Build Madness

Chapter 1051 There is a solution called: disconnection

The six major clients who made the first choice did not leave immediately after signing the immigration agreement.

Instead, with the idea of ​​flattering Boss Ge, he returned to the banquet hall and placed the documents with Tiancheng logo and Tianji logo (Tiancheng Interstellar Service Company) in the most conspicuous place.

Tiancheng has always paid attention to style, whether it was packaging Haoge, Daxiang and others, or designing its own power of attorney for Tianheng Automobile Trade, all of them reveal a high-end atmosphere.

Today, Tiancheng has become the strongest industrial chain on the mother planet, and has more than fifty countries as partners. Its image and status are infinitely high, and naturally it will not cut corners in copywriting.

Gold inlaid characters, diamond logo, bronze fiber cover...

Swinging there, it instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

Needless to say, Tiancheng's anchor logo, the giant hook is sharp and domineering, and the chain wrapped around it is like an oriental black dragon, revealing simplicity, vicissitudes and stability everywhere.

But the two-legged logo of the Skyline Company gives people a very weird feeling.

Take a look, the heart beats half a beat.

After a few more glances, my heart beats faster, as if being grabbed by someone.

If you suppress the discomfort and continue to watch, a fear suddenly arises in your heart.

It's a fear without a root, either of the unknown, or of something, or just plain fear.


At this time, the five or six middle-aged men who were in close range suddenly vomited.

His face was sallow, his forehead was sweating, his pupils constricted violently... and then he rolled his eyes and passed out.


The whole audience was shocked, and they all stayed away from the Tianji contract.

However, the six major customers who were closest to the contract were very puzzled, looked at each other, and followed the eyes of others to the Skyline logo.

No discomfort.

strangeness? !


Next door to the banquet hall.

Two teams of green-clothed Celestial Guards operated dozens of tiny radar-like devices with no expression on their faces.

In the monitor, the pointers of 'radar' point to the big customers who have not signed the contract respectively.

On the surface of the device, the icons of 'Radiation', 'Danger' and 'Infrasonic' are sprayed on the top and bottom respectively.

"Report, the output is stable and will not cause damage."

"Continue to observe."


In the banquet hall.

"Where's the medical team?"

Seeing someone fainting, Ge Xiaotian 'face changed', pretending to shout anxiously.

Soon, several white coats trotted over to give emergency treatment to the convulsed man who collapsed on the ground.

"Back to the boss, they are black eyes, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting caused by sinus tachycardia, which then lead to syncope and shock. The current heart rate is 210 beats per minute, and we are using mechanical force reduction."

Ge Xiaotian frowned and said seriously: "The reason?"

The white coat for the blood test, picked up the pad, "Boss, we..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated a little, and looked around at the big customers who were in doubt.

"No problem, say."

"Back to the boss, we have analyzed the 'mutated particles' in their blood, the concentration of which is comparable to the radiation dose of 2000-4000 millisieverts, but their destructive power is far weirder and more terrifying than radiation. If they develop into the first Three stages..."


"They will turn into unconscious 'mutants', like the 'giant rats' found in many sewers in the European region, with bloated bodies, distorted bones, animalistic dominant consciousness, become bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty, and explode, right The safety of the mother star is extremely dangerous... We recommend that you isolate immediately, including the local area."


Ge Xiaotian was 'dumbfounded'.

The big customers who retreated far away were dumbfounded.

The person who woke up after fainting blew his hair.

"Mr. Ge, this has nothing to do with us, it's a problem with the logo!"

"Mr. Ge, there are no mutant creatures in our local area!"

"Mr. Ge, save me!"

"Logo?" The medical team heard the words and looked at the eye-catching documents.

Two of them stepped forward and took out the equipment for inspection.

a little.

"Report, no problem."

After finishing speaking, the head of the medical team looked at the six major clients who signed the document, "Gentlemen, what's wrong?"

"No." The latter shook his head in unison.

"In that case..."

The head of the medical team looked at the rest of the big customers who were retreating, and said in a small voice that everyone could hear, "Boss, I suspect they have a problem."

the latter:"???"

Ge Xiaotian's face turned pale, "All blood tests!"

No one dared to question Boss Ge's decision.

As listed before, there are three options with a sense of coercion.

Although everyone was upset, no one dared to reveal it.

Otherwise, Ge Heizi will be angered, and the scene depicted in the black book is very likely to be staged in reality...

Therefore, everyone accepted the inspection honestly.

half an hour later.

"It is reported that the 'mutated particles' contained in the New Zealanders' bodies, which are comparable to the radiation dose of 200-600 millisievert hours, are multiplying rapidly."

