Build Madness

Chapter 1016 SG original shares

After talking with Ge Xiaotian about the SG Group's share income and confirming the replacement of the navigation system, the Nine Institute was worried that someone would fool him into spending the huge amount of money he hadn't got yet, so he didn't care about lunch and went straight home.

That night.

Huaxia Aerospace Department announced the 'Big Dipper Chain' plan through the evening news.

In fact, as early as the 1990s, after witnessing the Gulf War, the board of directors decided to build its own navigation and positioning system.

However, according to the technical level at that time, in order to have high-precision features, at least 200 satellites need to be deployed in the low-medium orbit of the parent star.

Affected by the overseas technology blockade and limited funds, the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space finally chose the second plan.

That is to launch high-orbit satellites, just like standing high and seeing far away, only two satellites can cover the parent star.

However, the high orbit is very far away from the parent star. In addition to the extremely high launch requirements, the positioning accuracy will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, the high-orbit operation period is slow and long, and there are only two satellites, which must be set to be stationary so that the two satellites are kept in sync with the rotation of the parent star, one left and one right, always aiming at a certain area, in order to ensure a certain degree of accuracy Spend.

This is a matter of the millennium, which can be regarded as the first generation of Beidou.

In 2003, the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space developed rapidly. In order to meet the needs of the military for modernization, it deployed an enhanced geostationary satellite in high orbit to improve the performance of the navigation system, and planned to deploy 12 satellites in medium orbit. , to form the Starlink scheme, which is expected to be realized in 2012, which can be regarded as the second generation of Beidou.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

In the first ten days of 2003, Tiancheng 101 Laboratory used the 'photon theory' to create the subject of photonics and launched photonic communication technology.

In the middle of 2003, the first generation of "Smart All-in-One Card" based on the optoelectronic technology researched and developed, together with the "optical core" entered the stage of history.

And Dongshan Industry, also with the help of "optical core", gradually realizes automation, intelligence and digitalization.

Subsequently, the board of directors listed "Optoelectronics Technology" as a key development project, and comprehensively updated the teaching materials.

In the second half of 2003, Tiancheng 101 Laboratory launched a "chip architecture machine" that can be realized by 3D printing technology in an extremely cold environment.

This equipment is different from a lithography machine, it can build 'graphene carbon nanotubes', or 'prism channels' required by optoelectronic computers, into dense transistors in a nanoscale environment, and finally form a 'wafer' similar to silicon-based technology ', and then separated and packaged to become 'carbon-based chips' and 'photoelectric chips'.

The emergence of the "chip structure machine" has made the daily output of the core product of optoelectronics "optical core" exceed 50 pieces, and the auxiliary product "carbon-based chip" has a daily output of 200 pieces, both of which have entered the "commercialization".

Nowadays, most of the heavy-duty transport vehicles running on the westward expressway, the shuttle bus to and from the airport, and the buses in certain areas have been equipped with trip computers containing "optical cores" to prepare for intelligent driving.

But intelligent driving not only requires ultra-high-precision positioning, but also needs to achieve millimeter-per-second speed measurement accuracy and nanosecond-level timing accuracy.

Obviously, the GLONASS navigation system created in the last century cannot satisfy intelligent driving even if it has more signal enhancement satellites.

This is why Tiancheng heavy transport vehicles need drivers.

According to Tiancheng's development speed, a new navigation star chain will be established this year or next year.

This was originally a good thing, which meant that Huaxia would soon have a Starlink-level ultra-high precision navigation system, but considering the needs of the military, the board of directors immediately decided to rush ahead of Tiancheng and update the 'Beidou'.

Thus, the third generation Beidou appeared.

Each satellite in the star chain adopts mature optoelectronic technology, and the whole system can be divided into three parts: the space segment, the ground segment and the user segment.

The complete Starlink can provide all kinds of users with high-precision and high-reliability positioning, navigation and timing services around the clock and around the world.

And it has no delay communication capability, the positioning accuracy is millimeter level, and the speed measurement accuracy is 0.001 meters per second.

And when the star chain structure is completed, it can also be connected to the GIS system to help agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery realize remote operations...

The total investment of the project is 2 trillion red notes, and Huaxia Aerospace Department is fully responsible for it. It is expected to be completed in 2008.


Super-projects, whatever they may be, are always exciting.

And just when the people in the north and south of the river are proud of China's growing national power...

Lao Wang, the chairman of SG and Longtian Group, announced through the official website of the company, the Panda Guardian Forum, North American web and other platforms that Longtian Group has won the commercial operation right of the Big Dipper Chain, and spent hundreds of billions of Franklin red notes to build related industrial chains .

What does the commercial operation of a navigation star chain mean?

