Build Madness

Chapter 200 Corporate Annual Meeting

Let Gao Song fetch the acquisition contract, and Ge Xiaotian looked through it again.

I don't know much about the entertainment industry, and it's hard to tell who's who just by their names.

After carefully studying the script and the characters played, I only found one familiar name, Director Guan!

That is, the director of the second male crew played by Shuai Bo.

I have a deep impression of this person in my memory, bullfighting, killing, eight hundred... However, the other party sold out the company and ran away overnight.

Quite a personality!

Ge Xiaotian didn't think it was a pity, and he wasn't going to take him back.

The shooting themes of the two parties are very different, staying at Tianyu is almost useless, just leave.

Disappointedly throwing the acquisition contract to Gao Song, Ge Xiaotian looked towards the stage.

Handsome Bo!

Through chatting with Takamatsu, I found out that this guy entered the dance hall and became a resident singer in high school, and also formed a group, but unfortunately he didn't make money.

In order to make a living, Shuai Bo went to work as a dance coach. However, the cruelty of the society made him realize the reality, and he was so depressed that he couldn't get along. He had to return to his hometown Qinggang (the place where Qi Feifei took over Qimao City), and followed his sister. Started a business and became a small owner of a leather factory.

Unfortunately, the Asian economic crisis broke out and the tannery closed down!

Shuai Bo has a very good sentence in his resume: Hungry people are not qualified to be picky eaters!

very nice!

He was able to come to Xiaoqingshan this time, thanks to his hair Xiaohuzi, who is also the male number one of "Let's go, get in the car".

The crew lacks an ugly number two, Huzi thinks of Shuai Bo, he can't sing, let's just make a movie!

I can't get along anymore, how can Shuai Bo disagree?

Take a photo seriously, and find someone to PS it.

Director Guan: "So handsome? No way!"

Huzi was also a little dumbfounded, swearing by patting his chest: "I promise, he is a hundred times worse than the photo!"

Then Shuai Bo went to audition, and it was done on the spot.

The official director's father, an old supervisor, was originally from Dongshan. He went home to pay respects to his ancestors when the Chinese New Year was approaching.

Unexpectedly, oh, really good!

So I informed my son to help make a documentary.

It just so happened that at the beginning of the new movie, Dongshan was going to be filmed, so Director Guan ran over with the crew.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the development zone, he encountered Gao Song who was spreading his net everywhere...

Huaxia is so big, it is fate to meet Shuaibo in Xiaoqingshan!

Ge Xiaotian felt emotional.

He feels that they are very similar!

They are all from ruffian backgrounds, and they all fought hard for their dreams, but life is full of twists and turns. He became a developer, and Shuai Bo became a five billion box office king.

And now...

Carefully crafted arena.

Shuai Bo introduced Tiancheng and its branches one by one like a few treasures.

As expected of an old gangster who has honed in the society for more than ten years, even as a host, he has his own style.

Down to earth!

This method is extremely effective in enhancing the sense of belonging of employees.

"...Next, we invite our most, most handsome boss, Mr. Ge, to give a speech for the company's annual meeting on stage!"

"Nice lad!"

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help raising his thumb, took the microphone, and said to the employees, "Next, I have some good news to announce!"

"First of all, Tiancheng has entered the top 50 enterprises in Jishi City!"

Regardless of how big Tian Cheng is, at most he ranks first in Xiang County.

In Dongshan, a major industrial province, even a prefecture-level city cannot compare to the veteran coal mines, machinery factories, wool factories, fertilizer factories, component factories, etc.

In addition, many resources are allocated to the branch, which is not a group, and the overall strength is actually very weak, just like personnel. Looking at Tiancheng, there are more than 5,000 employees, but 4,700 of them are in the labor dispatch branch, and the rest The planning department, finance department, and sales department really belong to Tiancheng.

"Of course, entering the top 50 is only a matter of nature, and Tianwei, Tianyu, Tianle, etc. need to work harder! I hope that by this time next year, there will be a long list of 'tian' in the public announcement list! "

"These nonsense can be regarded as encouraging the management, but for everyone, the most important thing is the red envelope."

