Build Madness

Chapter 195 Go Home

The steaming front of the tractor stopped in front of the stop sign, and there was a piercing sound of air brakes coming from the bottom of the car.

Public transportation is not a panacea. No matter how sturdy the car is, no matter how exquisite the snow chains are, it will lie down in the knee-high snow.

In order to ensure the safety of passengers, the operation was suspended for one day yesterday.

And the behemoth in front of him was also the first one that started running after Ge Xiaotian issued the notice to clean up the road.

many people.

Tried through the back door, but couldn't squeeze in.

After waving to the driver, Ge Xiaotian simply returned to Auto Trade City, had lunch, and then found a small four-wheeler.

After pouring hot water into the pot, it took a lot of effort and finally shook it away.

Take a branch to test the amount of oil, four fingers high, it is enough to run back to Sancha Township.

With Qi Feifei's eyes full of resentment, he made a phone call with Li Xiuxiu.

"What are you doing?"


"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, one o'clock in the afternoon, spring sleepiness, autumn exhaustion and winter nap, this girl is going to grow fat, "Will you go back to Sancha Township?"

"Go back!" Fat Xiu was pleasantly surprised, they had been busy for so long, and they hadn't seen each other for a long time, "The road is too difficult to walk, why don't we run back?"

Ge Xiaotian's head was full of black lines, "It's more than fifty miles away, you are crazy, drive a tractor back!"

"Okay! Then you should wear thicker clothes, and you'd better wear a military overcoat on the inside to prevent wind!"

"I'm also wearing a motorcycle helmet!"

"good idea!"

"Clean up quickly, my dad is back, come home with me for dinner tonight!"

"it's not good?"

"What's wrong? Hurry up!"

Putting down his cell phone, Ge Xiaotian climbed onto the tractor, intending to leave directly, but thought that the company was on holiday, and Qi Feifei's body was dug up again at home. She was alone, where would she go during the Chinese New Year?

After thinking about it, I made a call with Nong Yi.

His wife is pregnant!

System staff's first birth!

I don't know if the baby born is a natural person or a system person with attributes.

Ge Xiaotian prefers the former, and hopes to be the former.

To say a few words, after putting down the phone, she looked at Qi Feifei, "Go to Xiaoqingshan staff dormitory for Chinese New Year, and..."

"No need, I'll celebrate the New Year with my great-grandfather!"

"That's good!" Living with the old village head and being able to take care of the elderly is more suitable than celebrating the New Year with Nongyi and the others. Ge Xiaotian took out a red envelope with a magnetic card from his file bag, "The Auto Trade City has been too busy recently, and you haven't If you can’t participate in the company’s annual meeting, the year-end bonus will be given to you in advance, come on! The car factory will be completed in the coming year, and your burden will be even heavier. I hope Mr. Qi can bear it!”

"How much?" Qi Feifei didn't answer.

"One hundred thousand, the same as Da Mao, Brother Hao, and Lao Sun."

"No!" Qi Feifei turned her head and left, "The salary of three thousand is enough, why do I need so much money!"

"Don't get married in the future? Don't have children..."

"You are a big-headed ghost!" Qi Feifei grabbed a ball of snow and threw it at him, turned her head and ran to the office angrily.

Ge Xiaotian sighed, stared at the blue sky for a long time, and drove the small four-wheeler straight to the national highway.

The snow clearing team was not limited to Wei Wei and the others, but also almost all of Tiancheng's employees, including dozens of bulldozers.

Thousands of people are mighty, the scene is spectacular, and it also attracts other enterprises and urban residents to join.

Shouting chant and singing folk songs made the atmosphere more and more lively.

There must be a leader in everything you do.

When the atmosphere of a place becomes positive, it will inevitably reduce many bad phenomena.

There is no indifference of sweeping the door, let alone the strange incident of blackmail, everything looks so simple, enthusiastic and sincere.

Ge Xiaotian felt warm in his heart.

Perhaps this is happiness.

I drove a tractor to the commercial street in District D of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County.

The houses of the merchants who have settled in have not had time to be renovated in the future, and they all temporarily set up stalls in front of the door according to the area planned by Tianwei.

Fireworks and firecrackers, Spring Festival couplets and lanterns, silver paper and gold foil, high incense door gods, tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea, dried fruits...

Among them are interspersed many small opera theaters, storytelling small teahouses, wandering acrobats, a team beating gongs and drums to twist Yangko, and "charlatans" who shout five drinks and six tricks...

No wonder the bus was full of people, it turned out that they were rushing to the 'temple fair'.

