Build Madness

Chapter 1061 Communication Engineering Innovation

In the age of technology, satellites rule everything.

Like navigation satellites, it is related to express delivery, passenger transportation, sea and air transportation...

Like weather satellites, related to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, disaster warning, space observation...

Like positioning satellites, it is related to surveying and mapping, geological exploration, railway operations...

Like communication satellites, related to mobile communications, television broadcasting, news and entertainment...

It also includes satellite timing to ensure time synchronization;

Satellite imagery, to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the target;

Satellite early warning to avoid strategic mischief raids;

Satellite eavesdropping, collecting radar system information on target areas...

It can be said that satellites are related to everyone's life, determine the fate of each region, and affect the economic development of the entire parent planet.

Therefore, when all the satellites on the parent star were unilaterally destroyed by North America...

Human activities and social production were instantly paralyzed.

Some people lost their way for more than 20 hours before returning home safely with the help of security officers.

Some people are trapped in the sea, some are trapped in the grassland, some are trapped in the desert, and some are trapped in the mountains.

Someone misoperated the drone and crashed into the flight.

Someone made a mistake in operating the CNC equipment and suffered heavy losses.

On the battlefield in Iraq, thousands of soldiers suddenly disappeared...

In the Sange Ocean, the European Alliance Fleet hit the rocks unexpectedly...

In the Nordic waters, the Vikings lost their way and landed on the island of England without any reason...

On this day, about 70% of taxis around the world were suspended, about 50% of passenger traffic was cancelled, and all flights were closed.

On this day, all kinds of strange things happened one after another.

On this day, the mother star's economic losses are incalculable...

On this day, the Tiancheng industry chain united 65 regions to sue North America at the parent star joint meeting.

Although the communication satellite is gone, the intercontinental fiber optic cable is still there. Driven by public opinion, nearly one billion Internet users responded.

at this time.

On September 20th, Tiancheng released a video.

In the picture, the submarine numbered 0196 in North America released the deep-sea guide egg to cut off the optical cable between the sub-region and the Americas.

In an instant, the Asian region lost direct contact with North America.

We have to rely on Asia-Europe optical cables and European and American optical cables to exchange information.

The way North America did this caused panic and anger across the mother planet.

Rao is the European Union, and even within NATO, there are many accusations.

North America was full of confusion: "I didn't do it at all!!!"


half an hour later.

A submarine in North America's North Atlantic once again destroyed the fiber optic cable between North America and Europe.

North America wanted to say something, especially intending to disclose that Tiancheng's optical simulation can forge videos, but soon found himself banned.

Things are developing more and more beyond people's expectations.


Xiangcheng, Jishi City, Unnamed Hotel.

Ge Xiaotian is entertaining the chairman of KS Group.

The banquet is rich and grand.

Ge Xiaotian not only appreciates but also admires this big guy who has squatted from the beginning to the present.

The acquaintance of the two parties should have started with the lawsuit from Legend of the Dragon.

At the beginning, Tianyu relied on a broken Nanbangzi language client to repair, compile, and mine the source code... and developed the Legend of Dragon, but it was sued by Nanbangzi Valmet, which imitated Diablo and developed the Legend of Blood.

Originally, Tiancheng didn't care about this, but two major projects followed up, one was the laying of the Far East gas pipeline, and the other was the construction of the Incheon Bridge.

In order to eliminate Nan Bangzi's moths during the bidding period, Tiancheng used graphene as an introduction to contact KS Group and asked it to help resolve the Shenlong Legend lawsuit, Daewoo Automobile lawsuit and so on.

The chairman of KS Group is not a good person, with a dark belly and no concept of a country. Driven by interests, he first acquired Valmet, then Daewoo Automobile, and then packaged up the corresponding technologies and transferred them to Tiancheng for exchanging graphene.

Later, KS Group helped Tiancheng get the Incheon Bridge project, and the two sides launched a strategic cooperation.

What is strategic cooperation?

One prospers all, one loses all.

Tiancheng helped KS Group plan to become bigger and stronger and monopolize Nanbangzi's business plan, and helped implement it.

KS Group helped Tiancheng lay gas meters and gas supply facilities in Beidi.

In order to prevent North America from interfering, the chairman of KS Group squatted behind bars and arranged for puppets to operate. During this period, six puppets died and more than a dozen CEOs stepped down...

The cooperation between Tiancheng and KS Group has continued to this day.

The strategic cooperation originally formulated has also been initially completed.

KS Group crushed or suppressed Sanxing, Hyundai, Kia and other established companies, and almost monopolized all Nanbangzi industries such as agriculture, electronics, energy, armaments, and automobiles, and became a real corporate empire.

Tiancheng completed the gas laying projects from Beidi to Damo, to Nanyun, to Jianfu and other areas, enabling Wanqian Limin Activity Center to use low-cost, safe and non-hazardous natural gas.


KS Group's bases in Beibangzi and North America, under the attack from the north and the south, even if it is opened, it is a bit shaky.

