Build Madness

Chapter 1031 Tiancheng's First Victory Ceremony

Tianzi business jets are top-notch in quality and excellent in performance, and have maintained zero failure rates since they were launched, so there must be a reason why they are expensive.

The issue is……

20 billion!

If it takes hundreds of millions of red notes to repair the wing that doesn't know whether it's real or fake, facing the fool of Montenegro Odyssey, the Three Musketeers will definitely join in and pay for it.

But at this juncture when a battle is about to break out, with the support of the boss of the parent planet behind them, the Three Musketeers obviously don't want to be taken advantage of.

"Brother Montenegro, let's sit down and talk."

"Do you think I'm so free?"

Montenegro Odyssey understood that the Three Musketeers were planning to quarrel, and immediately joined the Nanyang Five-member team cursingly, and dispatched two major sea tribes to go to Nanyang.

Yidali, who was about to join in the fun, saw his neighbors express their position, and abruptly dragged back the warship that had just left port, claiming that it was just a trial voyage, and had no intention of helping the Three Musketeers.

When the bullfighting country next door received the news, it even drove its own troop carrier into the Mediterranean Sea into Malta, declaring that it had lost its way while fishing, and the latter almost exposed the 400km newly bought mischief.

The other small countries in the European region, who were screaming to beat the Nanyang Five, were also frightened by the Montenegro Odyssey, as if a basin of ice water had been poured on their heads, and they calmed down instantly.

Montenegro Odyssey joined the Nanyang Five to represent the region that supported the Three Musketeers, and could no longer travel to Nanyang through the Mediterranean.

The remaining options are either to circumnavigate the non-region, or to cross the two oceans westward.

But both options will encounter pirates...


We are the regular sea department?

Now the regular ones can't be eaten, don't you see that the Viking group of lunatics have already landed in Scotland, so that England has no time to mess with the leader.

Let these small countries fight hard with pirates, I am afraid that they will not have to prepare ransom in advance.

For a while, the pressure on the Nanyang Five dropped sharply.

at the same time.

Affected by the Iron Chain Link Island, the price of parent star crude oil has continued to rise, and the price of a barrel has exceeded 50 Franklins, hitting a record high.

The prices of rubber, gold, and wheat, which fell slightly, also soared.

In addition, the cities near the rubber plantations began to emigrate on a large scale, and the sea area near the peninsula began to clear.

Everyone understands that if no unexpected factors intervene, the conflict caused by the Inkla Isthmus Canal will inevitably become the fuse of the third battle on the home planet.

Because there are too many fields involved...


North America, Washington D.C.

In Nuoda’s highest conference room, more than a dozen executives had different expressions.

Pu Pu put his hand on his forehead and sat on the top, frowning.

"He probably doesn't want this to make a big deal."

"Boss, we don't need to look at his face."

"Then do you know that once we tear ourselves apart, the moon base that Xiaobu spent nearly 100 billion Franklin built will become a ruin? Where do the engineers, astronauts, and scientific researchers sent up live?"

"Sir, I think we should change our target."

"you say."

"What Tiancheng cares about is the Kela Isthmus Canal. Now that the price of rubber on the mother star has skyrocketed, it means that Tiancheng is about to make a fortune. If we include the rubber plantation as the target of this operation, will Tiancheng lose sight of the other?"

"Are you planning to make things worse?"

"No, we want to bring Tian Cheng to the negotiating table."


You have such a good idea, but that psychopath doesn't play cards according to common sense at all!

Pupu scratched his long blond hair, noncommittal to the proposal of the head of the air department.

Seeing this, the other executives below whispered and quickly discussed countermeasures.

Up to now when confronting Tian Cheng, no one mentioned 'peaceful world' anymore.

Leaving aside space-based armaments and meteorological armaments, just now, Tian Cheng actually sold the H fusion technology to Montenegro Odyssey.

This is so...

Not to mention that North America was shocked into a cold sweat, even Fade also rejected the proposal to go to Nanyang for 'fishing' together.

The mature H fusion technology represents another technological change, and the helium three mined on the moon will soon be applied in the commercial field.

Of course, this will be very soon, it may be three years, or it may be five years.

But in any case, the Montenegro Odyssey is very likely to have a large-scale armament.


Does Tian Cheng have any large-scale weapons?

If not, Ge Lao Er would have been over long ago!

What should I do next?

To be honest, Pupu didn't want to fight.

Because he paid for the special cement and non-defective concrete he bought, but the goods have not yet arrived.

If the face is torn, according to Nasi's character, 100% will not refund.

"Report, urgent information!"

"Send it up."

"It's audio."


The executives who were discussing in low voices below heard the words and looked at the big screen.

In the vast ocean, four huge engineering islands are connected to each other, forming a "giant island" that cannot be seen.

On it, a banner translated as 'Tiancheng's First Celebration Party' spanned hundreds of meters and was lifted high by two thick mechanical arms.

under the banner.

