Build Madness

Chapter 197 Big brother came to pay back the money!

"It is indeed a very good project!"

Ge Xiaotian has heard a little about the Internet cafe license incident. It seems that from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands at the beginning, he was fired to seven or eight hundred thousand in successive years.

Gather up a batch now, even if the Internet cafe loses money, if you transfer it out at the right time in a few years, you can get back the capital with a profit in an instant.

But, can Ge Wangwang have such vision?

Ge Xiaotian was skeptical, so he took the file and looked through it carefully.

Housing rental program, location, foot traffic...

Computer assembly plan, buying second-hand memory sticks, purchasing cheap hard drives, high-performance graphics cards...

Table and chair decoration plan...

Network cables and wires and water and electricity budget...

Everything related to the Internet cafe has been detailed and remarked.

It can be seen that the person who made this plan put his heart into it!

Is this still Ge Wangwang?

Did someone else do it?

Ge Xiaotian asked a few random questions, and Ge Wangwang answered them all fluently.


Great my bro!

Did he really do it himself?

That’s right, in this time and space, all the family’s money has been squandered by the predecessor. Ge Wangwang has to work and study while going to college, so how can he have money to go online?

Perhaps, poverty has restricted Ge Wangwang's performance, and has not let him embark on the all-night road of no return.

Looking at the sincere smile in front of him, Ge Xiaotian sighed.

In the distant memory, there is a bad side of Ge Wangwang, but naturally there is also a good side... Well, I don't seem to remember.

But the other party is his own brother after all, only a hundred thousand.


"No, I'll give you two million, let's get ten to test the water first!" Ge Xiaotian said, got up and walked to his room, all the cards were in the file bag.

However, he did not see the panic in Ge Wangwang's eyes.

"Little brother, enough is enough, 100,000 is enough, I don't have much experience right now, let's try to open one first!"

"Yes, be safe!"

Ge Xiaotian sat back on the edge of the bed again, "Should I send you two people?"

"No, I have two classmates who will be graduating soon, and we are motivated to start a business together."

"Well, indeed!"

Ge Xiaotian felt the same way and nodded.

He once graduated from college, and took his brother from the upper bunk in the dormitory to work as a chef. Unfortunately, he almost blew up the back kitchen and was taken away by Comrade Ge Feng.

And the brother on the upper bunk has really been a chef all his life.

At least, before crossing over, they gave him food.

(Ge Wangwang and Ge Sanni are good at studying and skipping grades, so Ge ​​Wangwang, who is one year older than Ge Xiaotian, graduated from university at the age of 20, and Ge Sanni, who is three years younger, is approaching the college entrance examination at the age of 16.)

Looking back on the past, Ge Xiaotian sighed, touched his trouser pocket, and took out the bonus that Qi Feifei didn't want, "There is 100,000 in this card, you use it first, and then ask me if you need money later!"

"Okay!" Ge Wangwang took the card calmly, picked up the document, and put the two into a special kraft paper bag very carefully.

Seeing this scene, Ge Xiaotian felt more at ease.

"Let's go, brother, we brothers haven't been together for many years, and we won't return today if we don't get drunk!"

With Ge Wangwang's bewildered expression, he called the food stall, ordered a few hard dishes, and then notified the tavern to send a box of five-star Moutai.

Push cups and exchange cups.

How are you brothers, three-year sworn brothers, four-season wealth, six-six-six...

Ge Sanni was very happy, bluffing and busy.

The eldest brother and the second brother have been fighting for so many years, and finally sat down to have a good meal.

Ge Xiaotian was drunk.

Sing a song, a toast to my good brother.

"Hey, why did you drink it?" Ge Feng came back, saw the appearance of the eldest and the second, and took a pair of chopsticks with a smile.

What is more important than family harmony?

Grandpa continued to drink.

Ge Xiaotian fell down.


"Um, Dad, I suddenly remembered that I had a salute that I left at the post office but didn't get it back!" Ge Wangwang stood up dazedly.

"Go again tomorrow!"

"No, I just went out to let off the smell of alcohol."

"Then slow down!" Although Ge Feng came late, seeing how promising his second child was, he was bored and drunk at the meeting.

"Brother, shall I go with you?" Ge Sanni volunteered, ready to put on her coat.

"No need!" Ge Wangwang returned to the room, wrapped the kraft paper bag in his arms, walked out of the house quickly, and went straight to Xiaoqingshan Development Zone.

It was five o'clock, and the newly built ICBC hadn't closed yet.

Ge Wangwang pressed his hood, ran in and took out five thousand yuan in red notes, and then found Brother Lei who was sitting in a barbecue restaurant doing nothing.

"Xiao Lei, come out for a chat?"

"Brother? When did you come back?"

"Just arrived, no, I want to pay you back!"

"Ah? The project you mentioned earlier, has it paid off?"

"Xiaotian has already participated in the shares, so can he not make money?" Ge Wangwang took out five thousand yuan, grabbed a handful of Xuerun Run, and began to count the money in a decent manner, "I lent you five hundred last year, and I will lend you two thousand this year." , I will take another five hundred from you when I come back, for a total of three thousand!"

