Build Madness

Chapter 132 Taking down the UFO Stadium

Xiaoqingshan made a profit, which gave Ge Xiaotian another hope.

Last night, he arranged for someone to continue the appointment, and he came to the Design Research Institute with enough energy.

The name has changed, the location has not changed, and it is still the temporary blue and white board room.

Professor Hu couldn't leave for a short time. After all, the Design and Research Institute is a cooperation project between Tiancheng and the School of Civil Engineering and Engineering, and it is a semi-talent cultivation base.

"Xiaotian, how come you have time?"

"Didn't you tell me yesterday that the overall planning of the sports center is ready, come and have a look!"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he looked at the large drawings hanging on the wall.

The location was finally determined to be between the Canal Ancient Town and the Auto Trade City, five miles away from Xingyue Bay in Jishi, which is close to the canal.

The project covers a total area of ​​about 800 mu, with a construction area of ​​about 250,000 square meters and a total budget of 2 billion.

The design of the stadium has not been changed, and it is still in the shape of a lotus flower.

There are three layers of petals from the inside to the outside, in the form of a seesaw, supplemented by a suspension bridge structure, connecting three circles of stands of different heights in the stadium.

When there are few people, the lotus is in a semi-open state, and the stands do not need to be raised, which is no different from ordinary stadiums.

When there are more than 20,000 spectators, the start is completed with the help of the hydraulic propulsion device, and the blooming of the lotus affects the stands, lowering and rising, subverting the tradition.

The tensile strength of steel is extremely high, but it is only in the blooming and merging stages, and there are supports that move laterally at other times.

Calculate it through the system drawing.

According to the specifications, the consumables are increased by 20 percent compared with ordinary stadiums.

But according to the capacity, compared with a stadium with 50,000 spectators at the same level, the consumables have been reduced by 30%!

Therefore, after an audit some time ago, it was determined that there were no potential safety hazards, and the city immediately made a decision, and that's it!

The innovative design that subverts the tradition, the lotus shape that conforms to the cultural promotion of Jishi City, the layout that saves costs and can increase the capacity, coupled with Tiancheng's sponsorship and follow-up operation, it is very worthwhile!

Ge Xiaotian was very open-minded.

Investing locally is for Tiancheng to have a foothold.

Moreover, the added value brought by the sports center can completely earn back the money invested...

As for other buildings.

The lotus leaf-style swimming pool can accommodate 3,000 people.

The lotus leaf shooting hall can accommodate 2,000 people.

The lotus leaf tennis hall, two seats can accommodate 1,000 people each, and there are also ten preliminaries.

And surrounding lotus leaf-shaped various training grounds, parking lots, fitness squares, park greening...

The whole is like a big lotus pond, and there is basically no problem.

The two sides are in dispute is the UFO basketball hall.

Because its appearance does not match the style of the sports center at all...

It can be designed as a lotus leaf or a small lotus. The whole UFO is in the lotus pond. What do you mean?

Tian Cheng: Ingenuity!

Leader: Don't talk!

Tian Cheng: Another place?

Leader: Where?

Tian Cheng: Sancha Township, Xiaoqingshan!

The leaders suddenly realized.

It turned out to be this idea!

It's a pity that Sancha Township is still too far away from Jishi, a hundred miles!

Communication and negotiation failed for half a month, and Ge Xiaotian has been working hard.

"Professor Hu, have the design drawings of the UFO Stadium passed the review?"

"Passed, the span is small, the requirements for steel are not very high, and the construction technology is not a problem!" Professor Hu said, taking out a large folder from the safe.

Ge Xiaotian flipped through at will, and there were all kinds of drawings and procedures. The only thing missing was the approval of the sports center project.

"Go, bring all the documents, plans, and drawings, and let's go to the city to talk to the leaders!"

"Oh?" Professor Hu was a little surprised, "Stalker?"

"How is it possible, this time we have a serious talk!" Ge Xiaotian was confident.


It's still the conference room.

The projector left behind was used again.

Below, the leaders who came after hearing the news took their seats one after another.

Ge Xiaotian took off his down jacket, revealing a neat suit.

"Leaders, the UFO stadium is still discussed this time, but it is not a cliché, but a new one on an old topic!"

"Then you can talk about it!" The big leader is very patient. The basketball hall is not a stadium, and the construction volume is not that big. Even if the start of construction is postponed for half a year, it can still catch up with the 2002 Provincial Games.

"That's good!" Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, swiped the laptop, and a form was displayed on the screen, "This is the income statement of Xiaoqingshan Tourism Development Zone yesterday!"

"Hey, a profit of one million in one day?" The leaders were all surprised.

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly: "Maybe it's because of the New Year's Eve party, or maybe because it coincides with the weekend, but it is undeniable that the Xiaoqingshan Tourism Development Zone is really popular!"

"Good!" Everyone nodded.

"Except for the ancient city on the west side, we have built an entertainment area on the east side. At present, there are cinemas, shooting ranges, archery ranges, and football fields. Although they are simple, they are all being improved. In the future, we will add rapids, thieves, and happy If the UFO basketball hall can be located nearby for projects such as rushing forward, I believe that there will be absolutely no shortage of seats no matter whether it is a ball game, a concert, or a theatrical performance!"

The leader shook his head, "Even so, it's still an old problem that cannot be avoided. Sancha Township is too far away from Jishi, a hundred miles!"