It is said that the parent star has a very tall club called GNSS, which only has four members, and according to the parent star agreement, there will only be these four in the future.

They are: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou.

Needless to say, GLONASS, if there is no smart card, it may exist in name only.

Galileo's plan was repeatedly stranded because of lack of money. Later, Lao Wang invested in the system, but the European region did not give him the right to participate. Later, the talks between the two parties collapsed. Until now, Galileo is still attracting investment.

There are currently only three old Beidou, which only serve the Chinese military.

If the remaining GPS companies do not have the above three companies, they will definitely implement a high fee system, and even if the civilian frequency band is opened up now, its intangible benefits in the automotive industry can also be called "immeasurable".

At least, 99% of the mother star cars are using GPS.

This is the market.

Now that the Beidou star chain has been updated, the investment is as high as two trillion yuan, which means that a navigation system comparable to GPS will be launched soon.

And Longtian Group won the commercial operation...

SG stocks rose sharply!


Longtian Group got a big project, what does it have to do with the stock of SG Group?

Both super companies belong to Lao Wang!

Therefore, SG stocks, which had been stable for less than two days, drove low and went high, and took off directly!

at the same time.

Tian Cheng seemed to be trying to gain popularity, or maybe Ge Lao Er was dissatisfied with Lao Wang's too publicity, announced that Tian Cheng's Ark 1 had arrived at Ceres, and released a video.

On screen:

The No. 2 machine, which is similar in appearance to Tiancheng No. 1, is dressed in a dark princess outfit, rides a free-falling lander, enters Ceres, and then levitates.

Not long.

The No. 2 machine stepped out of the lander, jumped to the ground, stood in the extreme environment with a temperature as low as minus 190 degrees, and uttered an inexplicable sentence: My compatriots on the parent planet, I have safely left the warehouse and feel very good!

Mother star crowd: "???"

Why don't you speak bold words?


What is unknown is that this sentence seems to be a secret signal that has been agreed in advance.

When the mother star Zigbee Network forwarded the video to major platforms through Cosmic Zigbee Communications, countless North American retail investors, especially Anbao, began to sell SG shares.

It's a pity that SG stocks are skyrocketing, and even the stock king who sits on the bank has not noticed this.


the other side.

Holiday Inn.

After Ge Xiaotian sent away the Nine Institutes, he found Montblanc and others, and practiced for Teddy together.

In the evening, I returned to the meeting room and began to deal with the details of the discussions with the Jiu Institute.

The first is the SG Group.

According to Tianrong's idea, the remaining 65% of the non-tradable shares must be listed, so that the SG shares can be fully circulated, so that they can earn more.

Just like the original shares left in the hands of SG employees have now become non-tradable shares. As SG continues to issue additional shares, its shareholding ratio will continue to be diluted. Calculate the stock price based on net assets, and its value will only become lower and lower. Even It is possible to fall to a Franklin.

However, if these original shares are issued in A shares, H shares, S shares, and J shares, they will be multiplied by more than ten times, or even dozens of times.

It's a pity that Jiuzhi knew that SG would collapse, and obviously didn't want Tian Cheng to make trouble.

So, now that we have decided to sell the original shares secretly, we must now distinguish the nature of the original shares.

The original stock is the funds raised from the society when starting a business. That is to say, if we pool some money to start a company, we get a lot and take a large proportion of the shares. to the stock market.


Listing failed?

The sharp drop in the price of tradable shares means that our company's assets have shrunk severely and become a loss-making operation. The stocks you hold can only be converted into corporate liabilities. Stocks are nothing compared to a piece of waste paper.

on the contrary.

If the listing is successful, 10% or 20% of the original shares you hold will be issued in the stock market, and the increase will be dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, which means that your pockets will quickly swell and you will make a lot of money.

The remaining original shares left in the hands will become non-tradable shares.

When the company goes public, more people 'hold shares', and the proportion of non-tradable shares in your hand in the company's total share capital is severely diluted, such as 10% of the shares before listing, after listing, issuance, additional issuance, your shareholding ratio It is compressed to 1%. If calculated according to net assets, 10% used to be 1 million, but now 1% is 100,000.

If the company continues to issue additional shares, it is equivalent to you cashing out in the stock market and making a lot of money, while your shareholding ratio in the company is getting smaller and smaller, which is called: reducing holdings.

This is the 'original stock' that everyone loves and makes people rich overnight.

When a company is first established, among the original shares, there must be major shareholders and minority shareholders.

These shareholders basically need to be registered. No matter before listing or after listing, if they want to trade their shares, in addition to the age requirement, they also need to apply to relevant institutions, and sometimes even completely prohibit trading.

