Build Madness

Chapter 1055 Refusal to Negotiate

North America, Supreme Conference.

The infield, which used to be biased towards the European medieval style, is now also advancing with the times, and a circle of wide-area displays has been added around the periphery, making the overall look a bit technological.

At this moment, the screen took turns to show the battle in the Pacific Ocean.

At the front of the seat, an elderly white-haired doctor is making a report.

This is the new director of science and technology launched by various university laboratories after the collective resignation of the NA space agency.

"Tiancheng's optical simulation system was born three years ago. The first experiment was named 'Building a Big Ship Project' and used geographic information and AR projections to mislead all satellites."

"At that time, the system could only be seen from a distance, and it would definitely reveal its secrets when you walk in and observe it."

"Two years ago, Tiancheng Laboratory developed a super-large device that can change the weather, named 'Strong Magnetic Field Steady-State Device'."

"This device can be used for extremely low temperature and ultrahigh pressure experiments, and provides research means for exploring material science and life science, discovering the natural laws of the two, and realizing technological changes such as functional materials and medical care."

"Yes, it can not only buffer seismic waves, but also build a large-scale magnetic field to change the internal weather at will."

"Last year, Tiancheng Laboratory added GIS geographic information technology to the 'optical simulation system' and carried out experiments in Fengdu, the southern capital, and successfully used 'skeleton technology' to realize the scene of 'a dragon suppressing a black snake'."

"According to the post-mortem investigation report, the scene is not completely illusory, but has a 5% degree of reality."

"At the beginning of this year, Tiancheng Lab activated the system again to create an impossible blizzard for Daxing City, which lasted for six hours."

"Analyzed by the NA aerospace agency, the optical simulation system of Tiancheng Laboratory, combined with weather, photon communication, and large-scale light curtain systems, has been able to distinguish the real from the real."

"For example, the magnetic navigation, electronic navigation, laser guidance, etc. in the field can be set according to them, and the wrong information will be displayed for us. We thought we were going east, but we were actually going west or south."

"For example, virtual AR based on the simulation of the three primary colors of the human eye can allow us to see 'false images'. We think we see monsters, but they are actually our own people. We think we see our own people, but they are actually enemies."

"The above is the optical analog system we know."

After the new technology director finished speaking, he switched the screen of the wide-area monitor, "But what we're talking about is not Tiancheng's offensive means, it can only be regarded as a step-by-step defense system."

"And Tiancheng's offensive method..."

"One is to use its own strong industrial base to mass-produce low-cost armaments, and then use photonic communication technology to carry out locust tactics. Since Tianwei itself has a strong combat quality, and the remote control system avoids casualties, this approach Very incomprehensible."

"The second is, based on the first one, adding neuron connections, allowing players to fight against us in the virtual world. It sounds dreamy, but in the age of brain computers, this is only the most common application, but in this way, things It becomes horrific."

"In this way, in the next official collision, we are likely to encounter tens of millions of players, driving cheap weapons, and charging us. The Bering Sea incident has proved this point."

The North American executives, financial tycoons, and arms dealers who participated in the meeting below nodded their heads.

One of the arms dealers sighed: "The ability to collect such detailed information shows that you are far better than the NA space agency, and even better than the Five Eyes Alliance."

"No, sir, this is the news published by Tianyu Weekly."


Another arms dealer said, "Is there a solution?"

"Yes, cut off Tiancheng's communication system, that is, interfere with photon communication, so that they can no longer use remote control technology. You must know that most of Tiancheng's weapons are artificial intelligence. Once communication support is lost, even aircraft, ships, and engineering Islands will turn into lumps of iron."

"How to interfere?"

"Quantum communication, we need to increase funding for research in the quantum field."

"How many?"

"According to the current progress, only 20 billion Franklins are needed to make 10 qubits."

"Can it resist Tiancheng's photon communication?"

"Under the same technology, it can be cracked and interfered."

