Build Madness

Chapter 1026 Ge Xijing goes online

In the field of currency settlement, Franklin devaluation, good and bad.

The advantage is that you can exchange more Franklins, and the cost of traveling abroad, studying abroad, purchasing overseas, importing goods, etc. will be reduced.

The downside is that the domestic cost of our exported goods remains the same, but due to the depreciation of Franklin, we must increase the selling price in North America to ensure profits. Production is reduced, production affects production capacity, determines the number of jobs, and will soon lead to a wave of unemployment...

In contrast to North America.

The depreciation of Franklin, the appreciation of everyone's currency, the competitiveness of the other party's goods in the international market has been greatly improved, the export volume has increased, the production capacity has increased, and the number of jobs has increased...

In addition, everyone's foreign exchange reserves have shrunk, which means that North America has defaulted on its debts; the cost of investing in its own country in North America has increased, which means that the number of foreign investors investing in the country has decreased...

In general, as long as Franklin’s position in the home planet’s financial market is guaranteed, even if Franklin depreciates by 30% in order to kill competitors, the group of top capitalists in North America will be willing.

Just like between 1985 and 1991, Franklin depreciated by 30%, and the trade deficit that was originally as high as 120 billion fell to 60 billion in an instant.

In other words, the devaluation of Franklin is a way for North America to prevent the outside world from sucking blood.

The devaluation of Franklin this time is undoubtedly a super action launched against Tiancheng's overseas industrial chain.

Once successful.

The areas that joined Tiancheng's industrial chain could no longer continue to export goods on a large scale, and the internal industries fell apart. The area ranged from slump to recovery, to direct civil strife.

And without so many trading partners, Tiancheng's industrial chain stopped, regressed, and disintegrated...

Since then, the North American capitalists have once again taken control of the mother planet's business.

It seems that there is no solution to this trick.

But times have changed.

North America is no longer that industrial power, but a financial empire, otherwise it would not even bother to build a border wall...

In this way, North America will not be able to turn its trade deficit into a trade surplus.

in addition.

If North America wants to realize this plan for the Tiancheng industrial chain, it needs to be established on the basis that the Tiancheng industrial chain uses Franklin as the settlement method and relies heavily on 'export to North America'.

The fact is, Tiancheng Industrial Chain uses red notes as settlement method, even if there is no red notes, it will still use 'work points'.

The import and export trade is internal circulation, and it was not brought to North America at all, and it was not even brought to Europe before Zheng He's voyage to the West this year.

In this way, the depreciation of Franklin, except for the loss of Boss Ge who holds a large amount of Franklin, will have no impact on Tiancheng's industrial chain, the Chinese people, and the partners.

The reason why North America engages in this routine is that SG products are selling well in North America, SG Group stocks have been secretly manipulated, the stock market has been cut leeks one after another in recent years, and Ge Xiaotian often talks about business with Franklin, etc., creating an illusion that makes North America misunderstood. It is thought that the Tiancheng industrial chain has become dependent on Franklin.

As for how much Ge Xiaotian will lose...

Most of the Franklin held by Tiancheng came from partners exchanging red notes or work points, which is why Ge Xiaotian wanted the red notes.

The other part is selling boat tickets, cashing out SG shares, cashing out NT shares, and other extra income.

Roughly calculated, there are almost three trillion Franklins. After all, it contains foreign exchange from more than a dozen regions, such as South Vietnam, Thailand...

Of course, the 15% to 20% depreciation of Franklin does not mean that 15% to 20% of the three trillion yuan evaporated.


In fact, in North America, there are also many capitalists holding a large amount of red notes.

That's right, in other words, North America also has red banknote reserves.

Think about it carefully, Franklin depreciates, and the red notes can be exchanged for more Franklins. During the depreciation period, these capitalists exchanged the red notes in their hands for Franklin, and then when Franklin increased in value, they exchanged Franklin for red notes. Didn’t they make a lot of money? ?

This is the "foreign exchange market" that is bigger than the stock market, futures, funds, etc.

There is no banker in this market, and it is open 24 hours a day. It is the fairest, most transparent, and the financial field with the scariest transaction volume on Mother Planet. The daily transaction volume is calculated in terms of 'trillions'.

It can be said that whoever has more money, whoever operates well, and whoever is the best in it.

