Build Madness

Chapter 109 Going to be Boss Chen's bodyguard for a few days

An hour ago.

Daliuzhuang food stall.

The stools and square tables are full of familiar faces.

"Xiaotian, you should be impressed by Shibie for three days!" Da Liu, with a cigarette in his mouth, made tea for everyone, "Just keep doing it, and the project will cost a billion dollars. We old guys will fall behind!"

"Look at what you said! Different industries can make the same money?"

"What's the difference? It's all about business. It's not as good as it is!" The third master said with emotion.

"Your investment is small and the cycle is short. I need tens of millions just to acquire the land, and I also need to apply for certificates, purchase materials, design planning, eat and drink, publicize and sell... Worry about it! Besides, building a house takes time, selling The house has to wait for the right time, if you are lucky, you will get back the capital in half a year, if you are not lucky, the capital chain will be broken, and there are many bosses who have run away!"

After chatting for a while, Ge Xiaotian took a sip from his teacup and changed the subject, "How is the business of our machinery factory?"

"It's okay at the moment, but if we want to do research and development, we must not only introduce diesel engines from Weicheng, but also open up new markets. Moreover, recruiting technical personnel is a big problem!"

"Well, I know a tractor salesman in Jishi, Lin Yang, let's get together some other day and get to know each other, maybe he has some connections! For technicians, I will find a way to contact the machinery factory! "

Strong men can not only 'build' but also 'build', those who learned from their own maintenance masters should almost be able to change jobs.

"That's a good feeling!"

"Come here today, one is to get a batch of machinery, and the other is to ask your old man, do you have the certificate of the shipyard in your hand? Or, do you know where I can apply for the ship inspection certificate?"

"Oh? You want to build a ship?"

"Get a few small wooden boats for travel!"

"The procedures at the shipyard are easy to handle. I have a part of it and I will transfer it to you directly. If the inspection is verified, let the fishery in the city give a special approval. You don't go to sea or fish, and you don't need so many cumbersome documents. As long as you pass the inspection , There is basically no problem in being incorporated into the Xiaoqingshan Development Zone!"

"What about bigger ships?"

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the dock.

At present, it can produce fishing boats, arrow boats, and warships.

Calculate it by ratio.

The fishing boat is about five meters long and one meter five wide, with no mast and two oars.

The appearance of the arrow boat is similar to that of a modern sightseeing boat. It is twelve meters long and three meters wide. It has two floors, a single mast, and is driven by wheels at the bottom.

The battleship is a bit huge, 30 meters long and 7 meters wide. With three main masts sailed, it can block out the sky and block out the sun. It is absolutely eye-catching on the canal.

There are also two gray icons that cannot be built temporarily.

Giant artillery battleship, heavy leading battleship!

look at that ratio...

Canal can't let go.

"If it's bigger, you'll have to go to the customs!" Da Liu shook his head, "Just get a few small wooden boats, there's no need to be so troublesome!"

"Okay!" Ge Xiaotian said on his lips, but in his heart he was thinking about how to stage a fire in the East Lake.

After eating and drinking enough, we went to the machinery factory for a stroll.

Afterwards, 20 million construction machinery was purchased, except for the 50 million loan, the funds were completely emptied.

Find a group of master drivers from Daliu Village, hire more than a dozen trailers, load them with 300 strong men who are transferred to Jishi, and the huge convoy, led by eleven Dajin Cups, set off in a mighty way...


It didn't take long to run out of Da Liuzhuang.

Bursts of singing came.

"What is this for?"

Sitting in the co-pilot of Dajinbei, watching the bustling scene in the road ditch, Ge Xiaotian's face was full of bewilderment.

Arbor Day?

It's not even New Year's Day!

Is it digging a ditch?

Da Mao slowed down and stretched his neck to have a look, "It doesn't look like a good person!"

"Don't say that, who will pay for the ditches? This is voluntary labor!"


"Go down and see, I like to make friends with people like this!"


Seeing someone getting out of the car, Heihu narrowed his eyes and looked carefully.

It's him!

The one named Ge in the photo!


