Build Madness

Chapter 212 Shunhe Business

Jishi Shunhe Commercial Building.

In the magnificent general manager's office, He Shun was playing with two jade fitness balls, staring at the report just sent by his assistant, and was distracted for a while.

The history of Shunhe Trading is not very glorious.

At the beginning, he was just a salesman, six in the morning and nine in the evening, thinking that this would be the same in his life.

However, when he returned to his hometown and passed the bull market one winter, he suddenly discovered that there was a profession called "cow economy" in the bull market.

What do you mean?

It is looking around for people who buy and sell cattle. While helping buyers find the cattle they want, they help sellers find suitable customers at the same time. I can get one or two hundred!

While lamenting how much money he made, his heart skipped a beat.

The bull market is like this, what about other industries?

He didn't resign immediately, but kept observing the farmer's market, retail mall...

Finally, one day, he discovered that there were huge business opportunities in pots and pans and coat buttons.

Gritting his teeth and stomping his feet, he spent a lot of money to buy a suit, printed two boxes of business cards, and gave himself the title of deputy manager of a company that is very famous but not a local company.

He also rented a small sedan chair at a high price, went straight to the largest manufacturer of pots, pans, and coat buttons, and easily won the first order of "delivery first, payment later".

Afterwards, he returned the small sedan chair, went back to his hometown to look for small stalls and hawkers to sell his products... and soon got the first commission, which was as high as 3,000 yuan!

After that, it will be simple. If you buy more, it means the price is cheap. You can easily squeeze out countless competitors, expand your business, attract new merchants, and almost monopolize the local market.

Leaving aside how to make things difficult for the manufacturer, this is how it came anyway.

Afterwards, in order to become bigger and stronger, he joined forces with all small stalls and hawkers to establish the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce and began to set foot in other industries.

Fur, chemical fertilizers, vegetables, meat, fish, cement, bricks, loans...

During this period, he had both sides, continuously accumulated capital, and once again established his own company, Shunhe Trading.

And through the chamber of commerce, eat up the small vendors inside, annex the big companies inside, and continue to absorb new members, so that your Shunhe business gradually grows into the top ten in Ji city, and it is also the only comprehensive business enterprise in the local area.

Seven or eight years, ups and downs, not easy.

But no matter how powerful he is, he still can't get rid of He Heixin, the Erdao dealer.

No way, at the beginning of the business, I offended too many hawkers, and also ate up many large and small businesses in the chamber of commerce.

Moreover, how can a business person not have a more profitable business secretly? Smuggling alone is a big deal.

Therefore, although Shunhe Business is very strong in the local area, it is not welcomed by the city.

Especially at the company's business meeting every year, the bosses of other big companies gather in a pile, while he himself is huddled alone in a corner and no one cares about him.

It didn't matter before, but since the leader of the resource bureau was replaced by the Sun bureau from Xiangxian county, Shunhe business has been in trouble, and he is eager to transform.

The new Tian Cheng in Xiang County is undoubtedly a very good choice.

Shunhe Trading has all of them, and Tiancheng also has them all. By annexing this small developer with full qualifications but no foundation at all, and using this as a springboard, they can walk out of Jishi City and face a broader market with a new look.

Coincidentally, the sales manager of the other party ran to the door to grab the customer!

If one's own side takes advantage, how can there be no reason not to make a move?

That's why he brought people to the opening ceremony of Auto Trade City, intending to win them over first, then suppress them, and swallow Tian Cheng and Tian Heng.

However, what was unexpected was that the person surnamed Ge was so arrogant and domineering. Not only did he not agree to join the Chamber of Commerce, but he also established a Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce by himself!

What is even more unexpected is that the rapid development has attracted a large number of enterprises in less than half a month.

The situation of Shunhe Trading is even more difficult!


