Build Madness

Chapter 1012 Longtian Technology reorganizes SG new product launch conference

Last year, due to some reasons, Longtian Lao Wang had a quarrel with Ge. He was first kicked out of the industrial chain by Tiancheng, then Weihua snatched the smart card order, and then lost the OEM support of Wanshi Technology. The overall loss was huge.

However, Longtian Science and Technology left Tiancheng's industrial chain, just like a promising young man who stepped out of the mountains and discovered that the world is more exciting.

After some adjustments, relying on its own strong financial resources, it not only realized self-production and self-sale, harvested the non-natural industrial chain market in the North, but also won the South China market with the help of Father Zhao and Chen Donghai.

And overseas.

In recent years, the overseas mobile terminal market can be said to be divided among the pack.

First of all, Nokia acquired Symbian, was attacked by the crowd, sales plummeted, lost its dominance, had no choice but to return to Northern Europe, continued logging and paper making, and then found that these two markets were also lost, and was forced to switch to making tires, and then discovered that rubber Skyrocketing...

Well, Nokia was originally a logging and paper business, not a technology company.

Nokia was temporarily offline, and Sony and Ericsson merged. In the name of Sony Ericsson, they swept the world, but when they were about to be the only ones, they were brutally attacked by the enhanced version of Panda Burning Incense—Panda Crying Grave, and most of the models were turned into bricks. The market was taken away by Blackberry os and Apple ios.

For a long time in the follow-up, Blackberry and Apple took turns to be the boss. It was not until Microsoft and Microsoft jointly launched the win phone that it evolved into a three-party separatist regime, and the rest of the brands retreated to the corner.

With the sudden rise of Weihua, relying on Tianke's powerful resources, it could have a place, but the mate series all use convex curved screens and concave curved screens.

These two types of screens are complex in process, insufficient in production capacity, and the price of new equipment is relatively expensive, which led Weihua to postpone the overseas mate release date to May.

Logically speaking, with such a large sales volume of Longtian Technology, it should be one of the best in the mobile terminal market, but Longtian called SG products handhelds, and beat Sony PSP, Nintendo GB, and Microsoft Xbox...

Finally pierced through.

Sony gave up the psp, Nintendo withdrew from the game field, Microsoft gave up the xbox, and then Longtian announced: "Our handheld can make calls, isn't it magical?!"

The name of rogue also comes from this.

This kind of 'market strategy', coupled with the fact that Longtian Technology went to West Asia and Europe and quickly laid a foundation, has made the sales of today's SG series products continue to skyrocket.

As of the end of February, Longtian Technology's SG series product shipments have surpassed the parent star, and the mobile terminal market share has exceeded 50%, the game handheld market share has exceeded 90%, and the home game console market share has reached 95%... …


Longtian Technology also owns the 'lens' market that the old German Zeiss took the opportunity to win after its bankruptcy. Its business includes microscopes, myopia glasses, reading glasses, sunglasses, and wide-area goggles.

And the semiconductor industry in cooperation with the Ninja Alliance, the on-board computer industry in cooperation with Great Wall Motors, the graphene refining industry in cooperation with Heshi, the silicone grease industry in cooperation with Bianliang...

According to the evaluation results of many financial institutions in the mother planet, the potential of Longtian after listing is not inferior to that of 'Tianzihao Enterprise'.

Of course, Longtian Group will divest most of its industries before going public, and only retain companies related to the R\u0026D, production, and terminal sales of SG series products.


February 10th.

Longtian Technology announced the reorganization.

Longtian Semiconductor, Longtian SG MCU R\u0026D Department, Longtian Electronic Optics (lithography machine, etching machine), Longtian Precision Machinery (manufacturing lithography machine, etching machine), Longtian Electronics (SG product assembly line), Longtian Tian Advertising Media, LT store, etc., a total of 17 large companies, constitute the SG Group.

Influenced by the logo of SG equipment, such as the logo of the lid of Shiguang Machine, the boot page of SG pad and the logo on the back, etc., the word SG is far more famous than Longtian. Even overseas, most people do not know Longtian, but only SG.

The total assets of SG Group are about 250 million Franklin, accounting for 70% of Longtian's total assets.

The divested industries, such as Shenlong System R\u0026D Department, Longtian Optics (lens), Longtian Communications (signal transceiver), Longtian High-tech Materials (graphene refinery), etc., are owned by removing the word "technology". 'Longtian Group'.

After the reorganization, Longtian Laowang announced the holding of a new product launch conference in the name of the chairman of SG Group.

Now that you have decided to go public, why do you have to list a series of new products, otherwise how to promote the stock market, increase capital, and harvest leeks?


February 11th.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Jinling, changed the listing to the original Longtian Technology Headquarters of 'SG Group'.

Longtian has not released a new product for more than a year. The sudden reorganization and the sudden release of a new product this time caused all kinds of speculation from the outside world, and also attracted countless reporters from home and abroad.

Lao Wang adhered to the style of the big boss, and made the press conference scene solemn and sci-fi.

On the huge podium, the background of the vast universe and the azure blue pillar lights, although not as good as the curved wide-area display that Tian Cheng likes, but the display that is tilted backwards gives people a kind of grandeur that is 'inclusive of all rivers'.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the press conference began.

