Build Madness

Chapter 103 Congratulations, you have won the bid!

There was no sound in the conference room.

Ge Xiaotian didn't leave in the end.

Pressed on the table by a big leader, he was asked to make a simple budget statement.


The budget does not include all kinds of soft and hard facilities, such as runways, turf, floors, swimming pools, etc.

Only civil works!

The projectors were removed and replaced with older projectors.

The leaders of the Sports Bureau displayed all kinds of construction data one by one.

Very comprehensive!

The comprehensive situation made Ge Xiaotian couldn't help wondering whether the bidding had already been called for, or someone had bid for it!

One billion is a lot, and it may take several lifetimes to throw it at ordinary people.

But want to build a sports center...

It's not impossible!

First lend me the money for two years, and it will be built after two years!

Ge Xiaotian thought so.

One billion yuan was fooled into his hand, and he used it to enclose land and sell the house.

According to the contract, the sports center will start construction next month.

In fact, it was officially started in 2002.

The longer the construction period is delayed, the more money you earn.

Two years later, Tian Cheng still can't afford to build a sports center?

It is estimated that the top in the world can be pulled out by strong men with bare hands!

However, if he really does this, it is estimated that he will get the largest group of leaders, and he will not be able to mess around in the future.

Alas, be pragmatic!

Just do the math for others!

Data, cost, construction cost...

With the turn of the millennium approaching, many things have changed.

The first is wages, which have increased by 30 cents.

In other words, if there are six workers a day, it used to be twenty one day, but now it is twenty one eight.

The second is the price. Red bricks rose by five points, not because of pollution control, but because of the gradual tightening of land supervision.

Cement is cheap, with an average drop of two yuan per label.

The price of steel is still the same, but the local price is rising, more than 20 cents higher than that of nearby cities.



Looking at the young man who was writing vigorously in front of him, the big leader was filled with emotion.

This is the benefit of starting from the grassroots level, you can do everything!

Originally, he just wanted to know how much the bidding companies had made.

did not expect……

The young man in front of him can do such a thing!

A project involving billions of dollars, after dismantling, a detailed budget can be obtained within minutes...

Even a team can't do this!

so amazing!

Glancing at the calculation formula on the straw paper, the big leader thought carefully.

Seems to be multivalued functions, hyperbolic functions, cubic functions, implicit functions...

There are also sine, range, vector, differential, sequence...

Corresponding to it is the amount of material per square or per cubic meter.

Cement, bricks, steel bars, pipes...

Next is the material price.

Not only local, but also nearby cities!

What kind of brain is this? !

The most unbelievable thing is that he didn't use a calculator, he did all calculations with pen and mind!

Leaders, big and small, couldn't help but gather around, staring blankly at the young man who was writing.


‘No wonder he has achieved so much at such a young age! "

And in fact...

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the building data on the screen, closed his eyes, pinched with his left hand, and wrote with his right.

In my mind, several drawings that were exactly the same as those on the curtain cycled alternately.

There are engineering drawings, structural drawings, design drawings...

He hasn't made a budget for a long time since he changed jobs for the strong men.

But today he suddenly discovered that the market in the center of the second-level town is far from that simple!

Drawing can not only repair the drawings, but also record the drawings you see.

In the market, there are material prices of all manufacturers in the proven area, not limited to construction, but also vegetables and grains, etc., which cannot be purchased, but can only be viewed.

But if you fill in the prices in the drawing form...

hula la...

After countless formulas floated by, the amount of materials used and the budget can be obtained!

Damn, no wonder those budget clerks who changed jobs are so idle all day long!

Go back tomorrow and resolutely let them move bricks!

Dare to fool the boss?

The good times are over!

After getting the civil engineering budget, Ge Xiaotian stopped writing.

Check the time, it's three thirty in the afternoon.

Even if there is a system, it is not that simple after dismantling a project involving billions of dollars.

All the leaders around were there, some were doing calculations with manuscript paper, and some were reading books and newspapers.

After all, not everyone can understand.

"Leader, the civil engineering budget is 700 million yuan! Moreover, the sports center covers an area of ​​800 mu!"

Almost at the same time, the big leader stood up with a smile on his face, and patted his palms lightly.

The surrounding leaders also stood up.



"Congratulations, Comrade Ge Xiaotian, Tiancheng has won the bid!"


The big leader smiled even more.

One billion to build a sports center is just a test, what if this kid takes it?

However, Tiancheng's civil engineering project budget was actually 300 million less than the bidding document.

The increase in land area means that the construction area also increases.

Those gymnasium engineering companies and developers dared to raise conditions, and they were determined not to use it!

"Comrade Xiaotian, hurry up and finish the paperwork when you go back, and the city will approve the land for Tiancheng as soon as possible!"


Ge Xiaotian is confused, is this an on-site invitation to bid? !

In other words, negotiate a bid?


Today is a self-inflicted trap!

Originally, I came to get the land, but I didn't expect to go straight into the pit!

"Leader, Tiancheng doesn't have the qualifications to build a gymnasium!"

The big leader smiled and took out a piece of information from the file package:

"Tiancheng seems to have obtained the gymnasium construction qualification last month! Moreover, it's not the lowest level three, but level two!"

Ge Xiaotian suddenly widened his eyes.



During the Sancha Cup football match, the construction of the stadium successfully registered a qualification. Later, the construction of the final stadium just met the second-level qualification standard, and it was upgraded smoothly!

This is being targeted? !

"Leader, the second-level qualification cannot build a large sports center!"

"It's okay, I'll help you mention it!" A certain leader behind shouted loudly.

Ge Xiaotian's face darkened, is there any way for him to survive!

The big leader took out a document again, "Tiancheng is also considered a comprehensive enterprise. Although there are only three brands of catering, taverns, food stalls, and Qin Hei Ya, they have unique characteristics and can be extended and strengthened, such as introducing southern cuisines and foreign cuisines. "

"As for Tianyu, the ancient war propaganda film shot by that young man in a distant view makes my blood boil!"

"Tianwei's security, property management, and Xiaoqingshan's environmental protection are so good, and the credit is indisputable!"

"Coincidentally, Tiancheng also has sports events, such as football, basketball, Cuju..."

"Didn't you say that with an additional 50 million investment and comprehensive optimization of Xiaoqingshan, all industries will definitely become bigger and stronger!"

"This is what I think. The civil engineering project is 700 million. If the city invests 1 billion and Tiancheng makes up the gap with construction costs and a small amount of funds, this sports center will be completed! And the operation right will be handed over to you for 30 years , introduce the Xiaoqingshan economic system, rely on the two Xingyuewan communities, attract various domestic competitions, and build a canal cultural city!"

Ge Xiaotian was completely taken aback.

Minus half of the budget every minute, is this Dakang...?

No, this is because my routine has been figured out!

"Leader, my wife is waiting for me to go home and cook!"



"Zhou Ju, this is up to you. Illegal cohabitation, marriage before the legal age, I don't know if I have children, maybe there will be an unmarried child first!"


Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, looked around the meeting room, "I will accept the military order!"

"No, this is not a military order. The military order will be completed within two years!"


"Dongshan Provincial Games has been reformed. It is held every four years. The right to host the next session has not yet been determined. If we can win the first session after the reform...whether it is in Jishi or the suburbs of the Canal, understand?!"

Ge Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, said earlier, if I said earlier, I would definitely accept it!

"Leader, I think the planning of the gymnasium needs to be changed. If it can be moved to Xiaoqingshan, Tiancheng will invest more!!!"

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