How many companies have you brought down before? After so many years, they have made a comeback. Although they are not as good as Shunhe Business and Trade, and they didn't think about revenge before, but now there are people who are connected and united. It is a little scary to think about it.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to let his son marry the daughter of the CEO of Jiangnan Changfeng Industry, Wei Wei, who was said to have had six or seven miscarriages and would never get married anyway, to resist the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce's counterattack.

Coincidentally, the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce's Auto Trade City is located in Zaoshi, which is close to the south of the Yangtze River. It has already touched the interests of Changfeng Industry. The two sides hit it off and started all-round cooperation.

As for the effect...

Great start, hard work!

On the 27th, that is, during the daytime today, there are people setting up stalls at the gates of all cooked food and meat shops!

What's even more exasperating is that several trailers came to the gate of the mall, no matter whether they were good-looking or ugly big padded jackets, they all weighed their weight!

Shoes, hats, and scarves are also all on sale!

There are even pots and pans, festive supplies, dry goods toys...

Ordinary shopping malls are nothing more than ordinary shopping malls. At the gates of high-end stores, there are still people driving brand-new S600s, white horses, and SUVs selling leather shoes, cashmere jackets, and down jackets!


Can a liar drive such a nice car?

Don't think about it, it must be a bad idea suffocated by those few auto trade cities!

Called the market management, but no one answered.

Let people run over to have a look, and the guard replied: We have all gone to the city compound for a meeting!

Open a yarn!

For a whole day, the turnover of the mall was negative!


Someone returned it!

He Shun had a headache.

Putting down the report, I took the black leather shoes handed over by the assistant and tried them on. They fit well, and the appearance was neat and tidy.

"How much?"

"Promotional price, 298!"

"What about our mall?"

"There is no such style, but depending on the quality, it will cost at least five or six hundred!"

He Shun nodded.

After traveling for so many years, he also knows leather.

Take off the leather shoes and toss.

Does it cost...

Looking at the workmanship and materials used, the price of leather will increase at the end of the year, and it will start at almost 200.

He Shun thought for a moment, put on his shoes, threw the old shoes into the trash can, and ordered: "Let the logistics of the mall purchase some!"

"How much to buy?"

"One or two hundred pairs!"

"What about the pricing?"

"It must be as much as they sell, so we will sell as much as we can to attract customers and drive the sales of other shoes! By the way, we will also buy a batch of clothes, scarves, and hats!"


He Shun lit a cigarette, still admiring the new shoes, "What kind of brains does he have? It's okay to be so good at architecture, but he also knows fashion design and shoe patterns!"

"By the way, general manager, I heard that the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce will hold a VIP meeting at eight o'clock tonight. Will there be any new moves?"

"The news came from Sancha Township that Ge Xiaotian's uncle contracted Nanwa, and his second uncle contracted Xiwa. One is engaged in fruit groves and the other in vegetable greenhouses. You can tell the farmer's market to keep an eye on it. As long as Tiancheng wholesales If the merchant’s price is lowered, we will also lower it.”


"Also, tomorrow I will take Honest (He Shun's son) to Jiangnan to have dinner with Wei Changfeng and Wei Wei. Let the vice president take care of the company's affairs!"

"got it!"

"Go, buy me two long down jackets, a hat, and a black scarf of the same style as Brother Fa!"

"Uh... good!"


After sending off Director Shang and the third uncle from afar, it was already dark outside.

Ge Xiaotian threw away the cigarette case and went back to the house to get another pack. Seeing Rhubarb holding the small device around his neck, he fixed it on his forehead with tape.

When I went out, I happened to meet Comrade Ge Feng who walked out of the bedroom in a daze.

Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, he thought his father had gone out, but he didn't expect to sleep for a whole day!

Comrade Ge Feng may have drunk too much liquor, he was a little angry, his eyes narrowed slightly, he glanced at his second child, he only opened his left eye, tilted his head, yawned, and asked vaguely: "What time is it?"

"It's not until seven o'clock, why don't you go back to bed and I'll go buy breakfast! What do you want to eat? Steamed stuffed buns? Fried dough sticks?"

