Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 156 The Patriarch Of The Wu Clan, Open The Door Of The Dao, And Achieve The Supreme Dao Frui

Chapter 156 The patriarch of the Wu Clan, open the door of the Dao, and achieve the Supreme Dao Fruit! Establish the foundation of the Martial Dao! (2)

Accompanied by the voice of this ancient and stalwart creature, it came out.

This side of the void shook directly.

It seems that even this world has produced a huge resonance.

It's like being admired by this ancient and invincible god's residence.

Boom boom boom...

The sound of war drums became louder and louder.

In this ancient and boundless world, it permeates.

on the ground.

All the gods big and small...

They all had incomparably fanatical looks in their eyes.

Staring at the end of the world, the patriarch of their Wu clan!

And this time.

Wu at the end of heaven and earth, clenched his fist with his right hand, and bombarded towards Jiutian with one fist.

A monstrous loud bang came out.

On this day, he was directly shattered by his fist.

In the sky, a black hole appeared.


With both hands, Wu grabbed the broken sky and pulled it violently.

Immediately, the world was torn apart by him.

A terrifying storm poured down from the shattered sky.

Then it kept hitting Wu's body.

But Wu's whole body, the infinite true meaning of Martial Dao 29, was released.

These terrifying storms not only failed to have the slightest impact on it.

Instead, it became the best magic medicine to temper his whole body.

And this process lasted for a long, long time.

Stay in this world.

After returning to normal again.

In Wu's huge body, an ancient golden mark suddenly appeared.

On this imprint, the aura of grand avenue exudes.

Wu's body shook violently...

In his eyes, the true meaning of martial arts is endless.

next moment.

His voice spread throughout this ancient and wild world:

"I, Wu, the first patriarch of the Wu clan, entered the Dao with martial arts, opened the door of the Dao, and was irrigated and tempered by the majestic aura of the Dao, and became Dao in one day!"

"After the self, martial arts will become the third of the supreme cause."

"From then on, Martial Dao is no longer just a trail abandoned by heaven and earth!"

"And this imprint is for the martial seal. Only the souls who can inherit the true meaning of the supreme martial art of our martial clan can gather the martial seal."

"And only the souls with the martial seal can have such a glimmer of life to enter the Tao with martial arts, step to the end of the martial arts, and climb to the top of the road!"

In this voice.

It carries infinite fighting spirit, martial arts true meaning, local power, etc.

It seems to have penetrated this ancient and wild world.

Then walk forever on the long river of time.

Spread in countless times and spaces.

In the end, it fell into the ears of those who bear the traces of martial arts and are born martial idiots!

at the same time.

outside world.

On the edge of the cliff, only a dozen meters above the ground, in mid-air.

A monstrous fighting spirit appeared in Feng Yixiu's body.

All around her body, ancient and strange golden lines appeared.

Within all the lines, there is a breath of martial arts.

From all these lines, all martial arts breaths are directly activated by an invisible force.

Then he was pulled, and headed towards the position where Feng Yixiu's eyebrows were, and went backwards!


After a full tens of seconds.

All the martial arts breath.

Condensed between Feng Yixiu's eyebrows.

In the end, it evolved and became a golden seal only the size of a little finger.

this mark,

It looks like a whirlpool!

Although it is very small, there are infinitely many ancient patterns inside it.

And intertwined with an infinitely majestic and terrifying atmosphere.

It also exudes a faintly ancient majestic atmosphere.

If you concentrate and keep staring at this golden ancient mark.

It is also possible to vaguely hear the sound of ancient and majestic war drums coming out of this mark.

It's like being in a vast and wild world...

I was directly pressed against my body by a terrifying coercion, as if I couldn't breathe!

"I didn't expect that the martial arts aura in this little guy's body was so strong!"

"It's so easy, you can condense the prototype of Wuyin!"

"But this is good, it saves a little effort that should have been

Jiu Jianxian saw the golden whirlpool the size of a little finger that had completely condensed out of Feng Yixiu's eyebrows.

Immediately, a little smile appeared on his face.

And at this moment.

Those eyes were tightly closed, Feng Yixiu, who seemed to be in a deep sleep before, suddenly opened them.

In the depths of her eyes, there was a golden light, which disappeared in a flash.

In Feng Yixiu's eyes, there was deep shock and excitement.

Almost the moment he opened his eyes, he couldn't wait to say to the Jiujian Immortal:

"Senior Jiu Sword Immortal, the scenes I saw just now..."

"Is it all true?"

"Wu Dao, when you practice to the end, can you really break through the gate of the Dao and become the Supreme Dao?"

In Feng Yixiu's heart, there was a huge wave, and he couldn't calm down at all.


Just now.

When Jiu Jianxian said that he would help her condense her martial seal, and then reached out and pointed at her from the air.

She actually had a dream come back with a single thought.

Back to the vast and wild ancient world.

In that old world.

She saw countless ancient gods living on the earth.

These gods, who call themselves the Martial Clan, are creatures born for martial arts.

During their long years, they have been pursuing martial arts and walking on the path of martial arts.

And at the end of that scene...

333 The first patriarch of the Wu clan, that is, a creature who calls himself Wu.

Came to the end of the journey of martial arts.

It was a punch that broke the sky, opened the door of the avenue, and was quenched by the aura of primordial energy.

In the end, he became the pinnacle of the way of heaven.

And Wu's enlightenment also indicates that Wu Dao is not just a small way.

The road of martial arts is not a dead end!

At the moment of enlightenment.

With the true meaning of martial arts in his body, Wu Yi condensed a complete martial seal.

And let all the clansmen in the Dewu clan have their own martial seals.

Within the Wu Clan, everyone can have a chance to attack the Supreme Dao.

All of this is too shocking.

Even now, the big dream wakes up and returns to the real world again.

But Feng Yixiu still felt that...

How unreal all of this is!


The Wine Sword Immortal grabbed the wine gourd in his hand.

After taking a few sips freely.

That's why he said calmly:

"Little guy, that's right, what you see is the source of martial arts, an ancient clan named Wu!"

"And this clan is also the supreme ancient god clan who created martial arts!"

"Whether it's my close friend or you, the blood of that prehistoric and ancient martial clan flows in your body!"

Feng Yixiu heard the words.

Immediately became more and more excited. .

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