Build Madness

Chapter 163 Teddy sells the car

Hearing the sound of the horn, the physically and mentally exhausted leaders did not respond.

Xiangong offered sacrifices to Ran Temple, and then went to the ruins. The journey of fifty or sixty miles, hunger, cold, wind and snow, was already tired and numb. How could I have the mood to think about the sound of the horn.

Seeing that they were about to arrive at the UFO Stadium, they quickened their pace.

There must be a car on the construction site!

Whether it's three or four rounds, or a small dump, let's send everyone back to Xiaoqingshan Development Zone first!

Seeing this scene, Ge Xiaotian was secretly happy.

Almost fooled!


The middle-aged man in the Ji Mansion stopped, and looked towards the river with his brows furrowed.

Others may not have traveled this route, but he did!

Detour from Jishi to the East Lake, and then take a boat to the south...

It seems to have just passed the highland where the ruins are!

The middle-aged man looked at Ge Xiaotian meaningfully, but he saw that the latter took out a cigarette and approached him as if nothing had happened.

"Leader, it's freezing cold, smoke a cigarette to keep warm, the river is frozen!"

"Hehe!" The middle-aged man took the cigarette, "How do you think about a thousand acres of land?"


"Southern Mountains!"

"In the ravine? Why do I want that? You can just give me a piece in the suburbs, as long as the price is right, Tian Cheng will definitely take it!"

Ge Xiaotian is very confident, the funds accumulated from the three-month struggle have been paid in place one after another, the current Tiancheng is definitely not short of money!

In addition, the last two districts of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City will also be pre-sold.

Immediately afterwards, the land worth 30 million yuan in Yun County started construction and was pre-sold.

Three months later, the final payment for Xingyue Bay in Jishi City will be settled later.

Immediately afterwards, I went to Liang County to get the land and pre-sold it.

After another three months, I will go back and settle the final payment from Yun County...

As long as a cycle is formed, like a greedy snake, it will sweep around the housing market in surrounding cities, and Tiancheng's capital chain will continue to flow.

With such a strong ability to absorb money, not to mention the suburbs of Jifu, even the central area can get hundreds of acres!

He is going to do the same!

After another six months of hard work, the main business and the side business will be able to prepare almost one billion yuan.

It's time to 'condom' with an old acquaintance!

Although time and space are different, with Tiancheng's development, they will definitely meet in the near future.

"The suburbs?"

The middle-aged man lit a cigarette, took a sip and exhaled slowly, "It's all within the plan. There are three processes for bidding, auction and listing, each of which will take several months!"

"I'm not in a hurry, just give me whatever you want!" Ge Xiaotian has been busy recently, and he hasn't been able to calm down to understand the other party's intentions. Therefore, under the premise of ensuring Tian Cheng's interests, he plans to help as much as he can, and it can be regarded as saving a little time. good impression.

The middle-aged man sighed, "Let's consider the 1,000 mu in the southern mountain area. The price is not high, the unit price is about 200,000 yuan. The progress contract and the deposit of 5 million yuan should not be difficult for Tiancheng."

Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly.

A deposit of five million yuan is not much, and the unit price of two hundred thousand is not expensive, but one thousand acres is two hundred million!

Roads need to be built in the ravine, community buses need to be set up, natural gas pipelines, water houses, sewage need to be erected...

The miscellaneous things add up, and the cost is not low!

Besides, Tian Cheng is not well-known there, so pre-sales are difficult to do, and nine out of ten he will sell the existing house.

According to the plan of Xingyue Bay.

One thousand mu is divided into ten areas, each with one hundred mu.

Forty million will be invested in the first phase, and then part of the land money will be paid.

Counting the supporting facilities...

It's impossible to play without four or five billion!

It is even more difficult to make money.

Stepping into the construction site of the UFO Gymnasium, Ge Xiaotian ordered Nong Er to arrange vehicles, first send the leaders back, and then notified the food stalls that had been prepared for a long time to start serving food.

