Build Madness

Chapter 1024 Resource Sharing Electric Vehicles

The office of the chairman of Tiancheng, the capital city.

"...If that fellow strikes first, my surname Ge is absolutely unambiguous."

Ge Xiaotian wears ear protectors on his head, a chest guard, and boxing gloves on both hands, dodging left and right, facing the mate pad battle with high spirits.

In Lao Ge's live broadcast room, the screen is full of 666.

"Fuck him!"

"Father-in-law, I have a lot of confidence in you!"

"Fist is afraid of the young, don't be cowardly!"

"One Punch K.O!"

"Attack the three roads first..."

"Fart, face slap is king!"

"Old Ge, take it easy, Old Wang knows Tai Chi, you must show your true skills, start recklessly, and catch him off guard!"

Netizens don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and they provoke all kinds of things.

Half an hour ago, Ge Xiaotian gave reassurance to the leaders of the Shanghai Metropolis, indicating that the Metropolis is the Metropolis, and the Wuzhou Avenue is the Avenue of the Five Continents. The two sides do not interfere, and there is no way to interfere. After all, the status of the Metropolis is there. What?

After sending off the extremely satisfied leaders, Ge Xiaotian quickly turned on the live broadcast and started the performance.

In just half an hour, the number of online users in China has exceeded 300 million, and the number is still rising rapidly at a rate of one million+.

This is called 'Star Real Estate' gameplay.

Since then, who doesn't know Wuzhou Avenue?

It's like "Dali" and "Sanya" in another time and space, and then let Tianyu release a few catchy pop songs with different styles, then make a few movies, and then Tianle travel group, Tianyun Group charters, Tianyun Group Food and beverage arrangements for accommodation, Tianrong International promotional discounts plus settlement, and at the same time let various advertisements fly, and a tourist city is instantly formed.

There are more resources, and development is as simple as that.

'The industrial chain is so terrifying! '

Ge Xiaotian was proud of his decision.

"Chairman, Mr. Wang is here."


Seeing that Ge Xiaotian didn't turn off the live broadcast, netizens frantically called "Conscience Ge" while quietly turning on the screen recording.

Not long.

Led by the female DJ, Lao Wang walked into the office.

"Mr. Ge."

"Boss Wang!"

The two faced each other with sparks flying in their eyes.

The rear mate pad screen is full of 'Up! ',' Do it! ',' Mr. Wang messed with him! '

Unfortunately, none of the scenarios that netizens envisioned happened.

The two looked at each other and smiled, walked into the living room, sat opposite each other, and the female DJ made tea.

"I don't know why Mr. Wang is here?"

"Congratulations to Mr. Ge for the great success of the Wuzhou Avenue project."

"To each other, we also wish in advance that Mr. Wang's Longtian Real Estate will become bigger and stronger."

"Hey, I'm a monk who became a monk halfway. I can't compare to Tiancheng who is based in the real estate industry. Just like the first Longtian Home, I haven't got a sales and operation team together until now."

"With Mr. Wang's skills, I believe this is not a problem."

The two boasted about their business and extended the live broadcast time...

Lao Wang: "I learned from the news and business newspapers that he is in charge of the Wuzhou Avenue sales team. He has also been in charge of Jianfu Tiancheng, Quangang Tiancheng, Dubai Tiancheng and other real estate projects. He is powerful and is known as the defending champion in the real estate sales field of the parent star. , I am here this time, intending to ask Mr. Ge to borrow this team."


The rear mate pad floated the barrage again.

"Fuck, the real estate agent asked the real estate agent to borrow a salesperson?"

"true and false?"

"Or is Lao Wang looking for Lao Ge?"

"Full of conspiracy flavor."

"I'll go, Lao Wang has opened up this time, and knows how to use tricks on Lao Ge!"

"What do you mean?"

"Lao Wang praised the sales team of Wuzhou Avenue so highly. If Lao Ge didn't borrow it, Lao Wang would definitely use that toy plane to promote the sales team. If you do it, isn’t it self-destructing the signboard?”

"Both choices are quite deceitful!"

"I guess Lao Ge will definitely not borrow it!"

"No, according to Lao Ge's character, he must charge a high price!"

In the living room.

Ge Xiaotian picked up the teacup and showed a 'smart' look, "Mr. Wang, the cost of my people's labor dispatch is not low."

"You make a price."

"We at Tiancheng pay attention to teamwork. In this way, you can take 20% of the total sales as a commission, salary or something, just make sense."


mate pad:

"Damn it, Hei!"

"Worthy of my name Ge Hei!"

"20%?! How high is the profit of this real estate?"

"Are you stupid to ask about profits? Longtian Homestead only buys flowers and gives away villas that haven't opened yet. It's obvious that Lao Wang is looking for a team to sell villas!"

