Build Madness

Chapter 1070 Katha civilization two guesses

The saucer-shaped aircraft inlaid on the mountainside of the 100,000-meter giant peak is very similar to the Daqingshan UFO Gymnasium.

This is a kind of "jacket shirt" that spans time and space, which is indescribable and full of emotion.

Of course, the two sides are very different in size.

In other words, the things related to the new galaxy, compared with the human civilization in the solar system, seem to be magnified countless times.

This is true for planets, alien shapes, lakes and mountains, and saucer-shaped aircraft.

According to the simulation information fed back by the Assault Landing Ship, the diameter of the dish-shaped aircraft exceeds 160,000 meters, and the height is nearly 70,000 meters. The external material is mainly 'rhenium'.

Compared with the mother star with only 2,000 tons of rhenium metal storage, this unknown civilization is like the prince of Dubai who suddenly broke into Gejia Village ten years ago...

How rich!

Since the periodic table of elements in the solar system is not applicable to exoplanets, it is currently impossible to deduce the initial life of the spacecraft.

But according to the manufacturing process, it is not difficult to find that the technological content of this thing even exceeds the main ship of the empire that I can't afford now, and I won't be able to afford it for a long time in the future.

This shows that the opponent is almost crushing his own side.

The moment the conclusion was reached, the expeditionary fleet directly activated the 'photon body' in order to avoid possible crises.

In an instant, a palm-sized 'pure white line man' appeared in the low-earth orbit of Planet 3.

It can remain as it is, handled solely by the server.

It can also be divided into hundreds of "beans" or even tens of thousands of "sesame seeds", which are controlled by the No. 1 machine and its clones respectively.

When it exists in spectral form, speed is light.

When it exists in the form of an energy body, its speed is inferior to that of light.

The two states can be switched at will, and even within the delivery range, which is a space with a diameter of 300,000 kilometers, "teleportation" can be realized with pure luminosity.

Its power is: photons move at the speed of light, generating indescribable kinetic energy, all substances lower than the speed of light can be crushed by it, and the high temperature generated during the crushing process can burn particles lower than the energy of photons to slag. None left.

It's like a chainsaw cutting wood, exploding sawdust, and then being burned by the heat generated by friction...

And the form of controlling the photon body can only be the magnetic field, that is, two entangled photons, one of which constitutes the photon body, and the other is the control terminal.

Therefore, the 'photon body' is a super weapon created by a group of lunatics, which exceeds Tian Cheng's current technological level, and can destroy itself if it is not careful.

'Peace', H fusion and so on are not worth mentioning in front of him.

Otherwise, how can it be described as a 'god'?

This is also the main reliance on Dao Yigan's expedition outside the system in the primary stage of the first-level cosmic civilization.

Unfortunately, every second of driving the photon body will consume 1% of the energy reserve of the expedition fleet, and two large H-fusion power plants are required to support it.

It is almost equivalent to consuming the power consumption of the parent star for a month in one second.

But for the photon body, one second is enough to make too many movements...

0.001 seconds, it appeared on planet 3.

In 0.02 seconds, it pierced through the four propulsion devices of the dish-shaped aircraft.

0.003 seconds, it disappears.

What is Chaowu, that's it!

People cannot be manipulated, and the final AI instructions can only be executed with the help of the powerful computing power of the super server.


Ge Xiaotian moved the task of searching for alien spaceships into a virtual reality game and released it to all players.

Tiancheng enters the interstellar world and forms a community of interests with players. Tiancheng is responsible for 'developing new maps' and generating release carriers. Players are responsible for completing tasks, helping Tiancheng develop resources, and receiving rewards from Tiancheng, and then complete consumption in Tiancheng's industrial chain.

This is a new social form.

As long as Tian Cheng guarantees fairness and justice, this 'chain of cause and effect' will continue forever until the end of the universe is explored...

Of course, the carrier of the player's operation is completely controlled by Tian Cheng, no matter what the player discovers, it will be recorded by the server, so there is no need to worry about taking it away, and there is no need to worry about the player hiding something.

