Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 396 Here, There Are Such Terrifying Ghosts And Monsters! Don't Disturb The Director&#03

Chapter 396 Here, There Are Such Terrifying Ghosts and Monsters Occupying! Don't Disturb the Director's Practice!

Captain Baitou didn't hesitate at all, and even turned on the phone.

Then rummaged up.

On the Internet, the four words of Nanshan ruins were written in a short period of time.

It has become a popular term.

So words.

It didn't take long for Captain Baitou to find the video of the Hundred Beasts Subduing Ghosts.

In the live video, what happened was Ji Dabao, Dai Xiaomei, Snake 04 Ji, Bai Yuan, etc., from the beginning when they set foot on the Nanshan ruins, to the end, Mr. Kong Kong appeared, and he used his invincible swordsmanship to destroy the Nanshan ruins. Scenes of the mountain god beheading.

After watching this video quickly.

Captain Baitou's complexion suddenly changed slightly.

With a look of astonishment and disbelief in his eyes, he couldn't help muttering:

"I didn't expect that in this Nanshan ruins, there are such terrifying ghosts and evil spirits entrenched."

"Fortunately, when we were guarding the Nanshan ruins, none of the mountain gods and the Black Mountain demon king entrenched in the Nanshan ruins came out to look for our troubles, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!"

Captain Baitou couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear in his heart.

Whether it is the Black Mountain Demon King, or the mountain god who appears later, he is more terrifying than the Montenegro Demon King.

It's not what ordinary people like them pay for.

"Young Master Void, another member of the secret council has awakened from a long sleep!"

Captain Baitou was shocked.

This is the existence of a powerful member of parliament!

so far.

In Xia's country, there are only two members of parliament who are known to be powerful.

And no matter it was the Jiujian Immortal who first appeared on Longhu Mountain and killed the mythical and legendary dragon with a single sword.

Zuo Qianhu, who was also the evil god Jiu Tun Douzi of the foot basin country, was an existence of otherworldly gods.

And now.

Even Captain Baitou didn't think of it.

Just now, in the Nanshan ruins, such a terrifying existence unexpectedly appeared.

Just when Captain Baitou was in deep shock.

The soldier couldn't help but said:

"Captain, shall we quickly tell the chief about this matter?"

"Before the director, he seemed to be very interested in such extraordinary events!"

"Also, here, there is a powerful member of the mysterious parliament. Should we report this matter to the higher-ups?"

Captain Baitou came back to his senses when he heard the words.

After taking a few deep breaths, 913 let himself calm down.

Dang even said in a deep voice:

"Not long ago, the director sent a message in the group, saying that in the next period of time, she will travel outside to practice, so let's not disturb her!"

"You also know the director's temper, so I think it's better not to disturb the director's practice casually!"

"Besides, everything that happened here has been broadcast live. I think the director may already know about it by now!"

"As for the above, I'll just write a report and submit it later..."

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