Build Madness

Chapter 1018 Tiancheng VS Longtian

Tiancheng has always adhered to the development path of "encircling the city from the countryside", and most of its industries are located in suburbs, towns and remote mountainous areas.

For example, Xingyuewan Community, Limin Activity Center, contracting system experimental field, small and medium-sized township enterprises, Shangxiadaokou Industrial Park...

In order to connect these areas into one, Tiancheng spared no expense in investing in the 'river system', 'all the way to the west expressway', 'I-shaped giant rail project', and cheap air transportation.

But coordinating the overall development does not mean that a few phone calls or a few computers can meet the needs of all walks of life.

Therefore, Tiancheng has developed a system for capital exchange, material supply, order distribution and other functions a long time ago.

Name: Tiancheng GIS.

GIS, also known as 'Geographic Information System', is a brand-new discipline that is combined with the development of geographic science, computer technology, remote sensing technology and information science.

Tiancheng's first-generation GIS only has three functions: human resources, financial settlement, and project progress.

That is to say, in the GIS system, users can not only see the construction of the project entrusted to Tiancheng by themselves, but also check the personnel and funds needed during the construction period.

The same is true for production enterprises, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, etc.

In 2001, Tiancheng invested in GLONASS to add navigation and positioning to GIS.

Since then, engineering enterprises and production enterprises can check the availability of building materials or raw materials through GIS, laying the foundation for realizing digital statistics and information management.

In 2002, Tiancheng spent a lot of money, manpower and material resources to produce the '3D map', which was officially launched. After being merged into GIS, it replaced the more powerful server for GIS.

Thanks to technological progress, GIS has entered the 2.0 era.

In GIS2.0, engineering companies can choose their own land, build community models, draw commercial house types, design building appearances, and even view market information around the community, as well as form construction teams and hire workers...

Manufacturing enterprises can check the price of raw materials in any area in GIS2.0, choose to sell or purchase, including the corresponding transportation method, settlement method, and even check the sales status of the product in the surrounding area, as well as the type of work to be recruited...

Service enterprises can customize their own app in GIS2.0, and after mounting the smart card, launch express delivery, logistics, takeaway...

Official organizations can set up their own management system in GIS2.0. For example, the personnel of the power supply station can check the power consumption and power supply status of a certain area through the power system. For example, the municipal personnel can check the status of a certain street through the city management system. Whether the street lights are in good condition, whether the traffic lights at a certain intersection are normal...

In 2003, Tiancheng completed the first phase of aerospace construction, added meteorological ecology to GIS, and replaced servers loaded with 'optical cores'.

GIS has officially entered the era of 3.0 and is closely related to the life of every smart card user.

In villages and towns, people can know the condition of their fields, fish ponds, plastic greenhouses, and even the health status of every cattle and sheep without leaving home.

In the city... Sorry, Tiancheng has not yet entered the 'metropolitan area', and everything is only for its own industrial chain.

The reason why the above functions can be achieved is inseparable from the support of remote sensing technology.

Among them, navigation and positioning are responsible for determining the user's location and determining the authenticity of big data.

Just like the reply Ge Xiaotian posted on Neobras, the navigation and positioning were disabled, and the server mistakenly judged that he was at the Daqingshan Holiday Hotel.

In this way, Holiday Inn's intelligent management system will provide additional support for Boss Ge to keep things related to office, accommodation, and life.

As for the Neoblas Guyue Hotel, without the information of Boss Ge's arrival, he would not prepare for office, accommodation and other related affairs, which caused Boss Ge's work efficiency to be low.

If it were ordinary people, the local server would not be able to get the arrival information of the other party, so it would not push travel-related information, which meant that Tiancheng made less money.

China has a vast land and abundant resources, and there are hundreds of millions of people on the move every day. If each person earns less than one red note, it means losing hundreds of millions.

What's more, online shopping, takeaway, and logistics that Tiancheng needs to locate the most, without service support, there will probably be deviations in all likelihood.

If delivery is wrong, Tiancheng will compensate; for delay, Tiancheng will compensate.

In addition, after losing the positioning service on the westward expressway, in order to ensure driving safety, it had to be temporarily closed, and many industrial parks directly closed...

In desperation, Ge Xiaotian didn't bother to greet Mr. Governor, so he rode a bear to the airport and headed home.


The next day, March 16.

Tiancheng sued Longtian Technology Group, accusing the other party of violating the "smart card cooperation agreement" signed in the early years and unilaterally terminating the navigation module service.

Due to the reorganization of Longtian Technology into two major groups, SG and Longtian, according to the division of business, SG Group sat in the dock.

This corporate dispute was accepted by the Zaoshi High Court, which has attracted much attention at home and abroad. After all, it is really inconvenient without navigation and positioning services.

The official agency recognized the seriousness of the matter, and after informing both parties, they were all ready to go to court that night.

Boss Ge personally led the expedition, commanding twenty senior lawyers under his command, crowded the plaintiff's area.

The old king Longtian was as imposing as a rainbow, commanding thirty senior lawyers under his command, crowded the defendant's area.

