Build Madness

Chapter 1073 Another Mode of 'Civilization Restart'

Planet 3.

Zhang Wanhai's T-TS-07-103 team completed the combat mission assigned by the company, and immediately received a "special order" from the iron hand boss himself.

Go to the E-V-10 area to investigate the non-resisting aliens, and prohibit the use of weapons until they are attacked.

Zhang Wanhai was not surprised by this.

This is like what a colleague from the non-region said when they were chatting, when they meet a primitive tribe, if the other party does not show hostility, Tiancheng prohibits employees, employees, and partners from rashly plundering other people's resources, because that is called an invader.

Instead, we give gifts, food, and communicate in exchange for whatever we want in the other person's possession.

Otherwise, how do you get the gold that people regard as treasures and don't know where to hide?

And with this gentle strategy, not only can you easily get gold, but also allow the other party to take the initiative to help mine, and it can also avoid international accusations...

At present, planet No. 3 has been identified as an 'terrestrial planet' by the joint meeting of the mother star.

Affected by the 'black rain', it is temporarily unsuitable for human habitation. However, as long as you are a smart person, you will definitely think of a plan to fully develop the No. 3 planet.

for example……

Some people like the battle mode in the game, called PVP or PVE.

Some people also like the casual mode, called PVX.

In casual mode, the gameplay includes: fishing, logging, forging, mining...

Mining, everyone is familiar with, is to remotely control the construction machinery of the moon base and Mars base through virtual projection to mine mineral resources.

Well, fishing, according to gossip, is actually a remote control of the machinery in the arctic fishing grounds to catch cold-water fish such as cod.

As for logging... Are there still few logging camps in Tiancheng?

Therefore, in just half a year, virtual reality games have created a new social form.

Except for those who must stay in reality, the vast majority of people in the board survey expressed a willingness to enter virtual reality.

In this way, one can imagine the development model of Planet 3.

For example farmers.

During the busy season, work in reality.

During the slack season, or at night, enter the virtual reality, and use remote control to plant and breed on planet 3...

Tiancheng can develop a plastic greenhouse project on Ceres, which has a harsh climate, and it can do the same on planet 3.

At least the silver biped mech can be immune to the 'black rain' corrosion.

Well, stretch it out.

Certain factories that pollute the environment of the mother star and must be installed, such as smelters and chemical plants, can they also be installed here?

In this way, maybe soon, planet 3 will be wrapped in 'silver-white' buildings and become the second home of mankind.

"No wonder Tian Cheng described this place as the home planet of human beings."

Zhang Wanhai admired Boss Ge even more.

While thinking, the 103 team advanced rapidly in mid-air, skimmed one after another of huge and outrageous mountains and rivers, killed strange-looking giant birds, and soon came to the area marked on the map.

This is a vast plain. According to the information searched by other fighters in the server, its area far exceeds that of Taklamakan.

There are many rivers, all of which come from the north side, where there is a huge river about 3 kilometers wide.

And the source of the giant river is the "Optimus Pillar" mountain inlaid with the relics (spaceships) of the Kata civilization.

"Captain, they found us and are gathering."


Zhang Wanhai responded.

This place has been collected by other combat units, and the swarm system also uploads the geographical information to the server. Without downloading, the driving map already shows the landforms with a radius of thousands of miles.

On the plain, except for the uniform black vegetation, there are no huge buildings that match the size of the native organisms.

But according to hints, they all live underground and are called 'cave-alien'.

In addition, the exploration information is also marked: the other party has a social form, has a rudimentary civilization order, has incomprehensible behavior towards one's own side, suspects some kind of ritual, or what the other party wants to express.

"103 logistics, left and right wings, stay alert, the rear team is scattered and continues to search, the vanguard team will follow me down."

Following the order, 200 biped mechas acted separately.

Zhang Wanhai led 20 of them and landed slowly.