He continued to walk with the middle-aged man.

At the same time, he thought quickly.

Why did the other party insist on giving Tiancheng the land in the valley?


It doesn't make sense.

Even if Tian Cheng's reputation in the surrounding cities is ignored, he still has to consider the thoughts of the local leaders.

In the next three years, his plans will be one after another, and he has also communicated with the leader of Shaobaidou.

The middle-aged man's level is indeed high, but he's a newcomer...

Suddenly, Ge Xiaotian thought of the reason why the other party transferred!

A few days ago, everyone was notified to mourn, and he also received some news.

For example, the east route project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, the return of Liang County was blocked...

Think carefully.

Ge Xiaotian seems to grasp something, but he needs to test it out.

"Leader, do you think this will work? The central area of ​​Jifu is guaranteed to be two hundred acres, and the total investment is no less than a thousand acres of wasteland. How about it?"

"Just like the suburbs, the bidding process may take longer!"

"Okay, I want a thousand acres of wasteland in the ravine. However, planning will take time, and the use of the land has not yet been determined!"

"No problem!" The middle-aged man readily agreed.

It seems that the other party wants time!


To be precise, I want Tian Cheng to enter the Ji Mansion as soon as possible...

In this case……

The development of Daqing Mountain was delayed, and Tai City's grip on Liang County was not so tight.

Liang County is returned to Ji, and the canal can also be integrated into Ji City for governance.

Ge Xiaotian roughly figured out what the other party was thinking, "Then I will tell the reporter to push back the news about the ruins?"

The middle-aged man smiled immediately, patted his shoulder, took the guards with him, and strode towards the parking lot.

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and smiled wryly. If there is anything to say, just say no, you have to guess!

I ran to the food stall to chat with everyone, and it was already dark when the show ended.

Back at the company's residence, Teddy was still taking care of the damaged sports car.

Several maintenance workers squatted on both sides with frowning faces.

"Master Tai, this car really can't be repaired. Even if we repair it, we don't have the technology. If we return it to the factory... I guess it's better to buy another one. You are a second-hand product!"

"Oh! It's more than half a million!"

"If you ask me, no one will buy it for 20,000 yuan after being turned into this picture. Look, what else is complete except for the left rearview mirror?"

"Tch, 20,000? What do you want?" Ge Xiaotian stepped forward and kicked the twisted car door, "Why did you buy 20,000? It's all scrap iron, and you will lose money if you buy it back for fifty cents a catty!"

"Uh...boss?" Teddy raised his head, "Fifty cents a catty?"

"That's right! Look at this shell, it's all made of hard plastic, not aluminum alloy! The chassis is worth a little money, and the engine is deformed, who would want it? The tire is flat, the hub is cracked, the bearing is broken... hey The ones that can be sold as scrap iron are only a thousand or eight hundred catties, worth at most 500 yuan! costs money to haul them back! That's why there are so many zombie cars and scrapped cars in the urban area , don’t collect the tattered ones!”

Teddy thought about it carefully, and it seemed quite reasonable, at least the van bought by the two grandpas before, no one bought it after it was scrapped, and no one wanted it for free!

But, half a million? Five hundred yuan? Can you draw an equal sign? !

Ge Xiaotian lifted the hood of the supercar, hey, the 8-cylinder engine with the H-shaped layout, "It also takes up space if you lose it to me, and it's more troublesome to handle, five hundred dollars!"

"Can you add some?" Teddy compromised.

Anyway, this car was compensated by Chen Feng, it didn't cost a penny, if it's scrap iron, let it be scrap iron, apart from being uncomfortable, not only does it not hurt, but it's a little excited.

Or, go back and drive a luxury car and drive again? !

"Add more?" Ge Xiaotian was a little surprised, "One thousand?"




"I'll help you dispose of the garbage, but you can't give me money? Why? Thinking about me giving you money?"


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