"Boss Ge, Happy Chinese New Year!"

"Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

He was familiar with most of the shop owners, so Ge ​​Xiaotian wandered around and searched for a lot of delicious food, especially the pine nuts and pistachios that Comrade Ge Feng didn't bring back from the Northeast this year.

With a big pocket, if Ge Wangwang doesn't steal it, he can stay with Sanni until the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

Almost enough!

Before leaving, I took two more Yuxis from the supermarket that I tried to open.

This supermarket is different from the Damao supermarket that Xiaoqingshan handed over to the third uncle. It is operated in the model of a chamber of commerce.

Members participate in the shares, all prosper, all lose, and jointly make Tianchao into a chain.

The trial operation is over, and the satisfaction of the local residents is investigated. If it is lower than expected, everyone should leave, and Tian Cheng will do it himself.

If the satisfaction is extremely high, then open another one in Xingyue Bay, Jishi.

After buying good things, Ge Xiaotian started the tractor and went straight to the farm.

Li Xiuxiu's factory is getting bigger and bigger.

Ducks are raised on the east side, covering the largest area.

Pigs are raised on the south side, and ham is gradually on the right track with the strengthening of physical stores.

Cattle raising on the west side, hot pot restaurants, barbecue restaurants, food stalls, taverns, all needed.

Chickens and geese are raised on the north side, which is also used for catering.

Goats and small-tailed Han sheep were left in Nanwa, Sancha Township because of their large numbers.

I heard from Lao Sun that he made financial statements for Li Xiuxiu's farm before, and in just two months, he made more than one million yuan!

You must know that a lot of meat is the cost, and it is even supplied to Tianwei Catering and Tiancheng Canteen at a loss, and the profit of ham has to be deducted from the project cost of the physical store.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian didn't intend to make the farm make money at all, otherwise how could Li Xiuxiu ask him for help?

However, the development of things is a bit out of control.

Li Xiuxiu actually sold duck down, wool, chicken feathers, cowhide... and made a fortune!

It is said that in cooperation with Li's Garment Factory in Sancha Township, they have launched down jackets, woolen sweaters, feather dusters, and durable leather boots...

There is a law in everything, one peck and one drink, is it God's will?

Come to the farm.

Li Xiuxiu was wrapped up like a baby bear and stood at the gate, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

Before the car stopped, the girl jumped up directly.

Ge Xiaotian was taken aback, and suddenly felt bad.

Bad, butcher Li's matter, the two haven't settled yet!


But Li Xiuxiu opened the net bag on the fender, grabbed a handful of pistachios and ate it, "I'm suffocating, I haven't eaten snacks for two months because I'm busy working on the farm!"

The expression of narrowing his eyes and full of enjoyment made Ge Xiaotian's head full of black lines.

Picking up another military coat and wrapping it up, "Then you sit upside down to save yourself from the cold and stomach ache!"


The rare heavy snowfall in ten years is almost a disaster for Datai Road Bridge.

The roadbed has just been completed, and the snow is so thick. If it is trampled into ice by township residents, or if it melts and is rolled into mud by tricycles and tractors, it will definitely need to be reworked.

On the first day of snow, you can still see Teddy walking around, and then this guy is very busy.

Manpower was transferred from Sancha Township to clean up and blockade overnight, but it also avoided a lot of losses.

Ge Xiaotian followed the bus route to avoid rush repairs and ran for more than two hours before returning to Sancha Township with Li Xiuxiu, who was covered in wind and frost and had a cold nose.

Passing by Li Butcher's house, Li Xiuxiu picked up the snack bag and ran away as if to escape.

Ge Xiaotian was a little caught off guard, he stopped the car and quickly chased after her, he was determined not to let this bitch run away today, otherwise how would he make a baby at night?

"Ge, isn't he just robbing you of food, what about it?" Li Xiuxiu ran fast under the temptation of snacks, and rushed into the yard and closed the gate in two or three steps.

Ge Xiaotian was able to catch up, but after driving the four-wheeled car for two hours, he felt as if he had stepped on a spring when he ran. He felt very energetic, but he just couldn't run fast...

The mouth-to-mouth rabbit slipped away and took away his own snacks!

There was no hope of arrest, Ge Xiaotian was so angry that he turned his four wheels and continued on his way.

The mountain was closed by heavy snow, and the Xiaoqingshan Development Zone has ceased operations.

Dahan and Ah Huang were not in the security booth, they must have gone to a tavern or a food stall to watch cartoons.

Leaving the car at the entrance of the village, Ge Xiaotian took off his military overcoat, picked up his computer bag and document bag, and walked to his home.

