Build Madness

Chapter 1053 Which one is true? Which is false?


Thousands of second-generation fighter planes from the 1940s and 1950s were shooting wildly, launching air-to-ground mischief, and at the same time, they were brave enough to pounce on the Northern Fleet of the Pacific Ocean, which crossed the Bering Sea negotiation area and was about to enter the Thousand Islands Sea.

on the sea.

Dozens of ship-borne anti-aircraft guns poured out a huge 'bullet net' at a rate of five to six thousand rounds, or even tens of thousands of rounds per second.

The tight defense caused many second-generation aircraft to disintegrate in the air, and even the air-to-ground mischief launched was successfully intercepted.

But this crazy scene made the soldiers of the Northern Fleet in the Pacific Ocean feel terrified.

"Report, the wreckage of the enemy plane was found, it is... synthetic wood planks."

"Report, the body of the pilot of the enemy plane was found, it was...synthetic carbon-based bones."

"Report, the communication frequency band of the enemy plane has been searched, it is... a signal from seventy years ago."

"Report, the wreckage of the enemy plane spontaneously ignites, and the internal components are all combustible."

"Reporting that the flight path of the enemy plane could not be determined, it seems to have appeared in the Bering Sea out of thin air."

"Report, the communication channel of the enemy plane was successfully decrypted, but..."

"Say!" The chief of the Northern Fleet looked calm.

"The report, after deciphering, what they said is... Suji Gege, Baga, for the Great Japanese Empire, onboard..."


The chief of the Northern Fleet took a sharp breath.


Aerial, virtual world.

A dreamy bat fighter plane gallops high above Mars.

On the on-board display, the flight speed has reached 26 times the speed of sound, and the ultra-high overload has reached the limit of the anti-gravity device.


With such a large and advanced combat organization, against the last alien fleet that fell behind, in the case of a surprise attack, it only won a few victories.

This makes the elite players who are determined to protect all mankind, especially the backbone of the super guilds who are involved in major games, not only do not feel frustrated, but also have the excitement, joy and excitement brought by "high-intensity land reclamation".

"Brothers, this time it's just to experience the difficulty. After the server is officially launched, the difficulty factor will definitely double!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we would be easily wiped out by the regiment while driving such an advanced super weapon."

"So, 'touch' the mobs as much as possible, as long as we find the enemy's mechanism, we will definitely be able to improve the progress of the instance next time..."

"Mr. Mei, no, Chairman Qingfeng, this is not a numerical game, there is no mechanism."

"I'm referring to the vulnerability of the enemy's defenses."

"Makes sense."

"Early before the start of the war, I contacted the offline team and set up a campaign think tank to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the target... The result is, what the fuck, the aliens actually used the North American air defense system?"


"Made, it may be the rules of the game imitated by the creator of the game, let's ignore it, the loophole has been found, the surviving fighters are assembled, the coordinates... rush to me!"


The remaining nearly one hundred fighters, like a swarm of bees flying through the jungle, attacked a cruiser on the left wing of the Northern Fleet.


The sea of ​​fire is monstrous.



The command module of the Northern Fleet in the Pacific Ocean.

"Report, they are collectively onboard..."

"Shit, I think, what have we encountered."


"'Regional Variation'!"

"Regional variation?"

"According to the new public archives of Tiancheng 101 Laboratory, the Deep Sea Trek filmed three years ago...Have you seen it?"

"I've seen it. After Mao Xiong disintegrated, a peace-powered aircraft carrier suddenly disappeared during the exercise. They encountered Zheng He's fleet. When they reappeared, all the people on board disappeared."


"Sir, what shall we do?"

"Don't worry, at least we can still..."

"Report, the signal is interrupted, no, the signal is distorted, we received an inquiry from the military department in the 1960s."


The fleet director's face turned completely pale.

"Sir, what shall we do?"

"Don't contact them, and don't follow any instructions from them, turn around collectively!"

The fleet director suddenly thought of something, "No, collectively close your eyes, this is an optical simulation, what the hell, this is Tiancheng!!!"

"Report, the equipment is malfunctioning, huh? It's recovered!"

"No, this is all fake, I tell you to close your eyes!"

The heart-piercing cry of the captain of the fleet was transmitted to the frigate and the piloting department of the main ship through electronic equipment.