Ge Lei scratched his head and pushed the money back, "Why is there no money, big brother, I didn't listen carefully to the project you mentioned last time, tell me again?"

Ge Wangwang hesitated for a moment, "You can't tell others!"

"Don't worry, who is our brother with whom?"

"Xiaotian can't say it! He didn't let me say it. If I tell you, you tell him again. How can I be a big brother in front of our brothers from now on?"

"Hey, what are you talking about, you borrowed money last year, and I didn't tell anyone!"

"That's a good relationship, my Internet cafe... like this... like this... again!"

"One hundred thousand, just give me one!"

"Ah?" Ge Wangwang was a little panicked, "There are too many, and the shares are not easy to divide. Xiaotian is so rich that he only got 100,000. You can take 10,000!"

"Okay, then you wait." Ge Lei said, going back to get the money.

"By the way, Xiaolei, you can just take seven thousand, and I will make up the money you owed before three thousand!"

"Um... OK!"

a long time.

Ge Wangwang came to Damao Supermarket with a heavier kraft paper bag.

In the morning, Da Mao helped to send Ge Feng and fellow villagers home. Coincidentally, the company was preparing for a holiday, so they did not return to Crescent Square.

"Brother? When did you come back?"

"Just arrived, no, I want to pay you back!" Ge Wangwang took out 10,000 yuan in cash, twirling his fingers, and counted out a stack, "I will lend you 2,000 yuan for New Year's Day!"

"Hey? I'll go, did your project make money?"

"Xiaotian has already participated in the shares, so can he not make money?"

Da Mao's eyes turned, he was very clear about the strength of the second brother, secretly engaged in other projects, hum, can you hide it from me, an old driver?

"Brother, forget about the money, talk to me about the Internet cafe project you mentioned earlier?"

"What kind of Internet cafe project!" Ge Wangwang flicked a ticket, more confident, shaking the money in his hand, "Here, remember, I will pay you back, I can't tell others about the money I borrowed!"

"Don't!" Da Mao was even more curious, took out a pack of soft Huaxia from the counter, and pulled Ge Wangwang out of the supermarket, "Come on, brother, let's have a good chat!"

"Then you can't say it, Xiaotian won't let me say it, I tell you, you tell... From now on, big brother will..."

"Don't worry! My big hair can be relied on!"

"My internet cafe... like this... like this..."

"Hiss... it seems to be very profitable! One hundred thousand!" Da Mao is rich, eats and takes cards, and supermarkets also make a lot of money. Of course, Ge Xiaotian knows it all, and he also said that as long as the quality and price are controlled, everything can be done as you like. Otherwise, how to be a purchasing manager?

Ge Wangwang panicked even more, what the hell, why are they so rich?

Pushing the glasses, "Big Mao, let me tell you... Xiao Tian invested 100,000, and Brother Lei invested 10,000. You have invested so much, the shares are not easy to divide!"

"Ah? Brother Lei also participated?" Da Mao was a little surprised.

Brother Lei is very conservative. Except for the words of the fourth uncle and the second brother, anything that involves money is basically unshakable.

Now, Brother Lei actually invested!

"Then me?"

"Up to 10,000!" Ge Wangwang couldn't help holding on to the brown paper bag. He always felt that he would be beaten one day. However, although he was uneasy in his heart, he was still calm, sincere and confident on the surface.

"Okay then!" Da Mao walked into the counter, greeted the cashier, and took a stack of newly bound red bills.

"Big Mao, let's make an agreement, this matter can't..."

"Do not worry!"


This wine is a good thing!

Ge Xiaotian drank a cup of cold water with dry mouth, and looked at the time:

Eleven o'clock in the morning on January 24th.

Pick up your phone and check it out.

There is no secretary, and it shows more than two dozen missed calls.

Some are from the company, some are from Da Liu, and some are from unfamiliar numbers.

Pick a few important ones to go back to.

Liu and Baosteel negotiated a purchase contract for cold-rolled thin steel sheets, including galvanized thin steel sheets and ordinary low-carbon steel sheets, but only for low-end cars, such as paint-hardened steel sheets used in high-end sports cars and luxury cars, two-way DP steel, disguised Induced plastic rigidity, micro-alloyed M steel, and brake compression materials cannot be produced in China for the time being.

Even aluminum purchased for engines, titanium alloys and magnesium alloys purchased for important components can only be supplied in very small quantities.

Da Liu and the others looked for several plastic factories to make bumpers and fenders, but the situation was also not optimistic.

What? Building a car out of plastic?

Car design needs to consider mechanics. Where it should be soft, it should be soft, and where it should be hard, it should be hard. According to the force situation, let the car body play the role of absorbing energy and dispersing when it collides, so as to weaken the impact force as much as possible. The box can better protect the driver and passengers, and at the same time can achieve the purpose of reducing the weight of the vehicle body, reducing fuel consumption and improving performance.

Therefore, high-strength steel is required to make cars, such as roof panels, bumpers, door panels, engine compartment covers, and so on.

