Build Madness

Chapter 188 Dad Returns

The middle-aged man is decisive and courageous.

Special handling of special matters means that the special team has privileges.

But who gave the privilege?

It must be the leader of Dongshan University!

In this way, no matter who is in charge of the special team, it is related to him.

In the same way, the middle-aged men in the university town project are also inseparable.

If Tiancheng does well, everyone will be happy, and it will play a very good role in leading the economic development of Jifu.

What if Tiancheng goes blind, goes bankrupt, owes a loan of 300 million yuan to the bank, owes the land progress payment to Jishi City, and owes the final payment to the construction material supplier of the sports center...

Who pays?

Even if the city pays the bill, the profound negative impact, as well as the reputation of mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people and wasting money, will make this leader of Dongshan stand still at least, or go home to retire at worst.

Therefore, at the level of middle-aged men, many people will seek stability. For projects involving huge funds, unless it is a task, they either do not intervene or arrange subordinates to handle them, and rarely participate directly.

And now...

It is worthy of being Mr. Yu who will focus on China's economy in the future!

Ge Xiaotian was deeply impressed.

People trust us, so we have to work hard!

At this moment, he wouldn't be so stupid as to say: "Leader, are you not afraid that I will run away?"

"Leader, don't worry! As long as these problems are solved, I will let you, Dongshan, and the entire Huaxia know what it means to achieve quality and speed!"

"Okay!" The middle-aged man was very relieved, clapping his palms lightly, as if he didn't think much about it, but continued: "There is no prospecting and mapping of the land, so there is no point in going to investigate now. You have been very busy these two days , Leave the bus, let’s go back first, I happen to be resting today, and I will take the relevant person in charge to Jinxiuchuan Reservoir to have a look, and I should prepare for my homework in advance.”

Ge Xiaotian nodded. The purpose of the investigation was to solve the school's problems. Now that it has been solved, there is really no need to go there again.

"The leader, I wish you a happy new year in advance, so I'll go back first?"

"Well, I also wish Tiancheng's career will flourish in the coming year and make greater contributions to Dongshan's development!"

The two sides exchanged drivers, five A6s went to the southern mountainous area, and ten S600s with only five Tiancheng employees on board... also went to the southern mountainous area.

I said goodbye just now, and now we are walking together again, which is a little embarrassing.

Why go?

Professor Hu's younger brother, Hu Wen, the owner of Taishi Steel Factory, is still waiting to sign a contract for cold-rolled steel.

At present, the closest road to Tai City is the only highway that has just been repaired and passes through Jingshi Road, bypassing the west side of the southern mountainous area.

In fact, it's just a process.

According to the agreement between the two parties, the steel products will be delivered in batches, and payment will be made after inspection. There is no need to sign an agreement.

But Taishi Steelworks needed publicity in order to do business.

It is convenient for others and convenient for yourself, and there is no loss in a trip.


Nine p.m.

On the train from Bingcheng to Jifu.

Ge Feng looked out of the dark window expressionlessly, feeling extremely worried.

On a trip home, something went wrong at the construction site.

The contractor who has worked together for many years and is not a brother is better than a brother, unexpectedly took the final payment of the project and ran away!

He also left a note, coaxing himself to say that he met a fairy dance!

That's half a million!

Fifty brothers worked hard for a whole year's hard-earned money!

How could he...

Alas, knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, they have been together for more than 20 years since they were discharged from the army in their twenties, and it is very puzzling that such a shitty thing happened now.

The foreman ran away, and he, the foreman who participated in the shareholding, became a scapegoat.

Even if it wasn't his responsibility, but he personally brought the workers out of his hometown. If he was in a hurry, everyone would definitely blame him for this.


How can there be any company in a small construction site, all the jobs are affiliated, and it is enough for a third party not to trouble him, how can he come forward to help solve it?

Ge Feng felt heavy in his heart.

The travel expenses back this time were saved by selling a small four-wheeler on the construction site and scraping it together.

And the reason why the villagers didn't make trouble is also because of their trust in him.

Otherwise, what can I do?

If you smashed the machinery on the construction site, will you still work next year?

Moreover, Party A was fooled by the contractor to pay the final payment, but the project was not completed. When it comes to investigation, he, the minority shareholder, is still responsible.

Now Ge Feng only hopes that his second child, the prodigal son, can help him tide over the difficulties.

