Build Madness

Chapter 106 Watching a scene worth five million yuan

After hanging up the phone, Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette again.

Even if he is not familiar with Yun County, he also knows that it is relatively barren.

There are mines only represent a part of the people.

No matter how cheap the land is, building materials also cost money, and ordinary people still cannot afford to build a house.

That's why he didn't go west.

"Hey? Da Mao, I remember you went to a martial arts school for a while, General Song martial arts school?"

"Yes, what's the matter, brother?"

"How about over there?"

"It's similar to Zanxiang County, but the streets are relatively spacious, and it looks quite tidy, especially the vegetable market next to the hospital, which is covered with a roof. The planning is good! By the way, there is a dog meat seller in the vegetable market. A few years ago, I bought half a catty of chickenpox, and it was a fragrance!"

"Believe in science, dog meat can't cure chickenpox!"

"But I'm really alright?"

"Uh...Don't talk about food, tell me what's so interesting!"

"That's a lot. You can find the place names recorded in the Water Margin by just looking around... There are also operas and zithers... But the most famous one is martial arts..."

Ge Xiaotian nodded secretly, "Where is the mine?"

"You don't know the three major coal mines?"

"have no idea!"

"When I was running a sports car, I was often robbed by them..."


The Liangxian compound is located in the town.

Except for a small two-story building, it is surrounded by red brick and tiled houses.

Eleven big gold cups were parked by the side of the road. Even if the bodyguards in suits did not get out of the car, they still attracted the attention of countless people.

Xiao Zeng, who was in charge of inquiring about news in Liang County, waited for a long time before leading him and Da Mao into the courtyard.

Ge Xiaotian was very curious.

When he came to Chen Feng's lair, the other party didn't give him any warning!

This is a bit intriguing!

Moreover, when he entered the venue, Chen Feng, whom he had seen in the photo, stood up to welcome him!

"Boss Ge, we finally meet!"

"Hello!" Ge Xiaotian stretched out his left hand calmly.

Chen Feng's face collapsed, and he moved his broken left arm.

Today, for the sake of face, he deliberately removed the splint and bandage, so it seems that there is no problem.


The one surnamed Ge knows the truth!

Doesn't he know that it takes a hundred days to hurt his muscles and bones?

Chen Feng stretched out his right hand in great confusion, "Boss Ge..."

"It's too embarrassing!" Ge Xiaotian spread his hands regretfully, turned and left.

It's a pity that I can't listen to Kacha...

Only four companies participated in today's auction.

Shangpin Construction Engineering, Datai Construction, unknown heavy machinery company, Tiancheng Construction Company.

The venue is a conference room, similar to a classroom.

It started at nine o'clock, now it's eight fifty.

The staff and leaders are in place one after another.

"Leader, hello!"

"Hi Mr. Ge, welcome to this auction!"

Ge Xiaotian went up to exchange greetings one by one, and sat down with Da Mao and Xiao Zeng.

Nothing is fixed, just hold on to your number 66 auction card.

ten minutes later.

Nice and pleasant staff read out the land information.

High school area number...


Area: 86671 square meters.

Uses: commercial, residential.

Construction area: 156007.8

Transfer period: 40 years for business and 70 years for residence.

Sale method: public auction.

Starting price: 30 million.

Security deposit: two million.

Price increase: 1 million.

After the reading, introduce the process and the corresponding breach of contract regulations.

After 20 minutes of rambling.


Datai Construction took the lead and sold for 31 million yuan.

Heavy Machinery is a support, followed by a million plus.

The two sides compete with each other.

The original soldiers of Shangpin Construction Engineering did not move.

Ge Xiaotian glanced back and forth with his eyes.

Suddenly, he looked at Chen Feng who was talking on the phone in a low voice, and the worry on his face was getting lighter and weaker.

The other party seemed to feel something, and turned his head to look back.

Ge Xiaotian gave a thumbs up and mouthed: "Mr. Chen has a good plan!"

Chen Feng's expression didn't change, and he even smiled, kind of hurt!

The bidding price rose rapidly, gradually reaching 40 million.

The support of heavy machinery finally retired.

Ge Xiaotian didn't raise his sign.

Chen Feng didn't raise his sign either.


Datai Construction wins!

The expressions of the two old foxes changed, and they looked at Chen Feng in disbelief.

The latter shrugged, "Congratulations!"

Ge Xiaotian blinked, and finally fully understood the guy's intentions.

Shangpin Construction Engineering and Datai Contractor had already negotiated to let Tiancheng take this piece of land.

There was nothing wrong with it.

He had just guessed these too.

However, when Chen Feng called, he should have received news from Jishi in advance, knowing that Tiancheng had won a big project, and now that he lacked funds, he would not participate in the bidding at all.

So when it was Shangpin Construction's turn to bid, he didn't take over!

As a result, the high school area was sold to Datai for construction.

Chen Feng gave an explanation to the superiors, and Shangpin Construction Engineering's overdue real estate in Liang County can also absorb the demolition households in the high school area...

tsk tsk...

Mr. Chen won this one!


The matter is not over yet, the best show is behind!

"Big Mao, do you have melon seeds?"


Wait for the leaders to leave one after another.

Chen Feng lit a cigarette:

"Old Tai, if I restrict the development of Datai Construction in Liang County, don't you know that the high school area is worth 40 million?"

"Chen, what do you mean?" The two old foxes were very angry.

They didn't take Shangpin Construction Engineering seriously at all, they originally thought that by taking 30% of the shares, they could make it empty and compete with Tiancheng.

did not expect……

He was actually tricked by this brat!

"No, no, it's not a loss to buy the high school area for 40 million!" Chen Feng smiled all over his face.

"Then what do you mean now?"

"I'll give you the central area of ​​Xiangxian County, and you give me the area of ​​Liangxian High School. Let's exchange it!"

"Are you crazy? The central area of ​​Xiang County is worth 30 million at most, and this side is 40 million!"

"Believe it or not, before the end of the year, it's not even worth 20 million here?!"

Tai Liang calmed down, sat down and thought about it, "Aren't you afraid that I will regret the shooting?"

"Okay, when the time comes, I'll kick out the heavy machinery and get it for 31 million yuan, which is less than the original auction price of 9 million yuan. According to the law, it will still be your Datai contractor!" Chen Feng seemed to be on the stage of life. peak.

If Tailiang regrets the auction, the auction will be considered a pass.

And the next auction, Datai Construction will not be able to participate.

Moreover, if the second auction price is lower than the first auction price, how much lower will be paid by Datai Construction.


If there is no one, Chen Feng really wants to look up to the sky and laugh.

Still comfortable at home!

No wonder the surname Ge is going smoothly in Xiang County...

The right time, the right place, and the right people!

I was so stupid!

"Hey!" At this moment, Ge Xiaotian patted the table, "Chen, have you forgotten me?"

"Eh?" Chen Feng was stunned, "You are working on such a big project in Jishi, and you still have money?"

"I haven't spent my 50 million loan yet!"


"However, I won't compete with you for the area of ​​Liang County High School, but you have to give me five million 'hard work fees', otherwise I will give you the price at the next auction, and I will be stuck with 40 million. Tai Chengjian is here, I am not afraid of genres!"

"Are you too shameless?"

"Give it or not? Hurry up, asshole!"

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