Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 162 Shuten-Douji! Trading With Ghosts, Sacrifice Millions Of Souls? (8)

Chapter 162 Shuten-douji! Trading with a ghost, a sacrifice of millions of souls? (8)

"Hehe, since they have already called back, it means that there is nothing wrong!"

"It's normal for two days without any reply..."

"After all, they might be trying to research and find out a way to transport the fruit!"

"It's because you people are always afraid of this and that when you do things, and you are afraid of your hands and feet, so it is difficult to achieve great things!"

Before the white-faced official finished speaking.

The senior officer immediately interrupted his next words.

Another senior executive also said coldly:

"that is....……"

"Anyway, you should use the pollen you retrieved earlier to study the gene warrior plan."

"And think of a way, how can we transport that red fruit from Xia Kingdom!"

After speaking.

The high-level leaders of these eagle sauce countries immediately dissolved the meeting and left.

And this is the spacious conference room of the Black Palace.

That is to say, only this white-faced official and his secretary are left.

At this time, the secretary came over, took the documents and the computer from the hand of the white-faced official, and put them away.

Then some people defended the white-faced officials and said:

"Those people, who are high above all day long, don't understand the risks of genetic warrior research at all.

"Are we really going to continue the research?"

"The spine of those experimental subjects seems to be a brand new individual, like a parasite, parasitic on the experimental subjects."

"And it's possible, now, it's not them who control the bodies of those experimental subjects, but those brand-new weird spines mutated from pollen!"

"Also, I suspect. In those two days, we lost all contact with the people in that Huaxia hospital."

"It is very possible that an accident that we don't know happened in that hospital."

"And those 'people' who contacted us again two days later, most likely, are not the people we know!"

There was also anger on the face of the white-faced official, but he still said:

"Since these people are all set, let's take pictures!"

"I have already said in advance that if any problems arise in the future, they will bear the consequences!"

"It's not the first time things have gone wrong anyway!"

at the same time.

At the same time when the Eagle Sauce Kingdom obtained Huaxia, news of the extraordinary existence of the dog beheading the ghosts and demon teeth probably appeared.

In the foot basin.

In a dilapidated shrine.

The important members of the country of the foot basin.

Gather here too.

Their gazes were all fixed on a table in the center of the god.

On that table, there is a statue of a god.

This idol is as tall as a man.

It looks very weird.

There are two black horns on the head.

Half of his face is that of a teenager, handsome and gorgeous.

However, the other half of his face was extremely ferocious, his mouth was split open, revealing fangs with saliva.

Eyes bulge.

That fiery red hair exuded a strange and evil aura.

On the hand of this monstrous statue...

He was also holding a black wine jar that was half the height of the statue.

Look at the eerie, evil statue on the table in front of you.

One of the members gathered at the shrine said:

"This Shuten boy is the legendary leader of the ghost tribe in my foot basin..."

"Are we really going to make a deal with this Shuten-douji?"

This statue was originally only discovered by them in the outside world.


Inside the statue, a strange change suddenly appeared.

Inside, there was a hazy voice, which came out.

After the foot basin country knew about it.

Immediately, the statue was directly sealed up.


At a later time...

They discovered that some kind of accident seemed to have happened to the ghost inside the statue.

Therefore, in the state of a stone statue, it is impossible to easily affect the outside world.

They began to try to communicate with the ghost inside the statue.

In fact, at the beginning, it was just a random try.

But to their surprise...

Actually got the response from this statue.

This statue claims to be Shuten Doji, a leader of the ghost clan in the foot basin.

And, offer to trade with them.

Everyone was taken aback.

At the beginning, they all wanted to throw this thing away.

After all, in this age of horror resurgence.

Fierce ghosts are rampant, and evil spirits are everywhere.

There is a strange statue in it, and it is also a statue of the leader of the ghost clan like Shuten Doji, which is enough to make them deter.

However, people are always greedy...

I don't know if it is because of the influence of this statue.

In the end, they decided to keep the statue.

And, put it in the shrine and offer it up.


It was time for them to trade with the statue Shuten-douji.

And just when all the important members of the foot basin country looked at the statue of Shuten-douji.

A hazy voice came from inside the statue:

"||As long as you break this statue and offer me millions of blood..."

"I will serve you for a hundred years, help you, and suppress the disaster caused by the domestic terror recovery!"

After placing this statue here and supporting it for such a long time.

Now, the statue has finally spoken out the terms and content of the transaction.

And after hearing the voice coming from the statue.

Everyone present was shocked.

"Hehe, smashing the statue, and donating millions of growth?"

"I just said, this thing is too evil, you can't trade with it at all.

"Humans and ghosts are originally two different ethnic groups..."

"How can we trade with these sources that bring disaster to our world?"

Some members roared.

The other one or two members also nodded.

after all.

The guy in this statue who calls himself Shuten-douji...

The conditions of the transaction are too cruel.

They simply cannot accept it.

(Good Zhao) Millions of lives...

Let him devour?

This is simply an unprecedented catastrophe!

Besides, who would dare to guarantee that the words of such a ghost are true?

Just in case, they fulfilled the conditions of the transaction according to Shuten-douji's words.

However, Shuten-douji did not keep the deal.

Then continue to kill, and if you don't do anything for them......

Aren't they playing with fire?

But then.

Many other members remained silent.

Because, although they know the haunted house.

But people's greed, sometimes, is really hopeless.

from their perspective.....…

This Shuten-douji is the legendary leader of the ghost clan.

Maybe it's a ghost of the natural disaster level.

If it is true that they can serve their footbasin country for a hundred years.

Well, it can help to suppress the domestic ghost riots.

Maybe it can also bring them huge benefits...

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