Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 330 One Thought Of Benevolence, Thousands Of Miles Of Red Land, No Family In The World! Kill

Chapter 330 One thought of benevolence, thousands of miles of red land, extinct households in the world! Kill, kill, kill! (1)

In Fa Hai's eyes, there are endless Buddhist truths circulating endlessly.

His eyes seemed to have seen through the millions of miles of mountains and rivers, and saw the haze of cause and effect that lingered in his heart.

"It really is you!"


The Buddha light in Fa Hai's pupils fell silent.

He sat cross-legged in the midair of the black lava lake in this terrific place.

There was no words for a long time.

Just now, he used the supreme Buddhist and Taoist formula to sense the trace of cause and effect on him.

I saw it, at the end of the endless world, there was a familiar aura.

And that breath.

It was the breath of the palm-sized bone spirit that he let go of when he left the misty world for the first time and came to this world after a hundred years of practice thousands of years ago.

And that breath is also the source of the boundless killing.

"Today's cause, today's fruit!"

"This cause and effect, I will settle it myself!"

Fa Hai murmured.

There was no expression change on his face.

But in the depths of his eyes, there was an infinite and strong murderous intent, which passed away in a flash of "one six three".

Fa Hai stretched out his hand, and slapped the dark node below that filled the sky and the earth.



Infinite and rich Buddha light emanated from his whole body.

These Buddha lights, in the blink of an eye, turned into a golden pot.

The pot, which was shrouded in Buddha's light, exuded a sacred and domineering atmosphere, and Fa Hai stretched out his hand to snap it down.

The huge pot immediately fell down towards the black lava lake below, towards this dark node.

In the blink of an eye, this pot of shining Buddha's light immediately completely sealed this dark node inside.

After doing these.

Fa Hai immediately no longer hesitated.

Stand up and step out.

Heading all the way to the western world.

Soon, his figure completely disappeared in this land of absolute spirits!

The ancient dark sea country.

This is an ancient ancient country.

Same as Heiyuan ancient country.

They are all affiliated states within the Dayu Dynasty.

It is located at the far edge of the Dayu Dynasty.

The history of this dark sea ancient country is similar to that of Heiyuan ancient country.

Originally, they were all ancient and powerful empires in this world.

It's just that, in the following years, it gradually declined.

Therefore, it relied on the command of the Tang Dynasty.

After becoming a vassal state of the Dayu Dynasty, it was guaranteed.

Therefore, the development is not bad.


In today's dark sea ancient country.

But it was full of desolation.

The entire ancient country has already been reduced to a paradise for ghosts and monsters.

There are mountains of corpses and seas of blood all over the ground.

All the subjects, etc., in a short period of time, have already been directly destroyed by the army of bones that invaded here.

at this time.

At the edge of this ancient dark sea country that was destroyed.

There is a group of bone ghosts gathering here.

They are constantly gnawing on the flesh and blood of humans on the ground.

The head of the bone ghost king, who is several meters high, said with a smile:

"Hey, it's just a small ancient country of human beings, and it dares to disobey the orders of the Supreme White Bone Cthulhu, and dare to resist!"

"Isn't this courting death?"

The rest of the bone-boned brothers all gnawed on the flesh and blood on their hands, and said in agreement:

"That's right, Bone Cthulhu, what an invincible existence that is!"

"Under His leadership, in such a short period of time, we have directly wiped out this ancient dark sea country."

"Combined with the ancient black abyss kingdom that the bone evil Kanbaru had captured and occupied, now, the territory of our bone ghost clan can be described as huge!"

The faint will-o'-the-wisp in the eyes of the Bone Ghost King flickered rapidly, obviously very excited.

But before the Bone Ghost King opened his mouth to speak.

A boy with bones next to him seemed to have seen something, raised his finger and pointed to a direction in the distance:

"Look, why is there a monk there?"

"Haven't all the races in this dark sea ancient country been wiped out by our bone army?"

After hearing the words, the Bone Ghost King and the other Bone boys subconsciously looked over.

Just see.

Just outside the frontier city of this ancient dark sea country, not far from them, at some point, a monk dressed in white monk robes appeared.

"Hey, this monk looks so handsome, but there is still a faint Buddha light around his body, the meat quality should be very good."

"Let's go..."

The Bone Ghost King dropped the piece of meat in his hand.

Then he took dozens of bone-boned brothers under his command and rushed towards the white-clothed monk.

