Build Madness

Chapter 1020 The Wayward President Wang

Longtian Technology was reorganized, SG Group inherited Longtian Building, and the new Longtian Group moved to the eastern suburbs of Jinling to build "Longtian Home" and "Outlets" around Xuanwu Lake.

Both projects are not small. The former covers an area of ​​1,600 mu and is divided into eight areas, covering rough, hardcover, apartments, villas, and smart homes. The latter covers an area of ​​400 mu, and its industries include shopping malls, parking lots, children's playgrounds, and outdoor pedestrian streets.

In Jinling, where every inch of land is precious, and near Xuanwu Lake, which is located in a prosperous area, Long Tian did not rely on local leaders to obtain so much land, nor did he transfer it from Mr. Zhao, Chen Donghai, and Wei Changfeng, but obtained it from Cheung Kong Industries.

A month ago, Chen Donghai was entrusted by Lao Wang to go to Xiangjiang to meet with Xiangjiang Li, plotting to 'replace SG shares'.

Later, after deliberation, Xiangjiang Li and his friends decided to invest 300 billion red notes and 200 billion Hong Kong dollars. Using the identity of the old king, they secretly purchased the bearer shares held by the official employees of SG, so as to control the SG Group.

During this period, two problems were encountered.

First, according to North American securities trading rules, if the equity exceeds a certain percentage, it must be announced to the public.

Second, Xiangjiang Li and his friends had to use Franklin to acquire SG non-tradable shares, but they didn’t have that much money, including red notes and Hong Kong dollars.

Regarding the first item, the SG stock agent, Butterfly Club, helped to solve it and charged 1% of the total equity transaction value as a commission.

Regarding the second item, Xiangjiang Li and his friends sold the mainland property and exchanged the red notes for Franklin.

Among them, during the sell-off process, the Longtian Group, which owns the graphene industry and the optical lens industry, relied on its own financial resources to win the properties sold by Xiangjiang Li and his friends in the Mainland.

Including the Jinling Xuanwu Lake Project, the Magic City Shengbang International, Guangxi Western Region Metropolis, Jinling International Finance, Nandu Metropolis, the Magic City Lujiazui Century Plaza...

When Longtian Group announced its entry into real estate, in fact, Longtian Group has leapt to the sixth largest real estate developer in China.

The top five are: Daheng, Kewan, Dawan, Ginza, and Tiancheng.

Of course, this is the case on the surface, but the real situation is the other way around, because the top three have huge loans, Tiancheng, Yinzuo and Longtian, not only have no debts, but have a lot of creditor's rights.

For example, Tiancheng employees owed money to the boss, SG regular employees owed money to Lao Wang for distributing shares, and Ginza employees owed money to Lao Shen’s employees to buy a house.

Leaving aside the fact that Longtian Group relies on its resources to create ultra-high-end branded real estate.

Xiangjiang Li and his friends bought a large number of bearer shares, and now owns 6% of the shares of SG Group, surpassing the 5% legal person shares owned by Lao Wang.

But Xiangjiang Li and others did not become the first shareholders of SG, because the major shareholders of the Science and Technology Alliance took away the remaining non-tradable shares and turned these shares into "foreign shares".

In other words, SG Group has been controlled by foreign capital.

As I said before, if the equity exceeds a certain percentage, it must be announced to the public. Even if the Butterfield Club can temporarily hide part of the equity held by Xiangjiang Li and his friends through operations, as the number of overseas major shareholders of SG Group increases, this I can't hide it for sure.


At the end of March, SG Group published a shareholding change.

The 5% in Lao Wang's hands has a three-month trading limit, and there is no change for the time being.

However, the first shareholder of SG has become a high-profile holder, holding 7.12%.

The second shareholder, Cheung Kong Holdings, holds 6.04%

The third shareholder, Internet, holds 5.73%.

AMD, the fourth shareholder, holds 5.39%.

The fifth shareholder, Microsoft...

The shareholding ratio of other shareholders is less than 5%, and no announcement will be made temporarily.

Once the news was announced, it immediately caused shocking waves.


