Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 422 Waiting For The Abbot To Capture You And Bring You To The Gods And Buddhas To Kowtow And

Chapter 422 Waiting for the abbot to capture you and put you in front of the gods and Buddhas to kowtow and repent piously... (please customize and complete order)

Feng Yixiu knew.

The Buddhist hall where she and Li Chengxue were in.

It is no longer the original peaceful Buddhist hall.

Instead, it was already invaded by spirits before I don't know how many years ago.

In this Jinshan Temple, there must be some kind of great terror.

So words.

If you want to leave here.

Speed ​​is required.

Otherwise, once the time is delayed.

Then, the two will face...

It's not just the old abbot in front of him.


Feng Yixiu used all his strength from the very beginning.

After condensing the giant elephant.

Feng Yixiu didn't say anything.

Instead, make fists with both hands.

One after another, he punched Abbot Miaokong, who was blocking the entrance of the Buddhist hall, in front of him.

The shadow of the fist is like the wind.


In the entire Buddhist hall, there is a fist force raging rampantly.

Accompanied by Feng Yixiu's attack.

The giant elephant with a height of three meters that originally appeared behind Feng Yixiu.

He also made the same movements as Feng Yixiu.

He kicked out one after another, killing Abbot Miaokong.


"Sir, what do you mean?"

"Here is the Buddhist hall of Jinshan Temple, a sacred place to worship the supreme gods and Buddhas.

"You are presumptuous here, it is disrespectful to the gods and Buddhas..."

"Forget it, this abbot will teach you a good lesson, capture you, and put you in front of the gods and Buddhas to kowtow and repent piously..."

Monk Miaokong still had a righteous look on his face.

I saw the vajra in his hand thrust into the ground suddenly.



There were bursts of shaking in the entire Buddhist hall.

A terrifying golden light emerged, turning into a phantom of a Vajra pestle several meters in size, and viciously swept towards Fengyi body who came to kill him.

Feng Yixiu waved his fists one after another.

The terrifying true meaning of martial arts swept out.


When slapping on the phantom of the vajra.

However, there were bursts of sounds of metal and iron.

And words.

This vajra phantom contained terrifying strength.

It actually forced Feng Yixiu to retreat one after another.


Feng Yixiu waved his hand.

The giant elephant behind stepped out and stood in front of her.

Only then did the shadow of the Vajra Pestle be blocked.

Just words.

The phantom of the giant elephant has also become a bit weaker.


The phantom of the vajra was broken.

Monk Miaokong seemed to have received a lot of backlash, and coughed violently.

The compassion and pity on his face disappeared.

Instead, there was a little shock, and I couldn't help but exclaimed:

"how is this possible?"

"How do you have such extraordinary power?"

"I am an existence instilled by gods and Buddhas, and I have already left the category of humans (obtained Zhao) and become the existence of supreme ghosts and gods, but why am I blocked by you?

After Feng Yixiu broke the vajra shadow.

itself has also been greatly affected.

But then.

Because the giant elephant stood in front of her, taking most of the attacks for her.

So words.

Didn't lose the power to fight...still...

At this time, after seeing that Abbot Miaokong was injured.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help showing color on his face.

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