Almost at the same time, the six-meter-tall cave aliens waved deformed tentacles that were different from the Kata civilization exposed in the sky, like jellyfish swaying in the sea.

Through the protective earphones, countless glass shattering sounds can be vaguely heard...

The gap between advanced civilization and primary civilization is like that between people and ants.

Ants don't know what people are doing.

Although people can see what ants do, they cannot understand their thoughts and certain behaviors.

If ants are not used by people, then there is no need for ants to exist.

"Fortunately, the parent star has not been discovered by other civilizations."

Zhang Wanhai sighed secretly, and walked to the cave-alien first.

The latter is exactly like the ebb tide of sea water, with the sound of glass shattering, a strong jellyfish is left behind, and they disperse one after another.

The sturdy jellyfish was still waving its deformed tentacles, and then it seemed to be floating, and came to a mine-like hole.

Zhang Wanhai had already accepted the task, and when he saw that he could 'communicate', he stepped forward without hesitation.

Subsequently, the cave jellyfish dived, followed by Zhang Wanhai.


"Fuck, is this really a mine?!"

Zhang Wanhai immediately uploaded the exploration information.



Expeditionary fleet command ship.

Planet 3 GIS Laboratory.

Accompanied by intensive prompts, the 'Virtual No. 3 Star' constructed by countless AR images becomes fuller.

It is marked with various ecological information, geographic information, biological distribution information...

Surrounded by more than a hundred monks, rubbing the shift keys with both hands, summarizing and compiling a lot of information...

At this time.

"Report, the Iron Hand Guild team has contacted the non-resisting alien tribe, and sent the cave-internal overview."

"After backing up, send it to the superior laboratory."

After the GIS director of planet 3 finished speaking, he opened the audio data, checked it for a while, and thought about it.

"It seems that Zhang Daoyi's guess is still correct."

Kata is actually a species born for mining. It was created by a higher civilization and enslaved to mine new galaxies before the wandering period.

The metal rhenium, which is unique to the new galaxy, has been analyzed and verified by our own joint laboratory for many times, and it is found that it is suitable for all carbon-based civilizations and can be used as the core component of advanced spacecraft.

Why carbon-based civilization?

Because in speculation, there may not be silicon-based civilizations, magnesium-based civilizations, and other elemental civilizations, including the most advanced energy civilizations, all of which have the ability to fly by themselves, that is, to span the universe by themselves without the need for spacecraft.

Then, after confirming that the higher-level civilization that enslaved Kata was carbon-based, it is now discovered that the cave-the cave used by the aliens, looks like a human mine...

It can match Dao Yi's guess: that higher civilization is human, or human-like civilization.

This is a terrible result.

Although the theory of Nuwa's origin is a fictional product, with the extension of technology, our side has also begun to doubt whether this fictional species really exists.

Because planet No. 3 verified the 'Shan Hai Jing'.

That is...

Kata descends, constructs the ionosphere, and creates life, corresponding to Pangu opening the sky and Nuwa creating man.

The fall of Kata was affected by the radiation of the stars, and the ionosphere produced black particles, which led to the "natural selection, survival of the fittest" of native life, corresponding to the catastrophe of dragon and phoenix, and the war of liches.

After the total war in ancient times, the surviving creatures became various aliens. The cave aliens took the lead in "enlightenment", regarded themselves as "human beings", hunted and killed other aliens for a living, and created the cave-alien civilization.

If you give them thousands of years of development, cultural heritage, performance art, social form...

Isn't this the 'human being' and the 'mother star'?

At that time, the cave-alien will doubt its own origin, will study the history of planet 3, and then find that, in a certain period of time, a fault has appeared in the alien civilization.

That is the time period when 'black rain' is formed.

So, in fact, human beings also have civilization faults...

"Forget it, let's continue to study."

Tian Cheng, including the boss and the monk group, didn't care how he got here, only cared about how he would lose.

Therefore, most of this kind of speculation will be thrown by the laboratory to the countries on the home planet as 'entertainment information', so that they can have something to do.

