Build Madness

Chapter 167 Old Qin's visit

After finishing his work in the Auto Trade City, Ge Xiaotian strolled to Xingyue Bay in Jishi City.

This is his first time here.

Since it was decided to let Brother Hao and the others practice their skills, they simply delegated all authority.

Now District E and District F are sold out in one morning, which also proves their ability.

However, Xingyue Bay in Jishi City has many foundations laid before, such as public transport, shipping, auto trade city, sports center, etc., the difficulty of sales is at most equivalent to a novice trial.

Moreover, the city was worried about Tiancheng's lack of funds, seeing that the planning of District G and District H was a school district housing, and helped introduce the affiliated primary school, there was no difficulty in sales.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian decided to hand over the land in Yun County to Brother Hao, and then transferred Daxiang back to be responsible for the follow-up sales of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City and the resettlement of residents in Canal Ancient Town.

Zhu Changfa, the person in charge of the earthwork, couldn't go to Yun County. After the basic project of the UFO Stadium is completed, the sports center in Jishi City will start full-scale construction next year.

So Brother Hao arrived in Yun County, and everything started from scratch.

In addition, Yun County belongs to He City, and it needs to set up a branch company for cross-regional operations.

In this way, Brother Hao can be regarded as an expatriate, and he will be Mr. Ding from now on!

Walking to the gate of the sales office similar to the car showroom, Ge Xiaotian was going to see what Mr. Ding was doing.

Hearing that the pre-sale of this guy was sold out, he organized a mock exam, and unexpectedly scored 180 points in the exam, ranking first among the 3,000 employees in the company!

What? so low?

Adults have low scores in the college entrance examination. For advanced colleges, the total score is 450, and 100 points can pass. If the total score is 600, 300 points can be passed. If the age is too old, there may be extra points. ...

Like Brother Hao, if you study for two months and get 180, you can sign up for it in late August next year.

Find a good school, finish your undergraduate degree, then hire a tutor, apply for a graduate student, and then erase the final exam in your resume, and only fill in the highest degree, tsk tsk, beautiful!

Step into the sales office.

Unexpectedly, Professor Hu was there.

Ge Xiaotian was about to say hello, but he heard that the old man seemed to be fooling his employees!

"Boss Ding, your score is definitely enough to get into the Civil Engineering College!"


"Stand high, undergraduate! Don't worry, as long as you fill in our school's voluntary, even if you are short of more than ten points, obey the adjustment first, and I will help you change your major after you enroll, and you will definitely be admitted!"

"Is it?"

"Necessary! And, if you help me count the people who will pass the exam next year in our company, I can also..." Professor Hu raised his eyebrows, "If all of them can pass the exam, think about it..."

"What are you thinking?!" Ge Xiaotian leaned forward.

He finally understood the reason why this old guy refused to leave!


There are not many regulations for the entrance exam these days. As long as you register for the exam, the score is not too low, and if the school has enough professional places, you will be admitted 100% of the time. After all, no one has trouble with money.

Afterwards, if you finish your studies in a full-time, part-time or correspondence way, you will definitely get a diploma.

Tiancheng's employees only work six hours a day, and the strong men are obedient. Even if the small workers don't want to take the exam, seeing so many colleagues studying, under the influence of the general environment, aoe and iuv are all shouted out.

This is Shengyuan!

Before the School of Civil Engineering and Engineering became Dongshan Kenda, who would apply for her?

If you can successfully fool around and apply in advance, it will not be a problem to admit seven or eight hundred people!

You know, there are quite a lot of night schools these days, and other schools have money to build branches and new schools, but the School of Civil Engineering is going downhill...

Well, maybe that's why it merged with other schools to form Kenda Higashiyama.

"Ah? Mr. Ge!" Professor Hu was slightly stunned, his face unchanged, "I was thinking, how should I teach Mr. Ding some learning experience."

"Hey, is that so?" Ge Xiaotian sat aside and said nonsense, "I have discussed with Nantah University, as long as you pass the exam, you can apply for as much as you want!"