The people who originally supported Longtian Technology turned against each other one after another, accusing Lao Wang of cheating, and even calling Lao Wang a traitor.

You know, SG is a milestone in the rise of China's technology, a cutting-edge weapon to break the blockade of overseas technology, and the backbone of domestic chips, but now it is sold by Lao Wang...

Someone smashed the old generation SG smart card.

Someone threatened not to use SG pad anymore.

Someone suggested that the station turn off the SG TV signal.

Someone blocked the SG store transformed from the LT store, blocking any customers who wanted to buy SG products.

There are also people who initiated the action of shorting SG, but unfortunately, there are no securities related to SG in China...

And overseas.

No matter how hot SG stocks are, for North American people, they are always outsiders, and the investment risk is far higher than that of listed companies in North America.

Now that the Science and Technology Alliance has become the major shareholder of SG Group, which means that the risk of investing in SG shares has been greatly reduced, so why not rush to buy it?

But something strange happened.

SG products are selling well, and the situation of SG stocks is very good. The major news media are also pushing good news about SG stocks.

It even started to fall slightly!

As an agency issuer of SG shares, Butterfly Club made a detailed analysis: It is like a sponge, it will become saturated when it absorbs water to a certain extent. If you want this sponge to continue absorbing water, you need to make it bigger!

What do you mean?

The scale of SG Group is equal to the market value, and if it rises further, it will be falsely high, and it is bound to face a 'bubble'. Therefore, in order to control the risk, the banker is not prepared to let it continue to expand.

This makes the Technology Alliance, which holds a huge amount of non-tradable shares in its hands and is preparing to issue additional shares to make a lot of money, and Xiangjiang Li and others are quite dissatisfied.

Of course, although the market value of SG has risen, based on the calculation of net assets, the "original stock" will be diluted unprecedentedly, from 30% of the original stock price to 0.015% of the current stock price.

But the original stock price of 180 Franklin, 30%, is 54 Franklin, and now the stock price is 3600 Franklin, 0.015%, or 54 Franklin.

Everyone did not lose money.

It's just that investing in SG stocks is to make money. Now that we are maintaining stability, isn't it equivalent to throwing trillions of funds into banks that don't have interest?

Not only that, but you may also face losses in the future.

The major shareholders behind the Technology Alliance united together to put pressure on the Butterfly Club, with only one meaning: SG shares must go up!

If the stock king wants to hang around on Wall Street, he must not dare to offend this group of super consortiums.

Therefore, after two days of stability, SG shares were issued an additional 2%.

Overseas investors who have been waiting for a long time can't wait to rush to buy.

However, strange things happened again.

SG stocks still did not rise, and still fell slightly.

A stock market analysis company gave the answer: There is a considerable group of retail investors secretly manipulating SG stocks.

(Huo Dun Security, who holds SG employee shares, has been selling low and high every day with the funds obtained from the first sell-off since the No. 2 machine landed on Ceres.

Or buy in the morning and sell before noon, and the stock king will make SG shares fall slightly in the afternoon.

Or the stock king made SG shares fall slightly in the morning, and Huo Dunanbao bought in the afternoon and sold before the market closed.

It can be regarded as a partnership between dealers and players to deceive ordinary players, just like the partnership between GM and Gou Tuo to operate games and attract ordinary players to spend money. )

The answer given by the stock market analysis company made the major shareholders behind the technology alliance extremely angry, and it was quickly confirmed from the securities trading structure.

In other words, there is a problem with the stock king old bus!

Of course, the stock king old bus is the "banker" entrusted by SG Group, and all these are done for SG, the responsibility is beyond reproach, and should even be appreciated, after all, they are for the interests of customers.

But this is obviously not in the interests of the major shareholders of the Technology Alliance.

After knowing the details, knowing that "maintaining stability" was a decision made by the chairman of SG, the SG chairman, the five major shareholders of the Technology Alliance immediately initiated the first shareholders meeting of SG Group.

At the meeting, King Longtian, who came from Huaxia, lost his seat as the largest shareholder of SG Group and sat in a position where he could not get up or down. Then the shareholders rejected the 'stock market stability maintenance plan'.

