Build Madness

Chapter 1058: Holden is on the move, Lao Ge wants to get married

North America, Supreme Conference.

WASPs can ignore the coming 'death robots', after all, what about the common people, what's the matter with the capitalists?

But WASPs can't ignore the rewards offered by the underground world, because it is directly related to everyone's life.

Especially the richer you are, the more afraid you are of those ruthless people.

Just like general manager Martin, Martin pays about 26 million Franklin for his annual security fee, half of which is used for the personal safety of the general manager during his residence and travel, and the other half is used for additional security equipment and personnel expenses for his family .

So, how many general managers does Martin have?

Above the general manager, how many presidents and executive officers are there? And how many shareholders?

In addition, in recent years, scientific research personnel have often disappeared mysteriously, and the weapons laboratory also needs security expenses...

As a result, Martin's annual security expenses are about 6 billion Franklin, accounting for one-fifth of the total income.

But Martin is not the only arms dealer in North America.

Such as Raytheon, broadcasting, Grumman, General Dynamics, Texas...

In addition to arms dealers, there are also technology companies, chemical companies, financial companies, large chaebols, and various families...

Such a huge business demand has made Huo Dun Security Group grow into an admirable existence in just three years.


Without Huo Dun?

Surely something will happen.

Therefore, Huo Dun Security Group has successfully monopolized the American security market, with an annual book sales of 600 billion, which is even better than that of an arms dealer.

Because of this, Boss Ge tripled the labor dispatch fee every year. Now four years have passed, 3x3x3x3, a total of 81 times, and the Huo Dun Group can still afford it.

In other words, the wool comes from the sheep. If the sheep has no wool and Horton tries to slaughter it, he can still get some.

For this reason, Horton, the business manager of Tianxiu Group, became a full-time employee.

I am in a good mood...

Horton looked around at the frightened WASPs in the arena, took out a bottle of code, and inserted a paper straw, with three points of comfort, seven points of laziness, Ge-style tactics receding, snoring...

The major shareholder of Martin, whose eyelids were jumping, saw this guy like this, and remembered that he had paid the money, "Huo, how do you plan to deal with it?"

"This year's security fee, it's time to increase."


"The increase is tripled. If I agree, I can have a good chat with that guy based on my personal relationship."


You are taking advantage of the fire!

All the WASPs in the audience cursed in their hearts, but no one dared to speak out.



"Say something? After today, I plan to go to the Canadian farm for the winter, and it will be very difficult to meet again in the future."


It's almost October, people go to the south for the winter, but you go to the north instead...

But as a capitalist, everyone at the scene thought about it in their own shoes, and if they were me, they might raise the security fee even higher.

"Okay, Huo, I believe you!" Major Martin nodded.

The major broadcasting shareholder interjected: "Huo, you know, the mother planet has a lot of gold reserves, and it is impossible for us to come up with the amount he requested."

"I try my best."


the other side.

Ge Xiaotian left the Aoshan base and returned to the Wuming Hotel.


Countless reporters squatting at the entrance of the Wuming Hotel were stupefied when they saw the handsome guy walking down Wuzhou Avenue in the extended car.

Didn't you go to the machine armor?

Why are you here again?

There were even a few bold female reporters who raised their hands to indicate that they were not wearing any dangerous items, and stepped forward to touch Lao Ge.

"It's not AR, it's live!"


Many reporters on the spot opened the smart card to check the location of the dead machine.

"Yes, it has arrived in San Francisco!"

"Are you stupid? Did someone drive that five times the speed of sound?"

"Did you forget? With anti-gravity technology, let alone five times, 32 times is fine."


"A proper threat!"

"Shh...don't talk nonsense, I'm rushing to make a movie and got lost."


And the reporters who came to the chrysalis in advance also started various questions.

"Mr. Ge, the price of the family medical cabin in China has been greatly reduced. What about overseas?"

"Mr. Ge, does Tiancheng invest heavily in carbon nanotube materials, does it mean that the construction industry is about to usher in another major revolution?"

"Mr. Ge, is the 'Eternal Life Project' real?"

"Mr. Ge, Wa Dao reprimanded Tian Cheng for hegemony, what do you think of this?"


Ge Xiaotian didn't want to answer any questions at first, but when he heard these two words, he thought of all the monks that his family was about to withdraw, and asked "doubtfully", "Is there such a country on the mother planet?"


All the reporters in the audience were taken aback for a moment, leisurely thinking of the rumors of 'Washima sinking'.

"Mr. Ge, I'm talking about the island to the east of Nanbangzi."

"Is there an island over there? I don't read much, so don't lie to me."



The audience was amazed.

