Build Madness

Chapter 169: Taking Land Again

Bureau Sun has been waiting.

He was the one who brought about the transformation of the Canal Suburbs into a development zone.

It also offended many colleagues. After all, the urban area was originally planned to develop eastward, which ran counter to the canal suburbs. Now it has been reversed, and the affected projects can be written all over the small blackboard...

How do you say that old saying, cutting off people's wealth, such as killing their parents and cutting off their official career, is simply irreconcilable!

But he is not cowardly!

With Tiancheng developing so fast, there will definitely be follow-up plans.

As long as you make achievements, why bother so much.


Since the last time the sports center project was half sold and half given away to Tiancheng for 200 mu, there has been no movement in the canal suburbs.

Like Tianheng Auto Trade City, it is rented.

The ancient town of the canal is building a new village, only a dozen acres.

The stops along the canal are all delivered.

Although it has become a regular now, and the three newly opened auto trade cities can also bring results, they have no effect on the Canal Development Zone.

If there is no substantive progress, I am afraid that those who are waiting to see the joke will hold a farewell party for him.

This is how it works in the unit, and ten achievements cannot cover up one mistake.

And, it was on the news this morning.

The leader of Dongshan University personally introduced Tiancheng to Jifu, and allocated a thousand mu of land!

Although the plan is tentative, it was given by the big leader. No matter what he does, can Tian Cheng neglect it?

One thousand acres, planning, construction, road repair...

With Tiancheng's current strength and capital, even if he thinks about it with his ass, he knows that the development of Xiaoqingshan and Canal Suburbs may stagnate for a long time in the future.

In addition, the sports center project jointly contracted with Jishi...

Starting in three years, five years is not short.

But he can't afford to wait!

It is estimated that he will be transferred back to Xiang County in less than half a year, and there will be no chance in the future.

Very anxious and worried!

At this moment, dear Brother Ge called!

"Another two hundred acres!"

Sun Ju's hands trembled, he didn't care about spilling the wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea on the table, and responded in a loud voice: "Where are you? Wait for me!"

"Um... Jishi Xingyuewan Sales Office."


Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian was a little puzzled.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that I haven't offended this old friend recently?

Check the time again, five forty!

Bureau Sun came here by bus from the Jishi compound, and it was estimated that it would be six o'clock.

What? drive?

The snow outside was as thick as one foot, except for Tiancheng's bus, the last eight wheels that transported the muck did not dare to run.

It seems that I can't go to Daliu Machinery Factory today.

Call Da Liu directly.

"What's the matter, boy?"

"Can you come over tonight?"

"Oh? In a hurry?"

"Yes, I'm in a hurry. It's best to bring San Ye, Liu Ye, and that old man who can tell the performance of an engine just by his voice!"

"Okay, let's rush over now!"

"Don't go to Xiaoqingshan, take a boat to Xingyue Bay in Jishi City!"


There is a Zhaowang River on the north side of Daliu New Village, which connects the Liangji Canal (Liang County to Jishi). There is a ship berth there, and it is not troublesome for Daliu and others to come here.

In fact, the gradually improved shipping system is far more convenient than imagined.

Regardless of the size of the tributary of the canal, as long as it is not frozen, or the villagers help to thaw, a few arrow boats will be set up as a means of transportation.

Therefore, from Jishi City to East Lake, urban residents near the river often take boats to Xiaoqingshan for a stroll, anyway, the round trip is free.

Because of this, Xiaoqingshan has always been very lively, so that foreign tourists also enjoy it more comfortably.

In the time it took to make a phone call, Lao Qin had already left.

Ge Xiaotian touched his belly, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't eaten at noon!

Let the big canteen of the Auto Trade City next to deliver two small dishes, a bottle of Erguotou, in the handbag, and the duck wings, duck necks, and duck gizzards brought by Lao Qin.

Not long.

Bureau Sun patted the snow on his body and stepped into the sales office.

"What's the matter, leader, you're in such a hurry!"

"Hey, I'm not worried about the Canal Development Zone!" Director Sun was not polite, took out a disposable paper cup from the water dispenser locker, grabbed the wine bottle and filled it up, stretched out his hand to pull a duck wing, and held it up while gnawing on it. Cup sign.