The heating project that I started working on a month ago is almost finished, but the messy pipes don't look so beautiful.

Use it first, if it doesn't work, change it later in the year.

step into the house.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back!"

"Huh? Where's the person?"

The courtyard door was open, but the new house was locked.

Ge Xiaotian rummaged through his bag, he seemed to have left his keys at home when he came back last time.

Make a phone call with my mother, the opposite side is a bit noisy.

"Mom, where are you?"

"In the big cafeteria, the village holds a meeting to elect the village head. Your old man is not going to continue to be the village chief. He chose your fourth uncle, but he doesn't want to do it. Xiaolei is too young, so I'm afraid I can't hold back those old guys... By the way, The key is in the cotton shoes under the windowsill, look for it."

"When did it start?"


"Why is it so hard!" Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "Let Dahan do it!"

"You brat!" Mom cursed with a smile and hung up the phone.

Ge Xiaotian had the right to speak, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided it was better not to get involved.

However, according to the result of the previous discussion with the old man, it must be the fourth uncle.

Go to the balcony and flip through the shoes, pick up the key and open the door.

With the holiday approaching, the urgent needs to be dealt with in the company did not decrease, but increased.

Turn on the computer, connect the network cable, and process ERP while making a phone call.

Not long.

A cry came from the hall.

"Second brother!"

"Huh? Sanni is back?"

Sanni really admired her second brother more and more.

My mother knew about Tian Cheng, but she didn't understand Tian Cheng's strength at all, let alone how many projects outside belonged to her.

Dad was kept in the dark, he came back this morning, had a meal at noon, and ran out immediately in the afternoon.

Ge Wangwang... I guess my elder brother is very busy, and I don't know the changes in my hometown.

Therefore, Sanni is considered to be the only 'understandable person' in the family.

It's natural, you can do anything!

Thinking of the slogans she heard on the road, and the industry introduction on Tiancheng's official website, Ge Sanni looked at her handsome second brother, feeling like she was in a dream.

At some point, the school gradually filled with Tian Cheng's shadow.

For example, a classmate from a wealthy family bought a small high-rise in Xingyue Bay, wow, so envious.

For example, teacher XX will be transferred to Canal Experimental High School next year, wow, it's amazing.

For example, the school reached an agreement with Tiancheng that the 2001 Winter Games will be held in the Lotus Gymnasium. Wow, so excited...

Afterwards, Ge Sanni calmed down.

Because she suddenly discovered that Tian Cheng belonged to the second brother!

"Second brother, I want to study economics!"

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian put down his work, a little surprised, "Don't you want to learn computer?"

"But I found that studying economics seems to make more money!"

"There is a big problem with your thinking!" Ge Xiaotian opened the folder, and a dragon icon full of memories came into view.


It's just two simple words!

In fact, it has existed for a long time, but it has not been introduced to Huaxia.

Icons are made by himself.

Just think about the source code, he is engaged in architecture, not in program development.

However, why is the legend popular?

Is it really the game itself?

This is a question worth considering.

There is a shortage of local games in China, look at what is being played in Internet cafes now.

When a game can be online, can show its strength, can hack and kill unscrupulously, can cater to the old and confused atmosphere, and can be used all night long, it will be strange if it is not popular.

After knowing that Sanni planned to learn computers, he entrusted the big boss in the city to help deal with the 'Year 2000 Bug' problem to find this game.

Find it, not for agency, but for...learning.

Another time and space, deeply poisoned by Ge Wangwang, he is very familiar with legends, from Novice Village to Cangyue Island, from Wooden Sword to Jing Zhongyue, from Tiger Guard to 1.76, from equipment to numerical settings...all of them are extremely familiar.

All that's missing is the technology to develop it.

Since Sanni wants to learn computers, she can definitely develop in this direction in the future.

Legend is just practice. There are so many popular games in the future. As long as the core team is formed and a few down-and-out game production companies are acquired later, making money is not a problem at all.

"Little sister, you must not forget your original intention when doing things, let alone your ideal?" Ge Xiaotian pushed his laptop, "Well, as long as you are admitted to a good science and engineering university this year, the second brother will sponsor you to study this game with a laptop. There are results, and the funds are sufficient!"

Ge Sanni was full of surprise, and was about to agree, when suddenly...

A figure jumped out of the next room.

"Second brother, I'm good at playing games!"

Nest grass!

The sudden voice made Ge Xiaotian almost jump up in fright.

Ge Wangwang?

This product...

No, the door was locked when he came back. Where did he come in?

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