Build Madness

Chapter 144 Shunhe Chamber of Commerce

Thinking of the possibility of material price increases, Ge Xiaotian opened the ERP procurement management system with the list of quotations he wrote down while talking with Da Mao.

In the past two years, the whole world has been preparing for the "Millennium Bug". Before the arrival of New Year's Day, Tiancheng followed the trend and temporarily closed its information office to avoid losses.

Y2K: Not a virus, but one of the worst bugs in computer history.

For example: two-digit time, after the last day of 99, becomes 00, but not 2000, but 1900. As a result, banks, electricity, stock markets, etc., all collapsed.

Think about it, depositing 10,000 in the bank, -99 years of interest, how much will be left in the end...

Fortunately, the county and the city have special teams in charge, plus the purchase of Tiancheng's computer was late, there was heavy thunder and little rain, so the disaster did not happen.

After several inspections, it works as usual.

Enter the account password.

Ge Xiaotian followed the quotation from the Nanwa Factory in Sancha Township, compared it with the list in his hand one by one, and finally sighed.

Even if Shangpin Construction Engineering and Datai Contractors were not in the way, the price of materials in Jishi would definitely increase.

After all, the two billion sports center is there, and the Xingyue Bay in Jishi is under construction, and the building materials are more than one billion. No one can make trouble with the money.

After Teddy confessed, he originally planned that it doesn't matter if the increase is higher, and he doesn't need to modify the warships to purchase around Jishi City, which can save a lot of trouble.

But I didn't expect these factories to rise so high, and they were all stuck at the top of the price standard.

If you switch to a general developer, calculate the transportation costs, and the special situations that may occur on the road, the difference is not too big, so you can pinch your nose and recognize it.

Unfortunately, all these factories were wrong.

Tiancheng has shipping!


Not long after, Da Mao came back from Jishi.

"Second brother, I asked someone to help me check. There are seven factories in total, including cement, lime, yellow sand, stones, and steel, all of which belong to the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce!"

"Are they in contact with the Xiangxian factory?"

"There are countless clues, some of them are relatives, and even some small factories are simply leather bag companies. The machinery is just for show, and the goods are obtained from Jishi."

Ge Xiaotian nodded.

Products such as yellow sand, cement, and steel can monopolize an area if they become bigger and stronger.

This monopoly does not mean that there is only one family, but that countless families have been born.

If the price of the last one is raised, how dare the next one not follow suit?

At the beginning, it was found that there was a problem with the Xiangxian factory, so it was not purchased, and it was not investigated in detail later. Now it seems that the problem is here.

"What does the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce do?"

"I asked Xiao Huang, he will send the information tomorrow, it is said that it is a commercial organization in the Jishi area, spontaneously!"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows.

It is estimated that the price increase of materials was negotiated in advance, and it is a bit suspicious of looking for trouble!

However, no enterprise or chamber of commerce would easily make enemies, especially when facing a newcomer like Tian Cheng who had already laid a solid foundation.

Everyone makes money, you have money, I also have money, most of the time they help if they can, mutual benefit, and even attract Tian Cheng to the chamber of commerce, even if they don't like it, they will go their own way from now on.

Take the initiative to find work, unless there is competition!

The canal suburbs are so desolate, there are only Hongtu Motors and Lao Lin's tractor sales center, now that Shu Dahong has boarded the boat, it seems that Tian Cheng has never offended anyone, let alone encroached on anyone's interests.

Even if the sports center is won, the price of the developer of Jishi city is too high, and the city's negotiation bid is thrown to Tiancheng.

As for Shangpin Construction Engineering, I heard from Xiao Zeng of Liang County that Chen Feng was still lying on the bed.

"This chamber of commerce is so busy!" Ge Xiaotian took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Huang, planning to have a chat with the other party, but if it was an enemy, he would attack, Tian Cheng was never afraid of anyone.

Quickly connected: "Is there a meeting place for the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce?"

"Some bosses are... Shunhe Commercial Building!"

"Huh?" Hearing the commercial building, Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, suddenly remembered something, and waved to Da Mao, "Go and call Xiaohao up!"

Immediately he asked again: "Xiao Huang, how many members does their chamber of commerce have?"

"About thirteen or four, involving various industries, large and small, daily chemicals, sweet and sour grains and oils, building materials..."

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "Okay, don't send me materials tomorrow!"

"Okay, by the way, boss, remember to attend the opening ceremony of our Auto Trade City tomorrow!"

"Understood!" Ge Xiaotian was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly remembered something again, "You are also very busy managing the personnel department, reminding me of my schedule all day long, why don't you find some secretaries for me!"