However, in Dabing's ears, it became: "Turn around and head south!"

Moreover, the direction the fleet was traveling was all the way north.

They ignored the instructions of Midway Island in the Pacific Ocean and the warnings of the patrolling early warning aircraft above, and went straight across the Bering Strait, rushing towards the "front" formed by the collision of cold fronts and warm fronts.

There, thunder and lightning, strong winds and waves, countless floes undulating up and down, and there are many large icebergs drifting due to global warming...



Virtual reality game, special map for closed beta.

City C shelter, command center.

Ge Xiaotian crossed his legs and sat halfway in the seat, staring intently at the big screen in front of him.

After a long time, he sighed:

"Photon technology... Quantum technology..., so terrifying."

"But then again, what we see and what we hear is true and what is false?"

At this time, the monk who played the role of the commander of his own fleet said: "Boss, some players have discovered the enemy's defense system."

"No problem, games are games, reality is reality, even if someone finds something strange, only North America will feel the pressure.

Just imagine, a single-use wooden fighter group with a cost of only 20 million red notes can force them to exhaust billions worth of ammunition. If they really want to fight, who can afford it? "

Ge Xiaotian patted the commander on the shoulder, "Besides, I have a 'sci-fi fighter' mass production factory, and I have tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions of free thugs. Just give them some simple training, and they can drive The 'sci-fi fighter' with the intelligent assistance system is brave enough to engage in endless battles with the enemy, not to mention weeping them, and can even beat them over and over again, like pushing a boss, making them call daddy."


"The most important thing now is that the global mutation I have engaged in may be a fake show."



Virtual reality game, special map for closed beta.

TC-101 laboratory.

This is a sci-fi base jointly established by Tiancheng Aerospace Department and laboratories of biochemistry, medicine, philosophy, and life sciences to study the virtual reality industry.

Its internal members include not only monks of corresponding majors, but also top functionalist psychology experts, top structuralist psychology experts, consciousness psychology experts, conscious research groups, subconscious research groups, Bayesian statistical experts, frequentist statistical experts, bone and neurology experts, muscle utilization research group, human nutrient absorption rate research group, life science research group, mind science research group...

They are either located underground at the two poles, or located in hidden valleys, or located in spaceships heading for outer systems...

At this moment, the group of "Frankensteins" or "scientific lunatics" who created the virtual world gathered together through the game and were seriously admiring the sky full of old-fashioned planes, rushing towards the three warships in the sea like moths to a flame.

There are many unknown instruments around, and a group of reminders came out:

"Observation object: Player No. 46. After entering the combat state, the sympathetic nerve excitement increases, leading to a rise in adrenaline, triggering the medical cabin protection mechanism, and automatically exiting the game. This protection program needs to be improved urgently. It is recommended that players with heart disease be equipped with blood pressure relief Drugs."

"Observation object: Player 923, weak-willed, projection fit is only 47%..."

"Observation object..."

"Drip, the emotional fluctuations have reached the established conditions, successfully triggering the 'Concept Plan-Order No. 179', the research is in progress..."

"Di, subject No. 35, the coefficient of thought intensity is 0.0007..."

"Drip, subject No. 641, the coefficient of thought intensity is 0.0005..."

"Drip, subject number 891, the coefficient of thought intensity is 0.0001..."


At this time, a young man in a Chinese tunic suit and light gray sunglasses suddenly appeared in the hall.

Regardless of Frankenstein or madman, stand up together and raise your left hand in salute: "Boss!"


Hearing the question, the supervisor at the front of the crowd hurried forward, "Back to the boss, the research shows that the virtual reality scene based on neuron technology can indeed enhance the 'idea' under certain conditions."

Ge Xiaotian nodded expressionlessly, and looked at the big screen in front.

In fact, deep down, there are all kinds of MMPs.

A long time ago, the monks in the genetic research room and the biochemical research room told him that this world can achieve 'super power'.

And confirmed by a series of experiments.

For example, stand two small mirrors facing each other and closely monitor them with electronic testing equipment. Then randomly find someone to think with their brains, let the two mirrors shorten the distance, and concentrate on thinking about the two mirrors 'close, close, and close again'. After thousands of people's thoughts, the result is that the distance between the two mirrors is indeed shorter than before.