The official staff ascertains the presence of the parties and litigants and then announces the relevant discipline.

Not long.

After a set of procedures was completed, Lao Wang raised his hands high: "My fault, I accept the punishment, we will pay the 150 billion red notes liquidated damages requested by Tiancheng, but it is impossible to restore the service! "


Not only Ge Xiaotian was 'shocked', but even the on-site jury and the netizens who watched the live broadcast spat out the masking words in unison.

And the forum exploded in an instant:

"What kind of hatred do these two brothers have?"

"Would rather pay 150 billion yuan, and not lift a finger to restore the service?"

"SG is really rich!"

"Old man, bullshit!"

"Aren't you stupid? Longtian won the right to operate the Big Dipper Star Chain. If Glonass is not eliminated at this time, when will it be? Besides, SG has already been listed. Sacrificing SG and fulfilling Longtian, for Lao Wang, the benefits are huge." Bigger!"

"Understood people!"

"I see!"

"It's over, isn't Lao Ge going to be killed?"

"Yeah, Lao Ge is not short of money. 150 billion may seem like a lot, but how important is the normal operation of the industrial chain?"

"Look, Lao Ge was so angry that he hammered the table."

"No, this fellow looks...why does it feel weird?"

"Looks like you're laughing?"

"It's called laughing out of breath."

"Makes sense."

"Old Ge is crazy."


Ge Xiaotian successfully cashed out from SG, almost laughed in court, quickly pinched his thigh, wiped his tears and left...

the other side.

Since the listing of SG Group, it is the first negative news. Logically speaking, the market value is so high that it must plummet.

However, Lao Ba, the stock king who represents SG shares, not only did not let SG shares plummet, but made it rise sharply again with a short analysis.

Without it, without GLONASS, China would be dominated by the Big Dipper Chain, which means that Longtian Group owns the entire Asia-Pacific navigation market!

Although stockholders know that SG and Longtian are two groups, they also know that there is only one chairman of these two groups: Longtian Laowang!

On the same day, at night in China and early in the morning in North America, the New York stock market opened, and the stock price of SG broke through a thousand...

March 17th.

The new generation of SG series products are on the market as scheduled.

Thanks to the cooperation agreement between Pharaoh and the Science and Technology Alliance, North America no longer sanctioned SG. This time the first game is set in Los Angeles.

Mechanical and sci-fi-style 'tiles', as soon as they appeared in the newly renovated SG store, deeply attracted North American consumers.

In other words, the 04 version of the SG shape is more in line with European and American aesthetics.

Metal material, industrial design, deformable keyboard, solar-assisted charging, wireless charging...

2688 Franklin is equivalent to an annual salary for Chinese people, but it is only a monthly salary for middle-class families in North America.

Besides, I was used to playing 'parallel imports' before, but now I can enjoy 'licensed imports'...

The first batch of 04 edition SGs airlifted to North America, a total of 2 million units, were sold out in just ten minutes.

North American consumers who didn't buy it began to appeal to SG Group for replenishment.

at the same time.

SG Group commissioned Longtian Group to develop five large-scale mobile terminal online games, which officially opened their servers.

Gorgeous page, smooth operation, refreshing, can't help but immerse in it.

And it is said that the mechanical keys with a new damping technology make people love the 'tiles' even more, even if they don't turn on the screen, they have to keep rubbing with their thumbs.



"This feeling... makes me feel like I have a girlfriend."

"I've never played such a cool game!"

"Really can charge wirelessly!"

"Have you played it outside? The surging sound effect is so shocking!"

"Why? The gift is actually a wireless headset?"

"I have never experienced such a wonderful device, especially the vibration..."

"Look at the news, the tycoon in Dubai in the emirate has detained 500,000 SG products that SG Group transferred to Europe through Dubai Airport!"

"They're crazy!"

With the hot sales of new SG products, SG stocks once again triggered the New York stock market circuit breaker mechanism...



The Tiancheng industrial chain lost the support of navigation and positioning, and many industries could not operate normally.

Of course, this is all within the plan.

And on the surface.

In front of countless reporters who came to interview, Ge Xiaotian came to the Daqingshan Smart Card Issuance Center in person and asked about the possibility of replacing the navigation module of the old device.

It's a pity that this business has been in charge of Longtian Technology, and there is no navigation module production line at all.

If formed, it will take at least three months.

It is troublesome enough to stop using it for one day now, how could Tian Cheng wait for three months?

Ge Xiaotian had no choice but to contact the Nine Institutes.

The navigation module of Longtian Technology is compatible with the frequency band of the Big Dipper chain. Longtian terminated the GLONASS decoding service, but did not terminate the navigation service of the Big Dipper chain that has never been used.

Tiancheng only needs to find nine institutes to obtain the authorization of the Big Dipper chain, and then push the decoding program of the Big Dipper chain to the user to restore the navigation and positioning function.

Of course, this is just a stopgap measure.

If you want to have a service that meets the performance of the Big Dipper chain, you need to launch a new device.

That's why SG went public.

In other words, the SG Smart Card should be phased out.

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