Build A Secret Council From Wudang Abandoned Disciples

Chapter 74 Yin Soldiers Cross The Border, "Hundred Ghosts" Travel At Night! 【Subscribe】

Look at the words on the weird boundary marker in front of you.

Wang also frowned slightly.

"It seems that the inside of this boundary monument should be the deepest part of the village!"

Wang also pondered for a moment.

Immediately no longer hesitate.

With the ancient bronze coffin on his back, he raised his foot and walked towards the boundary marker.

When his body came into contact with this boundary marker, there was a slight ripple-.

Then, he directly passed through this boundary marker and walked in!

Wang also saw at a glance that the boundary marker was a special barrier.

With his ability, it is not difficult to pass through this boundary marker.

Just passed through this boundary marker.

Around, there is a gust of wind blowing.

Wang Ye's eyes flashed with golden light, and he glanced away.

He found that behind this boundary marker was still the same village.

There are still many houses shrouded in black mist in the surrounding area.

However, on the small road in the village in front of him, there are ghosts wandering one after another.

There are many of these ghosts.

Just a casual sweep.

Wang also saw at least dozens of ghosts.

These ghosts have different appearances, and some have swollen bodies and white eyes, as if they have been soaked in water for a long time.

Some bodies have been scorched, facial features have been blurred, and eyeballs have been broken, hanging from the corners of the eyes!

There are also kitchen knives stuck in their backs, bending over and walking step by step!

However, what made the king a little puzzled was...

These ghosts, after seeing him, did not show any malice or plan to rush over to kill him.

Instead, there was pain and distortion on his face, and then he looked like a walking dead.

Walking slowly on the road leading to the deepest part of the village in front of you.

It was as if something was driving them!

"Hmph, let me say, you little brat, why are you standing around here?"

"Since we have entered the gate of hell, then everything in the past is dust to dust, dust to dust!"

"Come here quickly, follow me, go to the River of Rebirth, wash away all the sins of the past, and then go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

Just when Wang also looked at these ghosts.

There was a sound of hoofbeats, followed by a gloomy reprimand.

Wang also looked to the side of those ghosts.

In the dense black mist, there is a group of Yin soldiers in black armor riding skeleton horses.

Headed by an unusually tall Yin soldier leader.

The words just now came from the leader of the Yin soldiers.

This Yin soldier leader is not only taller in size than the ordinary Yin soldiers around him.

On the head, there is also a pair of curved black pointed horns.

Moreover, the skeleton horse under it was taller than ordinary skeleton horses, and its eyes were strangely blood-colored.

When the mouth opened, there were rows of strange bloody doctors!

"Yin soldiers cross the border, and a hundred ghosts walk in the night?"

"The closer you get to the source of the sense of crisis in the deepest part of the village, the weirder it feels!"

At this time, Wang Ye's lazy expression became a little dignified.

He looked down.


His hands, at some point, turned strangely pale.

Not only his hands, but also his whole body exudes a gloomy and icy breath.

He stretched out his hand to touch his neck, and found that there was a cool feeling, without any temperature!

Just like those ghosts who were driven away by this team of Yin soldiers.

Since he walked into the world inside this boundary monument.

The whole person seems to be affected by some kind of weird thing, or some rules.

And he didn't notice anything.

"Forbidden place for the living, keep the stranger away!"

"People who come in will be affected, and then every part of the body will become like a ghost!"

"Is that what it means? It seems that this should be the influence of that ghost domain!"

Wang also felt the four spells in his body.

It was discovered that those spells did not mean any resistance to the changes in his current body.

Wang also quickly understood.

This should be some kind of singular rule.

When a living person enters the space behind this boundary marker, his body becomes like a ghost.

But for himself, there is no harm.

"In this way, those ghosts who are driven by the Yin soldiers are also human beings in the first place!"

"It's just that after entering the world behind this boundary marker, will it be affected by the rules here and become a body like a ghost?"

"However, looking at the appearance of these hundred ghosts, it seems that after entering this place, they have already been killed once, and then they have become real ghosts!"

One thought after another appeared in the master's mind.

"You little brat, how dare you ignore this general's order!"

"You wait to go and arrest him, and then deprive him of the qualification to enter the River of Rebirth!"

"Let him taste a thousand tortures in the world!"

The leader of the Yin Soldier waved the long dagger in his hand at Wang Ye.

A dozen Yin soldiers around him received the order.

………seeking flowers… 0

Even if he was riding a skeleton horse, he rushed towards the king.

"The little devil is going to die..."

Black mist spouted from the mouths of these skeleton horses at an extremely fast speed.

In the time of one or two breaths, he has already galloped in front of Wang Ye.

The Yin soldier on the horseback, with the rusty long sword in his hand, slashed at the king, intending to cut the king to pieces on the spot!

"It's all made up of yin and corpse qi! Interesting!"

Wang also looked at the Yin soldiers who rushed to kill them.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

He could tell at a glance that both these Yin soldiers and the skeleton horses under them were born strangely due to the influence of the ghost domain.

Without any hesitation.

The two golden long whips in front of him blocked the long swords in the hands of these Yin soldiers while waving them.

These Yin soldiers were obviously surprised when they saw these two golden whips.


The skeleton horse under him quickly raised its front hooves at this time, and then kicked towards Wang Ye quickly.

On the hoofs of these skeleton horses, there are actually sharp spikes like knives, carrying the force of wind and thunder, they come to assassinate.

Wang Ye's body was full of golden light, and a thick layer of crystals formed on his body.

These hooves were blocked by these golden lights.

But the powerful thrust still sent Wang Ye's figure flying several meters away.

After standing still.

Wang didn't stop at all, he stomped his feet on the ground.

His figure, like a cannonball, rushed straight out.

He stretched out his hand to hold it, and in his hand, a spear made of white lightning appeared.

His body appeared above the head of a Yin soldier, with a spear spreading from a white arc.

Before the Yin soldier could even react, he stabbed vertically.

As the arc shot, the spear pierced through the Yin soldier's chest, killing the Yin general.

At this moment.

Wang Ye just discovered that the body of the Yin soldier and the skeleton horse under his feet are actually connected together.

Accompanied by the death of this Yin soldier.

The skeleton horse also fell in a pool of blood without a sound!

After killing the Yin soldier.

Wang didn't hesitate at all.

With a slight shake of the spear in his hand, it turned into a white dragon, spinning and killing the second Yin soldier.

Although these Yin soldiers are not bad in their own strength.

But alas.

Compared with Wang Ye, it is still a lot worse.

Soon it was broken one by one.

in a short period of time.

These Yin soldiers who rushed up were all killed by the king!

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