Some people may ask, when starting a company, some people invested millions, some invested tens of thousands, and some invested thousands. What should I do if there are too many investors? Every time a transaction has to be applied for, wouldn't the relevant agencies be exhausted?

Therefore, bearer shares appeared.

Bearer shares, like named shares, refer to shares that do not record the names of shareholders on the shares.

The procedures for issuance and circulation are simple, and you only need to pay enough fees to get it.

Even, if you picked one up on the side of the road, you somehow became a shareholder of a listed group.

Then, convert the above information to SG Group.

After the reorganization of Longtian, Lao Wang held 5% of the shares of SG Group, which belonged to registered shares, and was also a major shareholder among legal person shareholders.

All the rest were distributed to Longtian formal workers. Due to too many people, bearer shares were used.

Half of these formal workers are actually in SG Group, and they sign a work agreement for as many years as they get as many shares before the listing. After the listing, they earn all the money, all of which belong to themselves, and the remaining non-tradable shares also belong to themselves.

After all, it is not easy for SG to develop up to now, and SG employees should become rich.

The other half of the regular SG workers are in North America, employees of Huo Dun Group.

They not only hold the original shares of SG, but also internally subscribed 5% of 10% when SG was listed, which is 5% of 22 billion Franklin, about 1.1 billion Franklin, and now the increase is 33 times... No, it has increased again recently, The total increase is 50 times.

In other words, 55 billion Franklins.

In this way, Tianrong has more things to do.

One is to buy the non-tradable shares held by domestic SG regular workers and sell them to Xiangjiang Li and his friends, and then sell the remaining non-tradable shares to Microsoft, AMD, Gaotong, etc. through Lao Wang.

The second is to inform the 'SG regular workers' in Huo Dun Group to sell the tradable shares subscribed internally, so the No. 2 machine boarded Ceres, 'safely out of the warehouse, feeling good'.

The third is that the "primary shares" that the employees took to the market have now become tradable shares, and have multiplied fifty times in the stock market. How to cash out secretly...

Fourth, Lao Wang has earned so much money, where should the money be used, such as red envelopes for the whole people to stimulate consumption.


It took Ge Xiaotian half a month to live and eat at the Holiday Inn, and he just finished dealing with the matter of the SG Group.

And in mid-March, the Huaxia Aerospace Department has also started the Beidou Star Chain project.

The Nine Institutes did not adopt Tiancheng's "general contracting" plan, but handed over the foundry to Wanshi Technology.

Wanshi Technology has an inextricable relationship with Tiancheng 101 Laboratory. After receiving the order, it will deliver five pre-assembled 'photon satellites' on the same day, and one every day for the next three days.

The reason why it is so fast is mainly because Tiancheng must have a certain amount of inventory to sell his own aerospace equipment to the entire mother planet.

So a streamlined satellite production line was built for Wanshi Technology.

The frame of each satellite is basically the same, and it is very convenient to assemble and debug on-site what functions customers need.

After the nine institutes got the satellites, they chose the launch date, and on March 11, sent five "photonic satellites" to the low-earth orbit of the parent star.

One is coincident with the equator, one is parallel to the meridian, two are on the left and the other is on the right, crossing the first two to form the character 'meter', and the fifth is spare.

The follow-up work is to continuously enrich the word "米" and make it like a "Huaxia knot" that wraps around the parent star.

Since the 'photon satellite' is made of materials such as titanium-magnesium alloy, graphene alloy, and glass fiber, and has a series of advanced technologies, as well as built-in energy drive and external photoelectric drive, it can also be used as an 'attack satellite'.

For example, keep in sync with a certain satellite, launch a laser beam, and burn the opponent's core components.

For example, move to the opponent's track, relying on its own hardness, directly crash the opponent.

Another example is to use AR technology to block the other party's satellite camera, or mislead the other party, or interfere with the other party's signal...

In short, this is indeed a comprehensive satellite.

Today, the first five are operating well, and Longtian Group has also begun to invest in related industries.

After Ge Xiaotian understood the information, he thought for a while, and called Dao Eleven, "It's almost done, let Lao Wang announce that the SG series products will stop using GLONASS, and the LT store will help old customers replace the Beidou navigation module for free."

"Good boss."

"Move fast, so least I can't react."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, before I knew it, or in other words, when I woke up, GLONASS was no longer used outside. GLONASS, which invested on my behalf, suffered a huge loss."

"You mean, Glonass loses money, so let's stop playing?"

"That's probably what it means, but Ice Bear must know, otherwise it won't be for nothing?"


push book.

"I'm Journeying to the West to Breastfeed a Child."

The nine sons of a dragon are different, and Zhu An said that my family is not bad, the sand sculpture second child, the steady third child, the pretending fourth child, the second and fifth child, the key is that the eldest child said his name is Zhu Ganglian...

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