Build Madness

Chapter 1081 One Year Later

In Shaanxi, above the high loess slope.

Zhang Wanhai of the Iron Hand Interstellar Group, sitting in the gravitational field inverter aviation plane, looked at the blue sky, the green earth, and the occasional giant spaceship looming in the clouds, thinking quietly.

A year ago, the black alien launched a counterattack, and the player army suffered heavy losses. Thanks to the reinforcements from the countries on the home planet, they were able to defend the 100,000 square kilometers of control area obtained in the surface battle.

When the war situation fell into a stalemate again and the human-controlled area was in danger, Tiancheng Electric announced that the fifth-generation multi-legged mecha was successfully developed on Mars, named "General's Executioner", and it was transported and launched immediately.

The new type of mecha is just like its name, it kills all sides on the battlefield, reverses the unfavorable situation in one fell swoop, and expands the human-controlled area to 600,000 square kilometers.

And with the appearance of more generals and executioners, the real-space area doubled. Immediately afterwards, the Mother Planet Joint Conference called on all countries to jointly build the first extraterrestrial logistics base for mankind.

Subsequently, relying on a complete logistics base, the player army carried out hundreds of thousands of raids, large and small raids, large and small battles, and ambush battles in an organized and large-scale manner, expanding the control area to 5 million square kilometers, which is about the total number of planet 3. One-four-thousandth of the area.

Half a year ago, Tianji announced that mankind had completed the first phase of the battle against planet 3, suspended all offensives, and instead resumed production, accumulated resources, and prepared for the second phase of the campaign.

Subsequently, countless post-war sanatoriums sprung up like mushrooms, quickly filling the virtual game and the real world.

Because of the day and night killings, it seriously affected the thinking and behavior of the players, causing many people to be unable to distinguish between virtual and reality. Coupled with the skyrocketing physical fitness, some people began to feel flustered, and then they were forced to mine...

Three months ago, the first batch of closed beta players collectively raised their physical fitness to a certain coefficient, and, after receiving TC brain-computer training, as well as genetic drug transformation, and frequent high-intensity fighting, about 10% of them raised their 'mind power' to 0.1 coefficient, successfully obtained the 'supernatural person' certification.

The new era has indeed come.

It was so sudden.

And Zhang Wanhai, because of his bravery in battle on planet 3, his commanding ability, and his ability to overfulfill the company's assigned tasks many times, and his physical fitness has also reached a certain level, was exceptionally promoted to the captain of the T-TS team and became the twelve veterans of the Iron Hands Guild. one.

In fact, counting the civilized restart internal beta, eight hours of games, eight hours of subconscious training, and six hours of real-world exercise, raising one's physical fitness to a factor within a year is not considered outstanding.


Still very proud.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wanhai couldn't help but smile.

Immediately with a thought, the Pokemon lying on his shoulders appeared in front of his eyes, and the AR was launched, showing himself two years ago.

It was a sallow and thin boy with dark circles around his eyes.

In contrast now.

The height has grown by ten centimeters, reaching 1.85 meters.

The face shape is no longer weak and becomes more defined.

The eyes are not bloodshot, bright and deep...

The pores shrink, the skin is tight, and the body surface is covered with a layer of 'gene film' unique to new humans...

Gene membrane?

Tianji is so called because it is a special "magnetic field" catalyzed by the physiological system through long-term use of nutrient solution, genetic drug solution, and long-term exercise. It is similar to passive brain waves, which can effectively resist the attack of thoughts, protect vulnerable parts such as the eyes, and avoid Stabbed by thought power for no reason.

Zhang Wanhai quietly looked at the strong and handsome guy in the AR, and accidentally glanced at the contemptuous eyes of the girl next to him. He couldn't help grinning, "Show me the photo of yourself two years ago?"

The girl next to her who looked no less than a star, her face froze when she heard this, she turned her head away.

These days, you can live without a house, because Tiancheng provides free 'square cabin dormitories', and you can also live without a car, because there are plenty of means of transportation on the street, but you can't live without smart cards and TC series devices.

This is an essential tool for surviving in the new world.

As a result, a series of services were born.

Such as 'pinching face', 'body shaping', 'beautiful voice'...

Among them, the Three Kingdoms Beauty Salon has become extremely popular in recent years. Their technology allows you to change yourself so that even your parents don't know you.

At the beginning, the ruthless elements who had been dormant for many years, as if they had met a savior, paid a lot of money to buy this service.

Subsequently, Tianji stated that unless "consciousness is destroyed", it will never escape the "virtual identity authentication" based on technologies such as optical simulation, brain waves, brain imaging, and genetic coding.

Some netizens joked that this is a mark carved into the soul.

Zhang Wanhai agrees with this very much.

"Ding, passengers and friends, please pay attention, we are about to arrive at the 'Subspace Spaceport' ahead, please take your luggage and get off the plane in an orderly manner in three minutes..."

A soft electronic prompt sounded from inside the cabin.

Zhang Wanhai looked out the window.

What came into view was a group of silver-white buildings.

There are halls in the shape of inverted bowls, skyscraper hotels, "administrative courtyards" floating at a height of 500 meters with the help of gravitational field inverter technology, and jet freight trains coming at a gallop...

Dozens of "Tianzihao" aviation planes from home and abroad are placed on the apron. They are more than 300 meters long and shaped like pigeons. The frame rose vertically, and quickly disappeared at the end of the field of vision...

This is the first spaceport on the mother star. There are currently about six in the world, located in Asia, North America, South America, Antarctica, Africa, and Northern Europe.