Like the general manager of Huaxia Business, he often gets involved in it. Of course, the most famous one is Soros.

Soros has not appeared in the public eye for more than a year since NT shares exploded.

One is that the stock king dumped the blame afterwards. This guy was not only chased and killed by stock investors who wanted to jump off the building at a loss, but was also offered a reward by a North American financial tycoon during his escape.

Second, Montenegro Odyssey is really not a good place...


Soros in a Montenegro Odyssey?

Well, it's a long story.

After the Soros incident, he always wanted to 'reverse the case' and tell the world that the stock king is the traitor.

However, during the period of being hunted down by lunatic stockholders, Huo Dun Security was the first to come to the door. The owner behind it, Horton, one of the Wall Street consortiums, would not believe what he said at all. After leaving the Huo Dun Building, maybe he was fed peanuts by Horton on the spot.

Soros hid in the dark sewer, looking at the SG smart card with blocked signals obtained from Huo Dun who was secretly bought, and the only contacts on it: Huo Dun, Tianwei, and the Holy Church. Wei to help, but thought that the owner behind him was wearing a pair of pants with Horton... and finally contacted the Ou District Church.

I have to say that the SG smart card is really awesome.

The European Church quickly sent a rescue team and successfully brought it to Montenegro Odyssey.


Montenegro Odyssey broke up with North America, and its appearance in Odyssey Financial International was also inexplicably exposed.

To be honest, Soros really didn't know that after he arrived in Montenegro Odyssey, the first building he entered was the 'Black Mountain Odyssey Financial Building'!

Well, it turns out that it was Montenegro Odyssey who shorted NT stocks, and Soros is the minion of Montenegro Odyssey!

No matter how much I wash it this time, it will not be clean.

Although Soros felt that this was a conspiracy against him, in desperation, what choice did he have?

Immediately joined Montenegro Odyssey Financial International, and was responsible for handling the massive amount of Franklin who always inexplicably increased for some reason.


Franklin in Ge Xiaotian’s hands was partly exchanged for red banknotes from Xiangjiang Li and his friends, and partly transferred to Montenegro Odyssey Finance, allowing Soros to exchange red banknotes, euros, Japanese currency, rubles, etc. in the foreign exchange market.

The remaining less than 200 billion is either in the Huo Dun consortium, or in the Butterfield Club, or is exchanged for minerals by the rich who bought the Ark ticket.

If Franklin depreciates, it won't lose much at all.

Perhaps this is also the reason for Franklin's depreciation. After all, the external holdings have decreased by more than 2 trillion, which has a great impact on Franklin's status.

However, Franklin's depreciation in the settlement field does not mean its depreciation in North America.

At least, the price of the bread inside the other party is still the same, the iron ore has not risen too much, the salary remains the same, and the toilet paper is still out of stock...

On the other hand, if Franklin depreciates, the cost of exported goods will remain the same, the selling price will rise in disguise, and the export volume will decrease.

And, in contrast, the red notes will appreciate in value.

This seems to have nothing to do with domestic prices, but Huaxia has a trade surplus. If other companies withdraw foreign exchange, the head office will release red notes of equivalent value to the domestic market. Inflation, rising prices...

This is obviously not in Tian Cheng's interest.

Besides, it's hard for them to set up a stage, so we can't make them work for nothing, right?

So, have to act!


Ge Xiaotian returned to Tiancheng Group on Wuzhou Avenue overnight, thought for a long time, and issued one order after another.

The United Savings of North America used Franklin's depreciation to deal with Tiancheng, then I... let you have a taste of the sweetness first.

In the morning, the president of Tianmao Group, Pete, announced that there was a problem with the third-generation seeds of Tiannong this year, which caused the crop yield to fail to reach one-fifth of the expected one-fifth, causing the Tianmao Group to lose hundreds of billions, and decided to take the blame and resign.

Boss Ge said from the air: merits and demerits are equalized, work with peace of mind, how much the masses lose, and how much I compensate, anyway, the losses can be paid.

Immediately afterwards, contacted Microsoft Bill and the Horton consortium, which invested in the farm, to discuss the import of bulk grain.

After losing the pricing power of wheat, soybeans and cotton in North America, they were obviously not reconciled. Although they signed a 'three-year peaceful coexistence' agreement with Tiancheng, but... the opportunity to come back came, so what agreement?