The familiar Ge was wearing a digital camouflage-style mechanical exoskeleton, with a helmet in his right hand and a natural gift in his left.


Tiancheng employees lined up horizontally and vertically, arranged in hundreds of phalanxes, wearing all kinds of standard clothes, and returning the salute in unison.

Assistant: "Report, according to statistics, there are about 100,000 people, all of whom should come from Neobras."

Everyone: "..."

Pupu: "Where?"

Assistant: "With such a scale, it must not be in China. For intelligence analysis, it should be in the eastern waters."

Pupu: "Even the location can't be confirmed, the Intelligence Department simply resigns en masse."

Everyone: "..."

The screen continues.

Behind the Tiancheng employees, countless engineering vehicles are being refitted, countless drones are flying test flights, countless ground-effect aircraft are circling the surrounding sea area, and countless ships are changing decks...

Assistant: "Engineering vehicles are multi-legged heavy machinery, and their overall performance surpasses any tank. Its power is unknown, but it has sub-pulse cutting technology beyond visual distance, that is, ion pulse guns. UAVs are exploration-type aviation equipment. As an armament, "Never Return" can reach three times the supersonic speed, and there is no solution in the field of low-altitude penetration for the time being. The engineering ground-effect aircraft has a larger load and faster speed..."

Following the explanation, everyone in the conference room, including Pupu, became more and more serious.

Looking at Tian Cheng's posture, the chances of the two sides tearing each other up are getting higher and higher.

But against Tian Cheng, not against Iraq.

In the case of the same technology, or being overtaken by Tiancheng Technology, the two sides have finished fighting the guide egg and the drone, and it is bound to have a land battle.

I am afraid that no one knows better than North America how the Tianwei land combat capabilities are.

At this time, there was a burst of noise in the video.

Seeing Ge Xiaotian say something in a deep voice after the ceremony, the audience suddenly became excited.


Even across the screen, Pupu and the others felt a strong fighting spirit.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at each other.

This is the general mobilization before the war? !


The Tiancheng employees who returned to China this time include not only Neobras, Okhotsk, Yakutia, etc., but also regular workers and employees belonging to Far East Tiancheng.

It also includes non-regional Tiancheng, bipolar Tiancheng, offshore Tiancheng, and certain Tiancheng expatriates.

In fact, they had already arrived a week ago, but considering the family reunion, Ge Xiaocai set the celebration party for today.

"The four-year period has expired, and the heroes are welcome to return!"


The wages must be paid. In addition to the monthly salary and year-end bonus at the end of the year, the "four-year agreement payment" was also paid this time.

That is to say, if you have worked overseas for four years, regardless of your position, you will be rewarded with an additional 500,000 red notes.

"Tiancheng cannot be what it is today without the support of overseas industries, and the hard work of all of you who are not afraid of life and death, and the severe cold and heat. Brothers, you have worked hard!"


The overseas employees who returned to China have all honed their excellent skills in the corresponding positions and obtained domestic teacher qualification certificates.

In this way, Tiancheng's education system, especially vocational universities, will usher in a large number of 'mentors'.

The instructors stayed at the school for four years, and then led their students to new positions, and so on for another four years, returning to school to lead students, and then went to new positions together again after four years...

Whoever reaches sixty first will retire first, which students are outstanding, and which students fill in the vacancies.

This is the talent training system of Tiancheng Industrial Chain, which returns to school once every four years and never worries about technological iteration.


North America, Washington D.C.

Thanks to Tian Cheng not blocking the surrounding airspace, the high-altitude reconnaissance drone clearly took a picture of the four engineering islands and everything that happened on them.

Unfortunately, no matter how the intelligence personnel parsed the audio, it was still impossible to tell what was said.

This made Pupu and a group of executives have some bad premonitions about the upcoming battle of the rubber plantation.

If Tiancheng's soldiers guide the ocean, I am afraid that tomorrow the Three Swords will be 0

Chief of the Sea Department: "We can no longer stand by, something has to be done."


Pupu nodded heavily, "The Kra Isthmus Canal can be abandoned, and the rubber plantation plan can also be shelved. We must keep the Three Musketeers."

The head of the military department: "In this way, Tiancheng has achieved the goal of defending the canal of the Isthmus of Kela, but we have lost all face."

Pu Pu: "If you think you can kill Tian Cheng, I can appoint you as the supreme commander of this battle."

Chief of the Military Department: "Oh, sorry, I mean, profit is paramount, at least we have nothing to lose, and sold a lot of outdated weapons."

"Then... contact Tian Chengge, we need to talk!"


Tiancheng's first victory celebration lasted for a whole day in the southern waters. (North American intelligence error)

The reason why it is held here is that about one-third of the employees returning from overseas have settled in the southern waters. From now on, they will live in twelve artificial islands and more artificial islands built later.

There are free housing, employment guarantees, education guarantees, medical care guarantees, and living allowances...

In short, the life here is not inferior to the inland.

In addition, 100,000 immigrants from Nanhe will arrive in three months.

