Build Madness

Chapter 174 Arriving at the Reception

Eight or nine o'clock, it's time to go to work.

The mighty convoy drove out of the parking lot, causing countless people to stop and watch.

Two shiny new Volkswagens in red and blue opened the way, followed by ten Hutou Bens with serial numbers, and five A6s hung on the rear.

This lineup, this scene...

"Which leader came down to inspect?"

"The leaders above must be sitting on the red flag. This should be a foreign company!"

"Foreign company? Why did you hang the Jishi license?"

"Isn't there an Auto Trade City over there, I guess it's a new one!"

"Hiss... Good guy, tens of millions, really rich!"

inside the car.

Looking at the lively scene outside, Ge Xiaotian patted his forehead regretfully.

Fuck, one hundred secrets and one sparse!

He just wanted to show Tiancheng's strength, but there was a black sunscreen film on the car window, who knew who was sitting inside?

No matter how you want to put advertisements on both sides of the car, or prepare a small speaker with a pre-recorded slogan and stick it on the roof...

What a publicity opportunity!

Big loss!


Open the car window and yell?

Go crazy!

"Oh!" Ge Xiaotian sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"I suddenly felt like I lost hundreds of millions!"

The middle-aged man was stunned, looked out the window, then looked at the young man in front of him, thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Indeed!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian's face was full of confusion, can you understand my weird thoughts? !


Leaving the overpass, cross the city, and rush to the southern mountains.

Along the way, although the road is not full of scars, it is also old and aging, like a complex of several large towns.

This is the Jifu in the millennium.

There is no commercial area that can be sold, let alone unconventional buildings.

Ge Xiaotian looked out the window, thoughtful in his heart.

No wonder the middle-aged man agreed with what he said and lost hundreds of millions!

If you take down several connected shantytowns and build Xingyue Bay in Jifu according to the economic development trend discussed by the two of you before, it won't take long to make a lot of money.

"Leader, give this land to Tian Cheng..."

"You still have money?"

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian secretly calculated with his fingers.

300 million in loans, 300 million in profits from all projects, plus 200 million in the first phase of the sports center allocated by Jishi City.

A total of 800 million!

In Jishi City, 1,600 mu has just been acquired to build an automobile factory and three residential areas, at least 200 million yuan was invested.

The sports center is in full swing, and Tiancheng takes advantage of all the benefits, such as the cheap land in Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, more than 30 free wharf lands, and the free river channel extension land, it's time to pay for it.

For a steel order of 1 billion yuan, no matter what, a down payment of 400 million yuan was required. The city gave 200 million yuan, and the loan deducted 200 million yuan, which was just right.

Well, it is a deposit, not an advance payment, nor a deposit. The former has legal effect, and the latter two are just additional terms.

The project is so big, so if the contract is negotiated well, if the steelmaking plant messes up, it will be able to ask for compensation in the future.

Other items:

Registering a company in Yun County, building an ancient city, preparing materials for the community, about 30 million.

For the hub system, 50 million yuan will be spent first.

Making movies, rebuilding the ancient city of Xiaoqingshan, many projects in the coming year, 20 million.

The Mechanical Department researches and develops the remote control system, 20 million yuan.

Public transport and shipping continue to be laid, 30 million.

The company's annual meeting, salary settlement, year-end bonus... 20 million.

Seven hundred and seventy million!

The remaining 30 million... honor my father.


There seems to be something else!

One thousand mu in the mountainous area in the south of Jifu!

"Leader, how much is an acre of educational land?"

"Forty percent of the base price, originally 100,000, now 40,000, 1,000 acres, 40 million!"

"Let me take it easy!" Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully. After working hard for more than three months, he got all the money he could earn. If he wanted to make money again, he had to wait until the new year for new projects.

"Don't worry!" The middle-aged man took out the previous document, "Don't worry about it, you should write down what you should say and what you shouldn't say, and follow the original process!"

Ge Xiaotian understood.

Taking the land with great fanfare, we can't talk about planning, nor can we talk about the value of the land. We can only blow it up to attract the attention of the Thai city.

For example, how strong is Tiancheng, if he gets the land, he will definitely engage in big projects!

What project?

Keep it secret!

How much to invest?

Keep it secret!

When answering, be confident, meaningful, and unclear.

Therefore, some technical content is required.

Ge Xiaotian was a little embarrassed.

He does have the ability to fool people, but...he is afraid that he will be bald!

In the golden age, money was everywhere. What if he had a flash of inspiration at the press conference and came up with a good idea...

"Leader, let's just go straight in and directly challenge that tomorrow Cheng will suspend the Daqingshan project, which will destroy Taishi's determination to reap benefits!"

"If you do this, the Xiaoqingshan Development Zone will definitely be affected, including the rating of the scenic spot next year!" The middle-aged man shook his head, "Don't waste everything, Liang County will return to the aid, sooner or later, I just want her to move forward a while, Favorable for canal planning."

"Okay!" Ge Xiaotian continued to memorize the precautions on the information.


After a long time, the convoy drove into the tourist resort in the southeast mountainous area.

It's not very beautiful, and it's not very lively.

Compared with Xiaoqingshan, the passenger flow is eight or nine times less.

In fact, it is right to think about it.

Tourism development is also divided into levels, using the metaphor of game upgrades.

Level one, look at the scenery.

The second level is to understand the local conditions and customs.

Level 3, food, drink, housing and transportation, everything is comfortable.

Level 4, with some tricks to play.

Level 5, with unique products, not limited to physical objects, such as scene dramas in the ancient city of Xiaoqingshan, shooting ranges, horse races to be held in the coming year, happy rushing forward, folk art, watching and filming, experiencing extras, etc.

Level 6, comprehensive and above, what kind of negative oxygen ions, elderly care and fitness, special therapy, etc. must be possessed.

Xiaoqingshan is between level 4 and level 5, and the highest here is level 1!

A small restaurant built of bricks and tiles, with more than a dozen seats inside, has no special features, and it can't even compare with food stalls.

At least the waiter in the shop was originally wearing ancient clothes!

The size of the hotel is quite large, almost three or four times the size of the Black Hotel.

Oh no!

It's not as good as the Black Hotel. The little boss has already applied for various documents and plans to cooperate with Guyue Hotel.

"Why do you want to hold a reception here?" Ge Xiaotian wondered, what about the big fanfare that was agreed?

"I can't build a shed in the southern mountainous area, can I? There are no villages or towns around, so I thought about it and decided to go here!"

"Don't you still want to bring reporters to investigate on the ground?"

"why not?"

Ge Xiaotian understood immediately!

Through chatting in the morning, this leader is indeed good at economics, but he is a layman in the construction industry.

Since it is going to be blown, how can the reporter see the land?

Good guy, run to the ravine and have a look...

so desolate?

So out of the way?

It's useless to develop anything!

"Let's not go, look at me!"

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, opened the car window first, and motioned for the reporters outside who were holding up their cameras to shoot randomly, and then opened the car door with a smile on his face, "Hi everyone, I've been waiting for a long time, I'm Tian Cheng, Tian Cheng The helm of Wei, Tianle, Tianyu, Tianwei... Ge Xiaotian!"

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