"Since we can fight, why didn't we say it earlier? Oh, damn it, this is a problem with the NA space agency. Those guys who eat nothing should eat peanuts." A grumpy arms dealer yelled angrily.

The director of science and technology of the university department looked a little embarrassed, "Sir, I'm talking about the same technology."

"What's the meaning?"

"In other words, we spent 20 billion Franklin to build a computer with 10 qubits, which can compete with Tiancheng's 10 photon bits computer, but Tiancheng's current photon server is..."

"What is it?"

"It's... 3.69 million photon bits. Converted to the field of silicon electronics, it's equivalent to our manufacturing a chip with 10 transistors. Tiancheng has already made a chip with 3.69 million transistors, which is... 400,000 times worse."


"And, this multiple is not expressed in numerical values, but indescribable, just like... a baby fighting a Superman."


"The most important thing is that this is just a finished product. If it is applied in the field of armaments, the cost will increase geometrically."


for a long time.

The Texas arms dealer broke the silence, "They decided to take the road of optoelectronic technology in an all-round way, and they must realize the power of optoelectronic technology, but the problem we are facing now is not to marvel at how powerful they are, but to suppress them or destroy them."


The head of science and technology of the university department nodded, "So, we need to change the status quo of the home planet."

"Tell me about your plan."

"Affected by the warming of the weather, many mutation events have occurred around the world. This is not accidental, but inevitable. In addition, scientific research institutions in various regions have confirmed the existence of 'ideas'. Maybe we can give a boost to it, such as leaking something..."


"In this way, the home planet is in chaos, and your armaments will be sold."

"I object! You are anti-human race!" A Wall Street financial tycoon stood up and said.


Before the voice fell, the major broadcasting shareholder waved his hand.

Immediately afterwards, two strong men in black came in, lifted the speaker up and walked out of the meeting room.


A soft sound made the financial and investment tycoons of the non-armed chaebol group shiver in unison.

North American finance is indeed very strong, and it can be said that it controls the world.

But what is stronger in North America is its armaments.

Without weapons, there is nothing.

The basis of armaments is the numerous arms dealers and oil dealers.

As for financial tycoons and technology alliances, they are nothing more than service providers.

They cut leeks all over the world, and when they became fat to a certain extent, they were cut leeks by arms dealers...

This is the reason why Butterfi took the initiative to seek refuge after being cut off by Tian Cheng three years ago.

Because he lost money from the arms dealer, if he loses another big one... those grumpy guys will definitely feed him peanuts.

On the other hand, Boss Ge is too kind.

No, it was too comfortable to fight with the wind.

"Stock King, what's your opinion?"

The stock king old Ba huddled in the corner and acted as an invisible man, but the Butterfield Club had already become the strongest on Wall Street by virtue of NT real estate stocks, Longtian SG shares, and offshore funds entrusted to him by the big boss, which could not be ignored by arms dealers.

Therefore, upon hearing the inquiry from Martin's major shareholder, the stock king Lao Ba hurriedly stood up, "The minority obeys the majority, you decide."

"Huo, what do you mean?"

Holden used to be just a trick, protected by the DuPont consortium.

But now, relying on the Horton Security Group and the Horton Consortium, he is not only a veritable black boss in America, but also an official important figure who surpasses the security systems of various places.

Otherwise, on the first day after Pupu resigned, he would not have visited this guy, and offered to hand over 30% of the proceeds to seek cooperation.

To put it bluntly, I am afraid of death.

And Holden's words will save Pupu from the many troubles he will face.

"Me? You can do whatever you want, don't take it off, I have to be Umbrella."


The conference room was silent again.

for a long time.

Raytheon's major shareholder stood up, "Let's make this decision. Negotiations are impossible. The 500 million Franklin's gold they proposed is even more delusional. We will abandon the Pacific Ocean and retreat to Midway Island. After all, the optical simulation system requires massive power support. , I don't believe that Tian Cheng can deploy it all over the world!"

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