Build Madness

Chapter 994 Fengdu Bridge and Huaxia Chamber of Commerce

For hundreds of millions of netizens, the proprietress chasing and killing the big boss is pure dog food.

Thinking back to when Dongshan Fifteen Cities opened, these two dogs and men started from Jishi, passing through Weicheng and Qinggang, and scattered dog food to Weicheng, Yancheng, and Decheng.

It can be called turning in circles to show affection.

And now, the same is true.

The smart all-in-one card elf client timely distributes dog food worth 10 billion red notes, and offers a limited-time 50% discount on higher-priced elf props, such as bones, chicken butts, toy balls, etc.

All of a sudden, there was a rush of buying.

Of course, as long as you wish the big boss and the proprietress a happy marriage on the homepage of the forum, you can start the 66 yuan red envelope activity, and naturally there will be no shortage.


the other side.

After Ge Xiaotian was hunted down, he came to Fengdu Bridge with his arms around Li Xiuxiu, who was easy to cheer up.

This bridge is about 435 meters high. It is the tallest bridge on the parent planet, and it is also the tallest building and structure on the parent planet. It is nearly 100 meters higher than Pingdu Mountain and several nearby hills.

Looking from a distance, the circular bridge deck, long-span bridge body, radiant glass plank road, coupled with the magical "Aurora" in the air, and the overall irregular structure, finally outlines a bridge that only appears in comics and science fiction films. Next Generation Bridge.

If overseas agree with this construction technology, the Fengdu Bridge will surpass any miracle building.

It's a pity that although Tian Cheng has reached cooperative relations with many Western countries, the other countries still reject Eastern achievements.

"Boss, no one else is allowed to enter."

Fengdu Bridge Management Office, Tianwei's six relatives refused to admit it, and directly shut out the 'lord' and 'mother'.

Ge Xiaotian also understands the difficulty of the other party. To put it bluntly, before the complete debugging of the steady-state strong magnetic field device is completed, if there is an error in operation or interference by external elements, the entire project, including all construction personnel, will be in a magnetic explosion of 600 Tesla. into nothingness.

Well, nothingness is not ash, it is dead without dregs left.

This is the horror of super technology.

"Let's take a look outside."

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, walked outside the construction site, and found that all the construction workers on the site used 'robots' instead of strong men.

Li Xiuxiu asked curiously, "Is our family so advanced?"

"Daughter-in-law, the strength of our family is beyond your imagination."

"Really? A long time ago, I saw Jinkes on the forum and they boasted that our technology is very powerful, saying that they are not afraid of aliens even if they encounter aliens. Tell me, how powerful is our family?"

"As good as your man is, our technology is as good as it is."

"Tui... dead ghost!"

"Hey hey..."

"Are you going to tell me?"

"Tell me!"

Ge Xiaotian took a sip of his cigarette, his eyes were blurred, and he said leisurely: "Let's put it this way, if all the aliens in the science fiction movies on the mother planet unite together to attack the mother star, we don't need to do anything, just call a joint meeting of the mother planet. Tiancheng is a country and region of science and technology, and the mother who can beat the other party doesn't even know her."

"Just blow it."

"Really, if you remove the superficial military strength, you don't even know how many interstellar two legs South Vietnam has, including Thai sisters, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and the five-person group of Stan. If aliens invade in large numbers, these areas It will be able to counterattack the aliens’ homeland.”

"They are so powerful, don't they threaten us?" Li Xiuxiu worried.

"In the era of intelligence, the most important thing is to control the chip, afraid of a ball."


Li Xiuxiu understands that no matter how many intelligent weapons there are in the cooperation area, they are all their own. "However, the alien creatures in some sci-fi movies I see are the kind of jellyfish that can fly and release deadly gas that travels through the air. .”

"Constant temperature suit, that is the most basic equipment developed for interstellar warfare, which can effectively prevent the intrusion of any outside gas."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he looked at the starry sky, "The meaning of our family's existence is to defeat all intruders with an extremely powerful posture when foreign civilizations invade and the Mother Planet United Conference cannot resist."

"To put it bluntly, it is in line with your personality to act first and then pretend."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, just like when we got engaged, you were not happy in every possible way, but then you quietly went to my house to buy pork. Five hundred yuan at a time is not enough, and you can play with one thousand yuan, two thousand yuan, and in the end you almost gave up my pig farm. Bao Yuan, my dad is so angry that he hasn't slept well for several days."


I am calling a strong man, what does it have to do with pretending to be X?

Ge Xiaotian scratched his scalp, "To be honest, I really didn't pretend."

"Xiaoer, you are really handsome when you pretend to be X." Li Xiuxiu suddenly said proudly.


What's your taste?

Ge Xiaotian blinked, "Xiu, shall we go back?"