The strong man in camouflage at the back also got out of the car!

And, there are forty bodyguards in suits!

Heihu swallowed his saliva and made an estimate.

If a hoe was given to a person surnamed Ge, how many hits would he take? !

This account is not easy to calculate, it is estimated that it will be over!

"The fellow villagers have worked hard!" Ge Xiaotian opened a cigarette and scattered it: "Why are road ditches dug in winter? It's freezing cold, so it's not easy to do!"

Seeing that the little brother was at a loss, Heihu hurriedly stepped forward to take the cigarette, "Oh, there is no way, the long drought will inevitably flood, it has not rained for more than three months, and there may be a flood in the coming year!"

"Oh? Indeed!"

Don't look at Lugou as inconspicuous, but it has a great effect!

Anyway, there is no rush to go back. This road leads to Daliu New Village, which is also our project.

Ge Xiaotian greeted the strong men in camouflage: "Driving the newly bought excavator, everyone will help, there are more people and more strength, finish the work early, and go home early!"

Heihu was slightly taken aback, his face turned bitter.

Grass, who the hell wants to really dig it!

A large group of old men don't even do farm work, but dig road ditches?

Just like that for a while, my back hurts and my hands tremble a little.

"Boss, thank you, no need, we'll just do it casually!"

"Hey, this is water conservancy, a major event! How can you do it casually, and do it in a proper manner!" Ge Xiaotian said, taking out his business card from his bag, "Brother, what's your surname? Seeing that you are kind-hearted, make friends, and in the future Let's help each other out!"


What is this?

Hei Hu rubbed his hands in confusion, and was about to take the business card when the phone rang suddenly, and he subconsciously took it out.

Boss Chen? !

Ge Xiaotian saw it clearly, but he didn't have any doubts in his heart. After all, there are quite a lot of people with the surname Chen, so he didn't think about blocking it.

Heihu scratched his head, a little embarrassed...

"It's all right, you take it!" Ge Xiaotian took the hoe in his hand and worked hard to plan it.

Heihu has a guilty conscience!

What to do? !

The sound of his mobile phone is too loud, even if the hands-free is not turned on, it will be wow!

Fortunately, it rang for more than ten seconds and hung up!


It's ringing again!

Not even time to shut down!

"What's the matter? Pick it up!" Ge Xiaotian asked curiously.

Catching his gaze, Heihu felt even more guilty, and gritted his teeth:


"Is the one surnamed Ge dead?"


Not only Ge Xiaotian was stunned, but everyone nearby was also stunned.

Little brother: How dare you take it!

Da Mao: This it Chen Feng? !

For a while, the atmosphere was a little weird...

Heihu's thoughts changed sharply.

Looking around at the strong men in camouflage and the bodyguards in black, they couldn't run away.

If I knew this earlier, I should have run from the very beginning!

Heihu decided to admit cowardice, and at worst he would beat him up one after another.

Hand in your phone and wait for disposal!

After thinking about the cause and effect, Ge Xiaotian was immediately happy.

Taking the mobile phone, he planned to cheat Chen Feng of hundreds of thousands of hard work, but then he thought about it, there are still a lot of things to do in the village and county, how could he have time for this scene.

"Boss Chen is really determined!"

"Huh? Ge Xiaotian?!"

"Be careful when you sleep in the future, there may be many lollipops on the bedside!"

"What's the meaning?"

Ge Xiaotian didn't answer, and hung up the phone: "Li Long, go and be Boss Chen's bodyguard for a few days, and feed him a lollipop every night!"

"Good boss!"

Throwing the phone to the burly man with a tight fit, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help laughing: "The young man is quite witty!"

"Boss Ge, we didn't fight, there was no grievance or enmity..."

"I'm tired of hearing this. We really don't have any holidays, but, I think good people and good deeds have a beginning and an end!"

"What?" Hei Hu had an ominous premonition.

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "Load the excavator, and the convoy will continue to Jishi! Li Hu, look at this group of people, when will they finish digging the ditch, and when will they bring them to the construction site of Daliu New Village for dinner!"

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