Sorry, those kangaroos aren't used to being a plane yet.

A spaceport is different from a spaceport.

The space port is located in the orbit of the planet, and the space port is located on the surface to link the former.

That is to say, if you want to go to Mars, for example, first buy tickets in virtual reality, then enter the spaceport of the parent star from reality, take the space shuttle to the high-orbit spaceport of the parent star, and then take the interstellar express to the spaceport of Mars, and then Take the space shuttle and arrive at the spaceport on the surface of Mars.

It seems very cumbersome to transfer multiple times.

In fact, the way of travel has changed from swiping cards to virtual identity authentication. This trip is more convenient than taking the subway. One ticket passes, no need for security checks, no waiting. According to AR navigation, the trip can be completed in two hours.

Zhang Wanhai is going to Ceres for vacation this time.

Three months ago, my physical fitness reached a certain coefficient. According to Tianji's reminder, I encountered a bottleneck. If I don't make a breakthrough, I won't be able to improve in the future.

The same is true in reality. After a month of more hard work, the indicators have not improved.

In desperation, Zhang Wanhai spent two months dealing with the company's affairs and applied for a 'breakthrough request for leave'.

In the new world, 'breakthrough leave' is similar to 'maternity leave' in the old world, as long as you meet the requirements, you will get 5 to 10 months of leave.

After all, the player's physical fitness represents the company's business capabilities. The stronger the physical fitness, the more operable mechas, and the stronger the company's business.

For example, "General's Executioner" requires ten coefficients to control the "brain-computer program", otherwise high-intensity brain imaging switching can turn ordinary players into brain-dead within ten seconds...

In other words, high-frequency brain thinking activity exhausts the vitality of brain cells in a very short time, and the stronger the physical fitness, the stronger the activity of brain cells, and the higher the metabolic index that can be tolerated, which can effectively reduce the burden of brain cells.

Therefore, breaking through to two coefficients has become the pursuit of all series of players.

However, such a mechanism also makes many people suspect that this is Lao Ge's mess.

After all, it's just a breakthrough. As long as you exercise persistently and take E-grade potions that are higher than F-grade, you can do it easily. Why do you spend a lot of work points to find the so-called "opportunity" like cultivating immortals?

It's nothing more than... Lao Ge was worried that his travel company would go bankrupt, so he blatantly tricked players into going on a trip.

"You don't know how to practice at all. What kind of travel? This is called 'refinement'. It cultivates sentiment, abandons hostility, and develops a good new human quality!"

Zhang Wanhai couldn't help laughing whenever he recalled Lao Ge's serious and nonsense press conference.

Maybe it's true.

After all, during this period of time, players who were obsessed with killing were indeed a bit obsessed.

If it continues, if there is no post-war nursing home, if there is no such mechanism, the consequences will be disastrous...

Therefore, overseas countries fully support this.

Because of this, as the public beta has been completed for one year, more and more players have reached the first series, and the real world, which has been silent due to the massive population entering the virtual world, seems to wake up and become extraordinarily noisy.

And one year later, Tiancheng International Holdings, which has won the support of various countries, has also completed the first round of crazy infrastructure.

Today's home planet has long been beyond recognition.

The loess high slope has become the first space port in Asia and the largest transportation hub in Eurasia.

A gigantic bridge has been erected over the Bering Sea, connecting Okhotsk with Alaska and becoming the economic link between Asia and the United States.

In the distant North Africa, there are densely packed ground-effect transportation channels, connecting Eurasia and the entire African region.

In remote South America, as wars fade away, tens of millions of refugees find stable new homes...

This year, GDP has become history, and some are just 'labor reserves'.

In this year, the total human population exceeded seven billion, and countless children were born with brain machines implanted and became NT.

In this year, genetically modified humans were born and collectively settled on planet 3.

This year, robots and cyborgs became the same group as "supernatural beings", resembling men and women.

This year, the photon body technology has made a major breakthrough. Three photon bodies named 'Nuwa', 'Fuxi', and 'Pangu', also known as 'artificial gods', have become the guardians of human beings...

This year……

Too much too much.

Sometimes, with such a huge change, Zhang Wanhai couldn't help suspecting that he was just an NPC living in the 'Tiancheng' game.

But the reality is so real.


The huge pigeon-shaped aviation plane landed steadily, the cabin door opened, no flight attendant led it, and the passengers disembarked independently.

Zhang Wanhai got up and found that the girl sitting next to him had already left, so he couldn't help but smiled, and instructed the elf to help carry the bag, stretched and left the seat.

Not long.

A space shuttle quietly leaves the surface of the earth and breaks through the atmosphere...

"Welcome to the parent star space port, channel 1 to the moon, channel 2 to Venus, channel 3 to Mars, channel 4 to Ceres, channel 5 to the asteroid platform, that is, to the new galaxy, channel 6 to Mother star sub-region space port, channel 7 to the mother star American space port..."

Zhang Wanhai inspected the compressed version of the space suit, the small oxygen generating device, and the personal propulsion device. He hung these things on his chest, then measured his body indicators, adjusted the anti-gravity equipment on his waist, and embarked on the interstellar express to Ceres.

After a while.

As soon as he found his seat, Brother Hei, sitting next to him, grinned and greeted him in Nanhe dialect, "Dude, why don't you bring food when you go out?"

"What to bring? I'm buying it when I arrive at the scenic spot."

"It's too expensive, come, try my Zimbabwean specialty, Baiji bun."


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