"Nima, are these villas going to be sold at sky-high prices?"

"Rich people are not stupid. Lao Wang asked Lao Ge to borrow a sales team. He definitely didn't want to make a lot of money, but to build a villa brand. Do you know what brand benefits are? It's like buying a house now without the word Xingyuewan. Would you like to buy it?"

"70% cheaper, I am willing!"

"You think other developers are fools?"

"Speaking of other developers, I suddenly remembered something. Some time ago, because Lao Ge sanctioned Longtian, the prices of building materials, wires, and plastics all skyrocketed, and he threatened to withdraw technology authorization. It seems that many real estate developers have gone bankrupt..."

"It's like when Longtian wrestled with the Science and Technology Alliance and accidentally injured Wajima Sega and Nintendo, causing one of the latter to go bankrupt and the other to be delisted?"

"What the hell, I suddenly smelled a conspiracy..."

Gou Tuo quickly changed the subject: "So, Lao Wang is actually looking for a high-end real estate sales coaching group?"

"Correct answer, no reward!"


In the living room:

Old Wang clearly disagreed with the 20% commission, "Mr. Ge, I'm sincerely talking about business."

"Operating a large real estate and a difficult villa, I think my employees will work very hard and deserve to be paid accordingly."

"In this way, after the project is over, each person will receive a 1% commission for a 120-square-meter commercial house in Longtianjiayuan. You must know that the highest commission for external sales is only 8% of a single set."

"My employees are not short of housing, and one percent... I'm afraid they don't care about it either."

"Let's be honest, I won't agree to 20% anyway, but people, I'm determined!"

As Lao Wang said, he took out of his pocket the toy airplane that Lao Ge had given him at the SG listing celebration party, and played with it up and down.

mate pad:


"Hi Da Pu Ben, Lao Wang blackened!"

"Sure enough, it really has a 'fair appearance'!"

"Look at Lao Ge, the corner of his mouth is twitching!"

"Hahaha, I recorded it!"

In the living room:

Ge Xiaotian picked up the teacup, showing a 'contemplative' expression, and said, "I heard that Mr. Wang has obtained a lot of high-quality land."

"It's true. Why, Mr. Ge is interested?"

"Tiancheng never does urban projects, we only do suburban areas. I think Mr. Wang has acquired so many lands, so he should have an area in line with Tiancheng's development philosophy."

"That's right, the West Three Banners in Haidian, Beijing, Qixia Mountain in the eastern suburb of Jinling, Houguan Lake in the southern suburb of Jiangcheng, Xiaonanshan in the western suburb of Shencheng...but the area of ​​each piece of land in each area is no less than 3,000 mu."

Lao Wang's batch of land was all transferred by Chen Donghai, Wei Changfeng and others. It is slightly different from Xiangjiang Li who pays attention to location, or develops it on the spot, or waits for high price transfer. , the area is huge.

Ge Xiaotian took out another mate pad with a GIS system, and found the location of the land, "Eight lands, all of them are traded to me at a fair price, my sales team will help you plan and sell the villa area, no commission is required, and the salary is also in charge of Tiancheng .”

"You're thinking about shit."

There was a fight...

The female DJ quickly turned off the live broadcast.

Before closing, mate pad barrage:

"I saw it, Lao Ge made the first move!"

"Hahaha, Lao Ge is finished, without bodyguards, he is no match for Lao Wang!"

"Happy to hear and see!"

"How do you say? Why can't Lao Ge beat Lao Wang?"

"Old Wang can hold steel bars with bare hands, and Lao Ge... can't break bricks with bare hands, so he is a good man!"


Since then, in the follow-up news reports, Ge Xiaotian's face has been marked with a bruised nose and a swollen face that evolved from a "funny face"...


Of course, fighting is impossible.

The next day, Tiancheng Real Estate and Longtian Real Estate issued an announcement at the same time:

Longtian Real Estate transferred eight parcels of land to Tiancheng, with a total transaction value of 15 billion red notes.

Such a price is the lowest price in the current real estate field.

Subsequently, Tiancheng Real Estate dispatched the "Wuzhou Avenue Sales Team" to Longtian Real Estate to help sell the Longtian Homeland villa area free of charge.

The 'fight' has not yet subsided, and the news is less conspicuous.

However, the cooperation between the two super real estate developers in a unique way has aroused the vigilance of other real estate developers.

In particular, the Ginza Industry Chain announced the disbandment of all sales teams who were not very proficient in business on the grounds of reducing operating funds, and reached a long-term employment agreement with Tiancheng in the field of real estate sales.

The trend of data interoperability, resource sharing, and win-win cooperation seems to be becoming more and more obvious...

Daheng, Kewan, and Dawan, who are competing with each other, began to contact each other secretly.