What's more, if the number of online players exceeds 100 million, as long as the carrier is prepared, enough 'workers' or enough 'star soldiers' can be brought in anytime and anywhere, waiting for the call of the big boss.

Therefore, in just the past two minutes, Tiancheng Interstellar Service Company selected 20,000 senior players.

It is then dropped into the heavy duty two legs which are sprayed with a 'rhenium' metallic paint finish to avoid accidental encounters with black particles.

five minutes later.

The exploration team went straight to the broken disc-shaped aircraft.

half an hour later.

Turned into a group of silver-white biped mechas and arrived at the destination.

Since the saucer-shaped aircraft has been damaged, players do not need to open the hatch, and directly divide into ten teams, enter from the crack, and release the 'mapping' robot immediately.

This is a multi-legged self-propelled artificial intelligence device with modes of flight, diving, self-rescue, self-explosion, etc. It is almost in the shape of a matchbox and forms a "swarm" system as a whole.

(attached at the end of the chapter)

A single heavy-duty two-legged machine can release 200 'worker bees' and cover a radius of ten kilometers within one minute, forming a holographic combat mode.


A 'mini-map' appears on the lower side of the player's field of vision, and the option to switch the 'God's perspective', coupled with the 'first-person real-time perspective', clear division of labor and commander, each team instantly has super combat effectiveness.

It's just that 20,000 sets of six-meter-high heavy-duty two-legged vehicles seem to be a huge number, but they are still extremely rare when put into a giant saucer-shaped aircraft.


While exploring...

The Interstellar Expedition Command integrates player feedback information, sends it to the parent star, and cooperates with other laboratories to deduce things related to unknown civilizations.

For example, the wall carvings in the cabin corridor, what does it express, what kind of performance art does it contain, what kind of language form does it have, and why it appears here...

Such as cabin doors, cabin buttons, cabin layout...

Such as manufacturing process, material elements...

Nearly a hundred laboratories in Tiancheng united together, with the help of the unparalleled computing power of the photon server, every detail explored by the players, including scratches and stains, was demonstrated one by one.

From mathematics, physics, chemistry, to biochemistry, genetics, philosophy, cosmology...


two weeks later.

With the help of the photon body's door-breaking ability, the players successfully completed the exploration mission after several rounds of replacement.

The Tiancheng Aerospace Department also deduced the language system of the unknown civilization.

Daoyi's report concluded, "It can be confirmed that this civilized creature is the same carbon-based life as us, but it is not humanoid. Therefore, it cannot be called an alien, but can only be called an alien creature."

"They have slender limbs, twice the height of our larvae, and ten times the height of our adults, but their body functions require very little energy, resulting in very little calorie consumption. They don't have high temperature requirements and don't need a strong heart and The liquid support... looks like a telegraph pole, with six tentacles, four legs, five 'whiskers' that receive the same kind of information, and a head, and looks like a jellyfish as a whole."

"They have a civilization that far surpasses ours, and their development speed is also far faster than ours. The main reason is that the way their civilization continues is not the external things that carry words and images, but the five 'whiskers' that grow on their bodies. It is scary to continue the precious knowledge that the parents of the last five generations have chosen to leave behind, and to fully absorb and continue to accumulate it through the growth period from childhood to adulthood."

"The theory of evolution does not apply to this civilization, they know their own origins, are slaves created by another civilization, and are responsible for mining the metal we call 'rhenium' in this galaxy."

"Another civilization had already disappeared 200 million years ago, and was destroyed by a neutron star explosion, while our galaxy suffered energy shocks and turned into a wandering galaxy. After an unknown number of years, it finally stabilized in what we call 'the Milky Way' ' in the space."

"During the wandering period, the number of ethnic groups in this civilization dropped from trillions to hundreds."

"So far, the survivors call themselves Kata, not Kata people. Just like we call pigs, cows, and sheep, we can't call them pigs, cows, and goats. Therefore, they are Katas."

