precept!

Chapter 108 Wuyou Huacheng! The city lord hiding behind the scenes! Outsider, you broke the precept! (3)

This woman is in good shape.

The clothes also look very eye-catching.

If it wasn't for the bloodline on the woman's neck, which looked hideous...

Then, she can definitely be regarded as a beauty!

Zhang Qiling didn't pay attention to the woman who appeared suddenly, but said to Snake Fairy at his feet:

"The last time you came to this tomb, was it the same as now?"

The tomb in front of me is very strange.

All the coffins were actually buried on the top stone wall.

After Zhang Qiling entered this strange tomb, he carefully felt the change of breath here.


What makes Zhang Qiling frown a little is...

He was actually unable to find out that strange and ominous aura in a short time.

The three-headed snake shook its head slightly.

Then he said: "Master, last time, when I came in."

"There is no such bustling bazaar yet, only these coffins buried on top.

"Those coffins are placed in clever positions, like a terrifying formation.

"I triggered this weird formation before without noticing.

"It was hit hard because of 187."

heard the words.

Zhang Qiling had a pensive look on his face.

To be able to lay down such a terrifying formation.

Even Snake Princess was severely injured.

The evil spirits hiding in this tomb are definitely not ordinary things.

At this moment.

Zhang Qiling's eyes fell on the woman in front of him.


Zhang Qiling said indifferently: "Ghost city? Since it is a ghost city, then there is a city owner here, right?"

"I want to see your city lord, but I don't know where he is now?"

After listening to She Ji's words.

In Zhang Qiling's heart, he already had some answers and guesses.

It is estimated that the black hands behind the formation of the coffin formation hanging upside down on the top stone wall.

He is the lord of the ghost city that the woman in green shirt is talking about.

But before, that ghost left a familiar ominous and strange aura on Snake Girl's body.

It should be this mysterious city lord.

"Although I don't know yet, whether this city lord is the culprit who cast an unknown curse on my Zhang family and caused my Zhang family to almost be wiped out."

"But even if it's not, it shouldn't be out of the question!"

Zhang Qiling's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself.

(cjei) "Ouch..."

"I said handsome little brother!"

"We have so many beautiful women here, isn't it enough for you?"

"You still think about our Lord City Lord?"

"Listen to my sister's words, our city lord, not everyone can easily see it!"

"You'd better go in with me... Hurry up, girls, you can't wait any longer!"

The woman in blue was taken aback when she heard Zhang Qiling's words.

But then he recovered his smile again, and then said.

And with the fall of her words.

This originally empty brothel suddenly appeared out of nowhere a number of women wearing transparent clothes of various colors.

Among these women, some are fat and some are thin, some are tall and some are short...

But without exception, they all have beautiful features and charming eyes like silk, and they can all be called beauties.

At this time, these women, after appearing.

Immediately, they were both upstairs and downstairs in this brothel, waving to Zhang Qiling.

It seems that in order to attract Zhang Qiling, he also made various gestures!

"So, are you going to tell me where the owner of this ghost town is?"

There was no wave on Zhang Qiling's face.

But his expression became a bit indifferent.

Even the voice felt a little chillier.

The woman in the blue shirt didn't seem to hear the killing intent in Zhang Qiling's words.

Still smiling like before:

"I said brother, don't embarrass me!"

"Sir City Master's existence, is it that we lowly existences can see it casually?"

when speaking.

The woman in the blue shirt jumped up.

Then it landed on the back of the three-headed big snake, and then made a gesture of hugging Zhang Qiling.

In addition, on the woman's body, the blue gown that was blown up by the dark wind was full of infinite charm.


"Since you don't say anything, it won't do any good to keep you!"

"She Ji, she is your food now!"

Zhang Qiling didn't even look at the green-clothed woman who threw herself into her arms.

Just said lightly.

Such low-level charms have no effect on him.

Hearing the words, the three-headed snake under his feet trembled suddenly.

He seemed very excited.

One of the snake heads stretched out quickly, and then opened its mouth.

From its mouth, a letter full of barbs spewed out.

Then it entangled towards the woman in the blue shirt who was in mid-air.


"In the ghost city, there are rules set by the city owner.

"Aren't you afraid to bear the punishment of the city lord if you dare to take action against the city people here?"

When the woman in the blue shirt saw the barb-covered letter, her complexion changed drastically, and she yelled loudly.

at the same time.

The woman in the green shirt waved her hand.

The sleeves of his green shirt suddenly lengthened rapidly, and then turned into a blue rainbow to block the letter spit out by Snake Fairy.



Although this green shirt woman is not an ordinary brat.

But compared with Snake Princess.

But it's still a lot worse.

The cyan sleeve was directly crushed into powder by the black barbs on the letter.


The letter was wrapped around the waist of the woman in the blue shirt.

Pull its whole body back.

In the end, the woman in blue couldn't even scream.

It was swallowed whole by She Ji.

And accompanied by the woman in the blue shirt was wiped out by Snake.

In front of him, the brothel building suddenly collapsed.

All the brothel women who were picking up the guests above exploded one after another like a dream bubble, turning into nothingness.

As if it had never been there before.


At this time.

The originally bustling bazaar suddenly became quiet.

In this market, all the ghosts put down their work.

Then Qi Qi looked in the direction where Zhang Qiling and She Ji were.

The surrounding space and temperature suddenly dropped by an unknown degree.

"In Wuyouhua City, there are rules set by the city lord, no living beings are allowed to kill people here!"

Outsider, you broke the precept..."

At this moment.

From the deepest part of this market.

A deep and hoarse voice came.


The ground shook.


A group of ghost soldiers rushed out from the deepest part of the market.

The leader is a female general in white armor.

The previous words came from the mouth of this female general in white armor.

Behind this female general.

There are more than a dozen white-clothed soldiers standing side by side!

And these soldiers are also women!

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