The white-clothed monk was naturally Fa Hai who had come from a faraway land of unrecognizable spirits.

Fa Hai fell to the ground.

Step by step, he walked towards this frontier city of the ancient dark sea country.

There was no sadness or joy in his eyes.

With one step forward, he already appeared beside the Bone Ghost King and dozens of Bone Brothers who had just rushed a few steps.


The Bone Ghost King and dozens of Bone Brothers, after seeing Fa Hai who teleported to appear beside them, were slightly taken aback, showing doubts and wrong arms.

It's just that before the bone ghost king and these dozens of ordinary bones reacted.

Their bodies were instantly shrouded in Buddha's light.

Then, in the blink of an eye...

This bone ghost king.

There are also dozens of ordinary bone ghosts.

It just burns up directly, turns into ashes and disappears!

At this time, Fa Hai has already passed these bone ghosts.

He didn't even look at these bone ghosts killed by the Buddha's light, but continued to step out.

He goes all the way.

Walking through the cities in this dark sea ancient country.

Along the way, as far as he could see, there were human corpses all over the place, as well as the blood that gathered together like a river.

at the same time.

But all the cities of the ancient kingdom of the dark sea that his body passed through.

In an instant, they were all enveloped by infinite Buddha light.

Inside, all the bone ghost army, no matter how powerful their strength is.

It doesn't matter if it's an ordinary white bone, or a terrifying peak ghost king.

All within the blink of an eye, that is, under the universal illumination of this Buddha's light, dust to dust, dust to dust...

It was completely erased from this world.


Fa Hai is standing outside the ancient country of Heiyuan.

In his eyes, there is a golden and sacred Buddha light, piercing through the void and coming out.

He glanced towards the Heiyuan ancient country in front of him.

In his line of sight, the entire Heiyuan ancient country has already turned into a purgatory on earth.

All the human races have been killed for an unknown amount of time.

Perhaps a hundred years, or close to a thousand years.

The prosperous Heiyuan ancient country that I saw in the past has now become a paradise for ghosts.

In this ancient country of the black abyss, there are densely packed bone ghosts.

A strong ghostly aura emanated out.

On the sky of this ancient country of the black abyss, Lu became a black cloud covering tens of thousands of miles in a radius.

Just standing on the edge of this ancient black abyss country, you can feel...

A terrifying coercion emanated from this ancient black abyss.

Fa Hai stands on the edge of the ancient kingdom of the black abyss that once came.

He stopped in his tracks, and just stared at the ancient country in front of him that had been reduced to a nest of bone ghosts.

Fa Hai couldn't help but sighed, and murmured:

"I didn't expect that the benevolence of one thought at the beginning turned out to be the evil result of today!"

"The two countries are destroyed, and the red land is thousands of miles away. They come all the way, and the world is wiped out!"

"His Royal Highness, I was wrong!"

"It's just that the price caused by this mistake is too great..."

At first.

When being taken away by the supreme master of the secret council.

Fa Hai once felt that the supreme master's palm fell, indiscriminately, to wipe out all the ghosts and monsters in the ancient country of Shahai, which was a bit too extreme.

At that time, he felt that people were divided into good and bad.

Then, these ghosts and monsters may also have pure and kind-hearted people.


He had questioned the Supreme Being.

If in the future, when he encounters ghosts and monsters, can he not kill them all.

It is to give those ghosts and monsters who have not yet made trouble a chance.

Diminish them and guide them to good. 4.9

But the Supreme Master did not give a clear answer at all.

But just said, let him ask his heart, and if he thinks it is right, he will do it.

In the end, the supreme master has also said emphatically.

If it is because of his benevolence that he has planted evil results.

Then, he needs to bear it by himself.

"His Royal Highness, when I was asking you.

"Have you already seen today's ending?"

Fa Hai slowly closed his eyes and murmured.

He stood outside this ancient black abyss country, speechless for a long time.

After a full quarter of an hour passed.

Fa Hai just opened his eyes again.


This time, the look in his eyes has changed a lot from before.

Still has the sacred, vicissitudes, solemnity, majesty......

but in the meanwhile.


There was a touch of ruthlessness.

There was a touch of indifference.

There is an extra killing opportunity!

"Since then, ghosts and monsters, kill, kill, kill..."

Fa Hai murmured coldly.


He didn't stay any longer, but stepped out one step at a time, and walked towards the ancient country of Heiyuan in front of him!.

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