Build Madness

Chapter 127 Opening of the New Year's Day Party

"Mr. Ge?"


In a daze, Ge Xiaotian woke up from his deep sleep.

The first time I didn't see who was coming, but opened the file bag and took out the pen and paper.

Just squatting on the table for a while, I actually had a dream.

In the dream, he and Fat Xiu traveled all over Daqingshan on a roller coaster.

That's right, the Xiaoqingshan Development Zone has swallowed up Daqingshan, all the way to East Lake, and even Shuihushan.

He saw the magnificent scene of tens of thousands attacking the city.

He saw the hero's stronghold with so much righteousness.

He saw the forest thieves galloping wildly.

He saw the flint-filled battle of the fleet.

he sees...

None of this matters!

The most important thing is the roller coaster flying in the mountains!

"What would happen if I built a real roller coaster in Daqing Mountain along the river?"

Writing and drawing, Ge Xiaotian suddenly raised his head.

Surrounded by stunned big and small leaders.

The leader took a deep breath and said in denial: "It's too dangerous! Besides, the straight line is 30 miles, with twists and turns, ups and downs, and the total length is at least a hundred miles. The cost is too high and the return is too little. It is not suitable for tourism! "

"No, no, we can reduce the range, just like an adventure rail car, from Xiaoqingshan to Shuihushan, fifty miles is enough!"

"This..." A group of people looked at each other.

"Then what category do you report? For traffic, there are too many risk factors, and it is impossible to get approval! For tourism, there is no example!"

Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up, if there is no example, it proves that there is hope!

If there are regulations, it will be troublesome!


He couldn't figure out how much money was needed to do this thing.

As for earnings...

Really something to consider and not low maintenance.

Ge Xiaotian put the rough plan that he had sketched on the spur of the moment into the file bag, and checked the time, it was 4:30 in the afternoon.

"Leader, why are you here so early?"

"Didn't you apply for a loan of 300 million yuan? It just so happens that you are off today, so come here early to have a look!"

"Oh? The leader of ICBC..." Ge Xiaotian glanced but didn't see it.

"You little cunning, talk about the sports center, can they lend you a loan?" Director Sun smiled and made two gestures secretly.

Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes.

The loan is secured!

What's more, in more than half a month, Bureau Sun turned positive!


However, a few days ago, the city had just finished inspecting Tiancheng, so there was no need to investigate again today, it was just a formality to come here in advance.

"Leader, let's go to the venue first?"


Walking out of the tavern, the outside is even more lively.

It's less than five o'clock, and there are huge crowds of people.

On the stage... Well, someone actually started to perform!

Ge Xiaotian blinked, don't these people rehearse?

At this time, Director Shang came in a hurry.

"Xiao Tian!"

"What's the matter, leader?"

"Once you change the time, the radio station will not be able to broadcast live. The time conflicts with the news!"

"Oh?! Yes! I'm so busy!"

When eating at noon, Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered that the countryside is not as good as the city.

Many people have the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

Before ten o'clock, I went into the bed and got up when I heard the rooster crowing.

In addition, it was dark and the roads were slippery, and customers in Xiangxian County had to be sent home.

So when arranging the program schedule, I deliberately explained that it will officially start at six o'clock.

The intention was good, but the important moment of news was forgotten.

Ge Xiaotian greeted the big leader and asked the staff to help entertain him.

Pulling Director Shang aside, "What did the radio station say?"

"Either postpone it to eight o'clock, end at twelve o'clock, and broadcast it live! Or start at six o'clock, end at ten o'clock, and broadcast it!"

"Let's broadcast it, so we don't need to switch stages!"

"Then... what about the ten minutes less?"

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette and called Gao Song, "Is the promotional video you shot earlier, 'Adventure in the Ancient City' finished?"

"The later stage has just been dealt with, what do you want, boss?"

"Send it to the tavern, bring your laptop!"


Director Shang's eyes lit up, "Let this go?"

"Yes!" Ge Xiaotian nodded.

Adventures in the Ancient City is Xiaoqingshan's first promotional film, fifteen minutes long.

It was originally a siege film, with great momentum and magnificent scenes, but the above refused to nod.

Thinking about it carefully, Ge Xiaotian connected sitcoms in series.

It tells the story of a lost modern boy who strays into the ancient city during an expedition.

From meeting a woodcutter and changing into ancient costumes, to experiencing Fengxueshan Temple, Wu Dalang, Xiao Pan, Lu Tiju, Lu Zhishen, Blood Splattered Mandarin Duck House and so on.

The young man lost himself in the ancient city, thinking that back in ancient times, he won the red-faced strong man by wrestling his wrist first, and got three catties of mung beans. After selling them, he rented a small farmyard, and lived the life he yearned for ever since...

Until one day, a flying saucer fell into the depths of the mountain...

To be continued!

The filming was done under the guidance of the filming team in Yunxian County. The technique is a bit rusty, but the effect is not bad!

There are three versions.

The first one is the young silent version. The effect is to make people think about it, and it is not clear whether the young man is hesitant, excited, or what mood he is in.

The second is to add a teenager's inner monologue, which contains many popular words designed by Ge Xiaotian.

The third type is internal monologue plus barrage, and audience comments plus complaints.

Ge Xiaotian and Director Shang admired each other one by one.

The latter two, while hilarious, were a bit ahead of their time.

After all, there are so many words that people in this age really can't understand!

"The first one!"

"Okay!" Gao Song took the laptop and left in a hurry.

The program on the stage changed again.

"Blooming in spring, 14th, 56th, June 6th, watch Guxiu..."


Ge Xiaotian looked at Director Shang.

"Leader, why is the show starting now?"

"There is heating in the cafeteria. The older students are worried about the cold and the heat, and their knees can't stand it, so they want to adapt outside. Coincidentally, there are quite a lot of people, so there are a few formal games!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded, looked at his watch, five fifty-five!

It's time to start!



I haven't recited my speech yet!


Two presenters, a man and a woman, stepped onto the stage.

"Respected leaders, guests, folks..."

"Good evening, everybody!"

"At the beginning of the new year, looking back on the past, we are full of pride!"

"Looking ahead, we..."



"Next, I invite Tiancheng's general manager, Mr. Ge Xiaotian, to give us a New Year's speech!"

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the manuscript in great confusion.

What the host said was exactly the same as what he was going to say!


Nothing to be nervous about!

let's go!

Ge Xiaotian threw away the manuscript, clenched his fists, and strode onto the stage.

Take the microphone in the host's hand:

"Good evening, everybody!"

"In the past year, Tiancheng achieved a triple jump, from an unknown small engineering team to opening up the Xiaoqingshan Development Zone, and now Tiancheng Construction Co., Ltd., not only relying on its own strength, but also everyone's support Support, here, on behalf of Tiancheng, I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone!"

"In the new year, the focus of Tiancheng's work will be on tourism development, building various public welfare facilities, such as sports centers, restoring historic buildings..."

"Carrying dreams and opening up hopes, Tiancheng welcomes elites from all walks of life to join, and will also give back to the local area better. Next year, Tiancheng will strive to achieve the goal of a total public welfare investment of 10 billion yuan, so that everyone's future life will be better!"

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