"Fried dough sticks, let's fry two more steamed buns!" Comrade Ge Feng scratched his head, then turned and went back to the room, "This stomach is so unbearable, I only slept so well, and I'm so hungry!"

"Okay, then I'll bring you some more!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded solemnly. Seeing that Comrade Ge Feng was about to walk to the bedside, the black plastic electronic watch that he had been reluctant to change suddenly rang.


Well, this one only chimes, not the time.

But I can't bear the time teller!

Tian Wang Watch tells you the time: beep, beep, beep... the well-known BGM sounds at the right time!

Ge Feng paused, turned around, and looked a little confused, "What time?"

"Seven o'clock!"

Ge Xiaotian walked out calmly.

"Seven o'clock?" Ge Feng frowned, "Isn't it seven o'clock in the morning in Eastern Time and Space? Seven o'clock in the evening is the news broadcast... You brat, come back to me!"


Ge Xiaotian ran out of the house in a hurry, and Da Huang heard the movement, and immediately chased him out.

One person and one dog went to Xiaoqingshan.

Tonight at eight o'clock, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce's VIP year-end meeting.

The venue was not Tiancheng Canteen, but at the Qingshan branch of Guyue Hotel between the Xiaoqingshan Police Station and the hospital.

In order to match the overall style of the tourism development zone, the mud building was not mixed up, but a third-level tavern over there.

Unlike Ren Zhongqiang's restaurant, his one is first-class, but this one is a three-story wooden building measuring 100 meters by 100 meters.

The appearance resembles an ancient inn. In order to be more realistic, a few horses were raised, equipped with windmills, wine cellars and other elements. Occasionally, many historical celebrities played by strong men will come across, such as famous generals in Qin and Han Dynasties, Heroes of the Three Kingdoms, and Heroes of the Water Margin. ...

It is said that some time ago, the God of Wealth came and sprinkled over 2,000 yuan in... vouchers.

The rooms are no longer Yingke Song, Zhongtian Gate, and Yueguan Peak, but have names such as Jia, B, C, and D, and are divided into upper and lower classes...

In addition, there are other palaces and halls, with a total of 480 rooms, each with an average of 32 square meters.

Of course, there are large and small, there are suites, and there are multiple people bunk and bunk. The starting point is ten yuan, and there is no upper limit.

The business must be very hot, otherwise, tens of thousands of tourists during the peak period, only relying on 50 small farmhouses, homestays in the countryside, and big hotels after the black hotels have been washed, will definitely not be able to fit in. If you can’t live in the Guyue Qingshan Store, do you want to lie down? main street? !

The hotel rating will be carried out together with Xiaoqingshan in the next year, and it is only a trial operation at present.

The construction area of ​​up to 30,000 square meters is definitely not all guest rooms, but also large, medium and small conference rooms, multimedia conference rooms, large Chinese restaurants, and large western restaurants, which are divided one by one according to the style.

In the backcountry, the conference room and restaurant must lose money, but the guest rooms are hot, and the income and expenditure can be considered balanced.

After the UFO gymnasium is completed, some commercial ancient buildings will be built, and it may be slightly improved in the future.

Today's meeting room is arranged in the 'Juyi Hall'.

There are more than one hundred VIP bosses, some are worth several million, some are worth tens of millions, and there are two bosses who are even more powerful than Tiancheng and are engaged in ocean-going trade in Qinggang.

Well, he is also a partner of Qinggang Auto Trade City.

Originally, he planned to have a meeting during the day and play at night, but during the day he fought with the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce in full swing. According to the rules of the gang, no, according to the pledge of the chamber of commerce that "one is in trouble, nine gangs", no one can get out, so the time is set at night.

The content of this meeting was not how to deal with Shunhe Business or Changfeng Industrial, but to attract investment for the second phase of Xingyue Bay, and to prepare for the commercial street in Yunxian area, Jinxiuchuan University Town, Xiangxian Small Commodity Market, and Jishi Underground Pedestrian Street.

