Build Madness

Chapter 1004 Population, Rubber, Lantern Festival

Population is the main body of society, productivity is a necessary condition for social development, and geographical environment is the guarantee of social stability.

Whether a country is developed or not, the key lies in the use of geographical environment to coordinate population and productivity, so there is an education system, science and technology, and national quality.

Among them, the work that the population is engaged in, in the ancient Chinese language, is called "three teachings and nine streams, five elements and eight works". Now, some people are engaged in physical labor, or technical industries that are biased towards physical strength, and some are engaged in mental labor, or service industries that are biased toward mental power.

Although there is no distinction between high and low occupations, incomes vary greatly, so there are low-income groups, middle-income groups, high-income groups, and top capitalists.

This is like water in a river, divided into upstream, middle and downstream, forming a complete society.

Once an external river flows in, if the carrying capacity of the river itself remains unchanged, it will cause 'flooding'.

Once the flow in the river decreases, the entire river will be paralyzed or even die if there is no outside river to flow in.

Therefore, only by stabilizing the river course (geographical environment), controlling the amount of water in the river (population), continuously improving the water quality (science and education), and keeping the whole river running (productivity) can we improve our own role (strength).

It is precisely because of the recognition of this problem that the European Union will "appease" Montenegro Odyssey, which prevents refugees from West Asia from entering Europe, and even spare the 200 million Franklin that Montenegro Odyssey borrowed from various countries.

Because refugees have no skills, no education experience in their own country, let alone the quality that meets the requirements of their own country.

Once they flood into the European zone, they can only engage in manual labor. In order to have a meal, they will not care about the local equilibrium labor price, which will impact the manual labor market in the European zone, causing local workers to lose their jobs, leading to higher unemployment and crime. Rate.

The pollution of the source of the river is like being forced to exchange blood. The exchange is still bad blood, which is bound to cause greater damage to the originally stable river, and even lead to the disappearance of "civilization" and a regression to a "barbaric" society.

This is the main reason why the area around the Montenegro Odyssey joined the 'Southern Union'.

And North America obviously did not recognize this problem.

This is related to its geographical environment and industrial structure.

In the industrial structure of North America, finance and technology are located on the southwest coast. People are engaged in mental work, and most of them belong to the high-income group and do not like to do dirty work.

South American refugees rushed in, because they had no technology and could not grab the local residents' jobs, so they provided services to the locals at a lower price, which enabled the locals to enjoy a high-quality and cheap life while earning high income.

Therefore, the west coast of North America and the south coast of North America are not opposed to refugees, but welcome them very much.

However, the central and northern regions of North America are mostly industrial and agricultural.

When the refugees did not go north, people in the central and northern regions saw the peace of the affected west and south coasts through the news media controlled by capitalists, and they didn't care much about the refugees.

Therefore, Xiaobu and Xiaobu did not face this problem at all when they were in office, they just fought for oil.

When the number of refugees on the west coast and the south coast reached a critical point, nearly ten million people did not have North American identity certificates, cheap labor without job skills, could no longer find jobs locally, and had to go north...

Industrial and agricultural areas in the central and northern regions are directly facing devastating impacts.

A large number of local low-income groups and middle-class groups with primary technology and good education in North America were forced to lose their jobs due to the sharp depreciation of labor prices.

Low-income groups and middle-class people hate refugees, so they support Trek to build the 'Great Wall of North America'.

But the high-income groups and capitalists on the west coast and south coast are immersed in the high-quality life brought by low-cost services, and they still welcome refugees. But where does the money come from for the construction of the "Great Wall of North America"? Wool comes from sheep, which means that high-income groups and capitalists are about to face higher taxes, so oppose Troop.

Thus, a contradiction arises.

Holden invested in a giant factory in Canada to absorb the local unemployed in central and northern North America.

Attracting away well-educated "civilized people" and leaving "barbarians" without skills and qualities is tantamount to downgrading "North American civilization".

As the saying goes, it takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to grow a person. Once this kind of high-latitude attack is successful...

Of course, North America is not an idiot, and it will definitely discover the seriousness of this problem, and it is bound to jump out of quite a few people to propose a solution to this problem.

If public opinion is used to guide, the most direct way is to build a 'Great Wall of North America' in the northern part of North America.

As for whether Trump will agree...

Ge Xiaotian thinks he will.

These projects were funded by North America, and it was not the Top Group that paid for it. The top construction group NT, which holds the parent star in its hands, was undertook by the Top Group, and it was able to get this project without competition.

In other words, creating a project for Trump in North America is equivalent to winning a project for the Trump Group. The former can get approval ratings, and the latter can earn more Franklin for himself. Why not do it?

However, this is a family matter in North America and has nothing to do with Tian Cheng.

After eating breakfast, Ge Xiaotian left the information about North America, looked at the time, at 7 o'clock in the morning, suddenly remembered that he hadn't clocked out of get off work, and quickly lay down in the AR two-way drop cabin.

New York, the headquarters of the Mother Planet United Conference.

In the office set up separately by the secretary for the secretary.

Due to losing control, the 'rubber man' who was sitting in a daze at the desk suddenly opened his eyes.