After the meeting, there were media reports that when I ran into Pharaoh at a tourist chain hotel in Niuyo, he had a very bad face.

Logically speaking, Lao Wang holds 5% of the equity, and is still the major shareholder of SG, and has certain decision-making power. For the benefits brought by the 5% equity in his hand, Lao Wang will never do anything.


That night.

On the web, Lao Wang used English, which he was not very proficient in, and sent several messages in succession:

"What they did made me realize what it means to 'forcing a palace'."

"I feel like I've been emptied out."

"A group of defeated generals are sitting in front of me now!"

Comments below vary.

Because people in the West don't understand the meaning of 'forced palace', various solutions are sought.

But there is still a lot of criticism in the country, what kind of traitors, traitors, eating inside and outside...

Lao Wang has been busy dealing with SG affairs recently and expanding the business of Longtian Real Estate. He has never read the news at all, but now he sees the comments...

morning hours.

New York Times web: "Old King Longtian was so angry that he vomited blood in the middle of the night and was rushed to Cornell University Hospital for treatment."

The same news entry dominates the mother planet's news media industry.

the next day.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Longtian Wang submitted an application for resignation from the chairmanship of the SG Group.

The shareholders' meeting was all for their own interests, and they didn't dare to offend the founder of SG at all. Although he didn't understand why Lao Wang was so concerned about the false name of "the first shareholder", he still tried every means to keep him, and even said, "It's all up to you".

But Lao Wang had made up his mind to go. He returned to Huaxia early in the morning and settled in the sales office of Longtian Home in Xuanwu Lake, rejecting all visitors.

However, this appears to be just the beginning.

Without waiting for the reaction of SG shareholders, follow the SG CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, six SG deputy directors, thirteen SG general managers, sixty-seven SG operation directors, and more than two hundred SG The R\u0026D supervisor, as well as thousands of senior SG employees in the corresponding team, resigned collectively.

If it is said that without Pharaoh, SG Group has lost its soul, then without R\u0026D operations, SG Group has lost everything.

As a result, the board of directors of SG Group exists in name only, the R\u0026D department of SG exists in name only, and the operating system of SG exists in name only...

The huge changes in SG Group not only confused the SG shareholder meeting, but also made the outside public extraordinarily bewildered.

At 9:30 a.m. New York time, securities trading institutions opened.

SG stocks plummeted...

If such a thing happens one or two years after the SG Group goes public, people will suspect that Lao Wang used the SG listing to cash out.

But the shares in Lao Wang's hands are 5% from the beginning to the end.

That is to say, after SG was listed, Lao Wang not only did not transfer the equity, but because of the dilution of the equity ratio, he also injected tens of billions of Franklin into the SG Group to ensure that the shareholding ratio remained at 5%.

Looking at the SG stocks that triggered the circuit breaker mechanism one after another due to the sharp drop, the technology alliance and countless overseas investors, to this person Longtian Laowang...

You are so crazy!

Isn't it good to make money?

If you want to die and jump off the building by yourself, why do you want to drag us on your back?

On this day, in the minds of stockholders all over North America, it was like the fonts typed by all netizens on the forum: ? ? ?

Ge Xiaotian, who is far away in China, first released the video of the No. 2 machine landing on Ceres through the web, and then added the font:

"The great Tiancheng has long believed that the listing of SG is unreliable, because Lao Wang is not a reliable person. For this reason, Tiancheng has warned the global stockholders and spared no expense to send a spacecraft to land on Ceres, standing 200 million kilometers away from the parent star. place, and shouted to the stockholders of the whole mother star: "I have exited the position, everything is fine", unfortunately, most stockholders don't understand Tiancheng's good intentions, and they don't want to believe Tiancheng's assessment. You can’t blame the society. Everyone, be more open and try not to jump off the building. If life really cannot continue, Tianrong International’s unsecured loan will help you tide over the difficulties.”

All Mother Star stockholders: "..."

When will you get rid of the stink of advertising everywhere? !

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