When he went to the Northeast, he was able to pull up a team of hundreds of people, and now he should have a deposit of more than a hundred thousand.

First take it out to pay the salary in advance, and finish the newly received project in the next year, and then return it to him.

If the second child has no money, then mortgage the big gold cup he bought for a loan!

Thinking of this, Ge Feng was not angry at all.

What a prodigal!

Ten big gold cups!

Two or three hundred thousand for one!

Where did he get so much money?

Could it be...

Ge Feng felt cold in his heart.

Knowing a son is like a father!

He is very clear about the virtues of his second child.

Originally, I didn't have to go home this year, so I asked the children's mother to stew a chicken every day for the third and fourth family, so that the farm work could be done with ease.


But the old village head called and said that his second child, together with a group of young people from Ziyun County, hired two bankrupt factory directors, rented a Santana, and used investment promotion to fool the village leaders, cheating on food and drink for half a month... …

The most exasperating thing is that only the old village head in the whole village has discovered the clue!

Even Lao Li, who has always been very sensible, didn't realize it was a scam!

Every time he thinks of this, Ge Feng is so angry that he wants to laugh.

Originally, he thought that the beating would give the second child a long memory. (The reason for the pain in the buttocks on the day of crossing)


This little bastard must be engaging in lending routines!

Get the land for the loan, continue the loan for the construction, get the money, repay the first batch of loans, and then start a bigger project...

It's right to do this, but in the future, my second child will become a big truck with the brake system removed. It can turn, but can't stop, and it will get bigger and bigger, and run faster and faster!

This also means more and more loans and higher interest rates.

When all the funds that can be obtained through means are exhausted, the second child's company will declare bankruptcy due to high debt.

Ge Feng took a deep breath.

I hope that my second child doesn't play so big, stop as soon as possible, settle down for a year and a half, turn around the profit and loss, it will be good for everyone.

However, this kid is quite capable.

Four months, ten big gold cups, two to three million...

Ge Feng suddenly felt relieved.

"Dear travelers and friends, Jifu Railway Station is here, please bring your luggage..."


Exit of the train station.

Ge Xiaotian came to pick up the car alone. The secretary, Lao Hong, and Dao Seng were all in the S600 car and would not show up for the time being.

This time only three big gold cups were revealed, anyway, as I told my father at the beginning, they are not too prodigal.

But if you drive the S600, you will definitely be beaten!

I'd better wait until I return to Sancha Township, let my father experience the changes in Gejia Village and Xiaoqingshan, and then show him ten S600s, give him a surprise, and give him another one!

Anyway, in the end, it will be distributed to the company's top management as a car.

However, everyone lives in the staff dormitory, except for Brother Hao, Da Mao, and Lao Sun, the others don't go out very much, so three cars are enough.

The remaining?

Scrape off the paint, spray it with a Tiancheng advertisement, and let the old men of the mechanical department drive it when they go out to repair the machinery!


So-so, there is one of them, which needs to be completely dismantled and used to study the engine.

I think this is what the older generation of technicians did. At the time, there was a popular saying: it is better to buy than to build, and it is better to rent than to buy!

Unfortunately, it has been misunderstood by many in the future.

Foreign countries once imposed a technological blockade on Huaxia. If they did not do so, how would they develop themselves?

Ge Xiaotian was thinking wildly, when he suddenly smelled a smell of smoke, resisted the urge to smoke, and looked around at the people coming and going to distract himself.

Suddenly, he saw three familiar figures in the garbage dump.

Big tall!

And his two younger brothers!

What the hell?

How do you get down to the point of picking up trash?

Could it be that he was cheated so badly?


The big tall one is suffering!

He lost his business card the day before yesterday, and he saw the news that night.

It turned out that the young man was Ge Baiyi!

Such a big boss gave himself a chance, but he still had two choices, and he missed it!

The big tall man ran back to the train station regretfully.

It's a pity that the trash can was emptied by the hardworking sanitation aunt.

The garbage station was not taken away, but who knew where the business card he held in a ball was hidden.

In the past two days, he and his two brothers picked and picked day and night, even if someone came from the institute, they couldn't stop them.

"My ancestral jade pendant is lost, who of you dare to stop it?"

All right!

The people in the institute were also very helpless, and set up a sub-point for the garbage station, and temporarily handed it over to the three of them.

"found it!"