Pharaoh walked onto the rostrum "slightly tired" with a deep and hoarse voice, "Since the establishment of Longtian Technology, we have encountered too many things that a formal enterprise should not have encountered, such as being suppressed, stolen, isolated, Being sanctioned, banned...but no matter what he encounters, Long Tian will always stand proudly in the world, roaring to the heavens!"


Reporters at home and abroad stood up and applauded, affirming what the independent technology founder said.

Longtian is indeed powerful. Regardless of its operation strategy or its own strength, it is far beyond the comparison of other technology companies. Even the technology alliance cannot refute it. Otherwise, why is it always being beaten by Longtian in different ways?

Old Wang pressed his palms in vain, "I believe that friends at the scene have many questions about Longtian's dynamics. Let me solve the mystery for you today."

"First of all, why didn't Longtian release new products in the past year?"

"I want to say that the 02 version of the SG pad and the 03 version of the gold SG pad, in the current technology field, the performance is already excessive. The 02 version uses 32 cores, and the gold version uses 64 cores. The performance of the former is 20 times that of this year's overseas 45nm model. The performance of the latter is 80 times that of this year’s overseas 45nm model, and even if overseas launches 32nm at the end of this year, our old SG still maintains the leading performance.”

"Maybe everyone will complain that the SG equipment is too thick and bulky, but it is precisely because of this 'heavy armor' style that users have avoided the extra expenses caused by frequent replacement of new machines."

"In addition, the Shenlong system has the functions of controlling power consumption, saving energy and prolonging life. It can make SG electronic components last longer."

"We have been emphasizing that 'no need to replace the new machine for five years, and the cost performance will always be the first', not just for fun."

"So, we skipped the regular SG in 03 and went straight to 04."

After Lao Wang finished speaking, he took out a thicker and larger SG device from his waist, which looked like an elongated tile.

The audience was dumbfounded...


"Is this new?"

"Oh My God!"

"It reminds me of Big Brother!"

"A strong retro wind is coming!"


Lao Wang seems to be a little embarrassed, but there is no other way. Other domestic technology companies have secretly entered the field of "carbon-based technology". Wait until May, and the country will uniformly replace the smart cards that use carbon-based chips.

If Longtian continues to ramp up its production capacity and mass-produce backward, SG-specific 'single-chip microcomputers', and wait for the Weihua mate series to be fully deployed, who will Longtian sell its products to?

I'm afraid overseas will snap up mates.

Therefore, the 04 version of the SG series products all use leftover materials of 'carbon-based technology'.

In order to significantly improve the performance, the monks in the SG research room simply made a "parallel four-layer motherboard" to mount more microcontrollers.

Packing eight motherboards into a mobile terminal, can it be small or thick?

Stack the two together and move the bricks properly!

But Lao Wang not only couldn't show it, but also boasted desperately, "Our generation of SG handhelds has 128 cores, adopts eight-thread technology, and the integration process breaks through 75nm. Compared with the 02 version of SG, the performance has been greatly improved. 500%!"

The reporters were still dumbfounded: "..."

Seeing the cold scene, Lao Wang simply activated the SG handheld.

The beautiful picture is projected on the back. A knight riding a flaming horse, with a demon on the left and an angel on the right, holding a giant lava sword, gallops across the frozen stream from the misty mountains and forests.

The sky behind is scarlet like dye, the boundless forest is as black as ink, angels fall, and demons die...


After the dull sound, the game character appeared in front of his eyes.

Editable looks, combinable skills, fine-grained pictures, soul-penetrating BGM!

All of a sudden, all the reporters stood up suddenly again.

"Oh my god, is it reinstalling Devil May Cry?"

"No, it's a 3D martial arts with a more powerful engine!"

"No, no, this is a new game!"


Lao Wang waved his hand and took the opportunity to pull out the mechanical gossip shift keys from both sides of the 'Tile' handheld, "It's called Darksiders!"

"Since ancient times, there has been an eternal war between heaven and hell. In the endless battle between angels and demons, there is also a mysterious council. The mysterious council is bound by ancient laws to maintain order and balance, and to check and balance excessive power. The fierce battle that binds heaven and hell does not cause the universe to collapse. However, there is still a third world outside of heaven and hell, which is the human world..."

While operating, Lao Wang explained the background of the game.

The detailed dark-style pictures, different fairy tales, thrilling fighting special effects, and the magnificent perspective brought by the tilted screen made all reporters immersed in it.

for a long time.

"As I said, the performance of SG is already too much. It can run all compatible programs and satisfy most of the office work. There is no need to launch new models. The 04 version of SG is only for games!"

"In addition, we not only launched the game 'Darksiders', but also the large-scale online strategy game 'Civilization' that matches the performance of the 04 version of the SG handheld, the first large-scale online real-time strategy game 'World of Tanks', the first large-scale online 3D The fighting game 'Glory of the Fighter', and the annual masterpiece, the large-scale online evolutionary game 'Roe Deer Origin'."

"The 04 version of the SG handheld, a game console that can make calls and surf the Internet, will be launched on March 16th. The global unified price is 2688 Franklin. As long as you make an appointment to buy, you will get five epic games for free!"

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