In the early morning of China, it is evening in North America.

The interior is brightly lit, and more than 170 flags flutter in the wind outside the window.

'Ge Xiaotian' was just about to get up when there was a knock on the office door.

"Is Mr. Ge here?"

"Please come in."

Not long after, the secretary came in with two officers, "Mr. Ge is busy with his affairs, and I am ashamed to be able to persist until now on the first day of work."

"Ha, you are young."

After Ge Xiaotian woke up and had breakfast, he felt a little drowsy again, and yawned, "I don't know what orders the secretary general has?"

"Mr. Ge has been working all day, and I think I'm a little tired. Let me make a long story short. That's it. In two days, I will go to the African Union to deal with the conflict with North Africa. I wonder if Mr. Ge is free?"

"I'm your secretary, I'm sure I'm free... Wait, you came here in person, just for this?"



Are our positions reversed?

Ge Xiaotian took a look at the secretary general who was standing in front of the desk, as if reporting work on Dao Shishi...

If this matter gets out, let alone North America, I am afraid that the board of directors will not be happy.

"Well, Mr. Secretary-General, I plan to take a short vacation, and I won't go to the non-area..."

"no problem."

Before Ge Xiaotian could finish speaking, the Secretary-General hurriedly agreed, seeming to be secretly relieved, and there was even a little joy in the corners of his eyes.

The same goes for the two officers who followed behind.



Ge Xiaotian chatted with the Secretary General for a few words, then went offline again.


In the next few days, the North American general manager campaign became more and more exciting.

For example, the chairman of North American Fisheries announced that if I am elected, I will definitely transform the Great Lakes into the largest aquaculture area on the mother planet, which can provide millions of jobs.

For example, the chairman of Disney announced that if I am elected, I will definitely invest in 48 islands to build Disney's offshore "paradise chain". Each island represents an IP and can provide millions of service jobs.

For example, the chairman of the North American tourist hotel chain announced to invest in 2,300 convenience hotels...

For example, Tejia announced that it would first use its own financial resources to help some homeless and unemployed people build free housing...

At the same time, North America started the 'Campaign Mission'.

That is to say, 538 representatives are selected from each state and the capital of Washington, D.C., and then vote for the candidate with a higher support rate in the state according to the wishes of the voters.

As the process progresses, candidates face more and more problems.

As the outside world guessed, most of them were related to Tian Cheng.

One is that the North American textile merchants who are facing bankruptcy submit a petition requesting to limit the textile export of Tiancheng Industrial Chain and protect the North American textile industry. The textile merchants will support whoever can do it.

The second is that the farmers who have suffered heavy losses submit petitions, demanding to restrict the export of agricultural and sideline products of Tianmao Group and protect local agriculture. Whoever can do it, the farmers will support whoever.

The third is to obtain more than 30 technologies, and the technology alliance, which took a breath, submitted a petition to increase the expulsion of SG products...

Fourth, due to the skyrocketing price of toilet paper, many people who cannot afford toilet paper jointly submitted a petition to boycott Sun Paper products...

Fifthly, the price of rubber and plastic is getting higher and higher, leading to rising prices in North America. Rubber and plastic buyers have submitted petitions, requesting to increase support for the Sange rubber industry, and to prevent Tiansu Tiancheng Fiber from monopolizing the mother planet...

Six is...

Chinese Lantern Festival, February 5th.

There are only two days left until the end of Tiancheng's Spring Festival holiday.

While dealing with the start-up plans sent by various groups, Ge Xiaotian paid attention to many issues related to Tiancheng in the later stage of the North American campaign.

In the textile industry, North America has already lost. Unless the other party prohibits the sale of luxury goods, the capitalists will still purchase cheap textile materials from the Tiancheng industrial chain to make high profits. Therefore, no matter who is in charge, this problem cannot be solved.

In the field of agriculture, North America lost half, losing the pricing power of soybeans, cotton, and wheat. Since it signed a cooperation agreement with Tiancheng, unless the new general manager tore up the treaty, abandoned the moon base, and launched a new round of agricultural trade war, no one would be able to solve this problem.

Expulsion of SG products... Longtian will be launched this year, and it is estimated that capitalists will welcome the arrival of the SG series.

Well, graphene-based silicon electronics technology is about to be eliminated by optoelectronics technology. Long Tiangong has retired, and Lao Wang should also retire.

As for toilet paper, Lao Pang of the paper industry relied on Siberian wood to covertly when the Tiancheng industrial chain was confronting North American industry and commerce. With the help of the Tiancheng industrial system, he set up factories all over the world and ran out of overseas paper companies. Today, 90% of the toilet paper in the mother planet is produced by Sun Paper. Industry, North America is campaigning for a new manager. If you find this out, your face will be scared green.

And the rubber...

As early as last year, a reporter from Sange questioned Ge Xiaotian about the sharp drop in the income of Sange rubber growers.

At that time, the main reason was that Sange unilaterally raised tariffs, but the income from rubber was greatly reduced, which would inevitably lead to a serious shrinkage of rubber planting area.