Therefore, the chairman of KS Group came to ask for support.

During the dinner.

Ge Xiaotian provoked 'Farewell My Concubine', and comforted him: "Don't worry, the intercontinental optical cable was destroyed by North America, and it will not be repaired in a short time, and the space satellite was destroyed by North America, and it will be difficult to repair it in a short time. Without these two things, you Scared of the hair."

"That's the truth, but... the old guys from World War II, it's useless to put on a tall name. Look at Bei Bangzi's T-80 modification, which has a third longer range than mine, and they like to play Iron torrent, my little bean...Boss Ge, why don't you give me more grizzly bears to fight against the North American base, and I promise to end the battle soon."

'You're done, how can I make money? '

Ge Xiaotian complained in his heart, but pretended to be contemplative on the surface, "The war in West Asia is on the rise again, not to mention who will win between Montenegro and Xila, the European Union will definitely intervene, and Tiancheng's 'construction machinery' will definitely be piled up on the Western Front. Do your best to build Nanyu City, how can you have so many resources to produce 'construction machinery', and the fifty grizzly bear tanks given to you are still drawn from the Stan Five."

"Mr. Ge, our strategic cooperation is only in the mid-term, and you definitely don't want me to be wiped out."

The chairman of KS Group understood that the moment he got angry and announced that he would be the chairman of Nanbangzi, he had no way out and could only rely on Tiancheng in the future, "We can open up a few ports and give up agricultural planting."

"Since you show your sincerity, I'm trying to shirk it, so it seems that I, Lao Ge, are stingy."

Ge Xiaotian picked up the documents next to him, flipped through them roughly, "Well, I'll give you ten Titans."

"No, Mr. Ge, I can't afford it."

"Take it, it's all made."


Titan is indeed a good thing, and it shines in the Nanyang conflict.

But this thing is not only an eye-catching target for thieves, it is driven by energy, especially energy blocks, and the daily consumption of each vehicle is as high as 100 million red notes.

If the magnetic rail gun fires, the consumption will be doubled instantly.

This is not a sharp weapon, this is the uncle!

The chairman of the KS Group sighed, in order to get the real big killer, that is, the Grizzly Tank that surpassed the North American M1, he decided to admit it.

"Everything is arranged by Mr. Ge."

"Oh? So, how about two photon satellites!"


The chairman of the KS Group deliberately refused, but the non-photon satellites on the parent star were all destroyed by a strong magnetic pulse, and it seemed that the only way to recover quickly was to ask Tian Cheng, "Okay."

"Happy cooperation." Ge Xiaotian motioned for a drink to celebrate.

"Happy cooperation, gold and other resources, we will arrange them as soon as possible."

The mother planet's gold, passing through Tiancheng, is like digging three feet into the ground, and even the desert filter is used to search, and now it is scarce.

It is rare for folks to see gold jewelry, even for the third brother. After all, the rubber industry of the third brother was destroyed, and the fields were not produced because of genetically modified rubber. People can only exchange gold for instant noodles in order to make a living.

As for telling North America to search for gold from the three folks, it is also to mislead the other party and delay time for the deployment of the follow-up "internet disconnection plan" and "satellite destruction plan".

Gold is scarce, but the advanced technological products of the system require special resources.

For this reason, Ge Xiaotian had to turn his attention to silver, brass, aluminum-magnesium-tin and other metals.

The exchange rate of these things is far inferior to that of gold, just like wheat and pork. The exchange rate of the former for a special resource is several times, even dozens of times, that of the latter.

But there is no way, if you want to quickly develop the interstellar industry, you can only do so.

But fortunately, the Mars base is completed, and a large number of players can be arranged for mining soon. When a cycle is formed, the special resource shortage problem that has been facing will be greatly improved.

Had lunch.

Ge Xiaotian sent off the chairman of KS Group and returned to the office.

After finishing the agreement signed by the two parties, Dao Shiyi was a little puzzled, "Boss, I think we can definitely increase the price of the photon satellite instead of discounting it."

"The alternating magnetic field in the Pacific Ocean is just a temporary product. When the H-fusion mobile power plant runs out of raw materials and the magnetic field disappears, everything will return to normal, including intercontinental optical cables."

Ge Xiaotian half-lyed in the recliner, mobilizing the AR parent star map, "What we have to do now is to take advantage of this gap to widen the technological gap between the two sides and attract more partners. When everything returns to normal, we will be in a first-level universe. In the stage of civilization, affected by this loss, they went back ten years, and it was still 0.7, polarized, didn’t they appear? When Mao Xiong disintegrated, I believe that there will also be disintegration..."

"The Marshall Plan?"

"Yo? Unexpectedly, you still have the potential to become ZZ's family."

"Ham, if you use your brain a little bit, you can understand that the Marshall Plan seems to support the European region, but in fact it is to divide them and keep them in a state of disunity. Otherwise, various organizations and institutions will not appear. NATO has long been a As a whole, sharing intelligence, the Five Eyes alliance may be the Thirty Eyes alliance or the Forty Eyes alliance."