"It is reported that San Marino personnel contain 'mutated particles' in their bodies, comparable to a radiation dose of 400-800 mSvh..."

"Reporting that the Marshall Islands personnel contained..."

"Report, Seychelles..."


Following the sound of death knell reminders, all the big customers whose names were mentioned turned pale.

At this moment, the heartbeat seems to be racing again...


Two more people vomited, rolled their eyes, and fumbled for chairs to sit down.

Seeing this, the medical personnel quickly put on the 'mechanical force drop' device for the other party.

Looking at this scene, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered a sketch from two years ago: My heart is so cool, bring it to me...

"The report shows that the concentration of mutated particles is astonishing. We suspect that the local area is about to get out of control. We suggest reporting to the parent star joint meeting and taking action immediately."

Tiancheng is not qualified to take action on a certain area.

However, some departments under the Tianwei Security Group have joined the joint meeting of the home planet, and in an emergency, they have the qualifications to maintain stability without reporting.

And the cost of maintaining stability is... sweeping away.

There is no way, North America refuses to spend money to support these disobedient legions. The subsidy provided by Boss Ge is only enough for the maintenance fee of the five major aircraft clusters. The mother star joint meeting cannot afford the 'commission', but these legions need to be suppressed to run rampant in all major sea areas Unscrupulous rampant pirates, therefore, the extra income during the stability maintenance period has become real income.

Of course, it is forbidden to target civilians, and it is only factories, mines, banks that have been swept away...

The pale-faced big customers turned even paler when they heard the words. Looking at the six delegations that were intact and signed the agreement, they seemed to understand something in a trance.

One of the big customers was very polite, "Mr. Ge, can we still save?"

"There must be. Brain-invigorating liquid, nutrient liquid, genetic medicine liquid, and genetic medicine can effectively suppress and disinfect mutated particles. According to your physical condition, you can take three courses of treatment to see the effect."

"Mr. Ge, we choose to immigrate!"

"Well...well, I don't force it."

"Mr. Ge, we did it voluntarily!"

"So, that's great!"


Small areas, even archipelago areas, are sparsely populated.

It can range from seven to eight thousand, and as many as three to fifty thousand.

Coupled with the small area and the fact that many people live overseas, the entire immigration process is even simpler than domestic immigration to the southern seas.

After all, there is no need to calculate subsidies, benefits, etc.

The other party pays the money and gives the land.

Tian divided into rooms and gave brain machines.

Of course, for a slightly larger area like Sicilan, it is the choice to introduce Tianwei.

As the saying goes, 'too much is too late, slow things will be perfect'.

Ge Xiaotian was not stupid enough to ask the other party to expel North American personnel immediately, or cancel the Haibu base agreement signed with North America.

Things take their time.

Wouldn't it be more exciting if the North American Sea Department suddenly discovered that these bases had changed their flags one day?

three days later.

Thirty-five major clients received the 'Super Gene Medicine' presented by Boss Ge.

Its effect is that after one week of adaptation, the 'variant particles' can be immune.

Thirty-five major customers were very pleasantly surprised. They brought the group documents transformed from the region, as well as interstellar mining, transportation and other documents, and went straight to the southern sea to check their new homes.

At the same time, Nanyu Tiancheng announced that Phase 5 of Nanyu Xingyue Bay was sold out.



"When did it open?"

"I do not know!"

"There is no relevant news on the official website."

"What the hell, it's getting more and more evil, and now they don't even give reminders for panic buying!"

"No, this is very strange, is it an in-app purchase?"

"You're stupid. Tiancheng employees are allocated rooms. It is said that the brain computer is also developed for the entertainment of employees. It's just that the outside world is rushing to get it, and it has become a commodity."

"Oh, tui! Gotuo upstairs!"

Just when netizens were talking about it, many news about the second deletion of files for the virtual game caused a sensation on the parent planet.

Tianyu headlines: Warm congratulations to Palau, Maldives, Tuvalu, Marshall, San Marino and other 35 regions, the whole country immigrated to the southern waters, established Palau International, Maldives Group, Tuvalu Group...

Tianyu Headlines: Warm congratulations to Palau International, Maldives Group, Tuvalu Group, etc., 35 new international companies, signed a permanent cooperative relationship with Tiancheng Interstellar Service Company, and established Palau Interstellar Mining Transportation Company and Maldives Interstellar Mine Service mining company, Tuvalu interstellar labor dispatch company...

Tianyu Headlines: Warm congratulations on the successful conclusion of the pre-sale of the fifth phase of Nanyu Xingyue Bay.