Otherwise, you'll be fine if you're idle, and you'll find yourself in trouble in all likelihood.

Although Tian Cheng is not afraid, but Tian Cheng is an enterprise, and the most important thing is to care about its image.


After Zhang Waihai entered the cave, while exploring, he synchronized with the history of the Kata civilization disclosed by Tianji.

Kata was created and enslaved by advanced civilizations to mine rhenium metal in new galaxies, and was destroyed by the shackles of higher civilizations restricting their development, rather than the stellar flares guessed by Tiancheng Laboratory.

In other words, the higher-level civilization did not allow the Katha civilization to surpass them, so it made small moves in the inheritance of the Katha civilization and the operation of the stars, causing Katha to exhaust all means and fail to break out of the new galaxy, and was eventually destroyed by the higher-level civilization. In a stellar flare.

It has to be said that the control of high-level civilizations over low-level civilizations is very incomprehensible.

After the destruction of Kata, the spark of civilization was left behind, and the No. 3 planetary creature was born...

Black particles exploded, alien creatures appeared, and the intelligent part began to imitate the Kata civilization...

Now this cave is a 'mine' with nothing but appearance.

The wooden tracks and wooden buckets are only for decoration, and the corners are covered with messy vegetation roots, which seem to be used as drains, 'oxygen' or ventilation pipes...

Cave - Inlaid with a large number of "fluorescent stones" unique to planet 3, the environment in the cave is hazy, just like the clear night of the parent star.

For the Alien on Planet 3, this is completely broad daylight.

And if the mother star is moved here in broad daylight, these aliens will be 'roasted' alive in a short time.

For example, the ionosphere was broken before, causing lightning and thunder. Under the stimulation of strong white light, the alien is like taking Shixiangruanjin powder.

Zhang Wanhai activates Spectrum, and with the help of images generated by the light simulation system that are suitable for human vision, he follows the "alien chief" and continues to go deeper.

half an hour later.

More and more small aliens appeared in front of them.

They didn't wave their tentacles, but quietly floated in the darkness, their heads turning as the 'two people' moved.

Another half hour later.

The eyes suddenly opened up, revealing an incomparably huge space.

The blue light inside flickered, illuminating a mechanical device about a kilometer wide.

Its roots seem to go deep into the earth's core, and the area where the 'two people' are located resembles the top maintenance platform.

"This is……"

Zhang Wanhai didn't dare to hesitate and contacted GM directly.

Soon, the biped mecha was requisitioned by Tianji, and he was passively offline...


"Report, found the ionospheric core device!"

"Send 50 experimenters to investigate as quickly as possible, remember, don't hurt those defected aliens..."

Although the Katha civilization handed over the ionosphere construction technology to itself very friendly, the verification required a very long process.

Now that the core device is found and thrown into the main brain factory, the own side can complete the copy and mass production...

Then, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter 1~16...

As long as there are resources, it will soon become a human paradise.

Daoyi fully understands the value of this 'device'. After arranging the scientific research personnel, he dispatched 50 Tianwei who are training from the home planet to release the fifth-generation bipedal mecha that he has kept...

The fifth-generation biped mecha is made of pure rhenium metal, which belongs to the "krypton gold mecha", which can adapt to the ecology of planet 3, and the weaponry still uses the particle pulse series.

But after the research on 'black particles', there may be 'ideas' attack methods in the future.

Afterwards, Dao Yi contacted the big boss.


The other party is in a meeting.


parent star.

The middle section of the New Canal, Shiyan Wudang Mountains.

Ge Xiaotian has lived here for five or six days since he went north from Fengdu.

During the period, Li Xiuxiu heard that this guy only brought a yellow, who can only order takeaway, when he went out, so he immediately came to help with washing and cooking.

After all, Tian Cheng is really busy recently, so he can't exhaust the big boss.

As for where are Dao Shiyi and others?

on vacation.