At noon that day, the two major grain merchants in North America pushed up the wheat price, followed closely by the European grain merchants. In order to fight back, the Nanyang grain merchants and their affiliated Tianmao Group pushed up the price of rice to suppress the wheat market.

The five parties fought, and the price of wheat had not yet risen, but they accidentally injured Wadao, Nanbangzi, Malay and other regions that needed to import rice on the spot.

For a while, the mother star joint meeting was lively.

The secretary-general, who just came back from the non-regional negotiations, showed a black face and said hello: Can you give me a rest? !

However, in 2004, Tian Cheng seemed to have a bad year.

two days later.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the oil production platform caught fire.

The reason is... a guy drank too much and didn't check the fire prevention facilities.

Coincidentally, the Bering Sea oil production platform caught fire...

Ge Xiaotian's rage was like thunder, and he shouted to Pupu from the air: "I suspect that you are not following the rules and playing tricks on me!"

"That's Maozi's back garden, surrounded by shore-based armaments, do we dare?"

"Use a spy, dare you have a fart?!"

Ice Bear's losses were greater than Tian Cheng's. He found the instigator and arranged for the newly repaired navigator and super submarine to go straight to the Bering Sea that day...

Pope: "..."

While the three parties were wrangling, another bad news came.

Affected by the warming weather, large-scale mudslides broke out in Siberia, and many forests were buried. In order to ensure the safety of employees, Tiancheng had to delay the start of work in forest farms, mines, and gold mines in Siberia.

Moreover, due to the damage to the roads and the destruction of the site facilities by mudslides, not only is there no hope of resuming work this year, but the cost of infrastructure repairs also needs to be increased.

Ge Xiaotian ran into the world to spawn monsters to vent his anger. It is said that an informed netizen said that he was still online at 5 o'clock in the morning...

Corresponding to the above events are:

Since the price of wheat fell back to 0.6 red notes/catties last year, it climbed to 1.1 red notes/catties in just a few days. Rice has climbed from 1.2 red notes/jin to 1.6 red notes/jin...

Tiancheng was unable to obtain iron ore from Siberia, so he naturally had to find new export regions. Coincidentally, iron ore piled up in North America, and the price of iron ore began to rise, including timber, gold...

Ice Bear's oil has always been the biggest threat in North America. This time, when the fire broke out, Pupu thought that the spies arranged by the previous boss really succeeded. After the reward, he posted a web...

Ice Bear: And said it wasn't you!

In the roar of the ice bear, the price of crude oil broke through 45 franklins/barrel.

Most importantly, with the announcement of the new exchange rate by the North American Union Savings, the foreign trade prices of the above goods have risen again.

After all, Franklin depreciates in terms of settlement, and you will use more Franklin to buy my goods.

Therefore, the Tianmao delegation, which was negotiating with Bill, the largest farmer in North America, and Horton, the largest farmer in Canada, ended the first round of negotiations that was about to be reached under Pete's dismay.

Without it, Bill, Holden, sit on the ground and start the price!

at the same time.

Another iron ore purchasing team from Tiancheng arrived in North America, but was told by the rich man who bought the Ark boat ticket: The price of iron ore has increased, we have transferred them all! (Designed by Ge Xiaotian)

The new iron ore owner must be a Wall Street investment tycoon, and the other party raised the price again.

And several important resources are all increasing in price, which will naturally affect the surrounding industries.

In mid-May, the major supermarkets in North America updated their price lists, and the prices in central and northern North America began to rise, which indirectly affected the financial-oriented south of North America that was hit by refugees...

Half a month later.

Tiancheng International Holdings issued a notice: Due to the depreciation of Franklin and the rise of domestic prices in North America, our export goods were seriously unsalable, so we had to suspend the export of goods to North America and change it to "export to domestic sales".

that day.

Ge Xiaotian, who has a "face full of vicissitudes" and "slightly white temples", announced the holding of a press conference.

"Tianrong International mobilized trillions of funds to formulate the 'export to domestic sales' campaign to compensate for the losses of export companies under the Huaxia National Chamber of Commerce and Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce."