"We don't need to do this. You see, in the reconstruction of West Asia, we get countless mines, countless projects, and countless cheap labor and many low-cost factories. This is the case in Africa, and it will be the same in South America, and North America..."

Ge Xiaotian focused on the North American GIS system produced by Huo Dun Group, "They like to mine overseas resources and keep themselves. If we help them rebuild, perhaps the resource storage in North America is much more than that in West Asia."

"At present, it seems that it is true."

"What should be done has been done, just wait and see."


Throughout late September, Tiancheng's industrial chain became extremely busy.

Busy building satellites, busy launching satellites, busy developing photonic satellite applications.

Ge Xiaotian doesn't like to eat alone. Part of the satellite orders he got from overseas is handed over to the Ninth Institute for processing, part to the Nanyang Five for manufacturing, part for the Stan Five to launch, and even a part of the full rights to Ice Bear.

After all, in this confrontation, everyone has the money to contribute money, has the strength to contribute, and no one backs down, and the industry chain also needs a fair and just game rule with rewards and punishments, so that we can work together and enter the universe together. development era.

For this reason, the Ice Bear obtained a set of second-generation H fusion technology, the Nanyang Five obtained a set of anti-gravity technology with a research and development progress of 50%, the Stan Five obtained a set of space shuttle propulsion technology, and the Emirates obtained a sand brick production process... …

At the same time, the completed Phase I and Phase II of Nanyu City, as well as the immigration area, held a big party, where tens of billions worth of nutrient solutions, brain-boosting and spiritual-invigorating solutions were given away for free.

For a time, the southern waters ushered in a wave of immigrants.

All of the above are also preparations for the upcoming 11th celebration.

This year's 11th was originally Xiaoqing, but China took off, the islands were liberated, and the pattern of the mother planet changed rapidly. Considering deterrence, or stabilizing the morale of the partners, the board of directors decided to hold a special event.

The equipment needed for this grand ceremony, in addition to the conventional weapons produced by Daqin Bingfeng, also includes the technological weapons specially provided by Overseas Tiancheng.

Well, overseas Tiancheng special offer.

Even if Boss Ge's current status is aloof, he still has to abide by the rules that should be followed. In other words, Tian Cheng is just a pure developer in China.

The board of directors will not care about what Overseas Tiancheng is, let alone ask.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why several elders are satisfied and value Boss Ge.

Invitations to the celebration were sent out as early as early September.

Including 46 partners of Tiancheng Industrial Chain and 15 immigrant enterprises of Nanyu City.

Many domestic entrepreneurs were invited, including Chen Feng, Shen Zhipeng, Yuanyang boss, the old man of the paper industry who became a cyborg, Lao Jia of the furniture city, and the two brothers of Li's clothing...

There are also many industry executives in Tiancheng's industrial chain, including Ding Hao, Shuai Bo, Qi Feifei, Zhu Changfa, Professor Hu, Chief Engineer Liang...

The special guests are Hong xx, Yang Dingfeng, the director of Ice Bear Far East...

As for Hong xx, Yang Dingfeng and others, why are they in the special guest sequence?


With so many people receiving invitations, Boss Ge was naturally indispensable.

Even a separate, special, full-featured invitation letter.

Unfortunately, Boss Ge excused himself because he was unwell.

Because I have done too much in the past few years, and my identity is too dazzling.

The board of directors also seemed to know that this guy would not go, and specially sent countless honors, including epaulettes, armbands, badges, certificates, pennants...

It was night, and Lao Ge began to show off.


September 28th.

The whole China is shrouded in a festive atmosphere.

The streets and alleys are full of red flags, and the cars and people are singing the motherland.

Major radio stations live broadcast the development of various regions, and each region reports this year's harvest.

"wonderful world."

Ge Xiaotian walks in the former canal development zone, today's Xiangcheng, Jishi, and occasionally boards the bus and takes the subway.

Going round and round, from Zaoshi New City to Modern Film and Television City, from Interstellar Sports Center to Xingyue Bay in Xucheng, from Xiangxian Hub to Qingshan Mountains, from Donghu Film and Television Base to Taishi Quanmin Square, and then to Jinxiuchuan...

In the evening, cross the Mother River Bridge, take a special car and drive on the westward expressway...

There are 3 Dongshan Expressway Industrial Parks, 7 Beihe Expressway Industrial Parks, 19 Grassland Industrial Parks...

A desert industrial park.

On the same day, the Cheng No. business jet took off from the ALS ground effect transport transfer station, circled Huaxia, and stopped at the Fengdu New Canal Wharf.

The grand celebration that caused a sensation in Europe, Asia and Africa has finally begun.

Why is it a sensation in Europe, Asia and Africa?

The Internet is cut off in other places, and air and sea transportation are blocked. How can I receive the news?

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