Build Madness

Chapter 1078 Bring everyone to see the world

When the bidding meeting is in progress...

Mars, space port.

Like its parent star, Mars also has two orbits.

One is the orbit of the planets that revolve around the sun.

The second is the "low earth orbit" formed around its rotation, and is divided into parking orbit, phase orbit and polar orbit by space agencies.

During the construction of the space port, it is located in the 'polar orbit'. With the progress of the project, it is constantly approaching Mars. Then, after the completion of the construction, choose a suitable time to transition from the phase orbit to the parking orbit, and it will run with Mars until the end of its own life.

The role of the space port is very important.

First of all, it is responsible for connecting the Mars base, receiving or repatriating the recoverable launch vehicle launched from the surface, unloading the interstellar container, and then mounting it to the interstellar transport ship from the space port of the parent star to help the latter return to the parent star.

Such an engineering has been hailed by scientists as 'the space bridge from Mars to the parent star'.

Secondly, the Mars space port is also responsible for storing some Martian weapons to prevent possible interstellar battles, and uses itself as a bait to attract firepower from unknown enemies and buy time for the surface military forces on Mars to gather.

November 10th.

Pupu Group took over the space port.

Because the TC series equipment is not in place, Pupu Group hires the most influential "Qingfeng Guild" in the virtual reality game to help with it.

This commission is the first mission not officially released by Skyrim, and has attracted much attention.

One is that the player group has formed a unique economy. They are organized, disciplined, financially capable, and have technology. They can create economic value through the tools provided by Skyrim. "Guilds" are basically "old world" The company, belonging to the 'New World' interstellar company, if the first private commission is successfully completed, it means that the 'Player Association' will become a general existence of the 'Mother Planet Economic Union'.

The second is that this commission is also known as "Skyrim Employment", and it adopts the previous "eating and rewarding people" system. If this task is completed well, it means... interstellar mercenaries have become a reality.

The third is that there are more and more players, and it will not be a problem to break through 5 billion in the future. Then, the parent star joint meeting must formulate a series of rules in advance to restrain players who are far crazier than reality, and this mission is very good Observe the object.

Home planet time, 8:00 a.m.

The first legion of the Qingfeng Guild, with 20,000 elite members, submitted an application to the 'Tiancheng Interstellar Service Company' through the 'Breeze Interstellar Group'.

At 8:10 in the morning, the review was passed.

The intelligent management system of the Mars space port popped up 20,000 TC series rubber figures and 5,000 TC series biped mechs.

At 8:20 in the morning, the delivery began.

The rubber figures lying in the incubator shook their heads and stood up. The TC computer automatically adjusted the gravitational field inverter device embedded in the body, and simulated the earth-like gravity through the metal skeleton.

The rubber people moved their limbs one after another, and after a short adaptation, they gathered in the hall of the Mars space port according to the AR prompts.

At 8:40 in the morning, the work clothes of the Mars Spaceport were delivered.

Exposed in space, the rubber man without a space suit or an oxygen device changed into work clothes unscathed, and then followed the AR prompts to step into the jobs corresponding to their respective numbers.

9:00 am.

An interstellar transport ship in the high orbit of the parent star activates the gravitational field inverter device and performs a jump.

The vast universe flows, and it is relatively static, but the "speedometer" with the parent star as a reference, has successively broken through the first cosmic speed, the second cosmic speed, and the third cosmic speed, reaching the rotation of the local galaxy group at 650km/s.

Half an hour later, the transport spacecraft activated the "vacuum bubble" technology, jumped from the local galaxy group to the solar system, and soon cut into the planetary orbit of Mars, and quickly sailed to Mars.

The 'Vacuum Bubble' technology originated from the light-speed navigation theory of the Kata Civilization. The other party failed to realize it, but Tiancheng was able to analyze and optimize it through the system, and developed its own 'Engine Acceleration' technology for 'navigation within the board' .

That is to say, after jumping the disc, there is still a distance between home and Mars, and this technology can shorten the voyage time for this distance.


The transport spacecraft from the high orbit of the parent star applies for a berth to the Mars spaceport.

The members of the Qingfeng Guild operate various devices in the space port according to the AR instructions.

ten minutes.

The huge transport spaceship landed steadily on an operating platform in the space port.

Detect, maintain, and replenish energy blocks, and mount interstellar containers from the surface of Mars.

Twenty minutes later, the transport spacecraft left the space port, activated the 'vacuum bubble', accelerated to the calculated jump point, and rushed to the high-orbit space station on the parent star...

10:50 minutes.

The Qingfeng Guild announced that the receiving work was over.

It seems simple and short-lived, but this is the non-biped mecha form, the first large-scale rubber man launch in the universe, and the operation.

The whole process involves rubber man production, rubber man storage, rubber man maintenance, gravitational field adjustment, AR intelligent system, space port operation...

Immediately afterwards.

The same scene is staged in satellite industrial parks such as Io and Europa.

All the work is in order, even if the players have never been exposed to this kind of work, they can successfully complete the work requirements with the help of the AR intelligent system.

There is no doubt that Skyrim is very well done.

And all of this invisibly once again reflected Tian Cheng's strength.


Shiyan Tiancheng Square.

The bidding will go on to the fifth day.