"What?!" Professor Hu became anxious immediately. In the past two months, he ran back and forth day and night, posing questions, giving lectures, helping to draw knowledge points, and asking for a few copies from his old friend. Mock test papers with compulsory questions, are they all made into wedding dresses for others, "Mr. Ge, how can that work?! Nantah University is indeed famous, but the major is not suitable for you?! Why did we pass the test? Isn't it just to enrich ourselves? The various majors of the School of Civil Engineering are fully in line with the career development of our Tiancheng employees!"

"You know, employee registration fees and tuition fees will all be paid by Tiancheng from now on!"

"This..." Professor Hu immediately understood, "I will apply for a new standard later!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded with a smile. He didn't care which university the strong man went to. The diploma exam was just free. He worked for six hours, slept for eight hours, and spent the rest of the ten hours eating, drinking, and drinking. Why?

Squatting in front of the TV and playing Little Eight Kings?

Will be nearsighted!

"Actually, Tiancheng is going to set up a directional training school, technical secondary school, to recruit half-year-olds who have dropped out after graduating from junior high school, and the number of teachers..." There is no need to say too much when talking to a smart person.

"Full cooperation!" Professor Hu took out his mobile phone on the spot.

Ge Xiaotian shrugged his shoulders, guessing that the other party will be desperately trying to recruit students, "You talk to that side first, we will decide the specific situation later in the year!"

"No problem!" Professor Hu answered the phone, turned and walked into other negotiation areas.

Ge Xiaotian looked at Brother Hao, "I'm going to transfer Daxiang back. How about you going to Yun County next year?"

"What about the clockwork plan?"

"Leave it to Li Shu first. The four of them have been practicing outside for so long. They should understand everything. They lack practical experience. Come one by one."


"You went to Yun County to reorganize the branch company..." Ge Xiaotian listed out the things that he was going to do one by one, and when it came to the end, he suddenly found that there was someone more beside him.

"Yo? Brother Qin, how come you have time?"

Lao Qin seemed to have just arrived, took off his coat, and put the handbag he was carrying on the coffee table in the negotiation area, "After calling in the morning, I was thinking about meeting you and ran to the development zone, but the old businessman said you came to the car Trade City is here, and I rushed over by boat again, I didn't expect you to be here!"

"Why is it so urgent?" Ge Xiaotian took out a cigarette and shared it with everyone.

"Look outside!"

"It's snowing again!"

"Can you think of something else? For example, the road is blocked by heavy snow!"

"What about the store distribution?"

"Yeah!" Lao Qin lit a cigarette, feeling a little worried, "According to our previous idea, each village and town will open a direct-sale store. Daxiang and Li Shu really worked hard. In less than two months, a total of thirty There are many, enough salespersons, and products can be supplied even if they work overtime, but in such weather, let alone boxes of goods, four-wheeled vehicles, even a few motorcycles can’t run!”

"The counties, districts, and urban areas should be fine, right?"

"That's no problem!"

"What about shipping?"

"Shipping can only take care of Sancha Township. In the past, it might have been able to support Xiaohu Town and Zhanglou Township, but now it is building roads!"

"It's really troublesome. The hub system won't be put into use until next year! By the way, can't stock up?"

"Currently it's all overtime production, how can there be any extra? Besides, this thing can't be kept, even if it's winter, it's ready tonight and sent to various stores in the morning. It must be sold before noon tomorrow, otherwise the taste will be bad." It will be affected. At three or four in the afternoon, send another batch over and start selling again!"

That's how Qin Hei Ya got bigger. As for the vacuum packaging, it's not a series, it's a special product for supermarkets.

Ge Xiaotian frowned and looked out the window.

Coincidentally, the front of a tractor spraying hot steam came into view.

The snow is as thick as one foot, but the bus is still operating, which is all due to the anti-skid chains designed by the Mechanical Department.

"Yes!" Almost at the same time, the two said in unison.

With capital investment and subsidies from counties and cities, the number of bus routes has increased to five.

The follow-up is definitely not every five minutes, but even if it takes up to half an hour, it can help Qin Heiya replenish the goods!

"I'll talk to Lao Hong later, and set up a counter at the bus station!"

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