Build Madness

Chapter 192 Strong Alliance

Ge Xiaotian is a reasonable person.

If a customer has a problem, let's sit down and have a good chat.

If it is Tian Cheng's responsibility, then I will definitely bear it unconditionally, and I will give you a compensation after it is resolved.

If it is your responsibility and you want to get a refund, but you are not willing to pay liquidated damages, let me tell you, is it difficult to maintain your life after buying a house with full payment? Still can't afford the loan?

Don't worry, I can help you!

The recruitment principle of our personnel department is to give priority to customers who buy houses!

Therefore, since Tiancheng was established until now, it has never encountered any economic disputes.

And today!

Just based on the opponent's posture, you don't need to think about it to know that you are here to find fault.

It doesn't matter who is behind it, and it doesn't matter what consequences will be caused by forcing the other party to clear the snow.

The important thing is...

The sales office represents Tiancheng's image, and District E, District F of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City is also a community for the elderly. If the other party makes such a fuss, the old men and women will definitely think about it.

After a while, I rushed over and asked around. Rumors of fights are nothing, and economic disputes are trivial. Don’t give me the news of ‘customers fight with developers, how many injuries, how many deaths’.

This is no joke.

Trouble has come, and with the promotion of caring people, any weird rumors may be born.

Tiancheng has just acquired 1,600 mu of land in Jishi, of which 600 mu is used for the second phase of Xingyue Bay, no matter whether it will be affected or not, it must be considered.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian decided to make a quick decision.

With a wave of his hand, the Tianwei who rushed over rushed forward.

More than 30 men in black were planning to resist, but when they saw countless 'war generals' outside, they surrendered directly.

Wear armor and helmet, hit a hammer!

When the eldest sister heard "If you want to sue me, just call", she really took out her mobile phone.


Ge Xiaotian snatched it with his hands and threw it into the fish tank.


The eldest sister froze her head slightly, and when she saw such obvious eyes, her face flushed instantly, and she wanted to hit the wall in shame and indignation.

Daxiang and the new salesmen were stunned by such a resolute method.

Brother Hao quietly arranged for everyone to clean up, but found that he was idle, so he quickly picked up a rag and wiped the table hard.

The panicked and confused appearance seemed to hear that Nong Qijiu was going to bury him alive again.

Ge Xiaotian felt it was funny.

Try to be smoked by your father sooner or later!

No fire in my heart!

Why did you get beaten up again?

That bitch Qi Feifei went to his room early in the morning to help make the quilt!

What kind of eyes does the old man have? It looks like the young master often lives in the dormitory!

And, I really don't have any idea about her...

"Come here!" Ge Xiaotian looked at Brother Hao full of resentment.

The latter swallowed his saliva, hula hula the big bald head who hadn't grown any hair yet, and said with a sneer, "Boss?"

"what happened?"

"Early this morning, before the sales office opened, they were waiting outside and said they wanted a refund!"

"Refund?" Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly.

"The pre-sale certificate for District G and District H was obtained on the day of the pre-sale, but the pre-sale contract they signed with us was the afternoon before. If we are serious about it..."

"The contract is void!"

Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered.

At the beginning, the financial staff reminded me that Lao Sun also came here to report.

But the other party paid generously. He only thought it was a "real estate investment group" from the south. He had no idea that they were planning to do it!

The invalidity of the contract means an unconditional refund.

G8, G6, half-block G5, large apartment, small villa...

The total sales amount is 75 million, and the advance payment is 40%, 30 million!

As Chinese New Year approaches, companies are busy with settlements, final payment for projects, final payment for materials, employee salaries, year-end bonus...

Tiancheng is a new company, and it has acquired 1,600 mu of land in Ji City, and 6,000 mu of land in Ji Mansion and other projects. How can there be so much money?


There is indeed no money in Tiancheng Bank.

Because, all the funds are in the suitcase.

Well, there is only the remaining 60 million, all that should be spent!

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly realized.

It is estimated that the other party did not intend to launch an immediate attack, but was planning to wait for Tian Cheng's capital turnover before handing over the house, and then take the opportunity to threaten him.

What a godsend to receive the message now!

As a general enterprise, how to break the situation?

Sell ​​shares?

Or sell the company at a low price?

It really is a super investment group!

Ge Xiaotian sat on the chair vigorously, touched his trouser pocket, and the cigarette was taken away by his father.

Brother Hao is planning to have a second child and is quitting smoking.

Ask Daxiang to be a white general, and think carefully about the countermeasures in a smoky way.

If you can figure out Tiancheng's capital transactions, can calculate the time for the approval of the pre-sale certificate, and can come to the door confidently, there must be someone behind it!

It's a pity that Tian Cheng is far from being as 'weak' as he imagined!

The four districts of Xingyue Bay, ABCD, plus the steel structure automobile trade city, have a total profit of more than 200 million yuan, which is indeed spent.

However, the four areas of EFGH with higher housing prices, which are almost twice that of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, have just started pre-sale!

The pre-sale money in District E and District F is deducted from all project construction funds of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, and the final payment will be recovered in March, which is about 150 million.

The total sales in District G and District H can reach almost 300 million. The pre-sale funds are going to be used to improve construction qualifications, and the final payment will also be recovered in March.

Why do you earn so much?

With the upgrading of supporting facilities and the gradual improvement of the surrounding environment, as long as Tiancheng does not fail, the house price will definitely continue to rise.

In addition, when the underground pedestrian street and small commodity market are completed and connected with the commercial street in District D of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, the forest park, zoo and botanical garden, water entertainment city and other projects are all approved, and the housing price will be even higher!

This is also the reason why Ge Xiaotian won 1,600 acres of land.

It can rise, but it cannot grow wildly. It is necessary to dilute it and let it cool down.

He can't make the decision in other places, but here, the housing price must be linked to the salary, otherwise Tiancheng employees can't afford to buy their own company's house, how embarrassing would that be?

But, then again, is the 30 million advance payment from the investment group refundable?

Ge Xiaotian is waiting.

Wait for a call!

Little yellow!

In fact, Xiao Huang is not idle at all!

Although he has five secretaries, he sleeps in front of the computer every day.


Wait for the news from various places, and after summarizing, send the useful ones to your boss.

On the surface, he is the general manager of the personnel department, but in fact he is the chief intelligence officer...

The sales office was smashed. Although Brother Hao hadn't had time to report it, the training personnel of the personnel department who stayed here definitely sent the news to Xiao Huang as soon as possible.

Of course, if Xiao Huang is sleeping now, then it's time to think about it and let Xiao Lu take over. (Red orange yellow green blue, green.)

While thinking, the phone rang.

Little yellow ones.

"Boss, that woman's surname is Wei, which is different from the name on the contract. She is the daughter of the CEO of Jiangnan Changfeng Industry. It's a bit complicated to say. Do you remember He Shun from the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce?"

"Remember!" The Shunhe Chamber of Commerce that drove up the price of materials in the entire city at the beginning, and later the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce rose up, the other party took the initiative to avoid, and the two sides did not confront each other again.

"Wei Wei and He Shun's son, He Honest, is going to get married next year!"

"So, the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce is messing around?"

"No! It's a joint venture between the two, planning to build a large supermarket and shopping mall in the central area of ​​Jiji to save the retail industry that has been eroded by us. The project was confirmed three days ago, and construction is expected to start in the next year!"

"Who contracted it?"

"Shangpin Construction!"

"Pfft..." Ge Xiaotian just drank his saliva, and immediately sprayed, "Chen Feng's leg is healed?"

" should call Xiao Zeng of Liang County and ask. He has been injured for a hundred days, and he probably came out in a wheelchair."

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