Moreover, the stronger the will of the participants in the experiment, the more obvious the effect.

For example, randomly find someone to raise the temperature of an electronic thermometer with their thoughts. After thousands of people's thoughts and rigorous statistical data processing, the temperature of the thermometer has indeed risen.

Similarly, the more determined the participants in the experiment, the more obvious the effect.

Another example is the experiment to prove the existence of "mind", find a master with extremely high musical attainments, and use different tunes to influence the form of water droplets turning into ice crystals. After rigorous calculation and removal of the influence of sound waves, it turns out that the ice crystals are soft for beautiful music styles; the ice crystals are incomplete for sad music styles; the ice crystals are scattered for mixed music styles;

After a series of experiments, the final research results show that mind science is not a pseudoscience, nor is it a fantasy or superstition, but a real existence.

It's just that people's existing "ideas" are so small that they can be ignored and cannot be reflected in an intuitive way.

Of course, if in a virtual reality game, through systematic training, physical fitness improvement, and the tempering of the will, a small number of players who have obtained the embodiment of 'ideas' will eventually become the legendary 'mind power'.

'I knew it, I can't let these lunatics mess around! '

Ge Xiaotian is not surprised or worried about the mind, or the power of the mind, because the monk is one of them.

Like before, the monks were strapped with technological devices to pretend to be 'powers', but in fact they were also pretending to have mind power.

After all, monks are really bugs.

But now, bugs are science...

Ge Xiaotian sighed, "It is estimated when we will be able to cultivate 'Thinkers'."

"Three years."


"It should be said that the coefficient can reach a coefficient of 0.01, that is, within three meters, through the power of thought, play 0.05kg, or break through a poker card."

"Doesn't this mean that the strength of a coefficient can hit 500kg?"

"It can be calculated like this, but strictly speaking, a coefficient of physical fitness can hit 1000kg. After all, we can use skills."


After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he opened the system list, and from the list of newly activated products, he spent the newly accumulated special resources to exchange for a bottle of mind power potion.

tons tons...

"Hiss... Unexpectedly, I am also a supernatural being."


Virtual reality game.

The first batch of 1,000 players who participated in the internal test of the combat system went online again after failing the mission.

Players who failed to participate, including elite players who are waiting in line for the opening of the battlefield, have asked about the game experience on the world communication channel:

"How about it?"

"It was so exciting, Mad, my hands are still shaking."

"Have you seen an alien?"

"I didn't see it, but we fought with them. The opponent's firepower was super strong. We only lasted for three minutes, and the pig suddenly wiped out."

"The first copy, is it that high?"

"What dungeon? Except for the gate of time and space, the rest of this game is all random events."

Another player involved in the battle: "It's just a little strange that the aliens actually use the North American air defense system."

"Maybe the game development team borrowed from North America... No, if they can learn from it, wouldn't it mean that this air defense system is vulnerable in Tian Cheng's eyes?"

"Isn't this nonsense? North America can't defend against Tiancheng's optical guidance at all."

"Have you gained anything?"

"No, Director Mei dispatched a think-tank analysis team, intending to formulate a land reclamation plan, but after the mission failed, the system prompted a countdown to the permanent disappearance of the one-time event... Perhaps, there will no longer be the same dungeon in the future, after all, it is an experience."



"What happened?"

"Ice Bear accuses North America of violating the Bering Agreement and is also mobilizing fleets and submarines."

"Fuck, are you going to fight?"

"It doesn't look like a joke."

"Wori, the Ice Bear shore base is ready, densely packed, covering the entire Chukchi."

"Fuck, England is here to join in the fun."

"Fade also expressed his support?"

"Damn it, Fade refuses to allow Zheng He's fleet to dock."

"Tiancheng made an announcement... Wait, mind? Mind power? What is this?"

"Mind power? Ability?"

"My God, the Tiancheng Laboratory jointly published the 'Science of Thoughts', and all the major scientific research institutions on the home planet immediately confirmed it."


"Nimma, there are people with supernatural powers?"

"Why do you feel so... dreamlike?"

"That is to say, brain function can cultivate thoughts?"

"No, it's virtual reality games that can cultivate supernatural beings."

"Sorry, I'll log off first to apply for a loan..."

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