This fellow has just erased the Hawaiian Islands, and judging by his current attitude, it seems that he intends to erase again...

Many reporters quickly edited their manuscripts and released super sensational news.

Ge Xiaotian walked into the lobby of the hotel and signaled to the staff, "Find a venue and hold a press conference later."

"Good boss."


September 16th.

The Tiancheng Games came to an end.

Since many standards do not comply with international regulations, none of the world records created during the period have been adopted by the international sports organization of the parent star.

However, the Tiancheng Games was approved by the mother planet joint meeting, and the physical fitness standard of 'NT' (new human being) was separately divided.

The average score of each project in the first session has also become the benchmark for measuring the NT (New Human) level.

Since then, the field of home planet sports has split into two sections, one is international sports and the other is NT (New Human).

And, in detail:

Cyborg: The whole body adopts mechanical prosthetics, only the brain and some internal organs are preserved.

Brain-machine man: Part of the limbs adopts mechanical prosthetics, and the brain is equipped with an artificial intelligence auxiliary system.

Gene man: only uses the artificial intelligence auxiliary system, but the body has been strengthened many times by the gene medicine solution, and the overall quality reaches NT0.5 coefficient.

NT people: No brain computer is used, only physical fitness is genetically enhanced, and the comprehensive coefficient reaches NT1 coefficient.

Ability person: Exercise will through virtual reality games, improve physical fitness with the help of nutrient solution, genetic medicine solution, etc., mind control reaches 0.01 coefficient, and can pierce balloons.

It can be said that the Tiancheng Games once again proved that times have indeed changed.

At the same time, Tiancheng International Holdings held a press conference at the Xiangcheng Wuming Hotel in Jishi City.

Affected by the situation on the home planet, there was an endless stream of reporters attending the meeting.

3 p.m.

The reception officially begins.

Ge Xiaotian made his debut wearing casual clothes and a plastic electronic watch that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

The reporters below seem to have noticed this distinctive watch for the first time.

"Strange, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"It must be when interviewing Lao Ge, after all, he has never changed his watch."

"No... Wait for me to look it up, damn it, I found it!"


"Same style as Harden!"

"I rely on it!"

"Chairman Ira wears it too."


"What's more, Omar, who has the highest probability in the new round of general manager election in North America, also wears this watch!"

"Wori, I seem to have discovered a big secret!"

"And there's more, the Secretary General of the Mother Planet Joint Conference."


"The Great Chief of the Non-District Alliance."


"Damn, maybe it's really a big secret. Look, the chairman of Montenegro Odyssey, the chairman of Montenegro, Horton, the head of Viking, the chairman of various regions in Nanyang..."

"Stop talking, I'm afraid of being silenced."


Not only the dialogue reporter discovered the 'secret of the watch', but also other journalists.


Casio Group issued a statement: The F91w watch, designed and authorized by Mr. Ge himself, is sold globally simultaneously.


A renegade spy from the Five Eyes Alliance publicly stated: F91w is an important yardstick for all prisons in Europe and the United States to judge the degree of danger of prisoners.

In other words, he happened to have an F91w on his wrist when he was caught, so he had to sit a few years longer than other buddies who came in at the same time.

Because... this is for ruthless people!

In order to refute the spy's remarks, ruthless people and pirates from all over the home planet came forward to say their own words, and attached photos of them wearing F91w and various weapons: We are definitely not for the united front, but to worship Mr. Ge together, he is our Godfather !

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

Reporters: "..."

This seems scarier than the united front...

The atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Fortunately, Xuanxuan, the spokesperson of Tiancheng International Holdings, broke the silence and re-announced the official start of the reception on the grounds of debugging the on-site equipment.

The reporters were worried about being silenced, as if they had made a deal, they never mentioned the matter.

"Mr. Ge, the filming of 'Pacific Rim' has reached a critical stage. I wonder how you plan to deal with the economic dispute between Tiancheng and North America?" The reporter who asked the question was very discerning, and very tactfully asked about the topics that people were concerned about.

"Tiancheng is a benevolent enterprise. It is committed to the peaceful development of its home planet and expects to promote the common progress of all mankind. We will never interfere in the internal affairs of any region, nor will we violate the sovereignty of any region. We just made a mistake in filming this time. On the set, there is no other meaning. As for the relevant compensation, we will take the initiative to contact North America, and I believe that the other party will understand our difficulty and a settlement will be reached soon."

"Mr. Ge, how much do you think the compensation should be?"

"At least five trillion Franklin's gold."

"You are very generous."

"Thank you for the compliment."