"I've been looking for it, it's been half a month, and there is nothing suitable!"

"Look for it as soon as possible, it doesn't matter if you have a diploma, as long as you are pretty and obedient, and practical and capable!"


Putting down the phone, Xiaohao walked into the office.

This guy seems to be asleep while studying, and there are rows of black characters printed on his cheeks.

"What's the matter, boss?"

Ge Xiaotian pushed the cigarette case, motioning for some cigarettes to refresh himself, "How much is the office building rented out?"

"It's full!" Brother Hao was a little puzzled, puffing on his cigarette, "Director Sun should have shown you the report. I rented out everything the day before the New Year's Day party!"

"Really?" Ge Xiaotian finally understood why the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce was so troublesome, "I figured it out, in the central area of ​​Xiangxian County, home appliance city, and electronics city, there are a total of twenty-five! There are four office buildings in District D, and one has 12 floors. , each floor is 800 square meters, and one is rented out, what about the other three?"

"Foreign recruitment, our conditions are so good, there are direct buses, and there are residential areas, buy three quarters and get one free, old and new ones get one month, move a table and a chair, put on our Tiancheng brand, go to Jishi Sitting under several commercial buildings and office buildings can attract a large number of people in minutes..."

Brother Hao was a little unsatisfied: "Boss, let me tell you, the four buildings are still a bit small, like those who don't even have a factory and can make money by installing a few phones. A high-end, especially the coloring page, tsk tsk..."

"That's called e-commerce!" Ge Xiaotian's head was full of black lines, what the hell, a group of people would all be poaching!

"Oh, yes! There are also insurance companies, investment and wealth management..."

"Didn't the security guards in those commercial buildings beat you up?"

"What are you beating? Our property and the parking lot are all short of people, so I brought them here together!"


"Later, I saw that the girl at the front desk was pretty, so I came to have a chat!"


Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath of the cigarette, and Xiao Huang, who was tinkering with ERP next to him, almost laughed out loud.

"Okay, you two get off work early!"

"Boss, the dormitory of the engineering department has been demolished, we have to live in the Auto Trade City!"

"Huh?" No wonder Qi Feifei said that the beds were all made up, and Ge Xiaotian rubbed the tablet, "Let's go, it's been a long time since we lasted all night, let's play tonight!"


On the road, Da Mao drove and Hao Ge co-piloted.

Ge Xiaotian was lying in the back row, ready to take the time to arrange the dock.

For the Shunhe Chamber of is understandable to poach so many customers from others, think in another way, and use the price increase of materials to retaliate against the opponent.

However, enough is enough!

How can there be no competition in doing business? In the future, online stores will overwhelm physical stores, and I have never seen the latter beat the former...

Open the system map and drag it to Donghu Dock.

Warship modification is a bit more complicated.

Remove the armament, keep the mast, remove the wooden defensive building, and then adjust the deck and cargo hold according to the type of cargo to facilitate loading and unloading.

Twenty people are assigned to each ship to carry out the operation, which takes two days.

The final form is: a medium-sized flat-bottomed barge with downwind self-propelled capability.

It is mainly used to transport cement, yellow sand, stones, wood, steel and containers.

It can sail in narrow waterways and shallow waterways, and has very low requirements on the wharf, even if it is only on the shore, it can temporarily dock.

The carrying capacity is definitely not comparable to that of ocean-going barges, only 60 tons, which is equivalent to six or seven rear eight wheels, or three or four trailers.

From Sancha Township to Jishi, it takes ten hours for the battleship and two and a half hours for the convoy, plus the fuel consumption and loss saved by the downwind. It is worth comparing it!

As for headwinds...

In addition to purchasing two tugboats, the Mechanical Department also assembled several sets of propulsion devices.

When the time comes to form a fleet, dragging and pushing, or pushing in sections, it will be like a "little train" in the canal, and it is estimated to cause a sensation.

At present, the first batch of five warships built has been refitted.

The second batch of five ships was just launched yesterday.

Because Teddy gave up and worked hard to build the road, considering the upcoming "Sea Battle" promotional film, he didn't remodel it.

The third batch has just joined the build sequence.

However, ten battleships can fully meet the needs of material transportation.

A run of 600 tons, it is estimated that I can rest for several days later.

After arranging the affairs of the dock, Da Mao also drove the car to the gate of the Internet cafe.

Ge Xiaotian opened the car door, looked up and saw a few familiar faces.

Back then when I was spending money in an Internet cafe, I asked the 'righteous men' to beat up those little bastards!


No bodyguards today!

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