Build Madness

Chapter 1046: The Opening Ceremony of Tiancheng Games (Part 1)

The Interstellar Sports Center is also known as the Planetary Stadium.

which has:

A spherical main stadium that can accommodate 200,000 people;

Three spherical secondary stadiums that can accommodate 20,000 people are used respectively for basketball, volleyball and tennis;

Four medium-sized spherical venues that can accommodate 6,000 people are used for swimming, billiards, table tennis, and indoor gymnastics;

Six small spherical venues that can accommodate 3,000 people are used for game competitions, VR fighting, and real fighting.

Twenty-six open-air venues, and corresponding spherical supporting facilities, such as hotels, shops, restaurants, firefighting, medical care...

Strictly speaking, the project took three years from project approval to completion.

The main reason is that after the emergence of anti-gravity technology, Ge Xiaotian thought that the "planetary ring" built by steel structure was too ugly, so he ordered it to be dismantled and replaced with a floating "planetary ring" supported by anti-gravity technology.

The former steel planetary ring will not rotate with the main stadium, it is completely a 'dead thing'.

Today's planetary rings will not only rotate with the venue, but also fly around, showing the special effect of "burst".

In the evening, when the lights are turned on, you can see the vast universe outlined by AR in the distance, and planets of different sizes in the distance. The halos flow, time and space change, and the scene is magnificent and magnificent.

After the completion, even if the venue is not open to the public, it will become the first choice for people in Zaoshi Xincheng, Zaoshi Xuecheng, Weixian on the west, Tengzhou on the north and other places to visit on holidays and even stroll in the evening.

After all, there is a subway, and it takes at most five minutes. Now life is better, and people don't care about the two-yuan round-trip ticket.

Therefore, during the trial operation stage of the Interstellar Sports Center, the number of daily tourists reached 250,000, and the daily profit of retail, catering, clothing, automobiles, transportation, etc. was maintained at 1.5 million.

According to the 3 billion investment, even if the game tickets are not counted, it can be paid back in ten years.

And counting tickets...

With the big lie of 'virtual reality games', an opening will pay for itself.

If you add advertising revenue...

When it comes to sports business operations, no one can compare to Tiancheng.

"Fortunately, my Zaoshi City fought the pressure of all parties and introduced Tiancheng to participate in the new city plan."

"That's Mr. Xue, you have a sharp eye, and you can see Mr. Ge's potential at a glance."

"Haha...don't flatter."

In the past four years, the Zaoshi new city plan has already been overfulfilled.

Now Xingyue Bay has been built to the eighth district, Ginza has been built to the sixth district, and Xinglin International, which was taken over by the Zaoshi government from Li Wei, has also been built to the second district. Together with other large and small developers, Zaoshi New Town already has two hundred million people.

After emigration, the old city still has a population of 800,000.

Xuecheng was newly built, together with nearby towns, with a population of 600,000.

Nansihu Modern Film and Television City has a population of 200,000.

Compared with four years ago, logistics, transportation, medical care, electronics, micro-business, science and education, agriculture, fishery, etc. have all developed in an all-round way, the population has doubled, the per capita income has doubled, and the GDP has doubled dozens of times.


Leader Xue Da needs to move.

A week later, he went to the western university city and served as the official manager of the university city, second only to Shaobaidou.

It's just that when Zaoshi New City was attracting investment, the leader Xue Da tried to offend Shaobaitou and force Tiancheng to come here. Now that they are neighbors again, it is estimated that the two of them will have a lot of fun.

"Leader, shall we enter first?"



New Town Elevated.

A provincial-level Dongba official car turned into the Xincheng driveway from the direction of Jishi Town Airport.

Inside the car:

"What a change!"

"It's the leader who has a long-term vision and spares no effort to support Tiancheng!"

"Stop flattering, I was fooled!"


Shaobaitou looked at Nansi Lake, "You have to work hard too. Look at that small county town, which was almost reduced to a poor county. In order to grab the farmland, the farmers fought with the south every year. The trouble is well known all over the country. Now...see Look at those high-rise buildings, who would dare to call it a county?"

"It's so beautiful, it's more developed than our Ulu City."

"The current leader of the county compound is your predecessor."

"Don't worry about leadership, I will work hard!"

" can go to Hotan to exercise later." (Southern end of Taklamakan)




Under the curtain in the distance, a sub-Huaxia-class special-purpose business jet modified from a twin-rotor jet helicopter flew quickly from the southwest direction.

Sitting in front of the window, Mr. Yu looked down at the half of his hometown that had visited every corner, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Who would have thought that after presiding over the old canal, he presided over a new canal.

Who would have thought that he intended to be in charge of Dongshan, but ran to the Southwest within a few years.

