Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 339 Reverse Time And Space! Rising And Falling! Reincarnation! Wake! (1 For Subscription)

Chapter 339 Reversal of time and space! Origin and fall! Reincarnation of cause and effect! Awakening! (1 subscription)

"That aura, is that little fellow Fa Hai?"

The gray mist around the figure in black swayed slightly.


The figure in black stepped forward.

His figure disappeared in the deepest starry sky in this place where darkness originated.

The dark starry sky at the edge of the Dark Origin Land.

The original location of Fa Hai.

The void collapsed and shattered.

A figure in black appeared.

In the pupils of the black-clothed figure, there are two golden divine flames burning blazingly.

The golden pupil light scanned the dark starry sky.

Soon, the golden-sacred flames in the black-clothed eyes dimmed.


"I didn't expect that little fellow Fa Hai, in spite of my reminder, forcibly performed this forbidden technique when he had not practiced to the peak of Buddhism.

"Essence, energy, spirit, etc. are all exhausted, and karma and reincarnation, etc., are condensed into relics, and they escape into the broken void, wandering in which dimension and time and space.

"It's a little troublesome to find that relic, so let's revive that disobedient little guy first!"

The figure in black murmured.

Slowly stretched out his hand, towards the dark starry sky in front of him, and pressed it casually.



The dark starry sky at the edge of the entire dark place of origin shook violently.

It's like going back in time.

This piece of dark starry sky is constantly broken and then condensed.

After experiencing repeated collapses and combinations again and again.

In the dark void in front of him, a familiar monk in white robes slowly emerged.

This white-clothed monk is naturally Fa Hai who forcibly used the supreme taboo technique to kill the queen of the dark Zerg race before, and also sat down himself.


"Isn't this seat already sitting down?"

Fa Hai opened his eyes and looked down.

When he found that his body didn't show any abnormality.

Suddenly, a look of doubt and incomprehension appeared on his face.

Fa Hai scanned the surrounding dark starry sky with some doubts.

when seen.

Standing not far from him, with both hands behind his back, facing his stalwart figure like the lord of gods and demons.

Fa Hai shuddered all over.

He hastily bowed, with a pious and respectful expression on his face:

"Fa Hai, meet the Supreme Lord!"

The figure in black didn't look back.

After a while of silence.

Its ancient and majestic voice slowly came out just now:

"Fa Hai, didn't I tell you that before you have practiced to a certain level, no matter what, you can't use the Dharma Body of the Earth Store?"

"Before, you forcibly performed this eternal taboo of Buddhism and Taoism, which exhausted your energy and spirit, and once you sat down, your body died and your Tao disappeared.

"Fortunately, at that time, I sensed your situation in the deepest part of this place of origin of darkness. I arrived here in time, reversed time and space, and brought you back to the world!"

"If you delay for a while, even if it is me, it will take a long time to bring you back to life."

Hearing this, Fa Hai's body trembled more and more.

He lowered his head, and said guiltily:

"It's Fa Hai's incompetence. He killed a mere dark zerg mother queen, and all of them ended up dead, and even alarmed His Royal Highness, the chairman of the council!"

After Fa Hai's voice fell.

This dark starry sky became silent again.

And after a long time has passed.

The black-clothed figure spoke again just now:

"Forget it, I can't blame you!"

"After all, you also want to kill the dark Zerg mother queen, so as to prevent her from leaving this time and space and going out to cause trouble on the earth."

"It's just that there is one thing you need to know. When you are sitting, the entangled fate of your karma, reincarnation, etc., the decimals condense into a relic.

"The relic, accompanied by the collapse and shattering of the dark starry sky, entered the turbulent flow of time and space, and it is unknown where time and space and dimension it appeared in.

"It will have a slight impact on you in the future, but you don't have to worry about it. If I have time, I will stop by and help you get that relic back!"

When Fa Hai heard the words, he was immediately moved, and said quickly:

"Fa Hai thanked His Highness the Speaker of the Council."

The figure in black turned around slowly.

He was surrounded by gray mist, and the expression on his face could not be seen.

In his pupils, golden flames faintly emerged.

After scanning the time for a while towards the deepest direction of this place of origin of darkness.

The black-clothed figure continued to speak:

"Now, the source of the horror revival in the deepest part of this place of origin of darkness has been completely cut off by me!"

"It's just that before I arrived, I don't know how many long years ago, it was already the source of a little horror recovery, leaving the deepest part of this place of origin of darkness.

"Before, I spent a lot of time in the deepest part of the place where the darkness originated, searching all over the dark abyss in all directions, but I never got any clues."

"Afterwards, I made calculations and learned that in the future, the source of those horrible recovery, perhaps, will return again, causing disasters in the world!"

"So, in the next period of time, you wait for the councilors to seal yourself, and the samsara in this world is silent, which is also regarded as a training for you!"

"When the terror recovers and reappears, that is the day you wait for the member to wake up and return!"

0...asking for flowers...0

Hearing this, Fa Hai nodded immediately.


"Call the rest of the ancient giant-level councilors, and I will personally lead you and others to carry out the final cleanup on the edge of this dark place of origin!"

The figure in black said lightly.

Then he took Fa Hai and left this dark starry sky.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another five years have passed.

During this five-year period.

Under the personal leadership of the head of the secretive parliament.

An ancient giant-level member of the mysterious council, walking on the edge of this dark place of origin.

Sweep away all the dark creatures.


The supreme master returns to the world of fog.

And the rest of the councilors of the ancient giants.

It is walking on the earth.

Help the rest of the councilors, as well as the soldiers of the Dayu Dynasty, kill those evil gods and demon gods wandering in this world.


in a short period of time.

The ghosts and monsters that existed on the earth were all wiped out.

The dark turmoil that lasted for a long time has also come to an end.

The ancient kingdom of Shahai in the west of the Dayu Dynasty.

It was originally a prosperous ancient country.

But because of the appearance of the evil god Shura Buddha, it turned into a paradise for ghosts and monsters.

In the end, the supreme master passed by, and with a random palm, he turned the ancient sand sea country and Tianlong Temple into ashes.

Since this happened.

The former site of the ancient sand sea country has turned into a desert, and no one will set foot here again.

this day.

On the former site of the ancient sand sea country, a figure of a monk in white appeared out of thin air above Tianlong Temple in the ancient sand sea country.

Fa Hai holds white Buddha dust in his hand, and there is a little reminiscence in his eyes.

I glanced at the Tianlong Temple in the ancient sand sea country in the past, and now the vast desert.

Finally, Fa Hai sighed and murmured:

"Rise and fall, cause and effect reincarnation!"

"Everything starts here, so let's be silent here!"

while speaking.

Fa Hai stepped out and landed on the desert below.


His body is slowly sinking into the ground of this desert!

at the same time.

real world.

Xia Guo.

No man's land in northern Tibet.

on the ground.

Fa Hai was sitting cross-legged on the road.

His eyes are closed.

From top to bottom of his body, there is still a little faint Buddha's light radiating out.

And on the ground around Fa Hai's body.

I don't know when, there are more bones of animals.

There are vultures, there are wolves, there are foxes, etc... just...

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