Another reporter: "Mr. Ge, the Tiancheng Games have come to an end, and the construction of Nanyu City is progressing steadily. Are you going to go all out to develop the interstellar industry?"

"The interstellar space is too far away, I plan to sort out the home planet we live on, and then..."

Ge Xiaotian took two steps back, looked towards the left entrance of the rostrum, and made a gesture of invitation.

All the reporters in the audience looked around...

A tall, curly-haired girl also wearing casual clothes strolled over in a grand manner.

It was Li Xiuxiu.

"Guys, I'm getting married!"


The audience applauded thunderously, cheered like a wave, and sent heartfelt blessings.

Because... Boss Ge has increased their salary income by N times in recent years.

Who would have any ill will towards such a generous journalist?

Of course, those with malicious intentions were all sent to mine.



"Hahaha, my fiancée is about to be born!"

"Fuck you, my fiancé is about to be born!"

"You beasts, when Lao Ge's children grow up, you will all be uncles and aunts, why don't you work hard and become in-laws with Lao Ge?"

"The angle upstairs is tricky, I admire it!"

"I should work hard, but I don't have a girlfriend yet."

"Immigrate to Saha (Yakutia), provide distribution, provide a wife, charter a car and share a house, if you are interested, please chat privately..."


"Immigrate to South Africa, get distribution, get a wife, get a car and share a house, those who are interested can apply directly..."


"Guess where Lao Ge will arrange the wedding ceremony?"

"100% moon, after all, Tiancheng's slogan is the sea of ​​stars, and Lao Ge's signature is also to pick a star for you."

"No, I suspect it will be set in the western desert, where Tiancheng's core industry is now."

"Why not Gejia Village?"

"Gejia Village has long since disappeared, and it is now the Gejia Community."

"Will it be set in the 'Civilization Restart' game? They are dungeons every night, and they are also the most respected 'online game imitation couple' by netizens."

"It makes sense..."


The reception is over.

Although brief, it revealed a news far more sensational than the situation in the Pacific Ocean.

One must know that Tiancheng International Holdings, on the surface, looks like a group of all people, but in fact it is exclusive to the Ge family.

And, it's still alone!

Like Father Ge, he has his own property.

Like Ge Wangwang, he only serves as the chairman of the holding group.

Such as Ge Damao, Ge Shunfeng, etc., are all department or branch managers.

To put it bluntly, if Ge Xiaotian died suddenly, not only the Ge family would not be able to control Tiancheng, but even the board of directors and the outside world would not be able to accept Tiancheng, so this behemoth would definitely collapse.

Although this is modern times and it is not popular for a son to inherit his father's business, 'Ge II' is indeed the heir that Tiancheng's core members all expect.

In other words, it is a symbol of cohesion.

People such as Lao Hong, Qi Ye, Da Liu, Zhu Changfa, paper industry boss Pang, the boss of everything, and ocean bosses, including the elders, the board of directors, and even the actual controllers of overseas regions, have said more than once: Mr. is a child.

Ge Xiaotian's family members knew about his own family affairs. Tian Cheng's ability to get to where he is today is due to his operation and the system. Whether Tian Cheng can continue has nothing to do with whether he has children or not.

According to Dao Yi, the main brain cannot be inherited, nor can it be transferred. How long Tian Cheng exists depends on how long the host can live.

In other words, with the help of the main brain, technology is crazily improved and the limit of human life span is broken.

That's why the major laboratories will unite together to start the 'Eternal Life Project'.

It's a pity that Ge Xiaotian doesn't want to be a ten thousand year bastard.

In addition, now Tian Cheng doesn't really need him as the chairman, and by chance, he can get married, retire behind the scenes to be a boss, and experience life after retirement.

After the press conference.

Ge Xiaotian was about to take Li Xiuxiu to the New Canal to experience the wonder of Yugong moving mountains, but was stopped by Dao Shiyi.

"Boss, Holden is arriving soon."

"He's not in North America for a meeting, what's he doing here?"

"They didn't agree to the gold compensation, but they agreed to triple the security fee for the Huo Dun Group. Huo Dun said...we can have both."

"You want gold, but you also need three times the security fee? No, it's too dark. As the saying goes, when things go to extremes, they turn against each other. To deal with those capitalists, we have to squeeze them out slowly to squeeze out all their remaining value."

"But...North America really can't get five trillion dollars worth of gold."

"The mother planet currently has 16,000 tons of gold reserves, but there are many overseas folks, like the third brother, whose private gold reserves are as high as 20,000 tons, and there are also many in Malaysia and Indonesia... If North America can be ruthless and squeeze these areas, You have nothing to lose at all.”

"Killing wolves and tigers?"

"No, it's cutting its wings."

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