Housing prices have not risen significantly, including the Longtianjiayuan villa area, which was estimated to be sold at 20 million yuan a while ago, and the listed price is only 15 million yuan, and the high-end electric car on Wuzhou Avenue is also given away for free when you make an appointment to buy...

at the same time.

The second batch of Longtian villas, which are priced to be sold at a starting price of 20 million yuan, will be set up in Shencheng, Guangdong Province. High-end electric vehicles on Wuzhou Avenue will also be given away for free. It is expected to be completed in September.

The third batch of Longtian villas, which are priced at a starting price of 25 million yuan, will be set up in Xuhui, the magical capital, and high-end electric vehicles on Wuzhou Avenue will also be given away for free. It is expected to be completed in December.

The fourth batch of Longtian villas, which are priced at a starting price of 30 million, will be set up in the west of the capital. High-end electric vehicles on Wuzhou Avenue will still be given away for free. It is expected to be completed in March of the following year.


Ge Xiaotian finished the arrangement of Longtian Real Estate, put on simple makeup, and walked out of the Tiancheng Building in Shanghai.

People come and go outside, all of them are curious about the intelligent facilities in every corner.

Some interact with street lights, some interact with trash cans, and some interact with sculptures...

Then it was discovered that these intelligent facilities actually hide easter eggs.

For example, learn the essence of spectrum from street lamps, and if you answer three questions correctly, you can receive red envelopes ranging from 0.1 to 2 red notes.

For example, learn garbage classification from the trash can, and answer three questions correctly, and you can receive discount coupons ranging from 5 to 10 red notes.

For example, learn astronomy and geography from sculptures, answer three questions correctly, and you can receive a mysterious gift.

For example, learn etiquette from the bus stop signs, learn the eight honors and eight shame, learn the core values ​​of Huaxia...

Kids enjoyed it, adults enjoyed it too...

Ge Xiaotian walked around, and the unremarkable Pokemon on his shoulder turned the camera to look left and right.

In the auxiliary earphones connected to the smart glasses, the chairman's sigh came from time to time...

The two chatted for a long time, and after resolutely following the path of optoelectronic technology, they ended the call.

"Eleven, prepare the car."

"Boss, where are we going?"

"Wuzhou Avenue Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Plant."

Tiancheng started research and development of electric mobility tools a long time ago.

Including Flying Pigeon, which almost monopolizes the electric bicycle industry now, and the gradually popular Tianba Dongba tua series.

However, the Feige electric car only uses lithium-ion batteries, while the Tianba Dongba tua is a hybrid.

Even Jiefang, Great Wall, BYD, shuttle bus, and bus all use battery packs in the form of 'charging and discharging'.

Strictly speaking, regardless of this time and space, or another time and space, no real 'electric vehicle' has been realized.

According to Tiancheng's standards, real electric vehicles should use non-polluting batteries that can be replaced at any time and made with engineering technology. They may be 'organic compound fuel cells', but they are definitely not inorganic heavy metal batteries.

For this reason, the 103 laboratory, which mainly researches biochemistry, has successively launched:

The first generation of organic compound fuel cells uses methanol or ethanol with a purity of 99.99% as raw materials, and uses the principle of anodic oxidation of organic matter to make fuel cells.

Since methanol (ethanol) is easier to store and transport than hydrogen, methanol is a liquid and hydrogen is a gas, so its volume is greatly reduced and it is suitable for short-distance small vehicles.

Unfortunately, the output power of the methanol battery is too low, and the high-concentration ethanol battery contains dioxide as the source of oxygen, so the alkalinity continues to drop, which makes the battery unable to fully operate normally.

Subsequently, the second generation of organic compound fuel cells used ethylene glycol as a raw material.

Ethylene glycol and ethanol are two different things. They are mainly used as basic raw materials in the chemical fiber industry, including the production of polyester, polyester resin, hygroscopic agents, plasticizers, surfactants, synthetic fibers, cosmetics and gunpowder.

However, this thing is poisonous, 1.6g can be fatal, and it is not easy to mass-produce. It can only be used as an auxiliary material for gel propellants and rubber fuels in the aerospace field.

Tiancheng discovered 'combustible ice' before developing the third-generation organic compound battery.

Thus, 103 Lab set up the 'combustible ice battery' project.

It's a pity, after research, it was discovered that this thing is actually no different from 'oil to gas' except that it has a slightly higher density, not to mention that mining is still a big problem.

Until the beginning of 2003, 103 laboratory denied 'organic compound fuel cell' and changed the research direction to 'capacitor'.

That is, no longer researching self-discharging batteries, but cooperating with the 101 laboratory to research 'capacitors' that are only used to store electrical energy.

In this way, the energy block appeared.