Tianyu headlines: Tiancheng International Holdings announced that it will transfer the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth engineering departments to support the construction of the southern sea area.

Tianyu headlines: The top five engineering department managers of Tianyuan Capital have stated that they will complete the fifth phase of Nanyu Xingyuewan project before the end of the year!


"This world... is getting more and more incomprehensible."



"Excuse me, where can I buy a TC computer?"



"Nanyu Xingyue Bay Phase 6 has opened!"


"Grab it!"

"Crush the duck!"


When capital is short of money, it will tear off its hypocritical mask and start to squeeze cheap labor crazily.

Just like North America.

Numerous refugees moved from the south to the center and then marched north.

Factory capitalists and large-scale farmers who urgently need funds to buy TC brain computers choose to accept these refugees with extremely poor quality, even no skills, but only a small salary, and dismiss them as honest, skilled, and high salaries. old employees.

In other words, in the low-end workplace, no one is irreplaceable.

Or in other words, in a mechanical production line, all are replaceable tool workers.

What's more, some farmers with too much capital have chosen to secretly arrest refugees, and then squeeze the ultra-cheap labor that they only need to manage.

At this moment, North America seems to be changing.

It is like a strong butcher, while inputting tainted black blood, while outputting fresh blood.

The whereabouts of the fresh blood is the already established Holden industrial chain in Canada.

Of course, the unemployment rate remains unchanged and the society is very stable. This is not known to everyone, but it is going on quietly, waiting for a sudden outbreak one day...


No name hotel.

Ge Xiaotian sat in the general manager's office, staring in a daze at the North American GIS system perfected by Horton Group.

This scene has lasted for three hours since early morning.

No one knew his mood, no one understood his meaning.


Dao Shishi walked into the office, "Boss, Nanyu Xingyue Bay has been sold to the tenth phase, and the problem that was imagined at the beginning appeared. Once the number of people who buy houses and brain computers reaches a certain number, they will collectively question whether we will hand over the house." .”

"Four million sets...the amount of work is really huge. Even with our current construction strength, it is difficult to complete it in a short period of time."

"what do you mean?"

"Drop the No. 5 main brain clone, go to the central island of Nanyu, first build the interstellar dock, then storm the battleship, transform it into a carrier-based airport, a ship-based shopping mall, and a ship-based school..."

"Boss, their doubts are questionable. We have built a giant city that can accommodate four million people as quickly as possible. If they don't come to live, wouldn't it become an empty ghost town?"

"Hehe, there is a solution called: disconnection."


"That's why I asked the TC brain computer, or the TC medical cabin, to only support photon communication—the Star Zigbee."

Dao Shiyi understands, but if the boss wants to pretend to be X in front of him, he must let the other party finish pretending, otherwise the pretending will not be satisfactory, and the unlucky one is himself, "Boss, what do you mean?"

"After the first ten phases of Nanyu Xingyue Bay are completed, if they don't come to live, we will declare that due to the impact of the sharp increase in the number of users, in order to reduce the energy consumption of photon communication, we have to reduce the coverage of photon communication, and only serve the registered area. Users. The brains and computers bound for real estate sales are all registered in Nanyu Xingyue Bay, which is reasonable.

This group of wealthy people who participated in the second file deletion internal test will have already experienced the power brought by TC brain machines. You said, wouldn't it be more uncomfortable to cut off the network support than to kill them? "

"The boss is still considerate..."

"It always feels like you're starting to shoot again."


After Dao Shiyi denied it, he took out a second document, "The collective immigration of 35 regions has played a very good leading role. In the past few days, several small regions have submitted applications. There are also several medium and large regions. Consider When it comes to the expenditure of the military department, and the fact that we are in the Tiancheng ocean trade route, we decided to introduce Tianwei security."

"If you have money, let's make money together. Give up part of the business to the security guards of the temple and Huo Dun, so as to save time and fight. They help us, which seems too deliberate."

"Okay. The other thing is that Xila has already gone north. The reason is to take back part of the land occupied by Montenegro Odyssey two years ago. Montenegro Odyssey is also gathering all the military headquarters."

"It depends on whether they can attract NATO or the European Union, and help us share some pressure."

Ge Xiaotian tapped the screen, and the North American GIS system switched to the parent star situation map.

What makes North America great is not its powerful armaments, but the Haibu bases all over the home planet.

That is logistics.

The battle is about logistics.

However, after so many years of deployment, Tian Cheng was not a vegetarian either.

As for why you want to fight...

Pupu resigned, arms dealer wants to make money!

It's that simple.

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