Build Madness

Chapter 1029 Microcosm

Singapore has already declined, and it will decline even more in the future.

Nan Bangzi was half-dead by the tsunami, and it will take at least ten years to recover.

Today, the only surviving developed area in the sub-region is Wajima.

But to survive, one must possess tyrannical strength.

One, it is an exporting country.

An exporting country means a trade surplus. Have you ever seen Konka, Sony, Sanyo, Panasonic, Lexus, Toyota, Nissan, Honda, etc. that frequently appear in the Chinese market.

Second, it is a semiconductor powerhouse, even surpassing Europe and the United States.

This means that Wajima occupies a very important position in the field of silicon electronics technology.

Third, it has the second largest "entertainment industry chain" in the parent star.

This means that Wajima can collect a lot of funds from overseas without too much cost.

Therefore, Wajima does not rely on the Tiancheng industrial chain.

On the contrary, it is a Tiancheng electrical appliance company that needs the support of Wajima's semiconductor industry.

This is impossible.

Although Longtian, Wanshi, Weihua, Great Wall, Qixi, etc. are rising rapidly, the electronic field includes not only mobile terminals, home consoles, but also TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, monitors, and industrial electronic control modules.

If you want to improve a technology industry chain, even if Tiancheng opens it up, it is impossible to own it instantly.

Wajima, which is the closest and has advanced technology, has become the best choice.

However, large-scale imports of semiconductors will inevitably lead to a greater trade deficit, causing the wealth of Tiancheng's industrial chain to flow to Wajima.

That's why there was the "Wohai Exercise" event that bombarded each other's foreign trade gates and forcibly dumped melons, fruits and vegetables, hardware department stores, daily-use chemicals, etc., to balance the huge trade balance between the two sides.

However, as Huaxia embarked on the road of "optoelectronic technology" and Tiancheng's industrial chain became more and more complete, the Wadao brand began to quickly fade out of the Huaxia people's vision.


Wajima is unable to export high-profit goods to China, but imports a large amount of Tiancheng-related products that are more profitable for Tiancheng. The trade surplus in the past has now turned into a trade deficit.

Therefore, Wajima will go to great lengths to join the European League.

And tearing up the many unequal trade agreements signed by Tian Cheng has also become the first problem that Wa Island has to solve.

Logically speaking, with the Ninja Alliance, there is no problem if there is a problem. Whether it is a trade surplus or a trade deficit, Tiancheng's interests are the greatest.

But as the saying goes, the emperor takes turns to do it, and this year came to my house.

The chief of Wajima is changed five or six times a year, and the Ninja Alliance has a far-reaching influence on Wajima. Now that three years have passed, how can it be the turn of the second generation who holds real power.

Learn the other person's words: Boss, if I don't withdraw, I will...

Coincidentally, North America launched an encirclement campaign against the Ninja League, and the second generation of the Ninja League was unfortunately 'stabbed to death'.

There must be hatred, tens of millions of ninjas parade...


To be the chief of Wajima?

With real power, why make decorations?

Wouldn't it be nice to keep playing the game?

Therefore, the Ninja Alliance made a move that was most in line with Wajima's interests, which was to unilaterally tear up the many unequal trade agreements signed by Tian Cheng.

This move made the Ninja Alliance's reputation in Wajima rise to an indescribable level.


On the third day of tearing up the agreement, Tian Cheng cut off the sea lifeline of Wa Island with iron cables.

If it cannot be recovered, it means that Wajima has no crude oil since then.

After all, Ice Bear will not sell crude oil to Wajima, but imports from North America, but has to face the extremely powerful Bering Sea pirates, Alaska pirates, and Las Vegas pirates who came out of nowhere...

It is estimated that one of the ten oil tankers can come, thank God.

The question before Wa Dao now becomes: Accusing Tiancheng of linking the island with iron chains in a righteous way, cooperating with other regions to put pressure on Tiancheng to force Tiancheng to untie the iron chains, or compromise and cooperate with Tiancheng.

Clearly, pointing fingers is useless.

For cooperation, either buy crude oil at a high price, or introduce electric vehicles.


Wajima launched a referendum: North America tricked us again, and we agreed to fight the boss together, and in the end... only we were reckless. Now the boss is going to kill us, should we buy the fuel of the boss, or the electric car of the boss? vote.

People on Wa Island: "..."

Under the influence of the ninja secrets, the people of Japan Island did not reject Tian Cheng at all, because... the reason why they could not get along with Tian Cheng was that they were always tricked by North America.

Take a look at the Panda Guardian Forum, such a lively online world, why do you want to block it?

Look at the fun VR games, look at the magical world, and look at the cheap and high-quality commodities...

In particular, the assassination of the highly respected Second Daime pushed the hatred to the apex.

But the choice is still to be chosen.

Otherwise, in a few days, all the cars on the street will be lying down.

Some people choose to import Tiancheng's crude oil.