"I won't say how much. When the performance is over, a random draw will be conducted according to the number plate received at the entrance!"

"Ten first prizes, each with a Jetta!" (Purchased when Auto Trade City had 100 million sales)

"Fifty second prizes, each with a 90-square-meter commercial house developed by the East Lake in the coming year!" (These days, a house is cheaper than a car! Near the East Lake, a 90-square-meter commercial house costs at most 20,000 yuan, while a car... a 70,000 cars!)

"Two hundred third prizes, each with a three or four agricultural wheels!"

"1,000 fourth prizes, each with a small curved beam!" (provided by the manufacturer's cost of the chamber of commerce)

"Two thousand prizes for the fifth prize, each with a shock-absorbing bicycle!" (Ibid.)

"There is an additional special prize, also called lucky prize ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!"

"Don't be disappointed if you don't get the prize, stay and come to the big canteen for dinner, hard dishes from food stalls, exquisite desserts from taverns, and five-star Moutai from supermarkets! I will accompany everyone to drink, sing, chat, and stay up all night!"

"At the same time, today is the 25th, and the next few days will be counted as full attendance, and the salary for January will also be paid!"

"Also, all the senior management of the company will stay, and tomorrow we will go to the UFO Stadium to move bricks..."

Before Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, the scene was already fried!




Ninety-nine thousand!

The earth-shattering cry immediately attracted the tourists outside...


until half an hour later.

The corporate annual meeting has just begun.

The three programs provided by Tianyu are:

"Tomorrow will be better" sung by the young actors.

Chen Zhugong Guo wrote and acted the skit "Buying a House". (bald Guo)

In response to the appointment of New Year's Day, Huang Fengguo, who played in friendship, collaborated in the sketch "decoration". (almost like hitting a wall)

Originally Niu also planned to come, but he became a county leader...

The weather was too cold, and Mr. Zhao and several other elderly artists were not in good health. They stayed in the capital to prepare for the Spring Festival Gala and could not come over.

Overall, the effect of the program was very good. Comrade Ge Feng and his mother in the family area both laughed and cried.

If it gets out, it will definitely become a classic!

Especially 'buying a house'.

Chen played a country house buyer, Zhu played a small boss, Gong played a real estate speculator, and bald-headed Guo played a sales manager. They told different people's views on houses and various concerns about the quality of new houses, with constant laughter and profound meaning.

The stage needs to be re-arranged after the three performances. Shuai Bo, with his rich host experience and skillful dance moves, interacts with the employees while singing, and delays for five minutes.

The fourth program is the "Tower Crane" of the first part of machinery.

It tells the daily life of a tower crane master, and his laughs are no less than those of old artists.

For example, how to pee while staying in the air at a height of 100 meters? What should I do if I have diarrhea?

For example, near the end of get off work, after climbing down with great difficulty, the worker below suddenly shouted: Master, hurry up, there is still another room!

Compared with the future, people's laughter is still very low, even a single action or expression can cause roars of laughter.

The "car repair" of the second mechanical department


The "construction site" for cooperation between the first engineering department and the third engineering department.

Technician: Put your own point and let others do the work!

Construction worker: It’s not difficult to do construction by yourself, but it’s difficult to do construction all your life...

Surveyor: To use a total station or a theodolite, that is a question.


The "reading" of the third engineering department and the fourth and fifth engineering departments.

The business woman doesn't know the hatred of the subjugation of the country, but she still looks at engineering theory across the river.

The apes on both sides of the strait couldn't stop crying, discussing the degree of slump with each other.

Ask you how much you can worry, and you won't ask for the disturbance in the middle.

Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, how to arrange the matrix allocation.

The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and all kinds of mechanics are all kinds of difficulties.

If the sky has love, the sky will be old, and people learn architecture early.

Sitting up in shock from a dying illness, a student of civil engineering can't afford to be injured...


The chorus of Engineering Department Six to Engineering Department Nine, "Five thousand years of wind and rain, how many dreams have been hidden..."

The cross talk performed by the Tenth Engineering Department and the Sancha Township Office...

A new machinery showcase from the Mechanical Department...

The rabbit dance of the girls in the sales department...

customer service department...

Planning Department...

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