Who would have thought that he was obviously a good GDP player, but was mistaken for a "chess" master by his superiors and subordinates. (Win against Father Zhao)

From development, to operation, to ZZ game...

Although there are no shortcomings in the resume, but... there will always be a little unwillingness in my heart.


All of this is very similar to what Ge has facilitated.


This is a game made by Ge, the purpose is to push him up...

"Ge Heizi!"

"Back to the leader, Mr. Ge prepared afternoon tea for you at the Holiday Inn." The guard who once helped the chief to block knives in the downtown area of ​​Nandu said bluntly.


Mr. Yu sighed, looked down, and said in surprise: "Hey, this sports center is quite grand!"

"Yes, the leader, the biggest in the entire mother planet!"

"No, when the Fengdu Sports Center lands, we will fall behind in Nandu. We must ask this guy for one!"

"Didn't you say before that you will never cooperate with Mr. Ge in the future?"

"the last time!"


The heavy rail transportation in Nandu seems to be the last time.

The guard thought so in his heart, so he definitely didn't dare to say it out of his mouth. He quickly picked up the business machine communicator and contacted the secretary who stayed in Nandu, "Hello? The big leader said to find Tiancheng to cooperate with Nandu Sports Center, and I want a big one!"

Yu Zong: "What needs to be big, it needs to be a unique landmark sports center."

Guard: "Did you hear that? The leader said so!"

President Yu: "..."

You are so easy...


buzz buzz...

Just finished checking the board of directors of the "full industry system" in the western university city, took the Huaxia-class No. 1 business jet transformed from a twin-rotor jet helicopter, and landed in Jishi Airport Town by air, instead of flying directly to Jishi Airport like the general car Zaoshi Airport.

Come here, one is to inspect the birthplace of optoelectronic technology, and the other is to experience the "heavy rail maglev high-speed subway" independently designed and manufactured by Huaxia.

Optoelectronics technology has supported the second transformation of Huaxia's industry and enabled Huaxia to enter the field of automation, intelligence, and digitization. Its importance can be imagined.

The heavy-rail maglev high-speed subway has 2.5 times the passenger volume and six times the speed of ordinary subways. If this model is adopted outside the third ring road in Beijing, it will greatly slow down the increasingly serious traffic congestion.

The leadership group of the board of directors got off the plane and looked at the Canal Development Zone, which doubled in size every year. No, it was Xiangcheng District, Jishi City.

General Manager: "Wuzhou Avenue can't develop eastward, it must go westward to connect with Shanghai, otherwise... this is the final result."

Chairman: "Wuzhou Avenue was not included in the plan. Tiancheng invested and developed alone. There is nothing wrong with it. If the devil adjusts the plan, according to that kid's style of work, we will take the initiative to ask him. At that time, Tiancheng I'm afraid that if you want to ask the devil for money, do you think the devil will be willing to pay?"

The general manager of the finance department nodded, "Modu is thinking about it. If we intervene there, once Ge Heizi finds out, I'm afraid the price of the military parade equipment we will receive next month will increase."

General manager:"……"

Everyone chatted and walked out of the airport.

Outside, the welcome motorcade arranged by Wanshi Technology Group waited for a long time. The boss of Wanshi led his son Montblanc and many scientific researchers to say hello.

Then, inspect the carbon-based chip 3D mechanism building machine, photoelectric core packaging process, optical memory production line...

In the evening, accompanied by Boss Wanshi, everyone walked into the Science and Technology Park subway station.

With Tianwei security, there is no need to clear the venue, and the ideological and moral education in recent years has also made the masses have a very high quality.

Amidst the laughter, the maglev high-speed subway arrived.

Get off first, then get on, and board in an orderly manner.


The subway speeds up, but there is no feeling in the car (anti-gravity device).

The next moment, the window was plunged into darkness, and when the light came again, it had arrived at Nansi Lake—Modern Film and Television City.

Some passengers who did not pay attention to the news walked into the carriage and saw the leadership team of the board of directors...

Say hello and salute.

There was another burst of laughter, and the subway started again.

In less than a minute, we came to the Interstellar Sports Center.

"too fast!"

"Yeah, I thought it would be weightless, but I never expected it. I didn't feel anything when standing inside, as if I was standing still."

"High and new technology has entered thousands of households, and the changes brought about are not only these. It seems that...we need to select leaders suitable for this era in advance."

"I remember the town-enterprise cooperation plan three years ago, which cultivated a large number of iron rice bowls in the new era..."

"Perhaps, it's time to come in handy."

The chairman led the group chatting and walked out of the subway, and was immediately shocked by the vast scene outside.

It was evening, and the stars were shining brightly.

Numerous oppressive planets surround the surroundings, and there are oceans and lands on them, or they are completely frozen, or they are gaseous as a whole...

"A veritable spectacle!"