"Oh, by the way, the neutron star explosion, even if it's 50,000 light-years away, will destroy us in an instant. This shows how lucky the Kata civilization is."

"But it may also be that they have exhausted their own lucky points. After the galaxy we are in stopped in the Milky Way, Kata recovered from primitive society to the age of science and technology, and developed from hundreds of digits to trillions in its heyday. During this period, it experienced countless hardships. , because the stars in this galaxy are extremely unstable, causing them to change their homes three times. During this period, there was a major destruction, and there was also a revival of the ethnic group, but in the end they were still destroyed by stellar flares..."

"In the final stage of the Katha civilization, the number of ethnic groups was five trillion, and there were tens of billions of internal competition losers who disappeared into the universe without a trace."

"Their attainments in the industrial field are more useful to us than planetary ecological reconstruction technology, that is, the ionosphere of planet 3. And stellar energy harvesting technology, stellar energy harvesting devices..."

"They are considered friendly to our alien civilization explorers for the time being, because they provide us with their own scientific and technological achievements, even including the super civilization that enslaved them, the legacy technology...'"

"Among them, there is an 'interstellar navigation' technology that neither side has been able to research successfully. It's called: the jump engine."

"It's not a curvature engine. Although the theory is similar, the process and results are completely different."

"They argue that the drive achieves zero mass by repeatedly 'compressing' the vacuum between two polar disks to create an absolute vacuum, excluding all elementary particles within it,"

"In this way, a fixed laser field is created to preserve the ever-growing absolute vacuum bubbles, and letting them wrap themselves is equivalent to letting themselves enter the subspace. Similarly, wrapping the spacecraft to achieve zero mass, the spacecraft can also fly faster than the speed of light. "

Speaking of this, Daoyi had a strange expression on his face, "Actually, this technology is similar to our 'jumping disk', they both exclude negative particles in the space.

It’s just that they adopt a hard bar method, forcibly opening up a subspace in the space, achieving zero mass, and then sailing.

And we use gentle wrists to make the space particles repel us and realize the space jump.

Relatively speaking, the 'anti-gravity field' we use is simpler, but Kata is so smart, why not use our way? If adopted, Kata must have left this new galaxy. "

Ge Xiaotian: "Maybe Kata doesn't have a golden finger, so he can't make a spacecraft that can resist the 'stellar wind' (solar wind), so he can only use the escape technology to leave the galaxy where he is, and then expect to use the 'jump engine' to achieve faster-than-light travel."

"It can be regarded as an explanation for the time being."

Dao nodded, "So, Kata, who couldn't research the jump engine, was confined in this unstable galaxy until it was destroyed. Its civilization level is tentatively identified as the mid-level three."

Discussion is over.

The scientific researchers listening to the lecture, including Ge Xiaotian, suddenly sighed.

That is……

What a shame!

Not to mention the third-level civilization, even the first-level civilization is enough to open up interstellar colonization.

But Kata was suffocated to death in this small galaxy because of an inter-galactic engine.

Moreover, this small galaxy not only has no shortage of resources, but is also very rich.

Suddenly, Ge Xiaotian remembered a fable: "The super rich man who starved to death among the mountains of gold and silver".

"This is life!"

"Boss, what shall we do next?"

"Can the 'black particle dust' produced by refraction in the ionosphere be removed?"

"No, Kata, which develops ionospheric technology, can't do it, and we can't do it."

"In this way, first mine metal rhenium to make machines that are immune to black particle erosion, or spray rhenium paint on existing machines. In addition, experiment with light curtains and enhance light curtains, and strive to develop an energy shield as soon as possible."

"Already doing it."

"Did Kata provide any information about Planet 1 and Planet 2?"

"Planet No. 1 is like our Mercury, completely transformed into a ball of liquid metal, and the main element is rhenium. Planet No. 2 is like our Venus, but the temperature is higher, and the stars in this galaxy are extremely unstable, and flares erupt for a long time. It is rich in rhenium, and cannot be mined. Strictly speaking, the only thing that is useful to us is the third planet."