Finally, the big tall man saw the lump of paper that was still fresh in his memory.

With inexplicable excitement, he stretched out his trembling hands and pinched it gently.

Carefully unfold.

Ge Xiaotian, contact number...

"Haha..." The tall man laughed, tears streaming down his face.

Seeing this scene, the two younger brothers also laughed maniacally.

glorious future……

"What are you doing?"

Ge Xiaotian was very curious, maybe these three people were tortured crazy by liars, right? !

The big tall one: "..."

Two younger brothers: "..."


Ten thirty in the evening.

The train is half an hour late.

I rented a room for an hour for the big and tall brothers, washed up and came back again, the time was just right.

"Old Gao, do you know my father?"

"Yeah!" After the baptism of great sorrow and great joy, the tall man became a little numb, "I used to stay at Uncle Feng's construction site, but when our two younger brothers met their contractor, whoring Chang, they kicked open the door and rushed in to beat him up. , Worried about causing trouble, we ran back."

"Why did you two beat him?" Ge Xiaotian looked at the two half-sized boys who were like ruffians.

"The two of us borrowed five yuan from the contractor to buy cigarettes. He refused to pay, but took twenty yuan to go whoring. If it was you, can you bear it?"

"Eh..." Strange things happen every year, especially this year, and the three brothers are quite weird, Ge Xiaotian was a little speechless.

"However!" The third child hesitated, "When I beat him back then, there was a backpack under the bed, the zipper was unzipped a bit, and a lot of blue banknotes could be vaguely seen. The contractor ran in a hurry, and we chased it for a few steps When I came back, the backpack and the woman were gone."

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian frowned and thought about it, could it be the project money?

But the money in the backpack is estimated to be five or six hundred thousand. If it is lost, the father and the contractor should be in a hurry and even call home.

You know, when Dad left, he had already pulled up a team, and hundreds of thousands could still help make up for it.

It seems that it should be chased back.

After all, the relationship between the father and the contractor is very good. If the other party has an accident, he will definitely help.

In another time and space, the two are sworn brothers, developing together, and squatting behind bars together...

Well, Dad is out!


Ge Xiaotian was the first to meet him.

"Hey, I can't get along, men's suits, crocodile leather shoes, tsk tsk, this little hair is neat..." Comrade Ge Feng carried a large luggage bag in one hand, and hugged his second child affectionately with the other, "Huh? Xiao Gao ?”

"Uncle Feng!" The tall man was a little embarrassed.

"What? Went to Xiaotian's company?"

The horoscope has not yet been written, and the tall man scratches his head in embarrassment.

Ge Xiaotian had already figured out how to arrange it, but it was freezing outside, so he went back first.

He took the salute from his father and said hello to the uncles behind him. He was about to go to the parking lot when Comrade Ge Feng grabbed his arm. The two of them stood side by side like good buddies.

"How much money can you use? Lend me first!"

"Ah?" Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, "How much?"

"Hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of thousands!" Ge Feng is not aiming at the target for no reason, the value of ten big gold cups, a couple of hundred workers, with the brains of his second child, he can definitely earn so much!

As for the boss... Hey, don't mention it!

"When will it be?"

"The sooner the better!"

Ge Xiaotian glanced at his father's face, seemed to be in a hurry, and nodded quickly.

He originally wanted to pay 20 million filial piety to his father during the Chinese New Year.


Well, no reason.

(Reason: Dad will definitely not enter Tiancheng, knowing a son is like a father, and for the same reason, knowing a father is like a son. Although this time and space is very desolate, but Dad also has his own ideas. 20 million is used as starting capital, registration qualifications, registration The company purchases machinery, and then arranges strong men to help in batches, and its development will definitely exceed another time and space.)

Seeing Ge Xiaotian walking into the parking lot with a large luggage bag, Taoist monks greeted him, and one of them quickly took it.

Dressed like this, a group of people were stunned.

Comrade Ge Feng's face turned dark immediately, sure enough, this prodigal bastard was messing around, even Taoist monks were fooled!

However, he hadn't waited for his reprimand.

I saw my own bastard walking up to the rear end of a S600 that started with 000 and was worth two million, opened the trunk, and lifted the lid of one of the trunks.

"Dad, as much as you need, take whatever you want!"


Comrade Ge Feng glanced at the 111, 222, 333 neatly arranged next to him...

With a blank face, he pulled out the belt...

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