Besides, the big boss also needs some personal space.

at this time.

Ge Xiaotian was sitting in Shiyan Tiancheng Square and the conference room of Guyue Hotel, discussing the future of mankind with many bigwigs gathered here.

Attendees included the chairman of the board, the boss of Ice Bear, the new manager of North America, Oma, the manager of Western North America, Pupu, and the manager of Southern North America, Xiaobu...

And the chairman or general manager of the countries in the European region, the director of the Nanyang Five-member Group, the head of the Nanyang Three Musketeers, the head of the Stan Five-member Group, the West Asian delegation, the chief of the Emirates, the chief of the African Union, and the chief of the South American Freedom Agency...

The atmosphere at the scene was not harmonious, at least Omar, Pupu, and Xiaobu all wanted to kill each other.

The reason for convening this meeting is that the Secretary-General of the Mother Planet Joint Conference held the "interstellar industry bidding meeting" at the request of Lao Ge.

As the name suggests, Tiancheng used to be an engineering contracting company, also known as a contractor.

Now it has transformed into a contracting party, and plans to contract some of the interstellar industries to various countries...

Such an influential event, not participating must be equivalent to falling behind.

Therefore, all the countries on the home planet came to show their faces, and by the way, discussed with Boss Ge about the trade plan for purchasing medical cabins.

The meeting has been going on for three days now.

On the first day, Tianji announced the overview of the new galaxy, as well as the Kata civilization, more advanced civilization, and the alien planet No. 3...

The next day, Skyrim announced the second model of the 'Virtual Reality World', that is, casual gameplay drives productivity.

Including interstellar breeding, interstellar planting, interstellar travel...

The third day is today.

Skyrim announced the reduction of interstellar transportation costs and launched a series of interstellar products.

For example, a transport ship with a 'gravitational field inverter' device.

It can not only go back and forth between the solar system and the new galaxy, but also reduce the time to go to Ceres from half a year to ten days with the help of the "jumping disk" system.

For example, the 'plastic greenhouse' suitable for Mars and Ceres.

It can satisfy genetically modified organism breeding and genetically modified plant planting.

Gene modification and genetic modification are two technologies. The latter is to insert the genes of other species into the gene chain of the target species, and the behavior is very rough.

The genetic modification is to edit the genes of the target species, delete harmful or useless genes, and retain or optimize beneficial genes. Genetically modified species, and no unknown side effects.

For example, the genetically modified pigs, eight per litter, grow rapidly under the feed of Tianyue pigs, with a moderate fat and thinness. The output is six times that of the previous meat pigs, and the meat quality and nutrition are 30 times that of the previous meat pigs. The body shape is exactly like a small pig elephant.

If large-scale farming is carried out on Mars, with the help of Mars' minerals that have no mining value but are extremely high in content, 'mineral-modified pigs' can be developed to double their nutritional value.

This has an irreplaceable role for new humans who have entered the era of exercise and need a lot of nutritional supplements.

After all, after using too much nutrient solution, the taste of birds fades out of the mouth. Everyone wants to satisfy their appetite.

However, the increase in physical fitness and digestive ability has led to a surge in food intake...

Tianwei Catering has made a lot of money recently.

At the same time, genetically modified seasonal vegetables, genetically modified fruits...

Chen Feng has also made a lot of money recently, and it is said that he secretly bought two interstellar transport ships.

"That's the end of today's meeting."

Ge Xiaotian got up and looked around at the bosses, "In the end, I still say that, although the social form has changed, the most important thing is still resources."

"If you overseas want to continue your dominance, and sooner or later you will be done with super-issued currency, why don't you contract the interstellar industry from me and give your citizens more living space."

"Tomorrow we will officially call for bids, and the chips are not currency like waste paper, nor the resources of the home planet that I have no longer looked down on, but the population. Whoever has the most population can bring me more 'regular online players' ', whoever wins the bid!"

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