"Bored?" Ge Xiaotian felt amused.

Unexpectedly, Bureau Sun really did it!


Go down half a bottle of white wine in an instant!

"Xiaohao, come, have a drink with Director Sun!"

The possible investment group did not disrupt Tiancheng's original plan. Brother Hao was still sent abroad to set up a branch in Yun County.

As for the Tiancheng annual meeting, Ge Xiaotian was going to let go and play, he didn't want to invite outsiders and leaders.

Therefore, Brother Hao can take the opportunity to say goodbye to Ju Sun.

Although the meal is a bit simpler, it has more 'taste'!

Chat for a while.

"What? Go to Yun County? Land worth 30 million yuan?" Unknown whether he was stunned or pretending, Sun Ju, who was shaking his head, was stunned and immediately sobered up, "What about the 200 mu in Ji City?"

"Take it as it is!" Ge Xiaotian took the two bottles of white wine sent by the canteen staff again, and filled them up for the three people, "Leader, I wonder if the land price has gone up?"

"It must be different from the two hundred acres added to the sports center, two hundred thousand!"

"It's a good deal!" Ge Xiaotian nodded. The housing price of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City was so high that the city didn't take the opportunity to open up. It is probably related to the development of the Canal Development Zone.

After all, all the facilities here were built by Tian Cheng.

Moreover, Tiancheng has undertaken so many projects, if he finds it too expensive, he will drop the pick and quit...

"However, Bureau Sun!" Ge Xiaotian rummaged through the document bag, and pulled out a big policy that he had explained to the planning department, which can be regarded as a follow-up land acquisition plan, "I think it's more appropriate to follow the price last time, 100,000 acres !"

Director Sun narrowed his eyes and smiled.

In Xiangxian County, Tiancheng had never lowered the land price.

If the price is lowered, it proves that the land required is bigger!

Director Sun took out the planning map of the Canal Development Zone from his bag, couldn't help being curious, and secretly glanced at the A4 paper in someone's hand.

Then... stunned.

"Leader, I heard that the South-to-North Water Diversion project has been approved. For the image of the city, Tiancheng decided to donate a 500-mu canal forest park! These 200-mu land?"

"One hundred thousand!"

"Our canal is bare, Tian Cheng plans to build a water entertainment city next to it, another two hundred acres?!"

"This..." Public welfare facilities are different in nature from commercial facilities, so the price is definitely different. The Canal Forest Park is handed over to Tiancheng, and the additional option is half sold and half given away 200 acres. There is an explanation from the above, but it is a purely commercial entertainment city , it is a bit unreasonable to sell half and give half away, "I can only help you talk about 150,000..."

"The water entertainment city must have a landmark. After the qualification of the construction company improves next year, we will build a 100-meter-high lighthouse first, and then the entire Ferris wheel!"

"One hundred thousand!"

"The small commodity market needs 200 acres. Now that the forest park and water entertainment city are complete, it seems that there is no zoo!" Zoos also have public welfare attributes.

"One hundred thousand!"

Six hundred acres!

Ge Xiaotian muttered something in his heart, and looked down at the list.

Except for the Ferris wheel, these are all things brought by the third-level town center. The lighthouse is a necessary building for the third-level dock, or the seaport, otherwise it would not be called a water entertainment city.

At that time, build one, remove the system attributes, and transform it.

The products of zoos, botanical gardens, and stables.

It doesn't cost much to renovate the small commodity market and the exhibition hall.

However, the trading hall of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce in Auto Trade City was transformed from a secondary market. Now the third-level market has more functions and occupies a larger area. It looks like a football stadium, so it is no longer appropriate to stay there.

It can be completely independent and build a distinctive Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce headquarters building.

"Leader, another two hundred acres!"

"One hundred thousand!" Director Sun was a little confused.

Ge Xiaotian didn't pay attention at all, thinking in his heart, the rest is to build the car.

The factory must not stay in Xiaoqingshan. There are two secondary bases in the center of the third-level town. One can be dragged over and the other can be thrown to Siberia.

"Next year, Tiancheng wants to enter the automobile manufacturing industry. The wasteland in the south of the automobile trade vehicle has about a thousand mu?"

"Leader? Hey, what's wrong with you, leader?!"

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