Things get a little tricky if you can't find the materials.

If you choose to import, I am afraid that profits will plummet.

Give Daoyi a call and inform him that the first project has been formally developed: high-strength ultra-light steel plate.

The funds will be discussed later, and we will do it first.

The phone number in the company...

First of all, after clearing the snow on the road, should we let Wei Wei and the others go.

They must be released. Do you want to keep them for the New Year?

The second one was Director Sun, who chatted for almost an hour.

It's nothing more than the issue of Tiancheng's account transactions with the branch company.

If you don't plan to go public, there is no need to set up a group, unless Ge Xiaotian wants to show his strength, brag and then go for a loan.

Therefore, the finance of the branch company and Tiancheng are basically independent.

However, for some newly established branches, since the funds come from Tiancheng, the debts are also borne by Tiancheng. When they gradually become profitable, such as Tianle Travel and Tianwei Catering, how to calculate the money owed to Tiancheng?

Although the boss is the same person, you don't have to worry about it, but the labor bureau doesn't care about you, so the tax issue has arisen...

After solving the problem, Ge Xiaotian continued to call back, and at the same time turned on the desktop computer in his room, and used ERP to handle daily work.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon when the work was over.

"I've had a great day!"

Ge Xiaotian really wanted to sing a song where did the time go, and finally called Xiao Huang, "After the year, if I can't find the secretary again, I will let you dig the toilet..."

"Boss, I found it!"


"I will be able to work after the next year!"

"Is it pretty?"

"Proficient in business and experienced. I have put in a lot of effort and put my old face on the line. I begged my grandpa to sue my grandma to lure her to our company. I will definitely be a great help to you in the future!"

"Hiss... yes!" Ge Xiaotian's mood brightened instantly, "Well done, I will give you a big red envelope later!"

"thank you boss!"

Xiao Huang is still very reliable in his work!

After Ge Xiaotian finished his work, he strolled around at home.

The younger sister is studying, and Ge Wangwang is also studying, which seems to be the foundation of business management in enterprises.

Tut tut!

very good!

Ge Xiaotian feels that the whole family is full of positive energy!

In fact, yesterday I also meant to test Ge Wangwang. If he dared to run away with the magnetic card, the strong men would send him back. From now on... Hehe, forget about being a non-chief, let's go mining in Siberia!

Uh, by the way, I seem to have forgotten to tell my father about the tall man yesterday.

"Little sister, where's dad?"

"I went out early in the morning and said I wouldn't come back tonight."

"Oh? Where did you go?"

"have no idea!"

"Okay, then you are at home, and I will send food from the food stall for the party!"

get out of the house.

The snow outside has been cleared away.

Passing by the security booth, Dahan and Ah Huang are still not there.

Just as she was about to go to the Xiaoqingshan Development Zone, there was a loud bang on the ground next to her. Qigu jumped, clapped her hands, and began to cry and curse.

"Fuck, what are you doing?" Ge Xiaotian was startled.

"Ah? Little God, what, it's okay!" Qigu was slightly dazed, and timidly wanted to climb down.

In the nearby yard, the second grandfather, who had been cut with a sickle before, came out with a cane, "Hey? Xiaotian, you're back!"

"Well, what is Qigu doing here?"

"Call the street!"

"What?" Ge Xiaotian glanced at Qigu, and shouted in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

The former Leng Ge Er was already a vicious man in the village, not to mention he is now the boss, leading the whole village to make a fortune.

Even if she was famous for being a 'splash' in the village, Qi Gu didn't dare to really 'splash' in front of 'Qian'.

"Well, Xiaotian, it's like this. There were two tourists staying here before, and I was very enthusiastic. Boiling water, cooking, and giving gifts were all strictly in accordance with our rules and regulations. But when they left, they took my The bed sheet had a few holes burned with cigarettes, and the whole set of federal chairs I bought from our handicraft workshop for more than 2,000 scrimp was scratched with a lot of messy words..."

Qigu said, wiped her tears and walked home, "If you don't believe me, take a look."

Ge Xiaotian already understood what happened, but he still went into the house to have a look.

A visit!

"Didn't you check when you left?"

"I was not at home at the time. Yangyang from the old sixth family got married and went to help her put on a quilt. Besides, who would have thought that this would happen?"

"How about this, I will ask the garment factory to supply you with bed sheets, and ask the people in the development zone to replace the federal chairs for you, and pay attention to check later. However, it is your fault to scold the street today, and the two tourists have left, so what's the use of scolding ? It will also affect the mood of tourists who stay here? Right? A fine of 100!"


"Ah what? Don't you want to do it anymore? Besides, let the old village head shout on the loudspeaker, tell the whole story, and bring the fine along with it."

"Shout, shout, anyway, you Seventh Aunt, I have thick skin!" Seventh Aunt laughed and scolded and tore off the sheets and quilts from the bed, "Punish me one hundred, and you have to return two sets, or I won't take the money!"


Ge Xiaotian felt that it was not possible to go on like this, and it was necessary to talk to the office and make a record of staying overnight tourists.

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