"In this activity, regardless of domestic or overseas, anyone who holds a smart card and purchases 'export commodities' within the Tiancheng industrial chain can use the 'trillion subsidy' to launch 30 subsidy 10, 100 subsidy 30, 300 subsidy 100, 1,000 for 300, 3,000 for 1,000...the discount coupons cannot be superimposed."

"I hope that the respected customers in Tiancheng's industrial chain can support Tiancheng to tide over the difficulties. I, Ge Xiaotian, Chairman of Tiancheng, thank you here!"

hula la...

Boss Ge has spoken, and people's sense of 'exported goods' or 'imported goods' is really good, and now there are discount coupons available, so why not grab them?

June 1st is Children's Day.

About forty countries and regions jointly declared the holiday.

There is no way, even if there is no holiday, countless people ask for leave, rushing to Tiancheng Airport, Tiancheng Wharf, Tiancheng's overseas 'Tang City' or 'Dragon City'.

For tourism consumption, it is better to take a small vacation.


Nanyue: We attach great importance to children's physical and mental health, and wish all children on the mother planet a happy holiday!

Liked by the mother star joint meeting.

Thai Girl: Children are our future...

Liked by the mother star joint meeting.

France: Although today is not our Children's Day, we hope to join this important celebration of caring for the children of our mother planet.

Liked by the mother star joint meeting.

Germany: ...

Liked by the mother star joint meeting.

Vikings: Children are heirs of our Viking will!

Liked by the mother star joint meeting.

Secretary: "Mr. Ge, please don't use the official account indiscriminately, that's a pirate."

Ge Xiaotian: "I'm sorry, it's easy."


North America.

Wall Street financial tycoons gathered at the North American United Savings Headquarters.

Looking at the bustling scenes about Tiancheng's industrial chain displayed on the screen, everyone was a little puzzled.

"How do I feel that Franklin's depreciation has nothing to do with Tian Cheng?"

"On the contrary, we, the major shopping malls are extremely depressed, which makes me seem to see the economic crisis."

"By the way, Wajima can't afford rice and wants to import our wheat."

"If we sell it to Wa Dao, how can we make money from Tian Cheng?"

"But Tiancheng has never agreed to the quotation... Now it's the third round of negotiation!"

"In June, the new wheat will be on the market. Please quote a price that both parties are satisfied with and sell it to them as soon as possible."

"Where's the iron ore?"

"Just a little longer..."


the other side.

The masses who grabbed the export goods:

"Strange, except for the word 'export', this thing seems to be no different from the ones sold in supermarkets."

"No, if you tear off the export label, you will find that even the packaging is exactly the same."


"I suspect that this label was printed overnight!"


"What the hell, buy it with a discount coupon, and the price is a little bit more expensive than before!"

"Maybe it's the labor cost of printing export labels...not good, I fell into Ge Laoer's trick again!"


June 7th.

The annual college entrance examination, high school entrance examination, and vocational examination are coming one after another.

And Huaxia is also ushering in the harvest season.


This year's wheat production is amazing, and the yield per mu has exceeded 2,600 catties!

Obviously, this result far exceeds the yield standard of 2,300 catties for Tiannong's third-generation seeds.

In this regard, Pete, the president of Tianmao, not only said nothing, but also tried his best to cover up this fact, and secretly arranged another team to go to Wadao and Nanbangzi, where rice cannot be bought...

"What? Franklin settlement? Sorry, we only accept red notes."


The distant Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

As the ice thawed, countless river transport sailboats spewed out from the Black Dragon River, either loaded with ore, or dragged floating timber, or loaded with mountain-like bird droppings...

After the bad luck, the 100,000-ton giant ship covering the sea was escorted by the Ice Bear ships, and went straight to the waters of Wa Island...

And in the distant non-region.

The oil protection brigade guards a hundred 300,000-ton giant ships across the ocean, heading straight for the southern waters of China. There are many pirates along the way, fearing that they will not be able to avoid them...

South America.

The trials for Tiancheng's first sports meeting are in full swing...

West Asia.

Refineries, manufacturing plants, and processing plants are springing up like mushrooms after rain...

Wuzhou Avenue.

Ge Xiaotian opened the web and was about to write a diary of 'I'm at a loss' and 'I'm about to go bankrupt', but he looked through the content posted in the past month, thought for a long time, and still couldn't think of what he should say so as not to repeat it. After thinking about it, "I'm sorry, I really can't pretend anymore!"

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