It is chemically synthesized by the 103 laboratory, using a new generation of superlattice in two-dimensional materials to form millions of nanowires, forming the main body of the capacitor, and using the 'topological insulator' discovered in the early years. Including confinement, one hundred thousand 'nanometer columns' are isolated, and finally a layer of two-dimensional material is sprayed on its surface to prepare a core-shell supercapacitor.

This supercapacitor has a core with ultra-high conductivity, supplemented by graphene electrode plates, so that the battery system can quickly transfer electrons, so as to achieve rapid charge and discharge effects.

A supercapacitor with a two-dimensional material shell can significantly increase the energy of the battery system and increase its power density.

In this way, it can hold a lot, fill it quickly, and the number of cycles can be as high as 30,000 times, which constitutes an 'energy block'.

Most of the 'energy blocks' are cylindrical, 35cm long, 12cm in radius, and 30kg in weight. The whole is like a super-large battery, with a handle on the top and three electrodes at the end.

In layman's terms, in addition to the positive and negative electrodes, a new circuit is installed inside the battery to protect the battery, test the battery, stabilize the battery, and avoid excessive battery temperature and battery structure damage during charging and discharging, thereby avoiding explosions...

The third electrode, also called 'reference electrode', forms a new electrochemical system with positive (working electrode) and negative (counter electrode), which has been listed in textbooks.

The standard energy block can store 500kwh, which is 500kwh, without external equipment, and there will be no loss within two years.

The standard Wuzhou Avenue car consumes 17 to 21 kWh per 100 kilometers at constant speed. In actual use, it consumes about 25 kWh per 100 kilometers, and 250 kWh for driving 1,000 kilometers.

An 'energy block' can probably allow a standard Wuzhou Avenue car to travel 2,000 kilometers.

And the energy supply station, just change but not recharge.

In other words, as long as the 'energy block device' is not artificially damaged, it can be replaced for free, and only 0.3 red notes are charged for each kilowatt-hour of electricity.

One exchange, one hundred and fifty red notes.

Although the cost of gas is very cheap these days, energy blocks are undoubtedly more economical.

Therefore, without battery constraints, the Wuzhou Avenue series, which uses the energy block system for the first time, should become a high-end electric vehicle.


The standard type adopts 'dual battery switching'.

The luxury type adopts 'three battery switching'.

The off-road version adopts 'Battery Pack Switching'.

You can travel around the world without refueling and recharging the Tiancheng Electric Industrial Bag with the extended version!


After Ge Xiaotian sold the diamond bull head tua, he once again owned the exclusive car of the big boss.

The elongated appearance is different from tua, or in other words, in order to avoid business conflicts, Wuzhou Avenue adopts a flat shape.

The inner seat is close to the bottom of the car, as if lying on your back, rather than "sitting upright" like tua.

The main reason is that the noise of electric vehicles is low, and with the improvement of noise-reducing materials, users will not feel tremors and noises even if they are close to the car body.

In addition, the flat shape does not allow the interior space to sit too high.

In this way, people cannot walk around inside. In order to solve the service, a voice-activated intelligent robot butler is built in to control six hidden robotic arms.

They can serve tea, protect the boss...

After Ge Xiaotian sat on the extended Wuzhou Avenue, he snapped his fingers, the roof was retracted from both sides, and the vehicle turned into an extended convertible.

Order watermelon juice, play dynamic music, and turn the smart glasses into tea brown...

Taking out the mirror to take a picture, Ge Xiaotian always felt that there was something wrong. After thinking for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he motioned to Eleven to help comb his hair back and wear a yellow jazz hat.

"Let's take a one-day tour around Wuzhou Avenue!"

Not far away, before driving out of the car factory, Ge Xiaotian suddenly noticed that there were five little pink pigs sitting in a Great Wall SUV parked at the door with the engine still on.

By the way, they were transferred to the sales office of Wuzhou Avenue. This time to support Lao Wang, they have to go with them.

If you are going abroad, you must have a car and a place to live.

Now it seems that these five little girls want a Great Wall SUV...

What a group of good girls!

After all, you can choose a car at will, and five people can choose one, isn't it to save money for the big boss?

Ge Xiaotian's eyes turned, and he found a new car for himself in an instant, and found his next home:

"Hey, sister, come and play!"


The latter looked through the car window together, and saw the pink stretched car, and the weird guy in the green checkered shirt and the yellow jazz hat, all a little fascinated.

Waiting to find out who it is...

"I rely on it!"

The Great Wall SUV rushed over at a starting speed exceeding the advertised speed...


The flat front of Wuzhou Avenue was immediately ridden by the SUV with a high chassis.

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

Well, this car is sold!

The little girl sitting in the driver's seat rolled down the car window and yelled in a tearful voice, "Why are you wearing such an S? One of the five of us finally got a driver's license, and we're just trying to figure out how to drive..."

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