"What do you say?"

"Hmph, I'm going to be on it for a few days!"

"Hey, I think you still want to go to heaven!"


Noon the next day.

The second round of construction in Fengdu is in full swing. After Ge Xiaotian checked all the construction projects, he went to the Fengdu branch of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce to inspect secretly.

As soon as he entered the hall, Dao Shixi said quietly: "Boss, deputy director, general manager, Mr. Yu, and many important leaders, still have five minutes to arrive here."

"Aren't they handling the work related to Zhao's father in Nandu?"

"It is estimated that I heard that you have not really left Fengdu, and I plan to discuss important matters with you."


While chatting, a convoy of ten Dongba sedans and three top TUAs slowly stopped at the gate of Fengdu Branch of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

Not long after, the deputy director, the general manager, and Mr. Yu stepped out of the carriage one after another.


Ge Xiaotian stepped forward to say hello.

"Didn't you leave?" the deputy director joked.

"You are always here, how dare you leave half a step?"

"Haha, that's a coincidence. The board of directors just needs to contact you about important matters. Since I'm here, the general manager, Lao Yu and I will be in charge."

"What is so important?"

"There are many people outside, but chat inside."

Ten minutes later, the chamber of commerce office.

The members of the board of directors have long known Ge Laoer's personality, and if they want to do business, if they go around in circles, they will be entangled by the other party in all likelihood, so let's get straight to the point:

"Xiaoge, after three years of exploration, the chamber of commerce model has indeed surpassed the stock market system introduced from overseas. According to the evolution results, the chamber of commerce model is indeed the most suitable for our current social system."

Hearing this, Ge Xiaotian understood.

Ever since he founded the chamber of commerce, he had no intention of profiting from it. Therefore, the Tiancheng chamber of commerce is a non-profit non-profit organization whose purpose is to benefit the society, promote the development of private enterprises in China, and protect the personal interests of all employees on the job.

The nature is equal to the 'trade union', but the effect is beyond the 'trade union'.

In the past three years, the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has developed rapidly, spawning small, medium and micro enterprise chambers of commerce, large and medium-sized enterprise chambers of commerce, and cross-enterprise chambers of commerce.

He also used his own advantages to fight against the stock market system and benefited a lot. Otherwise, when North America signed a cooperation agreement with Tiancheng, it would not have asked Tiancheng to stop operating securities and futures.

Now that the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce is becoming more and more mature, and has been able to influence the economic situation of a certain region, and even influence the economic trend of China, the board of directors must control this 'weapon' in their own hands.

It's not that he doesn't trust Tian Cheng, but that Tian Cheng is too capable of doing things.

"Leader, so you are planning to win Tiancheng's three major chambers of commerce?"

"Look at what you said, it seems that the board of directors has a lot of appetite. Besides, they are groping for everything. It may not necessarily be a good thing for the board of directors to get the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce."

"what do you mean?"

"All the systems remain the same, and the board of directors does not interfere with the operation of the chamber of commerce, but the chairman hopes to start with the chamber of commerce of small and micro enterprises, and give some employees iron rice bowl positions. The board of directors is responsible for the salary."

"I see."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, just like Boss Mei, Sino-Ocean tycoon, paper boss Pang, and his elder brother Ge Wangwang have successively become representatives of the whole people. The board of directors only wants to cultivate a group of role models to facilitate and accelerate the development of Huaxia.

Ge Xiaotian didn't care about this.

Just like the establishment of Huaxia Energy Construction Group, the board of directors is willing to help the family support 'employees', so why not do it?

"Leader, why don't you take over the chamber of commerce of large and medium-sized enterprises?"


Seeing that Ge Lao Er was not only not distressed, but was happy to do so, the deputy director thought of the chairman's instruction in the communicator: "If he doesn't want to, don't force it", he suddenly muttered in his heart, "Xiao Ge, this is your chamber of commerce. !"

"For the prosperity of the motherland, I am willing to dedicate everything!"

Ge Xiaotian slapped his chest.

Not only the deputy director and the general manager were moved, but even Mr. Yu, who had always been wary of someone, couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"If Chinese entrepreneurs can be as open-minded as Xiao Ge, I believe that we will soon realize the great Chinese revival plan!"

"Yes, Deputy Director!" Ge Xiaotian stood up and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, everyone actually had a feeling of 'this young man in front of him is really great'.


The audience applauded.

Now that it was decided to reorganize the small and micro enterprise chamber of commerce, adhering to Tiancheng's work style, the deputy director named the new chamber of commerce on the spot: Huaxia chamber of commerce.

Immediately afterwards, all managers were automatically transferred to 'career ranks', some executives were transferred to 'iron rice bowls', and ordinary employees became 'contract workers' who could be promoted to career ranks.