Ge Xiaotian was not discouraged, and switched the screen, "We have built a bus system for Xiaoqingshan. At present, the bus runs every half an hour. In the second half of the month, it will be reduced to 15 minutes, then ten minutes, or even five minutes. It can exceed 600 people. During the sports meeting, we can also add special lines, including buses, buses, etc.!"

"Secondly, the shipping system has a larger carrying capacity, and the number of ships will gradually increase to 200 or 500. The estimated passenger capacity is 2,000 passengers per hour."

In addition, Datai undertook construction for…”

Ge Xiaotian almost laughed, and suppressed a cough, "Datai undertook to rebuild the provincial road for the Xiaoqingshan section, and it will be open to traffic on New Year's Day in 2001, so traffic is no longer a problem!"

"Er..." Everyone was slightly taken aback.

The big leader smiled and said: "I mean, Tian Cheng has no money and has to work hard to develop the public transportation system and the shipping system. So that's the idea?!"

"No, what I want to say this time is that we can build a natural training base around Daqing Mountain and East Lake by relying on the route!"

"Also, the sports center already has an indoor complex, tennis courts, etc., and installing an indoor basketball hall with the same function nearby is not good for later operations! You must know that many stadiums in other cities are separated. The most important thing is to attract audiences from different regions, which is more conducive to ticket sales! And the purchasing power of tourists in Xiaoqingshan Development Zone is basically no problem! I believe that our sports center will not only be profitable, but also drive tax revenue!"

Everyone was stunned again, and immediately whispered to each other, talking a lot.

half an hour later.


Approved, start working as soon as possible!

Say goodbye to the leaders and leave Jishi.

Ge Xiaotian is very grateful to Datai for undertaking the construction.

Tiancheng does not have the strength to win such a big project on the Baili Provincial Road!

Therefore, he decided to return the machine to Teddy tonight, so that he can build the road with peace of mind!

Anyway, the stone road on the west side of Gejia Village has been constructed overnight, and the roadbed has been built.

For the rest of paving gravel, paving stone slabs, manual labor and machinery, we can just use our own.

To be honest, he admired Teddy a lot.

After being beaten so many times, he just refused to accept softness!

Moreover, the subordinates not only know the severity of fights, but also follow the 'rules'.

If it's not hostile, it's really nice to be friends...

Too bad it's a competitor.


Sancha Township, where Datai undertook the construction.

"President Xiao Tai?"

"Huh?" Teddy woke up from a deep sleep, rubbing his hazy eyes, it's so dark again!

"What's the date today?"

"number 3!"

"Huh, it's okay, I only slept for one day!"

"Mr. Xiaotai, just now the chairman called and urged us to dig the road as soon as possible. He found a lot of building materials in Xingyue Bay in Jishi City!"

"Then dig, without me, is it possible that you still can't do the work?"

"No, Mr. Xiaotai, all our machines were driven away by Ge..."

Teddy was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered the reason why he was upside down day and night, "Manual digging!"

"Isn't it too slow?"

"Then what do you say?"

"How about we report to the office and get the machine back?"

"Then I will become Grandson Ge?" Teddy was furious. "Just use shovels and shovels to dig a few ditches to block the traffic. Anyway, the surname Ge doesn't dare to borrow it for too long!"

"All right!"

After the project manager left, Teddy ordered Marlboro.

He never smoked before!

Ever since he met Ge, he realized that time has passed too fast!

It's dark when you open your eyes, and it's also dark when you close your eyes.

If you don't smoke a cigarette and calm down, your brain will be like a fragment.

Arrived here from the evening of the 1st.

Make a date, be beaten, sleep, be beaten, sleep...

Three days passed like this.

It seems to be quite fulfilling, but in fact, there is nothing to do...

Taking a deep breath, Teddy let it out slowly.

It's not a problem if it goes on like this!

very sad!


Looking at the slightly melancholy melon-shaped face in the mirror...

He looks so handsome smoking!

Especially ordering one before a fight... Tsk tsk, it looks like Brother Crow!

It seems that I have to learn how to lift the table in the future!

If you can't beat the one surnamed Ge, you have to get back your momentum no matter what!

beep beep...

Teddy picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Master Tai?"

"Yes! Who are you?"

"Master Tai, do you have time to sit down and talk?"

"Sorry, I'm busy here!"

"I have a way to kill Ge, are you interested?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested!" Teddy took another deep breath and hung up the phone decisively.

Human life is such a thing, once a businessman touches it, hehe...

However, the person surnamed Ge has such an enemy, do you want to remind him?

Hostility is hostility, but human life is at stake!


Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Ge and his subordinates came back with various machines!

"I changed the engine oil for you, and re-maintained all the parts, and filled up the oil. Don't say that my surname Ge is not righteous. It is only a last resort to borrow machinery to repair roads. Thank you!" Ge Xiaotian clasped his fists and jumped off Large three-axle three-wheeled road roller, pat your ass and leave.

Teddy was still a little hesitant at first, but when he heard this, he thought about the strange call again, and seeing that the other party was about to walk away, he subconsciously shouted:

"Ge, be careful in the future!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian turned around in surprise, this kid is really tough!

After staying up for three nights in a row, you still dare to talk harshly? !

It's a man!

"Li Hu, loosen his muscles and bones again!"

"Again? My surname is Ge, I'm so nice... Aww!"

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