Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 416: Old Monk Miaokong! Seeing My Buddha, Why Don't You Kneel Down? There Are No Unusua

Chapter 416 Old Monk Miaokong! Seeing My Buddha, Why Don’t You Kneel? There Are No Abnormal Buddhist Halls and Buddha Statues... (Please customize and complete order)

And on these futons, there are already many people kneeling on the futons.

And before.

Feng Yixiu and Li Chengxue are outside this Buddhist hall.

The pale-faced young men and women I met were among them.

And right in front of these futons.

The most central location of this Buddhist hall.

On the other hand, there is an extremely huge black long table.

On this long table.

There is a tall and sacred Buddha statue.

The Buddha statue clasped its hands together, and golden rays of light shone all over its body.

There is still a trace of gentle breath on the face, as if sitting on it is a god and Buddha who is sympathetic to the world.

In front of this Buddha statue, there are some burning incense.

And there are pots placed one by one.

These pots are filled with fruits and other things!

On both sides of this Buddhist hall, there are many monks standing.

Just when Feng Yixiu and Li Chengxue were carefully looking at the scene inside the Buddhist hall in front of them.

One of them was an old monk with white beard and hair.

It seems that they also noticed the arrival of Feng Yixiu and Li Chengxue.

This old monk's hair has already turned pale.

His face was full of wrinkles, extremely old, like old dying bark.

And most importantly...

The old monk actually wore the clothes of the presiding officer and held a vajra.

Slowly walking towards Feng Yixiu and Li Chengxue.

The old host looked at Feng Yixiu and Li Chengxue, then showed a gentle smile, put one hand in front of him, and recited a sentence of Anida Buddha.

He said with a smile:

"The two benefactors, the poor monk named Miaokong, are the abbots of this Jinshan Temple."

"You two face-to-face students. If the poor monk guessed correctly, it should be the first time for you two to come to Jinshan Temple, right?"

"Since you come to Jinshan Temple, you must have something to do. You want to pray to my Buddha. In this case, why did you stand here and look around after entering the Buddhist hall, but you didn't kneel down to worship my Buddha!"

This old monk has a kind face and kind eyes.

When talking, there is always a kind smile on his face.

Inexplicably, it gives people a very comfortable feeling.

Feng Yixiu frowned slightly.

Since stepping into this Buddhist hall.

Feng Yixiu kept looking here.

Any monk in this Buddhist hall, as well as the furnishings and corners in the Buddhist hall.

All checked many times.

However, what surprised Feng Yixiu was...

With the blessing of her boundless power.

It was impossible to see that there was anything wrong with the Buddhist hall in front of him.

Whether it is every monk here.

Or the Buddha statue that 607 was placed on the long black table in front of him.

It's still the many incense sticks in front of the Buddha statue, and those fruits and other things.

There is no abnormality in the slightest.

at this time.

After hearing the words of the old monk who claimed to be Abbot Miaokong in front of him.

The doubt on Feng Yixiu's face suddenly deepened.

Could it be that.....…

Is it because I think too much?

Perhaps there was nothing unusual in Jinshan Temple.

And the old woman outside is just an evil ghost that I met by chance?

Ask for a wave of flower evaluation tickets and monthly tickets!.

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