Including Tiancheng employees and Tiancheng employees emigrating, the population in the southern sea area will exceed 200,000, and the resident population will exceed 150,000.

This was already the limit of what Tian Cheng could do.

But there is no doubt that this is the Inner Sea!


Does anyone disagree?

Soon there will be public support.


Ge Xiaotian was busy with the celebration party and didn't stay in the southern waters.

As the saying goes, if you hunt geese all day long, you will get your eyes cut sooner or later.

Now that overseas is in turmoil, if the vigilance group makes a mistake in any link, or if overseas comes with huge losses, he will be finished.

Therefore, return to Wuzhou Avenue for the day.

The real estate sales team of Tiancheng, Shanghai, has been busy with the handover of work and the closing of the real estate project on Wuzhou Avenue, and is preparing to leave for Jinling.

When Ge Xiaotian got off the business plane, he happened to see five little pink pigs who had just finished checking in the RV.

It is impossible for five people to be equipped with five electric RVs. One is that the production is limited, and the other is that the sisters must not be able to pay the installment loan.

Therefore, in the end, I bought the coquettish fan who was hit by the front of the flower car and had a 9.10% discount after it was repaired.

"Bon Voyage!"

"Thanks to the auspicious words!"

They were all being fooled and limped, and the five little pink pigs definitely didn't have a good face. They waved their fists and boarded Boss Ge's business jet one after another.

Well, in order to save operating costs, I now have this business jet, and whoever uses it applies for it.

Ge Xiaotian was like a loving old father, standing at the airport and saying goodbye to everyone with a smile.

"Boss, North America wants to meet you."

"Place, time."

"VR+AR two-way delivery cabin, at 9:30 tonight."

"Sure, but...the rubber plantation needs to work harder. If we don't pretend to kill the Three Musketeers, we will be very passive in negotiating."



Four p.m.

The Black Mountain Odyssey land department airdropped 20,000 elites to the "peaceful area" in the southern part of the rubber plantation.

Strictly speaking, Montenegro Odyssey does not have a land department, and its land department should be called 'reform behind bars'.

In other words, the green clothes of Montenegro Odyssey are all death row prisoners.

As for whether these death row prisoners will defect...

Anyone who understands the 'Odyssey Faith' will not have such doubts.

Of course, as long as you understand the Odyssey belief, you will definitely join the Montenegro Odyssey.

This is the horror of 'Southern Union'.

And Montenegro Odyssey is also extremely tolerant of death row prisoners. As long as he makes outstanding military exploits, he can restore Odyssey's citizenship and eliminate any past stains.

Therefore, in recent years, Odyssey death row prisoners have been called "battlefield butchers" and "battlefield harvesters" by the outside world.

20,000 dead prisoners were airborne, putting pressure on the Three Musketeers, even surpassing Titan and Apocalypse.

Some of the Three Musketeers, Lu Yi, who were lucky enough to witness the action of the death row in the Panda Guardian Forum even ran away overnight...

This caused turmoil in the camp of the Three Musketeers.

half an hour later.

The supply convoy of the Three Musketeers was attacked. Survivors described the death row prisoners in this way: "Their eyeballs are as red as blood, their bodies are covered with naked scars, their expressions are sometimes crazy, sometimes abstract, and the sound is like a broken gong... They can overturn trucks, kick broken Giant logs as thick as bowls, they are not human at all."

Five p.m.

North America accused Montenegro Odyssey of using cyborgs and asked the latter to give a reasonable explanation.

After the emergence of the concept of cyborgs, all countries are engaged in research, but the progress is different.

Ice bears use bears as their carriers, and their control is very poor, sometimes out of control.

England uses wolves as a carrier to study genes, aiming to create werewolves, but there is no progress yet.

In North America, Montenegro, Wajima, etc., patients or normal people are used as carriers, and results abound. However, Montenegro Odyssey has done more perfectly, and cyborgs with limbs and internal organs made of bionic materials have appeared.

It's a pity that Tiancheng, as the supplier of the 'brain computer', has not yet perfected the neuron connection technology, which makes the cyborg unable to be applied in the battlefield.

North America will definitely import brain computers, and the sanctions will be sanctions. Some transactions will continue.

Montenegro Odyssey did not give any explanation, but at 6 o'clock in the evening of the same day, released fifteen intercontinental swishes on the southern slopes of the 'peaceful area'.

Fast, accurate and ruthless!

'Stupid' connection failed.

The magnetic field on the southern hillside was instantly disturbed, and within a radius of 500 miles, except for the photoelectric equipment, everything else failed.

At 7 o'clock, the Three Musketeers withdrew south again.

At 8 o'clock, Pupu rubbed his sleepy eyes, connected to the VR+AR two-way delivery cabin in advance, and appeared in the chairman's office of Tiancheng on Wuzhou Avenue.

"Oh man, those friends of yours are working so hard!"

"No, no, it's your teammate, it's so good!"


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