Tiancheng successively took out five completed spaceports, more than 40 Jupiter series industrial parks under construction, and more than 20 interstellar transportation transfer stations based on the planetary orbits of the solar system.

Although countries need to provide a considerable number of people to work for Tiancheng for free to settle the purchase of TC brain computers, but as long as they grab it, they can make a steady profit.

after the bidding.

A big boss with a large population and a vast territory is content.

The pseudo-big boss with a small population and a small territory had to consider the immigration plan in the southern seas.

Because everyone understands that if you can't grab TC series devices, you will be left behind.

In the early days of this ultra-high-speed development of the interstellar era, once they can't keep up, it's one thing to be replaced by mutant creatures, but it's another thing to be reduced to a primitive tribe and be sent to the gallows by the internal masses.

And when the fake bosses secretly logged on to the official website of 'Nanyu City' to inquire about newly opened properties.

Ge Xiaotian said:

"In the context of the interstellar era, we human beings are like the eldest sons of ancient aristocratic families. Our ancestors who have been hidden in nowhere since birth have arranged a bright future."

"Going out of the house and encountering the moon, its soil can extract massive amounts of helium three. We only need to master nuclear fusion to have endless energy and lay the foundation for interstellar voyages."

"Continue to move forward and meet Mars. Although there is no mining value for the time being, after the ecological shaping project improves its surface environment, it is more suitable for planting. It becomes our first foothold after leaving our 'home'."

"Then we encountered Ceres, an asteroid rich in water resources, which provided us with a guarantee of endurance."

"And the appearance of the first asteroid belt, and the subsequent gaseous planets, tell us that if we keep going, we will never reach the end of the universe, and we must jump out of the solar system."

"So, we came to the new galaxy and came into contact with an extremely dangerous extrasolar civilization on planet 3. However, the other party not only wiped out, but also left us with a lot of valuable technology and extrasolar information."

"So far, we know the existence of more advanced civilizations, and we also know that each galaxy has its own element cycle..."

"And, it also has inexhaustible resources that cannot be exploited at present."

"Hearing this, don't you feel that we are very lucky?"

"Wrong! In fact, we are currently in a very dangerous situation..."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he switched to planet No. 3, where the players' guild helped everyone receive industries such as the space port.

Countless bipedal mechas are running around on the majestic and vast land, or charging against the black alien, or crawling forward in the gully, or dying with the huge alien, or carrying supplies to and from the assault landing ship...

The scene with energy as the fighting element does not look very shocking, but the fierce fighting left all the bosses on the scene stunned.

"Ge, isn't the war over?"

"No, the defected aliens are just the 'smart aliens' that formed the initial civilization, and they are less than one ten-thousandth of the alien group."

Ge Xiaotian flicked the screen, "You know, the volume of planet No. 3 is at least thirty times that of the parent star, and there are trillions of aliens affected by black particles living on it. During this time, we have known aliens, except for butterfly marten and tree. The Jing and Kata-like families also discovered black dinosaur-shaped aliens, black mammoth-shaped aliens, black shark-shaped aliens, and black goshawk-shaped aliens..."

Everyone: "..."

"We were able to gain an advantage in the early stage, thanks to breaking the ionosphere, and the light from the lightning weakened them, but as the ionosphere recombined, the strength of the aliens gradually recovered.

It can be described like this, an adult butterfly ferret can fight against a rhenium metal bipedal mech driven by an elite player, and the strength of a butterfly ferret is placed on the parent planet, similar to a mouse. "


The audience was shocked.

The chairman of Nanbangzi KS Group subconsciously said: "Ge, can't we break the ionosphere again?"

"Do you think it's a plastic film? If you want to break it, just break it?"


"Aliens resemble human beings, and have immunity and resistance to certain viruses and bacteria. Moreover, aliens are extremely adaptable. If we break through the ionosphere again and force them to adapt to strong light, we will lose our biggest killer. Therefore, this battle A battle for planets that is far larger than a full-scale battle on the mother star may last for two years."

Everyone: "..."

"Furthermore, the spacecraft headed to Planet 2, that is, the second home of Kata, was destroyed violently. We suspect that the tens of billions of Kata who left the Kata family and went wandering may have returned to the second home."

Ge Xiaotian brought up a set of data, "The stars in the new galaxy are not as good as the sun, and they are very unstable. When it produces stellar flares, planet 2 is not suitable for Kata to survive, but after the stellar flares are over, the ecology of planet 2 is much better than that of planet 3." Planets are more perfect, and according to our research, stars in the new galaxy have not produced stellar flares for three hundred years, that is to say, if Planet 2 really has Kata, we may face a battle for galaxies."

What Ge Xiaotian said above is both true and false.

The alien shape of planet 3 is indeed powerful, almost forming a counterattack trend, but planet 2 was destroyed by stellar flares, and has not recovered its ecology so far, so there must be no tens of billions of catas.

The reason why I say this is entirely to create an external enemy for mankind, and force mankind to unite within and work together with the outside world.

"In this way, those who are considering have never been in contact with aliens. I will show you the horror of aliens first."

Ge Xiaotian tentatively decided to project, got up and motioned for everyone to follow, and then headed to Shiyan Wudang Mountain together...

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