"I heard that you can get your money back tonight?"

"Tickets are so expensive, it's no wonder they don't get their money back."

"By the way, that kid still wants to build Yugong Yishan?"

"On the way to the new canal, it will be completed next year."

"Guess how he plans to pay back the money?"

"Don't even think about it. It must be those sailboats, building boats, and arrow boats on the East Lake, and sell boat tickets in sections. After all, he let Lao Yu take away the commercial operation rights of the canal."

"What about Bashu Yijiange?" the general manager asked curiously.

The general manager of finance shook his head, "I feel a little ridiculous, building a floating island in the mountains, with Qionglou Yuyu on it... a fantasy novel?"

"The Tiancheng 101 laboratory went outside the 'Meteorite Belt', saying that it is to perfect the anti-gravity technology with a progress of 95%. If it is completed, it may really be realized." The chairman is full of confidence.

"You just trust Tian Cheng too much."

"If you don't trust, how can you be like today?"

"It's still the chairman who has a unique vision..."

"Ha ha……"

Chatting along the way, everyone came to the West Second Entrance of the main stadium.

Since the ticket buyers are all overseas tourists, the West Second entrance has been cleared, and the stand area is absolutely safe.

"Hey, there's too much space inside!"

"Look at the's two or three times bigger than what we prepared for the Olympics."

"No way, the overall structure uses a large number of anti-gravity devices. It can be said that the venue has transcended the scope of architectural engineering, and it resembles a... super space station that cannot be lifted into the air."

The chairman seems to understand this very well, "There are three floors in total, each floor has three rows, and each row has eight areas. The fixed seats can accommodate 200,000 people, and there are another 50,000 temporary seats.

The area of ​​the venue is about three football fields, including one standard 1200-meter runway, two standard 400-meter runways, and twelve standard 100-meter runways.

It can be used in football, rugby, shot put, javelin, 110-meter hurdles, long and short distance and other projects.

Among them, the most attractive items of Tiancheng sports business are the "martial arts competition" and "monk fighting skills" extended from the K.O martial arts competition. "

Hearing this, the general manager was puzzled and said, "I know martial arts sparring is a confrontation between martial arts masters. But what is this monk's fighting method?"

"Use some technological devices, combined with AR technology and on-site lighting effects, to create some fantasy scenes to form monks' fighting skills. Do you still remember the video of monks fighting ninjas during the Wahai exercise? It's almost like that, just casually. With the development of technology and the support of the venue, it is even more exciting now. It is said that every time the Lotus Stadium holds this event, the supply of tickets is in short supply."

"Tsk tsk... With such a variety of operating methods, it's no wonder that the sports venues under Tiancheng Sports are making a lot of money."


September 15th, 7:00pm.

There is only one hour left until the opening ceremony of the Tiancheng Games.

In the office of the Interstellar Sports Center, Ge Xiaotian was on the phone with the Greek chairman.

In August of this year, the Olympic Games were held there.

Since Tiancheng helped the other party plan the 'Olympic Island' and obtained the right to build it, in order to avoid heated conflicts, Tiancheng postponed his own sports meeting to mid-September.

However, a series of events piled up, such as global changes, brain computer launch, and virtual game internal testing, have made this year's Olympic Games less famous.

If Huaxia hadn't won 32 gold medals and rushed to the second place in the rankings, it might not have attracted domestic attention.

Greece must have lost.

If you count the rise of the East, and Greece has not shown how strong its national power is, it is simply a loss.

However, Greece joined Tiancheng's industrial chain and became an important node in Zheng He's voyage to the West in 2004. Considering "mutual benefit and win-win cooperation", Ge Xiaotian had to let the other party recover as soon as possible.

And the way to recover is to have a fight with Montenegro Odyssey in the collapsed Tuji's house with Tian Cheng's secret support.

After all, Greece already borders Montenegro, and Montenegro almost fought over last time.

In this regard, the Greek chairman is very hesitant.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, Montenegro Odyssey is not a vegetarian.

"Brother, don't worry, everything is with us. As long as you provide enough precious metals, Daqin Bingfeng is willing to sell any Tiancheng system weapons."

"Including the light curtain?"


"Mr. Ge, happy cooperation!"

"Get rid of Montenegro!"

Why do Montenegro?

Taking the Asia-Europe Expressway, the heavy-duty transport vehicle transporting vegetables to Faradays and Germany was detained by the other party.

Germany and Germany, which transformed from an agricultural exporter to an industrial exporter, did not have enough vegetables to supply.

Then, perhaps when Zheng He's fleet enters the Mediterranean Sea, they will also be detained by the other party.

Of course, the fact is that Montenegro Odyssey is going to absorb the chicken...

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, "Let's go, go to the opening ceremony, tonight is destined to be a sensation all over the world!"

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