What Ge Xiaotian meant was: Don't care what the three turtle grandsons are doing, we have plenty of markets! Do what you should do now, resist the opponent's attack, next year we will play bigger, what are they? Accumulate enough strength and go south to the south of the Yangtze River!

Domineering, right?

Enough to encourage!


Not long after leaving the house, the phone rang suddenly!

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the number.

The leader of Jishi Industrial and Commercial Bank of China?

What do you mean?

Because of the lawyer's letter incident, the 300 million loan was called back?

I just took out a loan for two months, and it's not due yet!


Ge Xiaotian is not afraid, the branch's funds have been diverted to Jishi Bank, Laicheng Bank, and Qilu Bank.

Three hundred million!

Tian Cheng now only has the remaining 40 million cash in the suitcase after the salary and bonus are paid.

How can there be money to repay the loan?

Besides, if you don't repay the loan now, it's not an offense, it's them who are looking for faults, so you can't blame me for not cooperating.

It doesn't matter if you are really offended. When Tiancheng becomes bigger and stronger, tens of billions of funds will flow. The unlucky one is the leader. The bank will not care whether you have been offended or not, it will only care about whether you have. business.

However, after hanging up the phone, the phone rang again.

Hang up again.

Ring again.

Ge Xiaotian didn't get angry, "Leader, is there something urgent?!"

"Xiaotian, are you busy there?"


"Let's make a long story short, do you want a loan?"


"The second phase of Xingyue Bay will be so big in the coming year, and we will also build a car production base, an underground pedestrian street, etc., and Daqingshan will also be developed? Liang County will belong to our Jishi City, and we will take down the East Lake..."

Ge Xiaotian seemed to see the leader winking at him.

"Oh my god, I discussed it with the higher-ups. Dongshan head office can grant you a 'Special Fund for Jinxiuchuan University Town', 200 million yuan, with low interest. The Jifu will help you subsidize the interest. You don't need to pay a penny from Tiancheng, but you need to give it to me." The Dongshan head office reserves a dedicated office building, and plans to open Jinxiuchuan branch there, at least 20 years of rent exemption. On the Jishi side, with the approval of the head office, um, the discount is about 200 million, but it has to be given to Jishi Leave one..."

"Let me think about it!"

"Okay, no problem! At home tomorrow?"

"I'm going to go to grandma's house and go to the grave of my grandma and grandpa!"

"Then you are busy!"

I'll go, use the honorific title!

Ge Xiaotian put down the phone, raised his head and chest, this feeling...

Tsk tsk, it's so amazing!

However, these projects of mine seem to be financed by loans, right?

Where did my money go?

Help employees build houses? Open a branch? Prepare materials? buy a car?


Loans are optional, but not for nothing.

Since ICBC has shown favor, there is no need for what happened before...

Rubbing the back of Rhubarb's head, Ge Xiaotian raised his head, and suddenly found that Dahan's blind date is back!

However, this guy is more likely to fail.

Second brother doesn't have a wife yet, how can you get a wife?

However, when he walked in, he found that there was a girl inside helping to make the bed!

Look at the profile, it's pretty!

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

The big yellow dog next to him slapped his forehead fiercely.

"I am Gouzi Rhubarb, for the glory of Gejia Village!"

Dahan's eyes widened suddenly, his mouth opened wide, "Wow, you... you you you!"

Rhubarb bared his teeth, raised his buttocks, and scratched his thigh with his dog's paw, "Hahahaha, I, Rhubarb, am here!"

"It's amazing!" Dahan picked up Rhubarb, pointed at Ge Xiaotian, turned his head and said to the pretty girl behind him, "Shout, Second Brother!"

"Second brother!"

The girl was about the same age as the two, seventeen or eighteen, wearing glasses, refined, fair and clean, with a sweet voice, sound limbs, not dumb, and not stupid in her eyes.

Ge Xiaotian had some doubts in his heart.

It's not that he can't see Dahan marrying a good wife, but that he doesn't know the bottom line, who would want to marry a 'fool', of course, Dahan is not stupid, he just reacts slowly.