When the news came out, the Tiancheng Small and Micro Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, which has 150,000 non-regular Tiancheng employees, was collectively dumbfounded...

There's no way, Tian Cheng's treatment is too good.

Don't look at the "career editor" and "iron rice bowl" are very attractive, but how can they compare with the possible "Tiancheng bonus stock regular worker"?

Not even comparable to 'Tiancheng employees'.

After all, the red envelopes that non-regular employees grab every year can be comparable to the annual salary.

In this regard, Ge Xiaotian made an important speech.

It just means that the salary is still the same, the benefits will be added by the board of directors, and there will be better room for promotion in the future...

After a night of urgent negotiations and the introduction of a series of treatment standards, the incident gradually subsided.

Then the deputy director found out...

The board of directors seems to have another big burden.

"No wonder that guy is so happy!"

The chairman who was far away in the capital sighed and tore up the plan to acquire Tiancheng Northern Energy on the spot.

Wan Lao, who was sitting next to him, gloated and said: "Let me just say that Tian Cheng's domestic projects are all at a loss. That kid is searching for funds overseas to plug holes in the country. If you buy his company, it is tantamount to letting him Deser, if you lighten your burden, you will gain both fame and fortune."

"As expected of Ge Heizi!"

The chairman has a more intuitive feeling for someone's nickname.


The board of directors is in charge of the Tiancheng Small and Micro Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, which has no impact on Tiancheng's industrial chain. The investment that should be invested, the entrepreneurship that should be group business, and the centralized production that should be concentrated production have not changed from the past.

January 8th, the seventeenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (small and micro enterprises) Dongshan Branch, Beihe Branch, Nanhe Branch, etc., simultaneously submitted a large number of material purchase orders that were snatched two months ago.

This includes: rubber boots, carrying equipment, digital camouflage, various bulletproof vests, Keslav helmet...

With the constraints of Tiancheng's standards, the quality of this batch of materials is naturally no problem.

But the order details are submitted to the board...

After the big bosses were astonished, they were collectively shocked.

This is the North American military purchase order in 2004!

Why did you come to our house? !


We just now know? !

The chairman went to Dongshan Zaoshi overnight to inspect the headquarters of the former Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, which was renamed Huaxia Chamber of Commerce. (The chamber of commerce of small and micro enterprises, the chamber of commerce of large and medium-sized enterprises is headquartered in the Canal Development Zone)

Then found out...

Manufacturers, large and small, are all producing certain material parts, and then transfer to medium-sized enterprises to assemble semi-finished products, and then transport them to Daqin Bingfeng to assemble products, and then transport and deliver...

Orders not only include North America, but also African Union, Montenegro Odyssey, Ice Bear Far East Army, Stan Five, Nanyang Five, and Vikings!


The chairman counted the income, looked up to the sky and sighed, and returned to the capital with complicated emotions, what to do, and never mentioned the "Huaxia Chamber of Commerce" again.

Knowing this, Ge Xiaotian quickly contacted Horton to inquire about the delivery.

Fortunately, as early as when Horton handed over the order to Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, Horton Security Group purchased land in Los Angeles and other places, set up a production plant for corresponding materials, and invited Xiaobu to visit and hold a grand press conference.

Whether these factories can be opened or actually produced is not important at all. The important thing is that North America knows that Holden can manufacture, and the finished products provided by Holden are also in line with the requirements and needs of the North American Military Department.

As a result, Holden made a lot of money.

As a result, Tianwei's labor dispatch costs have increased again.


three days later.

After Ge Xiaotian was busy with Fengdu affairs, he sent Li Xiuxiu on a business plane to his hometown in Dongshan, and decided to go to Nanyun. After inspecting the orange project and water conservancy project there, he flew directly to Xiangjiang River and transferred to the southern sea area to see new projects.


Before getting up, a shocking incident came from Nanyang.

At 8:00 in the morning, as early as the fire in Australia, the super tsunami predicted by the Tiancheng 101 laboratory swept across the Sange Ocean and destroyed most of Sumatra.

The disaster was caused by a 9.3-magnitude earthquake, which occurred mainly at the extinction boundary between the Sange Ocean plate and the Eurasian plate.

After all, they are outside Tiancheng's industrial chain, and they don't believe in the early warning from the 101 laboratory.

Of course, Thailand, Myanmar and other places are also affected.

Ge Xiaotian issued an emergency mobilization order, calling on companies under the Tiancheng Industrial Chain to support their partners as much as possible.

In just half a day, the newly formed Huaxia Chamber of Commerce took action upon hearing the news. Countless transport planes took off from major airports in the Northland, loaded with daily necessities donated by private enterprises, and flew directly to the site of the incident.

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