But immediately, analysts indicated that this would be stuck by Tiancheng, it would be better to import electric vehicles, after all, Wajima nuclear power is very developed.

As a result, 80% of people chose electric vehicles.

Many Japanese car dealers are not happy.

"Importing electric vehicles, how can we survive?"

It's a pity that that night, the Ninja Alliance "beat the local tyrants and share the wealth" and told the car dealers with practical actions: For the glory of Wajima, you don't have to live.

It's just that the major automakers are not at the mercy of others, and immediately launched a counterattack.

For a time, the North American agents, elite ninjas, auto dealer chaebols, Wajima security officers, Wajima Self-Defense Forces, and N major forces fighting together, set off a "graphene storm" on Wajima that was far beyond that of the Ninja Alliance. The mother star was shocked by the bloody storm.

However, no one expected that the Wajima incident broke out suddenly and calmed down extremely quickly.

three days later.

Wajima sent a delegation to Wuzhou Avenue and signed an 'electric vehicle import agreement' with Tiancheng.


southern seas.

With the ebb and flow of the tide, thousands of reef islands are either washed away by the waves and only two or three stubborn rocks remain, or are directly swallowed by the sea.

And the most southern.

The four platforms, which are about 100 meters away from the sea, stand still in the turbulent waves.

There are floating cranes all around, and many tower cranes and mechanical arms are unloading boxes of 'fabricated building components' from three giant ships.

On the platform, forklifts came and went, countless workers sweated like rain, and brand-new houses rose from the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.

under the platform.

An extremely thick iron cable connected the giant islands at the bottom of the four platforms, dragged by the floating ball, stretched northward, crossed the boundless sea, and was finally fixed in a certain mountain on the continental shelf of South Vietnam.

At this time.

The alarm device attached to the iron chain suddenly flashed a red light.

In the middle of the iron chain, the three destroyer warships seemed not to have noticed the warnings from the aerial drones and sea surface devices, and rushed towards the iron chain recklessly, as if they were about to use their impact to tear the blocking rope.


Under the sky in the direction of the Mekong Delta, more than 50 long strips of objects dragging a faint mist came in the blink of an eye.

The battleship's radar was running crazily, and the two ships in the rear turned directly to make a U-turn.



The long strips of things smashed down...

Amidst the flames and the sound of explosions, the expulsion that rushed ahead was blasted into the vast sea in less than twenty seconds.

The iron chain accompanied the floating ball up and down in the sea water, and the other two drove away at full speed.

Not long.

A 20,000-ton giant ship flying the Nanbangzi flag slowly approached.

Aerial Drones: "Stop, Pay!"


Wuzhou Avenue, Tiancheng Building.

Ge Xiaotian sent away the visiting group from Washima, and handed over the first batch of 20,000 electric car orders to the newly established 'Wuzhou Avenue Automobile Manufacturing Plant'.

Dao Shiyi walked into the office: "Boss, North America accused us of selling Swoosh with a range of more than 400km to South Vietnam, which seriously violated the safety regulations of the home planet."

"I don't remember us signing the ordinance?"

"It was signed by the 'Big Five' together."

"Is it related to us?"

"It doesn't seem to matter..."

"Go back, the other party blames us, so let's blame the other party. As for the reason, they raise pirates."

"Huh? No, what kind of pirates do they raise?"

"Viking pirates, Bering Sea pirates, Caribbean pirates, Red Sea pirates, Malay pirates... aren't they all of them? We have direct evidence that the old man who used to be the director of some Ford-level aviation crew is now a I have become the second head of Viking!"


You're getting more and more proficient at hitting back.

Dao Shixi nodded, "Well, this matter is submitted to the home planet joint meeting."

"Good idea, I'll sign it when the time comes."


Since you became the senior manager of the Mother Planet United Conference, you have become even more 'faceless'.

Dao Shishi was about to leave when he was called by Ge Xiaotian.

"How about the rubber plantation?"

"North America discovered the Kra Isthmus Canal. Naturally, it wanted to destroy it, so it urged the Malay army to go north. It is currently blocked by the security of the rubber plantation outside the 'peaceful zone'."

"Tiancheng's industrial chain has benefited so many partners. Now that we are in conflict with the outside world, we can't always let us take the lead. I remember that the 109 Armament Laboratory made some bluffing toys?"

"Yes, Titans, Apocalypse, Grizzlies... and some of them are mass-produced."

"The battle is imminent. In order to enhance the strength of our partners, we might as well give these high-profile... big guys who can be regarded as mid-point to the Nanyang Five, and let them charge forward."

"Then don't we pay?"

"Excuse me, doesn't it cost money to repair? No cost to maintain? No cost to special ammunition? No cost to fuel or energy?"



Movements in the southern waters cannot be concealed from the surrounding areas.

Just when North America accused Tiancheng of violating the security agreement, Malay went north to the rubber plantation, preparing to raid and destroy the Kela Isthmus Canal.

