Build Madness

Chapter 177

With Tian Cheng's fame rising, the local reporters who rely on news for their livelihood will definitely dig out the background of his boss.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian didn't think too much about all kinds of weird questions, but answered them one by one.


No! That's Ge Wangwang!


No! That's Ge Wangwang!

Delicious and lazy?

No! That's Ge Wangwang!

Anyway, I really haven't done it, maybe Ge Wangwang did it!

Ge Xiaotian self-hypnotized and answered with peace of mind.

So the question is, who is Ge Wangwang?

My brother!

Only one year older than me, except not as tall as me, they look very similar!

What about people?

I don't know, maybe in an Internet cafe in Jifu, I can play games all night long!


Why do you hate your own brother so much?

In another time and space, besides playing games and misappropriating the company's millions of funds, and losing a tens of millions of projects, that guy actually did a lot of cheating incidents.

for example:

When I was five years old, my family was still very poor, and I couldn't afford to burn briquettes in winter.

At that time, I had a severe cold and shivered under the blanket.

My mother went to the village to buy medicine. Ge Wangwang, who was in the Yuhong class a year earlier, saw his appearance after school. In order to show his love for his younger brother, he decided to "burn the kang"!

It's not the kind built with earth, but just hugged the firewood and stuffed it under the wire bed, then poured some kerosene and lit it...

Big quilt, it burns so well that even a blow can't put it out!

If it wasn't for my mother coming back early, how could there be Ge Xiaotian now? !

This is not the only thing like this!

In summer, he went to the Green Lake in Xiaoqingshan to play, but Ge Wangwang couldn't swim, so he accidentally slipped into it.

It was less than one meter deep, fluttering like a landlubber, unable to stand up in a daze.

In desperation, he, the younger brother, went into the water to save him.


Ge Wangwang directly came to give him a hug!


The kind that hugged his hands and pressed him into the water!

If it wasn't for Dahan and Da Mao, the future Ge Xiaotian would have been suffocated to death in the mud like this.


During the Chinese New Year, use firecrackers to blow up the toilet.

That guy took advantage of him squatting in the pit, and directly threw a kick!

Fortunately, it was not thrown into the pit!


The simple toilet built with red bricks and asbestos tiles collapsed!

Asbestos tiles!

Years of age, wind and rain, the fibers exposed after breaking, smashed all over the body.

Itching, redness, and tingling, I haven't felt comfortable throughout the winter vacation!


a lot of!

It lasted for more than ten years!

It is a miracle that his younger brother can survive till now!

So much so that Ge Xiaotian was a little skeptical afterwards, whether Ge Wangwang had expected that his father would make a fortune in the future, and planned to kill his younger brother in advance.

Therefore, not only did Hei not feel guilty, but on the contrary, he felt a little refreshed in his heart, and even his mood became happy.

Of course, it’s just insulting him. In fact, Ge Wangwang is still a very good person, smart, lively and playful. If he moves bricks and exercises, he will be of great use in Africa.

Don't you like to cut legends?

When the time comes to set up a base, don't let him know. Regularly arrange a group of elite troops to join him, and let him play with the African chiefs!

Will it be too harsh?

Well, think again!

Time passed slowly, and before I knew it, it came to half past one.

The press conference is coming to an end.

Ge Xiaotian turned off the microphone with a happy face, got up and shook hands with the middle-aged man.

The cameras clicked and clicked below, recording the most important shots of this event.

At night, after layers of review, videos and photos will appear in almost all radio news in Dongshan.

The intensity of publicity for Tiancheng can be described as unprecedented!

This is also one of the main reasons why Ge Xiaotian is willing to help.

Of course, there are also some negative effects.

You know, when Liang County returns to Jijiu, Tiancheng will not suspend the development project of Daqingshan, but will intensify the development efforts, build a new base in the rapids, the ancient thief road, and the East Lake enclosure, as well as the "water" of Tianyu's first movie. Battle' footage...

In this way, Tian Cheng and Tai Shi would have a grudge.

You didn't do it when Liang County returned to Tai City, but you stepped up your efforts when Liang County returned to Ji City.

That's all it needs to be, and the fake news that the development of Daqingshan has been suspended?

However, Ge Xiaotian felt indifferent.

The construction of Datai was over there, and with Teddy's relationship with Datai Road Bridge, Tian Cheng didn't need to kill it.

Besides, who can say for sure in the future?

When the Jishi market is fully mature, Jifu University Town is on the right track, and Xiaoqingshan tourism has formed a scale, the three major projects are enough to prove that Tiancheng is not only a developer, but also a new type of city creator!

At that time, those who take the initiative to invite them to do construction are estimated to have to queue up.


Walk out of the venue and back into the car.

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment, "Do you really want to build a university town?"

"I didn't have such an idea at first!" Ge Xiaotian unscrewed the thermos cup in the car and moistened his throat, "But think about it carefully, economy and education complement each other. We also talked about it this morning. With geometric growth, there are only benefits to building a university town, and there is no harm!"

"It's good to have such an idea!" The middle-aged man nodded, "I'll try my best to fight for you!"

"Thank you leader!"

Some words need no explanation.

Tiancheng needs a discount!

How many industries can be promoted if the university town is established? How many jobs can be solved? How much can it bring?

Ge Xiaotian doesn't expect to give all of them free of charge, but at least two-thirds.

That is to say, for 6,000 mu of land, 50,000 mu of land, I will pay at most 100 million yuan.

It is no longer a question of land acquisition, but of development and construction.

"Boss, during the press conference, there were a total of five calls!" After finishing the conversation with the middle-aged man, Xiao Wei, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was replaced by a young woman.

quite gorgeous!