But, blind date!

Sit down and say a few words, can we talk together? Did you bring it back that day? !

Dahan's parents are honest and honest. They have been outside day and night, and have worked hard for more than ten years. They have prepared a small hundred thousand for Dahan, so don't be fooled away.

Thinking of "Vietnamese Bride", Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette and sat aside, gathered the momentum of a big boss, and said in a deep voice: "Where is the person?"

"Small... small lake town!"

"how old are you?"


"Who else is in the family?"

"Two older brothers and one younger sister."

"What do you do at home?"

"My mother farms at home, and I work as an electrician in Tiancheng."

"Electrician?" There are tens of thousands of employees, Ge Xiaotian can't remember all the names, the electrician belongs to the machinery department, and the machinery is divided into two departments, "The third department of machinery?"

"No, it's part of one!"

Ge Xiaotian nodded, "What do you usually do at home? Do you know how to wash clothes? Do you know how to wash dishes? Do you know how to farm?"

"I..." The girl's face turned red, and she said condescendingly, "I'm still studying, I can wash clothes, I can cook, and if I'm farming, I can only weed, irrigate, spray medicine, and pick cotton."

"Very good!" Even better than Li Xiuxiu, that bitch can only butcher pigs.

"Live a good life with Dahan from now on, if you dare to lie, the second brother will not be merciful!"

"Huh?" The girl was stunned.

Dahan on the side immediately became anxious, "Second brother, she is my cousin, and she came to visit with my aunt during the holiday..."

"Huh? ⊙⊙!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his hand, threw away the cigarette butt, got up and went out, "Well, the company is very busy, I'll leave first."

What is this called!

Leaving the security booth, he saw Qiye and Sanye walking over from a distance, holding a greyhound that looked like a slender waist.

Rhubarb was probably worried that he would not be able to get along with Dahan, so after playing with one person and one dog, he saw the real master leaving and hurried to catch up.

When encountering Greyhound on the opposite side, she stopped playing with the recorder, and just rushed towards it viciously...

And Greyhound on the opposite side also bared her teeth...

Then, the two dogs just stood in front of the three of them, wanting to be shameless...

"Damn it!" Ge Xiaotian raised his foot and kicked Rhubarb flying, "Can you be a bit promising?"

Rhubarb slapped his forehead, "I'm Gouzi Rhubarb, for the glory of Gejia Village!"


Ge Xiaotian laughed out of anger.

When he heard the call, the third master was dumbfounded, met Ge Xiaotian's eyes, and immediately smiled triumphantly.


"You are awesome! Your dog won this time!"

"It's not easy for him to win this time, and he bought several pieces back and forth!"

Qi Ye smiled and lit a cigarette, "Xiao Tian, ​​the big yellow croaker you entrusted me to buy is in an antique shop. Just send someone to carry it when you want to use it. But you have to give me 30 million, I owe it to you over there." , if you don’t pay it back, I guess I’m going to take it in!”

"Oh? So ruthless? What is the other party doing?"

"Huaxia National Bank!"


Saying goodbye, I have to chat after a long time no see.

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, after such a delay, it was almost seven forty-five.

So he took the third and seventh masters with him, and chatted while walking.

Let's talk about the new year's plan of Daliu Machinery Factory, and talk about the new project jewelry division of the antique shop, so that we will come to the destination unconsciously.

Didn't let the two of them leave, it's not bad to go in and get to know each other.

Walking into the main entrance, Da Mao greeted him.

"Second brother, the things have been delivered!"

"Thank you for your hard work! By the way, after you finish your work, call on your peers in the village and find some time to gather here!"

"I have been notified a long time ago. At noon on New Year's Eve, I will go to Lao Lin to worship the ancestors after eating!"

"Well, that's fine!"

Patting Brother Hao on the shoulder next to him, and nodding to several branch managers, Ge Xiaotian led a large group of people into the 'Juyi Hall'.

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