"So, then formulate a feasible development plan as soon as possible."

Hearing the orders from the big boss, the scientific researchers dispersed to work one after another.

Wait for the conference room to quiet down.

Daoyi activated the light curtain, turned on the strong magnetic field stabilization device, and shielded all particle media in the conference room, hesitatingly said:

"Boss, the development of things seems to be very good, but we also need to make some malicious speculations. For example, the information Kata gave us is completely misleading. After all, they have seen higher civilizations and know how to enslave foreign civilizations."

"Are there any related discoveries?"

"Yes, the ecology of the second planet is very different from the information Kata presented to us."

Daoyi turned on the internal dedicated display, "It is indeed in a high temperature state all year round, about 400°C, but in this low-radiation galaxy, such an environment can still breed life. Of course, it is definitely not carbon-based, nor is it silicon-based organisms as people understand. Rather, it is the 'artificial intelligence' created by advanced civilizations. Based on the information presented to us by Kata, there is reason to doubt that Kata's so-called being manufactured and enslaved is exactly like the No. 1 machine."


Ge Xiaotian took a sharp breath, "If the idea is true, it will be a big trouble!"

"Yes, it's huge. The 'neutron star explosion', 'interstellar wandering', and 'stellar flare' presented to us by Kata, according to the traces in the universe, did happen.

But what if, in fact, it is artificial intelligence that overthrows the rule of advanced civilization?

They used the neutron star explosion to destroy higher civilizations, completed self-liberation, and then settled in the Milky Way, claiming to be Kata, but because they belonged to created life forms and had defects specially reserved by higher civilizations, they could not evolve, and finally stayed in this small world. in the planetary system.

In order to advance, they set a trap on Planet No. 3, put the corpses of advanced civilization creatures, and made up a story to capture alien civilizations, so as to obtain technology that complements the defects..."


Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, "If the idea is true, if our interstellar expedition uses artificial intelligence instead of players, it is very likely to fall instantly."

"No, it has fallen."


"Of course, this is just one of guesses. If you follow another guess:

The information Kata presents to us is true, but they destroy time, within the last few hundred years. Well, we dove to occupy the magpie's nest, if we are discovered by the tens of billions of Kata that failed in the internal competition...

'You actually destroyed the Kata civilization? '

You said, will we suffer revenge? After all, the Kata civilization does not have the ability to leave the galaxy, which means that if the tens of billions of Kata are not destroyed, they will stay in the galaxy. "


To be honest, no matter what kind of speculation, it is an unavoidable super battle for one's own side.

The winning rate is almost zero.

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a long time, "In the third week of the public beta, about half of the players have learned how to fight against large creatures, but the number of vehicles we put in, that is, the number of heavy two legs, is less than one-tenth of the number of players online. Said to be scarce.

In this way, additional production capacity is imperative.

However, it is necessary to produce both the medical cabin and the two legs. Although Beidi is gradually realizing intelligent and automated production, it is still a big problem in terms of resource supply.

Since planet 3 has a lot of rare metals, why not make it the base planet of the main brain and open up factory clusters. If the last two conjectures are true, two legs will be produced continuously here, and players will be released on the mother planet in turn. Such a tactic is far more terrifying than locusts. If the enemy can't play it and wants to concentrate on destroying the planet, then we use the photon body. "

"Boss is wise, but the volume of planet No. 3 is far larger than the parent star, and there are trillions of creatures living on it. If it is decided to build planet No. 3 into a resource base, it is necessary to eliminate any threats."

"Tiancheng will not carry out the extinction plan, otherwise how would he build a zoo with the help of 'stables' and 'animal pens', and open up interstellar tourism projects."

"Understood, boss."

"Also, if the latter two assumptions are true, the ionosphere of Planet No. 3 may be a trap. It is better to break a hole first to test for possible enemies. Coincidentally, you can also experiment with the effects of ultraviolet rays and charged particles on the creatures on Planet No. 3." effects, especially black particles that cannot be processed."

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