Black suit, white shirt, big waves.

Xiao Huang's first secretary in the personnel department!

Seeing her, Ge Xiaotian became angry.

Ask Xiao Huang to find him the secretary of the general manager, and he has been looking for it for more than two months.

The boss hasn't found it yet, but that guy already has five!

That's right, five!

Responsible for Tiancheng recruitment, branch recruitment, performance appraisal, personnel relations, education and training respectively.

The employees are actually more comfortable than the boss!

Are you angry? !

Ge Xiaotian took the folder viciously.

The personnel secretary, who didn't know why, was so frightened that her face turned pale. This was her first contact with the big boss, and she didn't expect to be so angry. "I'm sorry, boss, for interrupting your discussion!"

"Huh? It's none of your business!" Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, looking at the handwritten A4 paper.

The first phone call was from Daxiang, who learned the sales process from Brother Hao. Today, the pre-sale of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City continued to be hot, so I called to announce the good news.

The second one belongs to Da Liu. They have already contacted Baoshan Steel Works and decided to leave today.

The third one belonged to Li Xiuxiu, and the notes were: He was very angry, and when the phone was connected, he yelled, "Ge, what happened to my dad and Aunt Gu?" '

Well, the matter has been exposed, and I will return to Sancha Township another day!

The fourth one belongs to Gao Song, a branch of Sky Entertainment.

The annual meeting of the company has been notified to all departments, and the program list has been arranged, Tiancheng Construction has five, Tianheng Auto Trade has two, Tianwei has one...

In terms of expenses, according to the suggestion given by Director Sun, Tianle Tourism Branch will be responsible for organizing this year.

The fifth one is big hairy!

It is said that the day after tomorrow, that is, on the 22nd, the building materials dealer will have an annual meeting, and I am afraid that there will be no time to pick up uncle in the evening, so why not arrange for Brother Lei to go.

After thinking about it for a while, Ge Xiaotian simply asked Brother Hao to handle the opening activities of the three auto trade cities, while he himself went to pick up Comrade Ge Feng.

After dealing with these, hand the folder to the HR secretary, "Let your manager go to the Daqingshan UFO Gymnasium to move bricks for a week later!"


"I mean, let you Mr. Huang go to the mountains to move bricks, one week before, now add three more days to the New Year's Eve!"

"Good boss!" The personnel secretary was startled, took the documents and jumped out of the car as if fleeing.

Afterwards, the guards came in, and the convoy started slowly, heading for the Jifu Steel Plant.

Originally, the two sides agreed to start at two o'clock, but now it's already one fifty.

It may take half an hour to travel from the southern mountainous area to the eastern district.

Ge Xiaotian took out his mobile phone, ready to ask the old grandson of the finance department to call the steel factory.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the convoy drove out of the scenic spot, it was blocked by two black crowns.

Six men in suits lined up in a row, with extremely obvious scars on their faces.

The police car was on duty, and had already turned back when it arrived at the scenic spot.

The team did not make adjustments, and 000 was naturally at the forefront.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man's expression darkened instantly.

The southern mountainous area is really chaotic, and tourists are often robbed and robbed. This is a well-known thing in Jifu.

He was not afraid of robbery, and each of the six guards was armed.

However, the introduction of Tiancheng can be called attracting investment.

If it is broad daylight, let the big customers experience the local law and order for themselves, what impression will they leave?

He specifically told the local office that from now on, the southern mountainous area must pay close attention!

"Xiao Wei, go and have a look!"

"Okay!" The guard had been on guard for a long time, completely blocking the front of the middle-aged man. Hearing the order, he picked up the walkie-talkie in the car to notify the colleagues behind him, then took out his gun and loaded the bullets directly.

What? No shooting allowed?

What a joke!

In this day and age, as long as you keep records, it's basically fine to kill a highway robber.

Besides, this is the car of the leader of Dongshan University!

In case something goes wrong, who is responsible?

The people blocking the way obviously didn't expect the stubble in the car, and when they saw the black metal pipe, they raised their hands in unison.

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! Is this Boss Ge's team?"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian pushed the car door and was about to get out of the car when the middle-aged man grabbed his wrist.

"Wait until you find out the identity of the other party before going down!"

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian paused.

The behavior of middle-aged men is not unreasonable.

As a big boss, it is really possible to encounter a 'bang bang! '

However, although he didn't bring Li Long and Li Hu this time, he brought a Taoist monk!

What are you doing with them?

Steel needs to be inspected, tested, and analyzed. Only a few old men in the mechanical department can do it. With such a large amount of work, it is better to let professional players do it.

Customized contracts, lawyers and consultants are not unique to Tiancheng, the purchase list of more than one billion is too tempting, let Seng Yi supervise it.

One theory and one article, and he can also be a bodyguard!

So are they good?

With bare hands, he can overturn ten Tianwei who are at the same level as Li Hu!

In fact, they are strong not because of their physical fitness, but because of their martial arts skills.

Before everyone could react, the Taoist monk had already appeared in front of the man in the suit, and tried his best, but found no dangerous items.

One of the men in a suit said at the right time: "Boss Ge! Misunderstood, I am the general manager of Taishi Steel Plant, Hu Wen!"

Xiaowei had seen Taoist monks before, but he was just curious about their speed, found out the identities of the men in suits, and nodded back as if responding.

Ge Xiaotian got out of the car, "I don't know what Boss Hu is doing?"

Hu Wen took out three two-inch-wide metal plates from the document bag, "Boss Ge, this is a steel structure sample, can I give you ten minutes to introduce the model and characteristics to you?"

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