Heavy-duty transport planes crossed Everest and piled up countless oversized parts in a hidden area of ​​Taimei.

Accompanying Tiancheng Mechanic, while teaching Taimei Mechanic, at the same time complete the assembly of large parts with the help of machinery.

the next day.

The atmosphere in the rubber plantation became increasingly tense.

Just when the gun was about to go off...

The first batch of turbo tanks on the mother star was officially unveiled.

It is different from the gas turbine tank of the T-80, but it really uses a full set of turbine engine technology.

It has a total length of 51 meters, a height of 32 meters, and a width of 21 meters. It is equipped with two grenade launchers and a strong magnetic rail booster. It is a heavy-duty assault vehicle and can transport a full company and corresponding logistics materials.

(Strong magnetic orbital booster: use electromagnetic technology to increase the speed of special cannon eggs, increasing the initial speed, flight speed and effective range.)

This weapon has a maximum speed of 160km/h in plains, 85km/h in mountains, and 45 knots in coastal waters.

According to Taimei's official announcement: This is the first generation of Titan independently developed by Taimei imitating the 'heavy two legs', mainly used to deal with unavoidable large-scale battles.

Countries on the mother planet received intelligence, and there were mixed opinions about it. Some military commentators complained that the target was too big, and some armament designers praised the design concept.

But without exception, everyone wants to know the actual combat capabilities of this thing.


Taimei conducted test firing on a 1500mm homogeneous steel plate placed 5km away in the "peaceful area" in the southern part of the rubber plantation, and penetrated it in one fell swoop.

The news shook the West.

You must know that the most advanced armor-piercing eggs in North America can only penetrate 800mm homogeneous steel plates at 2km.

And the effect of the strong magnetic orbital booster is twice that!

In particular, this 'strong magnetic acceleration' technology is not a secret, it can even be regarded as a 'common' technology, but no one has applied it in the field of straight-line shooting.

But referring to the power performance of the 'Generation Titan'...

This is simply a mobile bunker, a complete killer!

If in the desert...

The West dare not think about it.

The Malay army retreated fifty miles that day and stationed on the hillside to avoid being bombarded in a straight line within the range of the Titans.

Under the urging of North America, Xinjia quickly reinforced.

Seeing this, Taimei didn't hesitate at all, and threatened to beat three of them one by one!

It's just that the 'Nanyang Five' has already signed a strategic cooperation, and South Vietnam and others still provide reinforcements to them.

For a time, the Nanyang war clouds filled the air.


the other side.

The severe cold in northern Europe has subsided, and the Viking pirates who were almost defeated by the joint meeting of the mother star came out to have fun again.

However, what puzzles England is that Viking not only has the Rafale and Phantom fighters jointly developed by France and itself, but also the Typhoon jointly developed by Germany, itself and Italy, and the Su series of Ice Bear, Their own Harrier, Wajima's Raiden, North American...

Where did these 'Wan Guo Brands' come from? !

Unfortunately, no one answered England, and even England didn't have time to find out.

Because these Viking lunatics have landed in Great Britain from the north...


In the southern part of Malaysia, Christmas Island near the Antarctic welcomes a group of pirates dressed in sloppy clothes but with powerful weapons.

Alaska ushered in the carnival of the three major pirate groups in the Bering Sea...

Refugees from southern North America, expelled by Pirates of the Caribbean, frantically headed north...

An army of mutant kangaroos in Australia raided the harbor city...

An army of wild beasts appeared in West Siberia...

This year, the mother planet seems destined to be not very peaceful.

Even Tian Cheng was attacked by pirates several times.

The parent star joint meeting was so troubled by this that it had to hold an unprecedented 'abnormal event' meeting.


Before it even started, a more terrifying incident was made public by the North American Antarctic expedition team.

The snow in Antarctica has melted!

The most important thing is that those snows, those ice layers, and those frozen soils are all like watermelon pulp.

Using the metaphor of watermelon pulp, it doesn't seem very scary.

But it was red everywhere, and after entering the blood-stained Antarctic, it shocked the entire mother planet.


The Tiancheng 106 Meteorological Laboratory has confirmed all this. The snow in Antarctica has not melted recently, but has continued to melt since the fires in Australia.

The most effective proof is blood algae, which is a kind of algae that absorbs heat from the air and reproduces itself. It is produced in Australia and now covers the entire Antarctica. Just imagine, blood algae is in the ice and snow, constantly absorbing the heat in the air. Can the ice and snow not melt? ?

However, the 106 laboratory is obviously not interested in this matter, but emphasizes 2012.

Antarctica is melting, what about the North Pole?

The sea water is rising, and the greenhouse effect is driving abnormal weather. We suspect that Wajima was first submerged. Of course, in order to avoid causing panic, we chose to conceal this matter.

It is a pity that the North American scientific expedition team obviously did not pay attention to our concerns.

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