Coincidentally, the price of rice was driven up by North America, so Sange farmers cut down the genetically modified rubber trees that took three years to grow, and planted rice instead.

Genetically modified crops, like the seeds provided to Microsoft Bill, can produce five years of production in two years, and produce nothing in the next three years.

If San Ge’s rubber growers don’t cut down the genetically modified rubber trees, maybe they can produce some rubber and buy instant noodles and ham sausages. Now they have cut down the rubber trees and planted rice...

To put it in an alarmist way, if there is a severe drought in Sange this year, these rubber planting areas will turn into desert Gobi Desert due to lack of vegetation.

And the tsunami that occurred in Sangeyang last year affected the climate of the entire Sangeyang. The general drought is not alarmist, and it may be accompanied by locust plagues...

In fact, the third brother originally held a good hand. He owns 35% of the rubber planting of the mother star.

If there is no large-scale felling, the Sangeyang tsunami will destroy Indonesian rubber and Malay rubber, and affect non-regional rubber. Sange will definitely take the opportunity to stabilize the supply of rubber.


The development of the matter was a bit dramatic. The third brother cut down the rubber trees, and Malaysia and Indonesia were happy. Suddenly, an epic tsunami came, and everyone’s rubber trees were gone.

And South America, which was ecstatic and ready to raise the price of rubber, suddenly broke out in war... After several rounds of artillery fire, everything turned into ashes.

Today, the rubber planting areas are mainly distributed in Taimei Rubber Plantation, Huaxia Guangdong and Guangxi, Huaxia Nanyun, and South Africa, and the existing planting volume is one-third of last year's planting volume.

Most importantly, after several experiments by Tiancheng Aerospace Industry, rubber fuel can replace most liquid fuels and become the main propellant of launch vehicles or space shuttles.

The new director of North America wants to solve the rubber problem and bypass Tiancheng's industrial chain. The only way is to contact the non-regional alliance.

It is possible to cooperate, and it is also possible to start a new round of war.

Ge Xiaotian's heart is for peace, and he hopes for the former.


He thought again of the Secretary General's trip to the African Union.

Perhaps, the other party accepted the commission from North America and went to negotiate.

"If you raise the price of rubber, it's an aerospace-grade raw material. It's worth five or six times the price."

"Boss, if you do this, I'm afraid overseas can't even afford to change tires."

"Our family has tires. The big deal is to recycle waste tires at a high price."

A long time ago, the system technology had not included materials such as 'rubber, plastic, fiber', so Tiancheng could only make slippers from discarded tires and sell them to non-regions.

Now that technology has reached the first level of cosmic civilization, it is no longer a problem to renew tires.

Otherwise, the expenses incurred by those heavy transport vehicles could make Tian Cheng drink a pot.

"Another profitable business!"

Ge Xiaotian sighed, walked out of the office that You Minxing had prepared for himself in the headquarters of Tianyu in Daxing City, and stood in the corridor overlooking the vast East Lake.

Today, during the Lantern Festival, fireworks are prohibited in Daqingshan, and this place has become the home of the carnival.

On the lake, countless building boats are covered in red and colorful, and more than 50 dragon boats are struggling to move forward with the sound of drums...

And in Daxing City next door, there are all kinds of lanterns, and vendors on both sides of the street are shouting and selling.

Ge Xiaotian wears portable smart glasses and opens the world in VR...

In a trance, amidst the quaint court rituals and music, and the heavy snow all over the sky, the Sui flag came into view.

The city wall was covered with snow, and there was a burly and majestic armored soldier on it.

Under the majestic city gate, Shi Wansui and Changsun Sheng rode war horses, lined up on the left and right, and acted as gate gods.

Around the courtyard in the city, young children wearing big flowered jackets, wearing tiger head hats, holding candied haws and small windmills, playing and running around the streets and alleys, leaving a series of small footprints in the white snow...

Take off the smart glasses, the city is still the same, the momentum is still there, but the ancients are not seen, let alone the heavy snow.

"We haven't started work yet, so today's use of the real thing is just enough to maintain order."

"Ancient elements?"

"Carefully calculated, the children of the strong man are about four years old, right? In addition, these children eat a lot, grow fast, and are no less than five or six years old."

"I understand the boss and reproduce the world in VR."


Three hours later.

The sky was overcast and the temperature dropped suddenly.

Tourists who put on sweaters due to the warm weather but did not bring down jackets almost scolded their mothers from the cold.

"Made, the weather forecast is getting more and more inaccurate!"

"Yeah, it's clear that the next week will be sunny, why did it suddenly turn into a snowstorm?"

"It's weird, isn't this snow coming too suddenly? Will it last for six hours?"

"Will the weather remain the same for the next few days?"

"Fortunately, the price of down jackets in the tourist area of ​​Daxing City is not high."

"I suspect Ge Lao Er is playing tricks!"

"What do you think, do you think he really has a weather controller?"

Not long.

Teams of strong men in armor marched to the city wall...

The bustling streets of the ancient city seem to have become more lively...

"Why do you feel a little ghosted?"

"Take off your smart glasses."

"Damn, it's exactly the same as the other world?"

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